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Epal Summery In 6th grade, I had Epal friends from several different countries: France (Sanah), Sweden (Sharon),

Netherlands, South Korea (Whinnie), and New Zealand (Elissa). It was super fun. France letterHi Elissa! Is me again your new friend Sharon! You have very good hobbies my hobbies is swimming,paint,hangout with the family and friends and more this... I'm so excited to get know you to! I'm also excited because i'm going to get braces in november so now can i get awsome teeth! Yeey! I mate my hair today and is 87 inches long! Wow! Yes i have Instagram my username is : thebestgirl225. I think i have seen the movie i'm not so sure but yes i know Jim Carrey he's a good actor! Thanks we both have beautiful names :) Question: Do you have lived in U.S.A. In you entire life? Do you have braces? Do you need barces? How long hair do you have? What's your username in Instagram? Do you have any best friends? How tall are you? Goodbye! Your friend Sharon!

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