01 - Angol Mondatok

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Well done! Good luck! What a pity! Are you sure? Mind the step! So far so good.

You look tired. Get into the car! This way, please. Let me explain it. It looks like rain. Like father like son Take it or leave it! Service is included. Do you still need me? Can I take a message? This is Rita speaking. Hold the line, please! I can hardly hear you! Take me to the Hilton! Remember your manners! Let me introduce myself! How do you like this skirt? What do you do for a living? My wife is expecting a baby. There is going to be trouble. Peter is very good at French. Could you repeat that, please? They were to come home Monday. Have you got the time, please? Can you spare us some minutes? Will you have a look at it, sir? Keep your fingers crossed for me! I think I deserve a bit of a rest. May I pull down the blind a little? What things can I take free of duty?

Jl van! Sok szerencst! Milyen kr! Biztos vagy benne? Vigyzat, lpcs! Eddig rendben van. Fradtnak ltszol. Szllj be a kocsiba! Erre jjjn, krem! Hadd magyarzzam meg! Lg az es lba. Az alma nem esik messze a fjtl Ha nem tetszik, hagyd itt! Az r a felszolgls djt tartalmazza. Van mg rm szksgetek? tadhatok egy zenetet? (telefon) Itt Rita beszl. (telefon) Tartsa a vonalat, krem! Alig hallak! (telefon) Vigyen a Hiltonba! Aztn viselkedj rendesen! Hadd mutatkozzam be! Hogy tetszik neked ez a szoknya? Mi a foglalkozsod? A felesgem gyereket vr. Baj lesz. Pter nagyon j francibl. Meg tudn ismtelni, krem? gy volt, hogy htfn hazajnnek. Meg tudn mondani az idt, krem? Tud rnk nhny percet szaktani? Vetne erre egy pillantst, uram? Drukkolj nekem! Azt hiszem, megrdemlek egy kis pihenst. Lehzhatnm a stttt egy kicsit? Mit vihetek magammal vmmentesen?

Do you feel like going to the cinema? How are you getting on with your work? How do you get on with your neighbours? How long have you been learning English? They escaped the injury in the accident. Is there anything else I can do for you? How long is it since you were in Berlin? May I use your phone to call for a taxi? Are you by any chance heading for London? Which platform is it for the London train? We should congratulate him on his success. Thank you very much for the flowers you sent. You may have this dictionary till next Friday. Shall I wrap everything together or separately? Please attach a photo to each application form. Would you keep the seat for me till I come back? I went to bed as soon as I had finished my work. Under no circumstances can we accept your report. Sorry, but you have given me one Euro too little. How long did it take you to learn to play the piano? It will be raining when we come back from the cinema. By the time we get there, the film will have started. While I was reading, my friend was listening to music. Shop assistants never like serving difficult customers. He took it for granted that I had received the invoice. I always listen to the news on the radio in the morning. All applicants for the job must fill in the correct form. The public is very concerned about the greenhouse effect. Could you please tell me where the nearest post office is? I hate playing tennis with my wife because she always wins. I suddenly realised that I was going in the wrong direction. My wife always gets very angry if I forget our Wedding Anniversary. You are looking at me as if the thought has never crossed your mind.

Van kedved moziba menni? Hogy haladsz a munkddal? Hogy jttk ki a szomszdaitokkal? Mita tanultok angolul? Srls nlkl kerltek ki a balesetbl. Tehetek mg valamit nrt? Mita nem voltatok Berlinben? Hasznlhatom a telefonodat, hogy hvjak egy taxit? Vletlenl nem London fel megy? Melyik vgnyrl indul a londoni vonat? Gratullnunk kellene a sikerhez. Nagyon ksznm a virgokat, amiket kldtl. Ez a sztr nnl lehet jv ht pntekig. Egybe csomagoljak mindent vagy kln - kln? Krjk, csatoljon egy fnykpet minden jelentkezsi laphoz! Foglaln az lsemet, amg visszajvk? Aludni mentem, amint befejeztem a munkmat. Semmilyen krlmnyek kztt sem tudjuk elfogadni az n beszmoljt. Elnzst, de egy Eurval kevesebbet adott vissza. Mennyi ideig tartott, mg megtanultl zongorzni? Esni fog az es, amikor hazajvnk a mozibl. Mire odarnk, a film el fog kezddni. Mialatt olvastam, a bartom zent hallgatott. Az eladk soha nem szeretnek kiszolglni problms vsrlkat. Termszetesnek vette, hogy mr megkaptam a szmlt. Reggelente mindig meghallgatom a hreket a rdiban. A munkra minden jelentkeznek ki kell tltenie a megfelel nyomtatvnyt. A nagykznsg nagyon nyugtalankodik az veghzhats miatt. Meg tudn mondani krem, hogy merre van a legkzelebbi posta? Utlok teniszezni a felesgemmel, mert mindig nyer. Hirtelen rjttem, hogy rossz irnyba megyek. A felesgem mindig nagyon dhs lesz, ha elfelejtem a hzassgi vfordulnkat. gy nzel rm, mintha ez soha nem jutott volna az eszedbe!

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