Faculty Growth Plan Maxwell 2012-13

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Academic Year ______2012-2013________ Melanie Maxwell

Faculty Growth and Development Plan

Chair/Program Director/Assoc. or Asst. Dean _____ ______________ Dept/Program/College _______ College of Education__________________ This form should be completed as a means of setting goals in each area where the faculty member intends to grow, improve or be particularly active. According to the schedule agreed upon, the faculty member will assess his/her progress with the dean or associate dean. Include any anticipated professional development opportunities in the appropriate goal setting area. The supervisor may request that specific items in the plan be bolded to note that they were requested to be added by the supervisor. I. Teaching Time %: 60 (Range: 10%-70%) Estimated Cost

Proposed Plan Teach classes using innovative and research based practices in the area of reading and writing. Create several new courses and syllabi for the Reading Specialist Program. Serve as academic advisor for students in the Reading Specialty program. Interview candidates for the Reading Specialty Program. Collaborate with Julie Simone to implement an effective Literacy Block at Cameron Middle. Assist with lesson planning for the literacy block. Provide professional development in the area of literacy every Monday. Model lessons in classrooms in the area of literacy. Work with adjuncts and other instructors to develop rich field experiences for our Reading Specialty students.

II. Intellectual Pursuits

Time %:


(Range: 10%-50%)

Proposed Plan Present at the TRA Conference in Murfreesboro, Embassy Suites, December 2012 (Proposal submitted) Attend MTSU, beginning to pursue a PH D in Literacy Studies. Enrolled in six hours for Fall 2012 and plan to enroll in 6 hours in Spring 2012 Present Common Core Overview for Student Teachers, Sept. 2012 Present at Mid South Reading and Writing Conference. (Pending proposal acceptance.) Present at MTSU Literacy Studies Conference. Prepare article submission to a scholarly journal on the topic of the Literacy Block.

Estimated Cost $ 250 if proposal accepted. Per agreement with COE. 0 $850

0 0

III. Service Proposed Plan Train teachers in Haiti on best practices in Literacy.

Time %: 10

(Range: 10%-20%) Estimated Cost Self supported

0 Serve on at least one university committee in 2012-13.

Continue service to Pre-school reader program through my church.

Self supported

IV. Administration

Time %:


(Range: 10%-70%) Estimated Cost

Proposed Plan Review and develop the Reading Specialty Program. Fully review and develop the syllabi for every class. Create and define assignments, including key assignments, for the classes. Review textbooks and supplemental materials for classes in the Reading Specialty program to ensure quality in content. Collaborate with program director to select adjuncts and schedule classes for the Reading Specialty program.

Collaborate with program director to create a marketing strategy for the Reading Specialty program. Visit with key thought leaders in the area of Reading in various districts.

The following signature of department chair/program director/associate or assistant dean acknowledges agreement with these goals and objectives: ____________________________________ Chair/Program Director/ Date Associate or Assistant Dean

The following signature of the dean or associate dean indicates agreement with these goals and objectives: ___________________________________ Associate Dean or Dean Date

A copy of this completed form is to be kept by the faculty member and placed in the faculty members employee file maintained by the department or college.

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