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Copyright 2011 Study Island - All rights reserved. Generation 03/04/2011 Date: Generated By: Patricia McDermott

Root Words and Affixes

Jorge is riding in an airplane from New York to Florida. He is on a nonstop flight, so he will stay in the air for many hours. Jorge dislikes flying in an airplane. He is very afraid of heights, so he cannot look out the airplanes windows. Whenever the airplane shakes a little, he starts sweating. His stomach feels upset, and his heart beats fast. He cant wait for the airplane to land. He wants to feel the ground beneath his feet. 1. In the passage, the word nonstop means A. someone who stops. B. stopping again. C. able to stop. D. without stopping.

2. "Jorge dislikes flying in an airplane." What does the prefix dis- do to the word like ? A. The prefix dis- changes the meaning to likes again . B. The prefix dis- changes the meaning to is able to like . C. The prefix dis- changes the meaning to likes very much. D. The prefix dis- changes the meaning to does not like .

I looked through my bedroom window. I looked out into the moonlight and the unending snow. Through the darkness , I could see the lights in the windows of all the other houses on our hill. I could hear music rising from them. I turned the gas down, and sleepily got into bed.

adapted from "A Child's Christmas in Wales" by Dylan Thomas

3. The word sleepily means A. thinking about sleep. B. not able to sleep.

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C. in a sleepy way. D. asleep again.

4. In this paragraph, the word unending means A. the very beginning. B. something that ends. C. with no end. D. able to end.

5. In this paragraph, the word darkness means A. dark again. B. the quality of being dark. C. without darkness. D. able to be dark.

Two friends were walking through the desert. On their way, they started to argue. After the argument , one friend slapped the other one in the face. Without saying anything, the one who got slapped wrote in the sand: "TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE." They kept walking until they found an oasis. Since it was unoccupied, they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped started drowning, but the friend saved him. Later the friend wrote on a stone: "TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE." The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "I hurt you. Then, you wrote in the sand. Now, you write on a stone. Why?" The other friend replied, "When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where it will be erased away shortly . But, when someone does something good for us, we must carve it in stone, so it will always be remembered."

adapted from "Sand and Stone," an anonymous short story

6. The word argument means A. arguing before. B. someone who argues. C. the act of arguing. D. without arguing.

7. What does the word unoccupied mean? A. occupied again B. occupied for a while C. not occupied

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D. always occupied

8. What is the meaning of the word shortly in this story? A. never B. sandy C. soon D. friends

Just when they were about to give up, the boys found the map to the hidden treasure. It had been buried in the dirt, right under the house all along! The only problem was the map was incomplete. Edges had been torn off. There was a large hole, the size of a half-dollar, right in the middle. Did these missing pieces still exist? Would they be able to find them, piece them back together, and make the map readable again? Would the treasure finally be found? The answer was clear to them. They had come this far. They knew they had to keep looking. They could not give up now. 9. In the passage, the word readable means A. without reading. B. read many times. C. able to be read. D. read again.

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his boss about his plans. He wanted to spend more time with his wife and his family. He would miss the paycheck each week, but they could get by. The boss was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house. The carpenter agreed. As he worked on this last house, it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He was careless and used mismatched materials. If he made a mistake, he did not rebuild. It was an unfortunate way to end a good career. When the carpenter finished his work, his boss came to look at the house. Then he handed the front-door key to the carpenter and said, "This is your house . . . my gift to you." The carpenter was shocked! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all differently! Now he had to live with his poor decisions.

adapted from "Building Your House" an anonymous short story

10. Which of the following words from this story means to build again ? A. retire B. prepare C. rebuild D. building

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11. The word careless means A. without care. B. full of care. C. to care before. D. to care again.

12. What is the meaning of the word mismatched in this story? A. expensive B. not the same type C. alike D. made of brick

What animal has black and white stripes? I wouldnt be surprised if you answered, the zebra. To humans, the zebra is very noticeable with its black and white stripes. The zebras stripes, however, actually helps hide it. This is because its number one enemy, the lion, is color blind. If a lion came along while a zebra was standing in tall grass, the zebra would remain unseen . The pattern of the zebras stripes would blend in with the pattern of the grass. Therefore, the zebra is actually a master of disguise. Dont misjudge its talents! 13. The word noticeable means A. noticed before. B. able to be noticed. C. noticed again. D. not noticed.

14. In this article, unseen means A. seen again. B. not seen. C. able to see. D. seen incorrectly.

15. To misjudge means A. to judge too much. B. to judge before. C. to judge again. D. to judge badly.
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Stacy thought it would be fun to help her mom make Thanksgiving dinner. They had to cook a turkey, vegetables, and dessert in just one day. It was harder than Stacy thought it was going to be. First, Stacy was supposed to preheat the oven, but she forgot. The oven was still cold when the turkey was ready to go in. Then, Stacy put an incorrect amount of water in the cookie dough, so the cookies were too runny. Stacy felt upset that she could not be more helpful to her mother. 16. The word preheat means A. without heat. B. heat more than once. C. someone who heats. D. heat before.

17. "Then, Stacy put an incorrect amount of water in the cookie dough, so the cookies were too runny." What does the prefix in- do to the word correct? A. The prefix in- changes the meaning to very correct. B. The prefix in- changes the meaning to not correct. C. The prefix in- changes the meaning to able to correct. D. The prefix in- changes the meaning to correct again .

Just when they were about to give up, the boys found the map to the hidden treasure. It had been buried in the dirt, right under the house all along! The only problem was the map was incomplete. Edges had been torn off. There was a hole, the size of a large coin, right in the middle. Did these missing pieces still exist? Would they be able to find them, piece them back together, and make the map readable again? Would the treasure finally be found? The answer was clear to them. They had come this far. They knew they had to keep looking. They could not give up now. 18. Which word from the passage means not complete ? A. piece B. incomplete C. hidden D. clear

James loves baseball more than any other sport. He goes to 10 baseball games every year. James is a collector who owns many baseball items. He has baseball cards, hats, balls, bats, and jerseys. James is hopeful that one day he will be a pro baseball player.
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19. In the passage, the word collector means A. does not collect. B. collecting before. C. without a collection. D. someone who collects.

20. What does the word hopeful mean? A. full of hope B. hoped before C. without hope D. hopes again

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. D D C C B C C C C C A B B B D D B B D A

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1. The prefix non- means "without." The "nonstop" airplane flight means that the flight will not stop anywhere between New York and Florida. 2. The prefix dis- means "not." If Jorge "dislikes" flying, then he does not like flying. 3. The suffix -ly means "in a way." If the speaker "sleepily" got into bed, then the speaker got into bed in a sleepy or tired way. 4. The prefix un- means "not" or "no." In this example, unending means "having no end." 5. The suffix -ness means "the quality of being." "Darkness" is the quality of being dark. It changes the adjective "dark" into a noun. 6. The suffix -ment means "the act of doing." If two people are having an "argument," then they are in the act of arguing. It changes the verb "argue" into a noun. 7. The prefix un- means "not." The oasis was "unoccupied," which means it was not occupied. This is another way of saying that no one was using it. 8. The suffix -ly means "in a way." When something will happen "shortly," it will happen in a short way or in a short amount of time. Another way to say this is to say it will happen "soon." 9. The suffix -able means "to be able." If the map is "readable," then it is able to be read. 10. The prefix re- means "again." The word that means to build "again" is rebuild. 11. The suffix -less means "without." If the carpenter is "careless" when he builds something, then he does not care about his project. He may do a sloppy job because he doesn't care. 12. The prefix mis- means "bad" or "badly." The materials are "mismatched" because they are bad matches. This means that they are not all the same type.
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13. The suffix -able means "to be able." If animals are "noticeable," then they are able to be noticed or seen. 14. The prefix un- means "not." When an animal is "unseen," it cannot be seen. Maybe it is hiding and no one sees it. 15. The prefix mis- means "bad" or "badly." If people "misjudge" something, then they made a bad judgement and could be wrong. 16. The prefix pre- means "before." When cooks "preheat" the oven, they start to heat the oven before the food is ready to go in. 17. The prefix in- means "not." If an amount of water is "incorrect," then it is not the correct amount for the recipe. 18. The prefix in- means "not." The map is "incomplete," so it is not complete and has information missing. 19. The suffix or means "someone who does." A "collector" is someone who collects items. 20. The suffix ful means "full of." James is "hopeful," so he is full of hope that he will be a pro baseball player.
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