Year 1 Instructional Cycle 22

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Year 1 Instructional Cycle 2

Directions: 1. Resident Educators complete the Instructional Plan sections prior to teaching a lesson. For Cycle 2, focus on the highlighted questions. 2. Following the teaching of the lesson, Resident Educators complete the Reflection on Instruction and Revision sections.

INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN to be completed before teaching

Assessment of Student Learning
What insights emerge from the analysis of student data? Students will demonstrate a knowledge of etiology, signs/symptoms, and management of viral infections. This demonstration of knowledge allows for differentiated instruction if there is a display of lack of knowledge or confusion How will assessments reflect the learning targets and lesson purpose?

How will timely, correct and authentic feedback be part of the assessment process? Students will show knowledge through exit tickets and scenario discussions that allow for students to discuss situations and their thought. Allowing me to to get immediate feedback from students and focus on instruction that need reiteration. How will assessments provide opportunities for students to take responsbility for their learning?

Identifying the Learning Need

How will the relationship between the standards and the learning target be communicated?

What prior knowledge do students need for this lesson?

What are the connections to previous and future learning? Learning about the evaluation process will eventually lead to being able o diagnose and prognosticate viral illnesses in a controlled scenario

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Instructional Cycle 2

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INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN to be completed before teaching

Establishing the Learning Objectives
What is the purpose of this lesson?

Why is this learning important? Students will be able to recognize the etiology and signs/symptoms of viral infections which is an important clinical skil

How will the importance of this lesson (learning) be made clear to students? Standardized patient secnarios in which students will take a history of a patient and have to make a clnical assessment

What misconceptions about content need to be considered in planning?

What enduring understandings or big ideas will students walk away with?

Gathering Appropriate Resources

What new learning is needed to teach this content?

What resources will be necessary to plan and to teach this lesson?

What research will be necessary to plan and to teach this lesson? No research will be necessary for this particular lesson

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Instructional Cycle 2

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INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN to be completed before teaching

Instructional Strategies [How the teacher conveys the content]
What is the instructional strategy for this particular lesson? Why was this strategy chosen?

How will the instructional strategies provide opportunities for students to transfer prior learning to new content and concepts?

How do the instructional strategies relate to the learning targets? The instuctrion is catered for each student to have the opportunity to show growth through pre and post assessment How will the purpose of the strategies be made clear?

Instructional Activities [What the students do to engage with and learn the content]
What activities provide students opportunities for deliberate practice of the learning strategy?

What activities require higher-order thinking skills?

Why were these activities chosen?

How will you determine if differentiation in needed for this lesson?

How will you provide access and appropriate challenges for students?

How might the lesson be adapted to accommodate where students are in relationship to mastery of the standard? If feedback from the lesson is poor then instruction will be modified to improve student performance RE Program Year 1 Instructional Cycle 2 Page 3 of 8

INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN to be completed before teaching

What concepts/strategies need to be modified or extended?

Resources and Materials

List resources and materials needed for this lesson. Presentation, projector, and Arnheim's Principles of Athletic Training

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Instructional Cycle 2

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REFLECTION ON INSTRUCTION AND REVISION to be completed after teaching

Identifying the Learning Need
Were student learning needs accurately identified and assessed? Yes, students who gave poor feedback were analyzed and their weaknesses were addressed How did connections help students to better understand the purpose and content of the lesson? The were able to understand the need for this type of knowledge in the medical field

Establishing the Learning Objectives

What are the evidence indicators of student knowledge and understanding? Pre assessment answers in comparison with post assessment answer and the evidence of growth from the lesson

What misconceptions were discovered? How were they addressed? Differential diagnosis were discovered and they were addressed by identifying key indicators of the different diseases

What behaviors and learning products indicate that students were intellectually challenged? Students approach to standardized patient scenario and there approach to the lesson

Instructional Strategies
What evidence indicates that the selected instructional strategies were appropriate? Student outcomes and the peer review of standardized patient scenarios

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Instructional Cycle 2

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Instructional Activities
How did the activities support the learning objective? The outcome was the assessment of a patient and identifying an illness and the objective was just that. How did the activities support deep and independent understanding of the learning objective? It required student to take an accurate patient history in effort to correctly diagnose the patient How did the activities provide opportunities for students to share new knowledge? Students also needed to provide the management after the diagnosis is made based on signs/symptoms

To what extent did the activities engage and challenge all students? Students had to think independantly and wrote their own scenarios How might instructional learning groups be strengthened in subsequent lessons? Accurate diagnosis

Assessment of Student Learning

What evidence suggests that students understand or do not understand the concepts? Accurate diagnosis Did the assessment tasks provide students the opportunity to demonstrate and explain their thinking? Yes they had to explaing their reasoning What concepts were best understood? What areas remain challenges? How will the areas of strength and weakness be woven into subsequent lessons? Student were able to identitfy signs and symptoms but will need to take a better history in order to get more information. Focus on tking history and analyzing it will be in the next lesson

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Instructional Cycle 2

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Reflection and Revision: Examining Individual Student Work

Purpose: Examining student work in terms of specific learning outcomes allows Resident Educators to evaluate the effectiveness of their instructional planning and teaching. Directions: 1. Using the same students selected for Monitoring Student Learning, complete the general information for each student below. 2. List the learning outcomes achieved by each student and attach evidence (examples of student work). 3. Determine appropriate next steps, based on the evidence of learning outcomes.

Grade Level/Subject Area:11

MONITORING STUDENT LEARNING Grade Level/Subject Area:11 Student Name (First Name Only)Molly Student Profile: Gender, AgeF 17 Description of Learning Outcomes Student compreheneded lesson well and met objectives of student learning set at the beginning of class

Student Name (First Name Only)Brianna Student Profile: Gender, AgeF 17 Description of Learning Outcomes Student was able to differentiate viral infections. Student had difficulty placing signs or symptoms with the next infection

Next Steps Student will need to demostrate comprehension of lesson by differentiation material and identifying signs and symptoms

Next Steps Student needs to continue to remember knowledge obtained in class and identify these disorders by their definitons

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Instructional Cycle 2

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Instructional Cycle 2

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