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Marshall Middle School Compact 2013-2014

As a student, I agree to: Attend school daily and on time unless bad weather or illness prevents me. Arrive to classes on time and prepared and follow CHAMPS for hallways, bathrooms, recess field and cafeteria.

As a family member, I agree to: Insist upon daily school attendance for my student.

Talk daily with my student about classroom activities.

As a staff member, I agree to: Maintain professional standards with regard to attendance, preparation, student and family communication. Teach engaging lessons and work hard to make sure my students understand. Monitor common areas and assist students arrival to class on time. Provide a structured environment, allow for student movement and academic discourse that nurtures selfrespect and respect for others. Establish ongoing communication with families. Listen to my students. Welcome family involvement. Fairly enforce CHAMPS and the Student Handbook in the agenda. Treat my students and colleagues with respect and maintain a safe environment by continuously monitoring and fairly investigating questionable situations.

Follow classroom rules, treat others with respect, and ask for help when I am confused or bored in ways that dont distract others from their learning and projects. Complete my assignments and projects the best I can and by their due date. Follow CHAMPS and guidelines in the Student Handbook in the agenda. Treat others with respect and kindness. I

Hold my student accountable for following classroom rules through supportive collaboration with teachers and administration.

Keep my address and phone number updated on school records. Know and support my student following the Student Handbook in the agenda. Help my student develop a healthy respect for self and others through guidance, positive example, and accountability.

I have reviewed and agree to comply with the above compact. Print Student Name Print Family Member Name

Print Staff Members Name

Student Signature

Family Signature

Staff Members Signature

I agree to facilitate the fulfillment of the responsibilities of all parties as stated in this compact. Administrator Signature Date

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