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WebQuest: The Muscular System James Frawley Peter-Michael Hasslund Jimmy McLaughlin Website: http://www.musclesystems.weebly.

com/ Multiple Choice

Choose the best answer for each prompt.

Name Section

1. The muscular system is a system of muscles that enable organisms to: a. Move their bodies b. Helps maintain posture c. Helps keep the blood flowing throughout the body d. All of the above 2. Which organism has a muscular foot? a. Chironex Fleckeri b. Helix Aspersa c. Paruroctonus Utahensis d. Asthenosoma Varium 3. The Porifera phylum contains what type of organisms? a. Squirrels b. Dogs c. Sponges d. Worms 4. Arthropoda contains how many classes? a. 5 b. 3 c. 6 d. 9 5. How many species does the Chordata phylum contain? a. 12,000 b. 5,000,000 c. 75,000 d. 37,000,000 True or False
Mark either TRUE or FALSE for each statement.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fill-ins

Few Platyhelminthes move by twisting and turning. The most powerful and important part of a tapeworms muscular system is the scolex. Xestospongia Muta has specialized cells called Mesenchymal. Carcharodon Carcharias has myotomes (M-shaped muscles) enmeshed in the caudal fin. Nemanthus Annamensis muscles expand the column and tentacles using hydrostatic pressure.

Fill-in the blank with the correct term.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Mollusca has classes. Cnidaria includes free floating organisms like a . The non-contractile portion of a Root Knot contains the . Parastichopus Californicus has a muscular wall in order to enable . Most organisms in the phylum have tubed feet whose muscles and vascular system allow for suction and slow movement.

Short Answers
Answer each question in full sentences.

1. What is the largest phylum and what does it contain?

2. Describe the role of water in both the Cindaria and Echindermata phylums.

3. How does the Platyhelminthes muscular system aid in the organsims survival?

4. Compare the wing muscles of the monarch butterfly with that of the Quetzalcoatl bird.

5. Explain the relations between the tube feet of starfish and fire sea urchins with the feet of clams and snails. What can be said about their evolution?

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