BAC Navy

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‘var ocoreent Plan of PN fe CY 2011 GENERAL HEADQUARTERS ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES OFFICE OF THE GHQ BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE 1 Camp Gen Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City Resolution Nr GHO BAC1-PN-043-11, (Annual Procurement Pian of the Philippine Navy for CY 2010) WHEREAS, Section 7.2 of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 9184 otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act provides that "No government procurement shall be undertaken unless it 1S in accordance with an approved Annual Procurement Plan (APP)‘< . WHEREAS, as mandated by the above-cited provision of the law, the Philippine Navy (PN) had submitted its Annual Procurement Plan (APP) for CY 2011 with a total budget of Php3,672,260,000.00 comprising the support for the different operating units of the Command; WHEREAS, the foregoing amount only represents the support for the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) for CY 2011 as specified in the various Project Procurement Management Plans (PPMPs) of the end-user; WHEREAS, Section 10 of the IRR of RA 9184 provides that “All procurement shall be done through competitive bidding, except as provided for in Rule XVI of the IRR WHEREAS, out of the said budget, the cumulative amount of Php2,113,881,709.00 or 57.56% of the total budget has been programmed for Gifferent projects which will be procured through “Public Bidding” and to be undertaken by the AFP Bids and Awards Committee (AFPBAC); WHEREAS, in case of projects/items for bidding that will be transferred to other Government Agencies such as PSDBM and PITC, the PN shall undertake the procedural requirements as required under Annex “A” of GPPB Resolution Nr 18- 2007 dtd 31 May 2001; WHEREAS, Section 48.1 of the same IRR provides that “Subject to the prior approval of the head of the procuring entity or his duly authorized representative, and whenever justified by the condltion provided in RA 9184, the procuring entity may resort to any of the alternative methods of procurement stated in Rule XVI of the IRR’ WHEREAS, the end-user has allotted an amount of Php380,261,451.00 (10.35% of the total budget) for the procurement of requirements and services through “Direct Contracting” in accordance with the provisions set forth under Section 50 of the Revised IRR of RA 9184 along with its accompanying GPPB Resolutions; ha BAC PN-o43-11 aoa octamer Man tE, ae CY 201% b. The total amount of FRP380,261,451.00 will be used for the Procurement of requirements and services threce “Direct Contracting”, Sent a 2mount OF Php140,174,243.00 wil be expended for the Procurement of various items and projects under the “Negotiated” mode, Sone oe combined amount of Php639,992,920.00 wil be spent for the Procurement of other day-to-day Operational requirements of the Command through “shopping”, © ate, amount. of Php397,949,678,09 will be utilized for travel expenses which will be paid through an SDO. i OM lo, Quezon City. RESOLVED this by the members of the GHQ BACI at Camp General Emilio Aguinal Ben ff la NESTOR SADIARIN Major General AFP Chairman ELDON LUIS G NEMENZO ANTONIO HEMENDOZA Brigade Geheal arp Captzi (GSC) Vice Chairtian Ree er By NK ‘GERONIMQ L\AGANON sy jin (GSC) Commodore AFP Provisional Member Provisional Member -\ JOSEFA C BERBIGAL Davip A BABAS LtColonel 3aGs (GSC) LtColbnel PAF Provisional Member Member HO BAC. PN-04S-41 ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN (APP) FOR CY 2011 OF THE PHILIPPINE NAVY _ MODE OF PROCUREMENT | AMOUNT __ ] Public Bidding tf 2,113,881,709.00 | Direct Contracting | 380,261,451.00 | Negotiated [ 140,174,243.00 | | Shopping _ L____ 639,992,920.00 | Blank (Travel) 397,949,678.00 TOTAL _—|—~—~S~s«&PAP3,672,260,001.00 |

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