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Daily Double Plan

Name:Kerry Gleason

Subject/Time: LA 1:25

Date:October 31, 2012

Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards. Identify the setting.

Key Lesson Elements

What is the Teacher Doing?

What are the Students Doing?


Do Now (3-5 minutes): DOL State Lesson Objective & Lesson Agenda MBC- I can identify the setting, both time and place Agenda- Mini-Lesson Setting

I Do Input (1-2 Key teaching points):

Review Anchor Chart -element of fiction -where the story takes place -when the story takes place -helps the reader visualize the story

Students are actively listening and participating within the discussion lead by the teacher.

Objective(s) SWBAT: -identify the setting both time and place.

We Do Guided Practice: Ms. Nelson is Missing pg. 27 When I say go I want you to t-p-s about the setting, where the story takes place and when it is taking place.

Student participate in t-p-s to identify the setting of the story.


Vocabulary words/Key Concepts:

You Do Independent Practice: The Other Side pg. 3 and 4 (students arent looking at the picture, just listening to the text.) When I say go I want you to t-p-s about the setting, where the story takes place and when it


Students transition silently to their desks to work independently to identify the setting.

Daily Double Plan

is taking place.

Modifications/ Accommodations

Identify appropriate texts for students with different reading levels.

Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or assessment: Late for School page: When? Where? Why? Materials & Technology

-Ms. Nelson is Missing -The Other Side - The Napping House

Closing/Preview for next lesson: Excellent job working on identifying the setting. Remember it is so important to know the setting because it helps us visualize or picture the story in our minds.

Homework: NA

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