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The framework of lecture

I/ Lead in Today we will learn how to pronounce the sound p. However, to begin I have some questions for you. Question number 1: * How do you mame the person who always wears the yellow uniform and stand on the street and punish the driver ? the policeman Question number 2: * How do you mame the tool which students use very regularly? the pen Question number 3: * How do you name the tool which the cook usually uses to fry the eggs the pan The policman, pen, pan begin with the sound p, and now I will show the way to pronounce p II/ Presenting It can be pronouned p for example pen, pan, policeman, picture, cup, trip, speak Now class, listen after me: p p - p OK thats good, Mr ABC please repeat, , Miss XYZ repeat please . To pronouned p We close your lips hard then push air forward in your mounth and open your lips quickly. In english the students can be confused p with bthat we have known For instance p Pin Pen Pear Cap Pig b bin Ben bear cab big III/ Aural drill * Now I will say some words if it contend the sound p you will say 1, and not you will say 2 pen, about, pencil, , beautiful, peter, pin, brown, paris, passport , banana spoon, help, apple, prety, empty, stop, brother, blue * And now I will say a pair of word if they have the same sound you will say the same, if they have diffirent the sound we will say diffirent pen, about/ black pear/ paris passport/ , banana spoon/ help brother/ pen pencil/ cup stop/ speak spin/ book pen/ pear bear/ IV/ Oral drill - Now class repeat after me! p, Mr xyx please repeat p Listen and repeat after me, pen, picture, cup, stop, speak, spin ! Miss ABC please repeat pen, picture, cup, stop, speak, spin - Now listen and repeat: bought a pipe/ a pepper pot/ a piece of pork pie/ a plastic plate/ pretty surprise/ an apple pie - Now listen and repeat: He bought a pen, a pencil and a pin. Peter went to paris and he bought a pipe and a picture Heres a pen, a pencil, my pipe, a postcard, an envelope, a stamp, a pin

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