Omar Khayem Cherif Iheb Damak

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Omar Khayem Cherif Iheb Damak

Whats buisiness ethics? Why its important ?

How can we act ,think ethecally?

WhaT Are the benefits?

Business : It is an organization involved in the trade of goods, services, or both to customers in order to earn profit and increase the wealth legally
Ethics : Its the study of standards and behaviour which promote human welfare and the GOOD

Ethics are moral guidelines which govern good behaviour

Business ethics: Its the study of standards and business behaviour which promote human welfare and the GOOD Business ethics is not

feelings or conscience Just following the law

Just following what every body does

About technology and science

integrity respect openess charity

Business ethics is about: Relationships in business How we act as individuals in business How we structure our business society , our rules and our business system

Businesses are facing ethical issues and decisions !!!

Behaving ethically or not effects upon a companys reputation Influences current and prospective customers Influences the companys buisiness prospects Have effects on employees

Analysze whether the proposed behaviour promotes to GREATEST GOOD or the greatest human welfare Identify the legitimate RIGHTS or HUMAN RIGHTS of indivuals or groups affected and the DUTIES of the actors Analyze whether the proposed behaviour is consistent with recognized VIRTUES Ask whethr the COMMON GOOD is adequately served

Assuming social responsability Establish good relations with employees and labor unions Establish good relations with gouverments Establish good relation with enviremental actors

Minimizing business accidents Increasing diversity in the workspace Increasing energy efficience
Differentiate itself from other business

Having a better image Attract more and more customers

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