Adjornment Letter To Court

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Your Address. Date. The Clerk to the Justices, Name of Magistrates Court, Address. Dear Sir/Madam, Your Name.

Case Type, and Number. Court Name. Hearing date. In reference to the above matter... My case is listed for [Court Name] on the [Enter date of Hearing.] I would request that the Hearing on that date is adjourned because... [outline your reason] I am unwell/injured and unable to attend Court. I enclose a letter from my Doctor confirming this. I have a Hospital appointment on that date which cannot be rearranged. I enclose confirmation of the appointment. There has been a family emergency which prevents me from attending. [Include details.] My Witness. [Insert name of witness,] is unable to attend on that date and I am unable to properly defend myself without their attendance. As such it is in the interests of justice that the case be adjourned. I have already booked a... [Holiday, Flight, Business Trip,] which cannot be cancelled without financial penalties. I have previous work commitments which are very difficult to re-arrange.

When re-listing the case I would ask that you kindly avoid the following inconvenient dates, [Insert date to avoid.] Please notify me with the adjournment date. I the Court requires any further details please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours Faithfully,

Signature, Print your Name.

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