Title: Selection of The Members To Participate The Policy Committee

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Title: Selection of the members to participate the Policy committee

Date 18/6/2012 Building-Divan

Location: Ministry

Participant: # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Full Name Dr.Anwer Qadir Abdulameer Payman Jawdat Kaml Najat Sofy Lukman Hemn Abdulkareem Tomono Belong to G.D. of Planning & Following up G.D. of Planning & Following up G.D. of Planning & Following up G.D. of Planning & Following up G.D. of Horticulture and Forestry G.D. of Veterinary G.D. of Agriculture Research & Extension JICA


The date mentioned above and regarding on the request from the General Director of Planning, the candidate stuff for the future Policy committee had met and distinguished about deliberation and formation of a committee for policy making in the agricultural sector under the supervision of an advisor from the JICA, the meeting had started with speech of the Director General of Planning and its significant existence of JICA and their projects in the region. The proposal draft from JICA had been illustrated and distributed through the participants securing the axes of the future work of the aspects of being elected to the depth and the preparation of proposals for each of the participants.


Debate had been mad between participants on the draft and has given opportunities to take the opinion of all participants and analyzed all aspects then suggested postponing the final decision to the Day of 21/6/2012 at 10:00 AM, but basically all members agreed to make an administrative structure to three levels according to (figure-1) the following levels have a numerical property of the members and the Authorities and functions.


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