Accept, Connect, Gethostbyname, Bcopy, Bzero, Hton

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Find out what the following functions does: socket() , bind(), listen, accept(), connect(), gethostbyname(), bcopy(), bzero(), hton(). 2. Find out the fields of sockaddr structure. Find out the byte size of the sockaddr. 3. Find out what netstat does. 4. i) observe the o/p of netstat tcp a ii) Invoke the server and observe o/p of the command netstat tcp a iii) Invoke the client and observe o/p of the command netstat tcp a iv) once the server program exits , immediately issue netstat tcp a 5. i) Convert the server program into a non-exiting program and both side user communicative. ii) Add logic in the server program to print the clients IP and Port. 6. Draw the flowchart for this socket program. 7. Add logic in server side so that it serves multiple clients. 8. Draw the diagram of RJ45 connector for cross and straight connection

Submit these assignments before the seasonal exam.

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