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MMU Cyberjaya University Open Table Tennis Tournament

Date : 15th 16th JUNE 2013

Venue : Dewan Tun Canselor (Grandhall), MMU

Organized by, Table Tennis Club Multimedia University, Cyberjaya Campus

MMU Cyberjaya University Open Table Tennis Tournament 2013

Name of Activity Type Date Venue Objectives

: MMU Cyberjaya University Open Table Tennis Tournament 2013 : Table Tennis (Team Event) : 15th & 16th JUNE 2013 : Dewan Tun Canselor (Grand Hall) of Multimedia University : i) To promote Table Tennis Game in Malaysia. ii) To foster the relationship among players around the states.

Participants Entry

: All high institutions only. : Players are required to register in teams. A team must consist of minimum and maximum 5 players. Registration fee is RM150.00 per team. Champion First Runner-up


: Cash prize RM 1,000 + Medals : Cash prize RM 600 + Medals

Second Runner-up : Cash prize RM 400 + Medals


1. Name of the Tournament MMU Cyberjaya University Open Table Tennis Tournament 2013

2. Organizer of the event Table Tennis Club of Multimedia University, Cyberjaya Campus

3. Rules and regulations a. The tournament shall be conducted in accordance with the current rules of International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). b. Other unforeseen occurrence, which is not covered by the ITTF rules, shall be dealt in accordance with the Organizing Committee where the decisions shall be final. c. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to alter the above conditions without any prior notice. d. Players are encouraged to wear same colour T-shirts as a team during the tournament. (WHITE colour T-shirts are STRICTLY prohibited)

4. Tournament Format a. The event shall be played in accordance with a new format as follow. Example for team game, Team Alpha vs. Team Beta 1st single 2nd single 3rd single 4th single 5th single (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. 1st single 2nd single 3rd single 4th single 5th single (V) (W) (X) (Y) (Z)

b. c.

The preliminary round will be in round-robin basis and the second round will be in knockout basis. Top 2 teams in each group in the preliminary round will be qualified for the second round (Quarter-final and onwards).

5. Scoring System This tournament will use 5 X 11 scoring system in each tie.

6. Eligibility a. A team MUST consist of minimum and maximum 5 players (Opened to both Male & Female). All players must be MALAYSIAN. b. Each team is restricted to have only TWO states player, NOT included NATIONAL player (Irrespective of gender). State Players will be accordance to the player list as published by TTAMs official website. (Status for State players will be counted from the year 2007 onwards) c. For a team that has 2 states players, the players MUST play for the First single and Second single. d. For the team that has 1 state player, the player MUST play the First single. e. Players must present their Student ID and also Identification Card(IC) upon registration.

7. Submission of Order of Play a. 45 minutes before each tie begins; the team manager of the respective team will be called to the Official Desk to fill up their respective line up form. b. All 5 players names of the players registered in a team must be filled up in the line-up form for each tie. c. The format of the sample line up form is as shown below: Tie Team 1 : _________________ A : _________________ B : _________________ C : _________________ D : _________________ E : _________________ vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. Team 2 : _________________

V: _________________ W: _________________ X: _________________ Y: _________________ Z: _________________ ___ : ___ ___ : ___ ___ : ___ ___ : ___ ___ : ___

Result A vs. V Result B vs. W Result C vs. X Result D vs. Y Result E vs. Z

Tie won by Team: _____

8. Distribution of points and classification of teams a. In every tie, 2 points will be given to each winning of the game. b. In round-robin, all matches in the tie must be finished. Top 2 teams with the highest points will be declared as the winner of the tie. c. Below is the occurrence of winning condition of round-robin:

i. ii. iii.

5-0 (Game 1, Game 2, Game 3,Game 4,Game 5) 4-1 (Game 1, Game 2, Game 3, Game 4,Game 5) 3-2 (Game 1, Game 2, Game 3, Game 4, Game 5)

d. In the second round (quarter finals and so on), the team, who first earns the 3 games, will be declared as the winner of the particular tie. e. Below is the occurrence of winning condition of second round (Quarter-final and onwards):

i. ii. iii.

3-0 (Game 1, Game 2, Game 3) 3-1 (Game 1, Game 2, Game 3, Game 4) 3-2 (Game 1, Game 2, Game 3, Game 4, Game 5)

f. The classification of teams in each group shall be decided based on points, i.e. 2 points for each tie won and 0 point for each tie lost. g. In round-robin, If there are 2 or more than 2 teams having the same point after all of the tie being played, the ranking in the respective group will be based on the following rules:


If 2 or more teams have won the same number of ties, the ranking will be decided by using the set to set ratio to determine the winner. If set to set ratio is unable to determine the winner, ranking will be decided by using the point to point ratio.



If condition (i.) and (ii.) still unable to determine the winner, the ranking will be decided by the flip of coin.

9. Constitution of grouping a. Registered team will be divided into 8 groups -- Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H b. In preliminary round, round-robin system will be employed. The top 2 teams of each group will be qualified for the quarterfinal. c. Starting from quarterfinal onwards, knockout system will be utilized.









C1 G1







10. Substitution a. No change shall be made after the Team Manager had submitted the Order of Play to the Official Desk. b. Official Desk have the right to disqualify the entire team who make changes personally on their players on the tournament day should the organizing committee found out that the player registered has been replaced by other player. There will be no negotiation.

11. Disqualification a. For any match that had been disqualified by the Head of Umpire, the team will concede a point from the opponent team. b. The Organizer has the right to disqualify any game, tie or team. c. All decisions made by umpire are final, should the umpire filed a complaint/report regarding players misconduct behaviour, and the organizer has absolute right to declare a winning point to the opponent as a penalty.

12. Walk Over a. Walk-over is strictly not allowed for all the participated teams after the first Order of Play had been submitted to the Official Desk. b. The whole team will be banned throughout the event if anyone of the teammates is caught breaking the rules and regulations which is a serious offence. c. Registration fees are not refundable for any walk-over team.

12. Appeal a. Appeal against a decision must be enclosed with a formal letter of appeal addressed to the organizing committee board, enclosed with processing fee of RM50 not later than 30 minutes after the decision is made. b. Board of Organizing Committee has the right to make the final decision.

13. Closing Ceremony Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up must attend the Closing Ceremony scheduled by the organizer. Teams who wish to witness the ceremony are most welcome.

14. Draw Lots Draw lots session will be held an hour before the team registration on the event day.

Registration Procedure and Guidelines a. This event shall accommodate up to a maximum of 32 teams. b. The registration fee for each team is RM 150.00. c. All payment can be made by:

i. Online transfer ii. Cheque iii. Cash

d. Registration is based on first come first serve basis. A complete registration consist of:

i. Submitted registration form ii. Successful payment

e. Please be informed that the registration form should be reverted to the organizer by either face-to-face submission or e-mail only, fax is not accepted. Please send the completed registration form and cash payment to the registration directors:


Eva Low Yee Hua (019-2947301)


Liew Li Yeow (010-9216743)


Liu Choon Hein (016-8664318)

f. For payment in term of cheque and online transfer, the amount should be made payable to the Treasurers account, the details are as follow:

Account Holder Account Number Identical Card No.

: LIU CHOON HEIN : CIMB Account 12830005500520 : 930325-13-6389

g. Upon receiving of full payment, receipt will be issued to the manager. h. Closing date for the registration is on 10th JUNE 2013.

MMU University Open Table Tennis Tournament 2013 Registration Form

Teams Name : Name of Team Manager Address

Contact Number E-mail *

* Please provide a valid email address for latest updates and file sharing purposes.

Registered Players No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reminder:

Closing date for entry is 10th JUNE 2013. Please attach photocopies of each players Identity Cards or Student IDs along with the registration form.

Players Name


I/C Number

Contact Number

Status N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S

* N = Normal Player, S = State Player

I hereby declare that the particulars above are true and correct. I am in good health and fit for the activity mentioned above. I have read through rules and regulations and agreed to abide them. I agree on behalf of the team that the organizer will not be liable to any way of mishaps, injuries or loss of life or the loss or damage to any property arising from the above activities.

______________________ Signature of Team Manager

________________ Date

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