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\-.----t you see an advertisement that attracts your attention, check carefully to note whether applications should be handwritten. If nothing is stated, you may



49 Holland Crescent Singapore 23M32

Tel: 87284722

2 June2OOt Mrs SallyJenkins Human Relations Manager Global Communications pte Ltd #O3-1O Global House Orchid Boulevard Singapore 456823
Dear Mrs Jenkins

ADMINISTRAIME ASSISTANT (SALES DEPARIMENT) inlerested in applyrng for this post lam Straits
Tlmes. as advertised in today's

been employed as part-time Administrative Assistant in Ang Polytechnic for the last 6 months while studyirrg tt"r" on a Business Administration course. My course finishJs very soon and I am keen toJoin a progressive comp.ny such as Global Communications.



Myfull particulars are shown on my


curriculum vitae.

I shall P: h-aeey to attend an interview at any time, and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely

rX k

alr*%LAURA CHEONG (Miss)




Recruitment correspondence

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