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Development Strategy of Coca Cola Brand development strategy of Coca Colahas been far reaching and has managed

to remain in the limelight ever since it became a favorite with the non alcoholic drinkers. It has been noticed that brand loyalty is an important factor in maintaining the number one position. The article below suggests the various brand building techniques of the company. Founded in the year 1886, the Coca Cola company enjoys the status of being one of the biggest non alcoholic beverage companies of the world. It has a distribution system, which makes it unique from the rest of the non alcoholic beverage manufacturers. Over the years, Coca Cola has passed several tests of brand enhancement and the company makes it a point that the products under the banner Coca Cola continue to invade the minds of the consumers. The brand development strategy of Coca Cola comprised redesigning of its brand development policies and techniques to keep up with the changing mindset of its consumers. Earlier, this brand believed in the following: Afford ability Availability Acceptability

However, this brand development strategy of Coca Cola was reworked to stress on the following instead: Price value Preference "Pervasive penetration".

The essence of brand building of the company lies in the fact that it wants its consumers accessibility to be "within an arm's reach of desire". In an attempt to build its brand identity, as many as 20 brand attributes are tested every month involving as many as 4000 customers. The brand development strategy of Coca Cola is effective as it has been able to construct, manage as well as maintain its brand image since yesteryears. Another reason why this brand has gained unanimous acceptance all around the globe is due to the fact that it has been able to connect very well with its consumers. This implies brand

loyalty. Brand loyalty has been instrumental in keeping up the brand image of Coca Cola. It believes in shelling out the best so that the consumers are retained by default. A part of the brand building technique is also to enhance "purchase frequency". The company has also invested in various advertisement campaigns often engaging the services of celebrities around the globe. In addition to the consumers, there is another category of consumers, who increase the consumer base and they constitute the collectors of the brand. The collectors usually indulge in collecting old as well as upcoming logos of Coca Cola, bottles and literary matter. With regard to the brand development of Coca Cola Zero, the company came out with an advertisement, which was quite different from the conventional ones. In this regard, (no calorie beverage), it has shelled out three types of products. Coca Cola Classic Diet Coke Coca Cola Zero.

There are few experts who believe that when Coca Cola had the tag line of "The Real Thing", it was really that but with the invention of various categories of coke, the "real thing" changes to "many things", and the original flavor is usually lost. Hence, the brand building strategies should be such that it does not confuse people and is able to retain consumers despite the fact that several new non alcoholic beverage firms are on the anvil.

Coca Cola Marketing Strategy

Nick Pourakis Marketing Dr. Priluck 10/12/2000 Coca Cola The Coca-Cola Company is the worlds leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. Its world headquarters is based in Atlanta, Georgia. The company and its subsidiaries employ nearly 31,000 people around the world. The CocaCola Company manufactures syrups, concentrates and beverage bases for Coca-Cola, the companys flagship brand, and also produces over 230 other soft -drink brands sold by and its subsidiaries in nearly 200 countries around the world. Some of Coca-Colas latest domestic marketing strategies include Coke dominating fountain sales. Thousands of consumers visit fast-food restaurants every day and Coke feels that it is very important to have the consumer see and drink their product at such chains as

McDonalds, Burger King, and Dominos Pizza. Coca-Cola is also testing a new plastic cup in the famous Coca-Col
Coca-Cola is trying to convince the UK public that its drinks are best poured and drank from a glass, ice cold. These new cups were designed with portability in mind to better accommodate the fast growing takeout business at quick-service chains. Coke is also trying to become seen as more of a local company rather! than a US corporate giant. They are also coming out with a new curved can. They are focusing on four areas advertising, graphics, experientials, sponsorship and promotions. Having an involvement in European football"tms Euro 2000 and promoting an opportunity for kids to walk their favorite players onto the field before the game will target the under-12 market. Coca-Colas"tm marketing strategies are very affective and are going to continue to increase its market share. The 20-ounce cups will be available in clear or green plastic with a spill resistant lid. This will be compounded with the reintroduction of the glass contour bottle. They will reintroduce its"tm winning commemorative Coca-Cola classic bottles featuring the members of the Coca-Cola Racing Team. Coca-Cola"tms NASCAR promotion will be repeated due to its success and its internet presence will target an already booming market, the internet generation. Coca-Cola launched its "Enjoy" campaign and according to UK marketing manager, Richard Harris, are trying to, "recreate the physical sensation of opening and drinking a cold Coke"" Graphics are changing from the static, closed bottle to an open bottle fizzing out. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Bibliography. Coca-Cola and One 2 One are teaming up for a promotion called, "Collect and Connect.


In order to achieve this mission, Coca Cola create value for all the constraints it serve, including consumers, customers, bottlers, and communities. The Coca Cola Company creates value by executing comprehensive business strategy guided by six key beliefs: 1. Consumer demand drives everything Coca Cola do. 2. Brand Coca Cola is the core business 3. Serve consumers a broad selection of the nonalcoholic ready-todrink beverages they want to drink through out the day. 4. Be the best marketers in the world. 5. Think and act locally. 6. Lead as a model corporate citizen. The main strategies discussed here are as follows: STRATEGIC PLANNING STRATEGIES OF QUALITY EXPANDING TARGET MARKET

STRATEGIES OF GETTING GOALS I.E. "HIGH PROFITS" MARKETING STRATEGY PRICE STRATEGY PROMOTION STRATEGIES DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS FACILITATING THE PRODUCT BY INFRASTRUCTURE ADVERTISEMENT SALES PROMOTION ACTIVITIES The details are as follows: STRATEGIC PLANNING In last years, the company had a great success, as the strategy worked which resulted in making Coca Cola Company the world's leading company. Company accomplished the crust of it's strategy as Worldwide volume increased by 4 percent with strong international growth of 5 percent. Earnings per share grew by 82 percent. Return on common equity grew from 23 percent to 38 percent this year. Return on capital increased from 16 percent in 2000 to 27 percent. The company has generated free cash flow of $3.1 billion, up from $2.8 billion The marketing strategy for the future is as follows: Accelerate carbonated soft-drink growth, led by Coca-Cola. Selectively broaden the family of beverage brands to drive profitable growth. Grow system profitability and capability together with our bottling partners. Serve customers with creativity and consistency to generate growth across all channels. Direct investments to highest potential areas across markets. Drive efficiency and cost-effectiveness everywhere. STRATEGIES OF QUALITY After Micro and macro analysis Brand "coke" is primarily role 1. Enhance competition moments 2. When people watch cricket 3. Through commercialization 4. Fun time EXPANDING TARGET MARKET In last 2 years Coke has come back in aggressive manner. Consumer has choice Attractive brand name Brand differentiating Consumer Has Got Choice: Now the consumer has got choice. Because now they know the name of another big brand, though coke is the 2nd best name but it can get a better position after some time Attractive Brand Name: Now the consumers know the Name of Coke, because Coke is the name, which is the most popular after the word "ok". So people can better differentiate brands with each other. Brand Differentiation:

Now different companies have got different brand names. So, people can distinguish between brands. Two major brands "coke" and "Pepsi" also have brand names. STRATEGIES OF GETTING GOALS i.e. "HIGH PROFITS" To increase the price is the least thing, which Coke can adopt. There are so many ways through which Coke can increase the profits. Some major ways are as follows. Volume can be increased Interest level of consumers To take part in energetic festivals MARKETING STRATEGY

What people want in a beverage is a reflection of who they are, where they live, how they work and play, and how they relax and recharge. Whether you're a student in the United States enjoying a refreshing Coca-Cola, a woman in Italy taking a tea break, a child in Peru asking for a juice drink, or a couple in Pakistan buying bottled water after a run together, we're there for you. We are determined not only to make great drinks, but also to contribute to communities around the world through our commitments to education, health, wellness, and diversity. Coke strives to be a good neighbor, consistently shaping our business decisions to improve the quality of life in the communities in which we do business. PRICE STRATEGY Trade Promotion: Coca cola company gives incentives to middle men or retailers in way a that they offer them free samples and free empty bottles, by this these retailers and middle man push their product in the market following "Seen as sold" Different Price in Different Seasons: Some times Coca Cola Company change their product prices according to the season. Summer is supposed to be a good season for beverage industry in Pakistan. So in winter they reduce their prices to maintain their sales and profit. PROMOTION STRATEGIES Getting shelves: They gets or purchase shelves in big departmental stores and display their products in that shelves in attractive style. Eye Catching Position Salesman of the coca cola company positions their freezers and their products in eye-catching positions. Normally they keep their freezers near the entrance of the stores. Sale Promotion Company also do sponsorships with different college and school's cafes and sponsors their sports events and other extra curriculum activities for getting market share.

DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Coca Cola Company makes two types of selling Direct selling Indirect selling Direct Selling In direct selling they supply their products in shops by using their own transports. They have almost 450 vehicles to supply their bottles. In this type of selling company have more profit margin. Indirect Selling They have their whole sellers and agencies to cover all area. Because it is very difficult for them to cover all area of Pakistan by their own so they have so many whole sellers and agencies to assure their customers for availability of coca cola products. FACILITATING THE PRODUCT BY INFRASTRUCTURE For providing their product in good manner company has provided infrastructure these includes: Vizi cooler Freezers Display racks Free empty bottles and shells for bottles ADVERTISEMENT Coca Cola Company use different mediums Print media Pos material TV commercial Billboards and holdings HOW COKE DETERMINE THE YEARLY BUDGET Coke determines its yearly budget by the Sales volume Profitability Target volume Sales Volume: Coke determines its yearly budget through the sales volume. They first concentrate on the thing is "what is the condition of their sales?" if the condition is good of their sales then they definitely increase their production and sales volume. Profitability: The second thing through which they determines budget is the "profit" .if they r getting profits with the high margin, then they definitely want to increase their profits in the next coming year. To get profit is the first priority of the Coke. Target Volume: To run the business every industry increases volume in specific time period. If industry achieves those goals in that period then for the coming year it increases the volume of the target. Coke did the same.

SALES PROMOTION ACTIVITIES Coca-Cola Cricket Coca-Cola Concerts Coca-Cola Food Mela Coca-Cola Basant Festival Coca-Cola GO-RED Coca-Cola Party in a Park Coca-Cola Shopping Festival Coca-Cola Pet Promotion Coca-Cola Ramzan Campaign Coca-Cola Wonder of the World Promotion Coca Cola TV Mazza Coca-Cola & Mc Donald's Fanta & Sprite Launched Diet Coke

Competitive Strategies As any company in a highly competitive environment faces, Coca-Cola well known as Coke has faced many organizational problems. The biggest threat faced by this company is the entry of many new, strong competitors in the softdrink and related beverages industry. For example, PepsiCo is one of CocaCola's toughest competitors that offer the same range of products at the same prices. This threat is significant because it cannot be eliminated just be producing a better quality product at a lower price. Pepsi often second to Coke in terms of sales. In Central America known as Big Cola in Mexico, is a fast growing competitor to Coca-Cola. Pepsi Company is a serious competitor to Coca-Cola in many regions but not the main rival. According to the Independent, researchers have proven that the difference between Coke and Pepsi really is all in your head. Apparently the popularity of Coke's brand image causes people to think Coca-Cola itself tastes better, even though it really doesn't taste very different from Pepsi. As the article says: "When asked to taste blind, they showed no preference. However, when the participants were shown company logos before they drank, the Coke label. Three-quarters of the tasters declared they preferred Coke. I've long suspected this. Personally I can't taste any difference between Coke and Pepsi, but I have a friend who swears that there's a huge difference. Now I can show that, this research to prove that he's simply been brainwashed by advertising and the Pepsi Taste Test also turns out to be nothing but hot air. Around the world, some brands do compete with Coke. The successful strategies and management skills employed by the Coca-Cola Company explains that

Coca-Cola is seen everywhere, sports events, television (advertising), movies, billboards, and many other media outlets. Coca Cola has comes out a lots of different type and flavor to compete with their competitor.

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