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Document to be submitted along with form A

S No 1 Particulars Name of the applicant :Mr/Mrs. Passport size photo. Documents of proof to be submitted

I certifiy that above photo is of Mr/Mrs-----------------Name, Signature and seal of Gazetted officer or Notory. Attested copy of tax receipt of property or Attested copy of property registration document or Attested copy of passport or Attested copy of Adhar Card .. . . .. .

Postal Address with pin code :.. . Contact No of applicant :Name of the company:Contact No of Company:Company phone No. Fax No E-mail. Mobile No of responsible person Mobile No of Applicant.

a b c

4 5 6 7

TAN No PAN Card No or Attested Copy of pan card. Adhar Card No Attested copy of Adhar card. The Applicant /Firm /Company registered under a)Companies Act 1956. or The certificate of incorporation and article of memorandum. b)Maharashtra Co-op society Act 1960. or Copy of registration certificate and MOA c)Mumbai Public Trust Act 1950 or Copy of registration certificate and MOA d) Industries ( Development and Certificate of registration. Regulation) Act 1951 . or e) MSME(Micro,Small,Medium Certificate of registration. Enterprises)Development Act2006. or f) Partnership Firm. or Register deed of partnership firm.

g) The Mumbai Shop and Establishment Act 1948 Name of responsible person . Address of responsible Person. . ..

Shop Act registration certificate. Copy of resolution of company by which responsible person is declared. Documents as mentioned in S NO 1 to 6

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