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Digital Design and Manufacturing

Masters Programme in Mechanical Engineering Responsible teacher Prof. Kalevi Aaltonen

Digital Design and Manufacturing

This module focuses on computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided engineering (CAE) and digital manufacturing, including welding and casting. The aim is to learn to apply digital design methods and tools to integrated design-manufacturing and the product life cycle management (PLM) process

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course (5 cr) Kon-41.4207 CAE Project (3 cr) Kon-15.4101 Digital Manufacturing (4 cr) Kon-80.3125 Castings (4 cr) Kon-67.4208 Welding Methods and Production (4 cr)

Module timetable
AUTUMN 1 2012-13 I-II SPRING 1 2012-13 III-IV AUTUMN 2 2013-14 I-II Digital Manufacturing CAD Basic CAE project Castings SPRING 2 2013-14 III-IV

Welding Methods and Production

Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course

Introduction to bottom-up parametric 3D solid modeling Starts with a lecture in 14th September 2012 Separate enrollment open, link to form is in Noppa. Enrollment open until 11th September 2012 Weekly exercises and personal final work Responsible Teacher Kaur Jaakma

Kon-41.4207 CAE Project

Introduction to top-down parametric 3D surface modeling Held in spring (periods III-IV) Instruction lectures and CAD exercises Project work in field of FEA, MBS or reverse engineering Responsible Teacher Kaur Jaakma

Kon-15.4101 Digital Manufacturing

Concurrent & collaborative product design Simulating processes Optimizing production, Online optimization PLM, DFA, DFM, CAM Virtual Manufacturing Additive Manufacturing

Kon-15.4101 Digital Manufacturing

Is lectured first time in fall 2012 Lectures, exercises and group work OR exam Course material and program is released in summer 2012 Meanwhile, you can follow me @

Questions can be sent to

Kon-67.4208 Welding Methods and Production

Held in spring (periods III-IV) Fusion- and pressure welding, brazing, soldering and combined methods. Quality assurance and welding procedure test. Safety at work. Responsible teacher Markus Suomi

Kon-80.3125 Castings
Held in autumn (periods I-II) Principles of casting technology, relations between design and manufacturing processes of casting Cast materials, casting design principles, casting simulation and quality. Responsible teacher Prof. Juhani Orkas

Thank you and welcome!

2012 the 2ND class of English Master Programme in Mechanical Engineering

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