CGR4M Fictional Comparison

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Steve Hall Ms C.

Phillips / CGR4M

Life As We Knew It
By Susan Beth Pfeffer

You are to review a book or movie in which the treatment of environmental issues is the subject matter. Include in your review answers to the following questions. 1. How well have the environmental implications of technology been portrayed? Use examples to support your response. 2. What else could have been shown? 3. How serious is the issue that was portrayed? 4. What, if any, solutions are provided? Do you agree? What solutions might you include?

1. The story is about how a meteor knocks the moon closer to earth, setting off all of the gravitational pull and making the environment on earth change drastically. Many citizens of earth pass away in this novel. Because of the change in gravitational pull, climate changes, everything is thrown out of whack, and the people are forced to live in chaos. Part of this chaos is attributed to the filth that is around them from themselves. 2. Something else that could have been shown are some common environmental disasters caused by humans such as oil spills, etc. 3. The issue was portrayed extremely seriously as the whole earth is in a chaotic state and no one has a very good quality of life. It lights a fire under ones rear to get up and do something to keep their earth safe. 4. I think I would start trying to keep my earth clean as soon as I realize there is trouble.

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