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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Music has been rendered as impermissible in both, the Quran and Ahadith. Below are few
examples which are sufficient to illustrate the impermissibility of music in Islam.
(1) Allah Taala mentions

9  ) :
9 !1* / ) ! 7
 8!56 34) 0) 01! 2
  /. ,% *    -  &, '  +  * &'(
 ) "
 %   !  
((From amongst men there are those who purchase lahw al hadith without knowledge,
to mislead from the Path of Allah and they ridicule it. For them there is a humiliating
punishment)). (Luqmn: 6)
The following great Commentators state that lahw al hadith in the above verse refers to
a) Abdullah ibn Masd radiyallhu anhu
b) Jbir ibn Abdillah radiyallhu anhu
c) Abdullh ibn Abbs radiyallhu anhu
d) Hasan al-Basr rahimahu Allah
e) Ikrimah rahimahu Allah
f) Ebrahim an Nakhi rahimahu Allah
g) Maymoon bin Mahran rahimahu Allah
h) Qatada rahimahu Allah
i) Sad ibn Jubayr rahimahu Allah
j) Mujhid rahimahu Allah
k) Amr ibn Shu`ayb rahimahu Allah
l) Ali ibn Badhmah rahimahu Allah
m) Habeeb rahimahu Allah
n) Makhl. rahimahu Allah
o) Abd al Kareem rahimahu Allah
p) Ibn Zakhr rahimahu Allah
q) Ataa al Khuraasaani rahimahu Allah
The two greatest commentators of this Ummah, Abdullah bin Masood and Abdullah bin
Abbaas (radiyallhu anhuma), used to take an oath and say that this verse refers to
[Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah 5/132, Al Mustadrak lil Hakim 2/211, Sunan al kubra lil Bayhaqi
10/223, Ad Durr al manthoor 8/76, Al Hawi al Kabeer 17/388, An Nukat wal uyoon 3/332,
Tafseer Ibn Katheer 6/330, Tafseer al Qurtubi 14/52, Tafseer al Baghwi 6/283, Tafseer al

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

lubaab libni Adil 13/10, Tafseer al Khaazin 5/145, Tafseer at Tabari 20/127, Zad al maser
5/105, Maarif al Quraan 7/28, Dhamm al malahi 5-6, Ahsan al fatawa 8/380]
(2) In Surah Bani Israeel, Allah Taala mentioned to the devil

(64) (( D.... 7
 - / )   @
 A B! +    = 4 >% + ))
((And gradually befool those who you can from them with your voice (songs, music
etc).) (Bani Israeel 64)
The following illustrious commentators opined that your voice in the above mentioned
verse refers to music
a) Mujahid rahimahu Allah
b) Dhahaak rahimahu Allah
c) An Nasafi rahimahu Allah
d) At Tabri rahimahu Allah
e) As Suyuti rahimahu Allah
[Tafseer al Baghawi 5/105, Al muharrar al wajeez 4/258, Tafseer an Nasafi 2/209, Ad Durr al
manthoor 6/297, Tafseer Al Bahr al muheet 7/372, Tafseer al lubaab 10/340, Tafseer at
Tabari 8/108, 17/490, Maani al Quraan lin Nuhaas 4/172, Adhwa al bayaan 3/230, Tafseer
al Qurtubi 10/288,14/52, Ruh al maani 11/11, Tafseer al Jalaalain 1/372, Al Ikleel 144, Ahsan
al fatawa 8/381]
(3) The third verse which proves the impermissibility of music is the concluding verses of
Surah Furqan where Allah has enumerated that one of the outstanding qualities of His
slaves is that they distance themselves from music.

3 J G    &,- G  !HI F G4 E! )# 

  !  1&
((And they are those who do not witness Zoor, and when they pass by futile activities,
they pass in a dignified way)) (Furqan 72)
The following illustrious Commentators are of the opinion that Zoor means music
a) Mujahid rahimahu Allah
b) Imam Abu Hanifa rahimahu Allah
c) Abu Jafar rahimahu Allah
d) Muhammad bin Hanafia rahimahu Allah
e) Makhool rahimahu Allah
f) Ikramah rahimahu Allah
g) Abu al Jihaf rahimahu Allah
h) Hasan Basri rahimahu Allah
[Tafseer al Baghawi 6/98, Tafseer Ibn Abi Hatim 10/375, Ad Durr al manthoor 7/377, Tafseer
at Tabari 19/313-315, Tafseer an Nisaburi 6/68, Fath al Qadeer 5/294, Zad al maser 4/484,
Tafseer Ibn Katheer 6/130, Ruh al maani 14/147, Ahkam al Quran 3/427, Al Mabda sharh
al Maqna 10/290, Maalim at tanzeel 4/251, Ahsan al fatawa 8/382]
(4) Allah rebukes those who listen to music in the following verses

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

(62) )# )*   &, )#K

) + !M (61) E! )# + / )O6! (60) E! 5N   ! E! 5N$
  (59) E! ) K
 A  "
 % !10  L M! 6!
((Are you astonished at this recitation (the Quran)? And you laugh and do not cry,
(Wasting your time) in vanities (music). So fall in prostration to Allah and worship him)) (An
Najm 59-62)
The following distinguished commentators suggest that vanities refers to music..
a) Ibn Abbaas radiyallhu anhu
b) Abu Ubaidah radiyallhu anhu
c) Ikrimah rahimahu Allah
d) Mujahid rahimahu Allah
e) Baydhawi rahimahu Allah
[Zad al maser 5/448, An Nukat wal uyoon 4/195, Tafseer al Qurtubi 14/51, Tafseer al
Baydhawi 5/245, Fath al Qadeer 7/85, Tafseer Ibn Katheer 7/468, Tafseer at Tabari 22/559,
Ruh al maani 20/44, Bahr al uloom lis Samarqandi 4/217, Tafseer Abd ar Razzaaq 7/13,
Ahsan al fatawa 8/381]
(5) Another verse which could be cited is the following

(32) R, + T + SR 

  !M E! !J ) OI OQ4 )-  P%  !
((And go not close to unlawful sex, verily it is a fahisha (anything that that transgresses its
limits: a great sin) and (it is) an evil way.)
Music plays a great role in stimulating ones emotions, lusts and passions and also leads to
various physiological disorders. This is a proven concept in psychology. Our pious
predecessors also understood this well.

(106 [ / 11 Y) X UP  , E\] ^A_ (51 [ / 1 Y) X U0V WH

ELi* j6 * d = V #L` - /0 -I ka# : bc d h # * a# : bc d ;fg a# : bc d #L` a#
m V W#  m  n #4 mg lP OoM  /JI S6 k-  : lc # - #4 bc : bc d Ui,
O4 S*q  EoM d f r KM ;,*M #- s /J EoM d Nf 'A>  'A> d Lp * : OoM d
Yazeed bin Waleed An Naqidh (rahimahullah) has advised: Oh Bani Ummayah, save
yourselves from music, as it would decrease your modesty, increases your lust and
demolish your morality. It would create within you the fondness of wine and it will lead you
to do what a drunken person does. If (as a last resort) you really have to listen to music
then, at least save your womenfolk from it for verily music leads to fornication. (Narrated
by Ibn Abi ad Dunya in dham al malahi and Al Bayhaqi in Shuab al Iman)

(105 [ / 11 Y) X UP  , E\] ^A_ (56 [ / 1 Y) X U0V WH

'(M bc : bc d t  # * - ;fg ka#  : bc d h # * a# : bc d ;fg a# : bc d #L` a#
O4 ScF  : u* Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

Fuzail bin Ayaaz (rahimahullah) has said: Music is the catalyst to zina (Narrated by Ibn
Abi ad Dunya in dham al malahi and Al Bayhaqi in Shuab al Iman)
The Ahadith are also explicit and clear concerning the prohibition of music. Listed
hereunder are a few authentic Ahadith. We have cited the referances for all the Ahaadith
and where need be, we have elucidated on the chains (in Arabic). This will be
appreciated by the academics and will not be a means of confusion for the laymen.
If a hadith was narrated through more than one chain, we have merely indicated to the
other chains and did not mention the same hadith with different chains as different
Ahadith (as was the practice of Muhaddithoon).

jN vc - SB* a# -w - #4 - t  # * a# #x - Sc#y a# FL* - W0 bc (1)
 z-1J  h { A_| 7 -6 6 * -6 za# bc { A_| /} - t  # * a#
w x) "#gd =AV Lp  g g E,$f Wc6 6  ON bP /,+ ,* h ,y
,*q ; #f  N /KAV n B  $$y n E - + n qq -  $$y n F2 
(UPV n 4Kf
(1) Ab `Amir (or Ab Mlik) al-Ash`ar (radiyallhu anhu) mentions that Raslullh
sallallhu alayhi wasallam said:
((Indeed, there will be in my Ummah such people who will regard as permissible for
themselves fornication, silk, wine and musical instruments..)) (Narrated by Imam Bukhari
in his Saheeh, Abu Dawood in his Sunan, Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh, Tabrani in Mujam al
Kabeer and Musnad ash Shamiyeen and by Dalaj in Al Muntaqa)

'?>- S-ws qF   .  @>, M FJ1V "#g U,* W4 - rqF 1 u *s   @,c
f> n E  6  (449 [ / 1 Y) X > S#P  (216 [ / 3 Y) X ,A ,  w,M
/ 2 Y) X N (I qq  + ^1  UBP ; #L(434 [ / 4 Y) X E P- E P
(- X A    I Fq 18 [ / 1 Y) X /,f ,*  _  /P -s (227 [
*   j6 - 7 * " -  * y - SA * f* - A a# #A+ - h # * a# (2)
 O -  X/,+ ,* h ,yX h b+F bc bc { A_| 7 j6 * { A_| /} - t  # *
mq P /  'A uF| / h f V =AV- / +F ,* 4A   - Lf Lp 6
1J  + n UP    N  n F2   $$y n E -  + n w - rF). =p
SM A n /AO -  ; #f  N /KAV n B  >? n  _  -  :q|  E\s ^A_ n
- E L* ,* "#  #0_ 1 P   bc  n U, LKA n  *s -     S-$?
(-./,+ ,* h ,yX  * / * h F S* 7 - vO6 #A+ - ' + f- - h # * ;?

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

(2) Nabi (sall Allahu alayhi wasallam) has said: ((Indeed, people will change the name of
wine to consume it and play with musical instruments, Allah will cause the earth to swallow
them and change them into monkeys and swines)) (Narrated by Ibn Majah in his sunan,
Ibn Hibbaan in his saheeh, Al Bukhari in Jami al Kabeer, Al Bayhaqi in his Sunan, Al Aadaab
and Shuab al Iman, Ibn Abi Shaybah in his Mussannaf, At Tabrani in Al Mujam al Kabeer
and Musnad ash Shamiyeen, Al Baghwi, Ibn Arabi etc)

- E L* * f - b0 * L*| * #P # * - h # * a# N :PA - q * a# (3)

;L,fV  'wF bPM . 1c f fx S| r10 bc X/,+ ,* h ,yX h b+F E6 ;?
10 bc  1  w x) . FLp @- _ =AV P HI bc H  h b+F 
X/,+ ,* h ,yX  * -+ - t  # * * L*| * "#g 10 {F #c .^ } "#
1J r#f n    " q#- F 'H " n FK - "> n mqF f" n # w x  + 
bc #P # * - h # *   . - *M  ;? - E L* * " U0V WH " n O# 6 - w x6
" ^ P " n Mg * bc 10 h # * E6 } Ec#y wF  . * f - b0 * L*| ka# :
 "#g O#  - Y x .. - # f "#g f  M "B (6 EJ M - UF #y"
:  . /0} *  S-$?  * (A-  (A- #  x
:;A - bc . A n 01 >A 10 1 N- -  * mqc * 4 N- -   - *M  vO (1)
" "#g  ":"^ P" n K - bc  Mg- v
  ! :F2  bc .A :#t6 bc .U- v
* w x6 . * U,K   L* - /y* ka# U2 f #c M   . r - *M  U,0  S6 -6 (2)
#c M * @-a - U,*
n E - bc .A M #c M * 01 bc . |  B  #t6  . - S6 6 * U2 f
bc d2 f #c M * "#g z KA  EBP bc. ""#g n - v 2 f #c M ":";  "
d- v bPM 2 f #c M * : @+ bc #= - qt O : - EL,+
t  # * -   X A -6  .  * F#NV - #L` * A -6   . - *M  S* (3)
",x +6 S+qf  A" :"^ P" n Mg bc dr  s #t6 EJ : -6 * bc X #f
bc - - s bc O ;A - * 'PO UF# ELi* E } >A( * # #y #L` - y bc
-  /,f  Y x 1J  Pi n E - r JH SPa kBcF# bc SPa ;A - * F? - p # *
n   w x * W= 6 * /,+6 - #= - t  # *   . - *M  #*f #A+ - ' + (4)
N /KAV n B  r#f n #t - # *  r#f
 F L #* -  '+ V . '+  $y rq+I  . P J1  X +  -+ - t  # * (5)
>? n S _ -  "> n mqF f" n # w x

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

 * 'wF * E+ 6 - Ef a# : bc qq -6 + - EL,+   . r *M  m  0 6 * (6)
d /f 1 'w  } EPa wF E 0
bc + LJ A M #c M M  . +  UA2 /0 -I  ^fV - #A+ * "#g 10 #t Y x 
$? '+ V -+ - "# Syx  d S#PV "q |  >A #  I /(O HI N d 01
6  . A_| 7 6 "#  #0_   L+s  .- YK s ? "#g E6 18 7 M d #f
{ x6 #0_   d  L* - h # * "#  y #PM  b| B
(3) Imrn ibn Husayn (radiyallhu anhu) narrates that Raslullh sallallhu alayhi
wasallam said:
((In this Ummah there will be [people who will be] sunk into the earth, deformed, and upon
whom stones will rain from heaven.))
When the Sahb enquired as to when will that be, Raslullh sallallhu alayhi wasallam
((When singing girls and instruments of music will appear (become prevalent), and wine
will be drunk.)) (Narrated by Tirmidhi, Ad Dani, Ibn Abi ad Dunya, Ruyani and others. This
hadith is narrated with numerous chains)
NOTE: Because of being narrated through seven different chains, we could have narrated
this same hadith as a minimum of seven different Ahadith (as is the practice of
Muhaddithoon, In fact, Ibn Abi ad Dunya and others did mention this very same hadith as
over seven Ahadith because of the different chains). Nevertheless, we have sufficed by
mentioning it only once, and explained all the various chains in Arabic.

:bP 7 - vO @A : bc d U,K  - - ^ _ a : bc d /y* -a : bc d U,* -  L*a# (4)
. S ? #* SOF SLAO #* F4 : m x O# n EOA, Ey : /,+ ,* h U,y h b+F bc
bc  . Pa wF F1V  ULi bc  /AO -  UP    q  -  U+#PV (  F4  w x)
(a ^ _ F4  #= ? n Mg
(4) Anas bin Malik (radiyallhu anhu) mentions that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has
((Two voices are cursed in this world and the hereafter; Music at the time of happiness and
wailing at the time of calamity)) (Narrated by Al Bazzar, Adh Dhiyaa al Maqdisi, Ibn
Murduyah, Al Bayhaqi, Abu Nuaim and others. Allama Haythami and Allamah Mundhiri
both said: The narrators are reliable i.e. this hadith is authentic)

: V bc
iJ WJ ,* bq LJ  4   S ?P s  0 q V : F bc /V fN-  4   S 0))
( ? X {N SFK S NV 210 [ / 4 Y) X #P M) ((   

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

h # * - -w * d B* * d , 6 - a : bc d '*I - ( a : bc d SM * - fg a# (5)
*  * @ I bPM . #- /,+ ,* h ,y h b+F 1x6 : bc d * - t  # * * d
:w _ rw S ? #* y d EB_ 4  ^A SLAO #* y :  wM ;Pt6 ;y
n $B  r#f n #t - # * rF 1J.f "# 10 bc  1  w x) ."#g EB_ SOF
 ws  :qs  E\s ^A_  + n UP    Sf _ n    r#f n F4   Fas A _
d  - #t6  P n #A+ -  JF#f n /Jg  U0V WH n O#  -  O B q  

N  .WJ M , 6 - t  # * - #L` M ULi bc  >? n S _  -  U,yV ,A-6
(YK  y  M Sa}] n /P - S  ^?O n UA,4 r c6 "#g 10 1  f
(5) Abdur Rahman bin Auf (radiyallhu anhu) narrates that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) has said:
((Verily I have been prohibited from two asinine and evil voices: a voice at the time of
happiness; play, leisure and MUSIC..)) (Narrated by Abd bin Humaid, At Tahawi, Al
Bazzar, Al Baghwi, Al Bayhaqi, Al Aajuri, Ibn Abi ad Dunya, Al Hakim, Ahmad bin Manee,
Abu Yala al Musily, Ibn Abi Shayba and At Tirmidhi said that this narration is hasan(good
and sound)

+ 1 "#g n V bc  BO

- #4  t  # * - /+P * d #4 - U,* * d S(M - Y > a# : bc qq -6 a# (6)
$ 6 ;VA, StF {#0 kiA- 'w 4* h EI : /,+ ,* h ,y  bc : bc d S6 6 * SA
B  r#f n #t  r#f n UfB w x) . S,0 6 ^,? Ea| d 4V d =AV
 d S,g /AO -6 d r# - d E>+ - fg.,(M /,A E- w n  # * - N /KAV n
vO6 * FK - #?PV S} n ULi 4w n ^_s  "   S- LJ Fg  r#f n  
Y M M  A 0 d #4 - ,* M : Li bc P- rq+ v :  # * - bc  Uf >A
w x  PM U,* M x    w w x  .A 0  U Ux ELA - S(M  - w x  7 - vO6 * d Ff - #= - b0 a d bc #+ - /0 -   /AO -  UP  
* d vO6 - h # * * d 7,V # * j6 * d S O - Y  a# : bc d  _| - K_   O#
a# d bc SwO - #L` - h # * #L`  * O B q  
n  w w x S6 j6 * d r#w
rF  d ^ 6 - U,* * d r#w * d -6 * d #L` - >Aw * L* - + a# d :PA - q *
- #L` O d #+ O d SwO - h # * O d E - h # * a# bc (B) " w N- 6 "# " n
=AV 4V h kiA- " : bc d  * d ^ 6 - U,* * d Fg * d $+I 6 * d  M
  : _  'i rP+ sI O# n # *   s 4A- F /fc6 d FLp S,0 n # A @OJ  Ea|
d / w /t    rP+  'i rP+ sI  ,PA s  y  # *  Pf s 4A- F /fc6 d / w /t 
Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

 M E-  S '06 : h bc : bc d #P m n rI h rP+ sI  SM # *  *# s F /fc6
6 *  > - #L` a bc #A+ - #+ i  a# 'N n #* - c+ 71- h /  N
 Ea| =AV 4V $ 'w4* F kiA- /,+ ,* h ,y  * U,* * Fg * $+I
/ w /t    : _  'i rP+ sI O# n # *   s 4A- F /fc6 FLp S,0 n # A @OJ
# 6  *# s F /fc6 / w /t   y P+  'i rP+ sI  ,PA s  y # *  Pf s 4A- F /fc6
L * h UF 71- h /  N M -  S '06  EJ #P m ( n 0I rP+ sI h SM
(h _ E fg  S*L r1 wFq @PFM
(6) Abu Muawiyyah (radiyallhu anhu) narrates that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has
((Verily Allah azza wa jall has sent me with guidance and as a mercy to mankind and
(inspite of this) he ordered me to obliterate musical instruments, idols, the cross and things
of ignorance)) (Narrated by At Tayalisi, Ahmad, At Tabrani in Mujam al Kabeer, Ibn Abdul
Barr, Hassan Bin Sufyaan, Ibn Munda, Abu Nuaim, Ar Ruyani, Al Harith, Al Ashyab, Al
Haythami, Al Ajuri, Ibn An Najjjar, Ibn Adi and others. This hadith is hasan li ghairihi (good
because of a few corroborating chains)

a U_c  h # * - #L` a 'JV - ' + SL?* -6 a {F2 - P> ' + - #t6 ?O -6 a# (7)
/,+  ,* h ,y  * : * h UF S6 6 *  L* - /y* * U2 f #c M a EL,+ - >Aw
n   M ' P- >f2  =x 2f #c E$ ?M   : _  WA ,* S| r10  Wc @  : bc
mFK  ? / ,* @,+F6  EM k- F#- S,, fx EM k - S,, fx PM $ ?  M Fq
/ , c EJ  @>fO LJ / >fM /PA   / ,* @,+F6   Wc ,* @,+F6 LJ mFK @,+F6 LJ
 fM { x6 S,?x JH  : bc /  / ABc  P /0H   g / f   -  / ,J6  Lp / 1J  " ^}  " n  y| x| f n vB p r#f n O# 6 - #t6 w x6 .
"# 10 bc  $$y /Jg UP   q  - F n Jf* - S,g n /AO -6  UfB
10 ,* 01 r c6 rw LoM #c M M >Aw  /,f _ ,* $y
(7) Abu Umamah (radiyallhu anhu) narrates that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has
((A group of my Ummah will spend a night in food, drinks and party, they would wake up
the next morning deformed into swines and few tribes would be submerged into the
earth, people would wake up saying: The earth has sunk in the locality of a certain tribe.
And stones would be showered upon them as it was showered on the nation of Lut. A
devastating wind will be sent on them and scatter them as it did to those before them.
(The reason for this) will be due to drinking wine, devouring interest, adorning silk, KEEPING
SINGING GIRLS and breaking family ties.(A narrator says: Another quality was mentioned
which I cannot recall.) (Narrated by Ahmad, Ibn Abi ad Dunya, Al Kharaeety, Al Isbahani,
At Tayalisi, Abu Nuaim, Ibn Asaakir, Ibn Mardooyah, Al Bayhaqi, Al Hakim and others. Al
Hakim graded it as authentic mentioning that it fufills the conditions of Imam Muslim.)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

44A # * - #A+ * d /,f - # Ox6 d /0 -I - $+I a# d q=| #L` - h # * Ox6 (8)
b#* d OH6 n A yI 'AKM : bc d F mF= y L* - : bc d MO * d + - EL,+ * d
1N0 : bc d d  B wF d s : @,c L,M d /AO : bcM Lf6 MO  : bP d 'Aw  B *
N /KAV n B  $$y n E -  qq - w x) . ,A> /,+ ,* h ,y h b+F @6F
U0V WH  F n O#  -  #A+ -  w E\s ^A_ n UP    r#f n #t  +s 
U+ f> n LJ " $y "# " : Uf ?O - #L` '(> -6 Mg bc $y c A- (*  J 
(8) Nafi (Rahimullah) narrates that Ibn Umar (radiyallhu anhu) heard the (sound of the)
musical instruments of a shepherd. He immediately placed his hands in his ears and
changed his route and continuously asked: Oh Nafi, Can you still hear? (Nafi says): I
constantly replied in the possitive. When I finally said that I could not hear, Ibn Umar
resumed his route. Thereafter, Ibn Umar mentioned: This is what Nabi (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) did. (Narrated by Abu Dawood, Ibn Hibbaan, At Tabrani in Al Kabeer and Al
Awsat, Ahmad, Al Bayhaqi, Al Haythami, Al Aajuri, Ibn Sad, Ibn Abi ad Dunya in Al War
and Dham al malahi and others. This hadith is narrated through chains which are
authentic. Abul Fadhl As Sulamy also said that this hadith is authentic)

*  L* - /,+  ,* h ,y  V  EJ  : c F4V S -I ,* p 1 Wc   #c
 * Eq  *L+ W  E| ? s b| : ,c  4 ,* NO| *L+  AMO L* - 
 ` 8_  ,*  w  LfV f ;- m qK+ n  P> M 1 Lf } L+s
#w  Lf 1 0 LfV /H #+ 'P  { *  *6 , A HI } : A h bc OH6 #+
O| * ?  BPO SM A I Sw /,+  ,* h ,y - E| Lf #w I L* -  10
-M * ? BP OH6  A y M  s  B I w N /,M OH6 #+  B * b#*
S,c F>N m iN FNO] ENI ' c 6  w FNO] N L m K b6 n EJ ,A,M FNO] 6 Sw$,
(49 [ / 12 Y) X N  ) W+] '06
W q+6  q+6  1 'i SV  M ,* v, 1 'i bc "#g MF  L* - h # * * (9)
(#>  #4 L) .Pa wF B rF .SP
(9) Abdullah bin Amr narrates from Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has said: The
similitude of a person who sits on the bed of a singing girl is like that person who is
devoured by a black snake from the black snakes of the day of Qiyamah. (Majma az
Zawaaid with reference to At Tabrani. Allamah Haythami said that the narrators are

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

w  - #L` a# d A -6 t  # * a# d #A+ -6 a# d u* - '(M - m# * -6 a# (10)
/J6 O6 d + * /,+ ,* h ,y h b+F EI : bPM SA  Bx : bc SA  EfJ * d
 g d Y d  f q,w d ^01 d A d ? d  d  :   EI s6 d  *
(.Pa # 6 bwF q+o- B rF.F?x- Uf rF :@,c r#f n U,A - rF)
(10) Kaisan, the freed slave of Muawiyyah (radiyallhu anhu) says: Muawiyyah once
delivered a sermon in which he said: Oh people, verily Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
prohibited seven actions and I also prohibit you from: (The nine actions are)... music
(Narrated by At Tabrani and Abu Yala in his Musnad. Allamah Haythami said that the
narrators of one chain are all reliable)

* U,   - vc ka# bc S\1- - U,* * E>+ a bc #t6 -6 a bc F- - #L` a# (11)
bc . S-N fV Lp W 6 U,* W h EI .. : bc /,+  ,* h ,y h b+F *  * -
 + n qq - w x ) ". ' B " bc S-N * S\1- - U,* @fM E>+ bc . W Nf 'J
n #t  + n UP    Fas A _ n $B  r#f n U,yV U,A -  $$y n E -
(U0V WH n O#  -  LKA n PV -  A-F n U+B  S- _s  r#f
(11) Ibn Abbaas (radiyallhu anhu) narrates that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has
said: Verily Allah has prohibited wine, gambling and the drum. Thereafter he said: And
every intoxicant is forbidden. (Narrated by Abu Dawood in his Sunan, Ibn Hibbaan in his
Saheeh, Abu Yala Al Mausali in his Musnad, At Tahawi in Sharh Maani al Aathaar, Al
Bayhaqi in his Sunan, Ahmad in his Musnad and Al Ashribah,At Toosi in his Arbaeen,Ibn Al
Muqri in his Mujam,Ibn Abi ad Dunya and others. This hadith is authentic

WH n O#  - bc 1J . ? ' B 0 : (S-N) N  n Uf bc Fi bc U(

The above mentioned Ahadith are all authentic and sufficient to use as evidence.
Nevertheless, hereunder we have cited a few more Ahadith with varying status. Although
some of these narrations are relevantly weaker than those that were quoted above, they
nonetheless lend strength to the prohibition of music.

bc bc ^H - S? c * #N 7 - K *   6 - N- 6 * mV -6 SP- a# X (12)
Fq EM k- F#- fx bPM $ ? =x Wc mq c Wc S| r10  NM /,+ ,* h b+F
 g   FLp : - bc 7H  h b+F  c # - f E\ Ew  L- EM k(> n qt - /AO w x ) .mF4  =AV- : (
(12) It is narrated from Qubaisah (radiyallhu anhu) that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
has said: A group of people from this Ummah will be changed to monkeys and a group
Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

(will be converted to) swines. People will awake in the morning and remark that the earth
has sunk in the locality of a certain tribe and also in the locality of so and so tribe. While
two people are walking, one of them will sink. Sahabah enquired the reason of all this.
Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) replied: Because of drinking wine, wearing silk and using
musical instruments. (Narrated by Nuaim bin Hammad in his Al Fitan)

- #L` * #A+ - *  S(M -6 S(M - Y > a# {1  h # * - y a# (13)
m * v 6 @,AM HI X/,+ ,* h ,yX h b+F bc bc ^ j6 - ,* * ,* -  L*
6   mJ4 L SO| sq /V EJ HI bc h b+F  0  'PM .    ' S,?x
'w  W J6 /HF6 WP /*= EJ #wfV y| @A>F r-6 >w P#y - 6 * w= 'w 
F 7H #*  P,M 6 S| r10 x A =AV P 1  g v  FLp @- _ r _ SM
s ^ } "# 10 1  bc  O#  -  > n # 1  w x . 2f >fx 6  t
- Y > } {F?O| #A+ - * rF # 6 /,AO s w 10  sI ^ j6 - ,* "#  M AO
 #  } J * rF #c > ' c  >A "#g '06 A- M /,N #c S(M - Y > .S(M
bc  = - >A N : 01 bc  . S(M - Y M A( A : F1V  Uc A bc  .SL|
^,P E - bc A S(M - Y > bc ^  - U,*  #L` EM BP "# 10
# * "#g 10 {F #c kBcF# bc - YK s ' s S$$? #O+s- S0 EV 4, #O+s
6 "#  #0_  N "#g 10 kA >` } J #A+ - * #A+ - #A+ - t 
(',A n kBcF# r JH LJ (6 S* * 1  #* m  0
(13) It is narrated from Ali (radiyallhu anhu) that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has
said: When my Ummah engages in fifteen actions calamities will befall them. Thereafter,
Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) enumerated all these actions. Amongst them were:
.And they will take singing girls and musical instruments (Narrated by At Tirmidhi, Ad
Dani, Ibn Abi ad Dunya.)

d#4 - U,* * d = - h # * * d:6 - O6 d  6 - #A+ a# d:6 - a# (14)

h "A- sI } mPA- y 'wF MF  :bc d/,+ ,* h ,y h b+F E6 dS6 6 * d/+P *
/KAV n B w x) . @N+   @Nf rF#y ,* LP*- E- (  N ,* Ef, ;OB.>A Pa 0# 6 bwF #O+- B rF ULi bc U0V WH n O#  -  U,A -  N
(14) It is narrated from Abi Umamah (radiyallhu anhu) that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) has said: Never does a person raises his voice to sing except that Allah sends
upon him two Shaytaans (devils) who sit on his shoulders and kick his chest with their heals,
(They continue kicking him) until he stops, whenever he stops. (Narrated by At Tabrani,
Abu Yala, Ibn Abi ad Dunya and others. Haythami said: At Tabrani has mentioned this
hadith with different chains. The narrators of one of the chains are such that some have
classified them as reliable, while others weakened them.)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

- /y* * d vc a d q= - mq * a d S _ 6 - ELi* - #L` a d fg - #t6 - #L` a# (15)
,y  @A M S#V /,+ ,* h ,y  ,* @#c : bc d F=| - F * c _6 * d S#
h ,y h b+F bPM d

 _6 Lp EP 4*  @J  : @,c @L,+M d /,+ ,* h

* d F1V -6 W+ rF SL,f W F 'c : /y* bc F  7P>y h v6  : /,+ ,*
W a| #A+ - #L` a d FL #L` - #L` a d #t6 - EL,+ ra# ,i F * d ' 6 * d /y*
#+| ' -6 :/  dF * S* rF) r d F * d ' 6 * d /y* a d F1V -6 W+ a d
- ;?g -6 (6 B #* E  -6  S-$? /KA n Oc -  N n B /J  #t6 #*
( /J$, F#fV n LJ * h F  * - rF #c S-$? SM A n /AO 6 #* Ec -4
(15) Dhiraar bin Al Azwar mentions: I came to Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), took a
pledge and accepted Islam. Thereafter I said: I abandoned music, (listening to the songs)
of slave girls. Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) replied: Allah Ta'ala will ensure that your
deal is profitable, Oh Dhiraar. (Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Nuaim Al Asfahani in his
Marifah As Sahabah, Hakim in his Mustadrak, Tabrani in Al Kabeer, Ibn Al Qanie)

: bc d ^ -6 /y* - F  # * a# : bc d h # * a# : bc ;fg a# : bc #L` a# (16)
,y  * d ^ j6 - U,* * d U,* j6 - q * * d ULL t  # * * d * - '*I a#
  S> ,* '+  S>B- f d =x S> d mq c 6  S> f\ : bc O6 /,+ ,* h
(U0V WH n O#  - w x).M#- -  d EP 1 d  g f  d Lp - _ /- /PA
(16) It is narrated from Ali (radiyallhu anhu) that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has
said: Allah will disfigure a group from my Ummah into apes and another group into pigs.
He will cause a group to sink (into the earth) and on a group he will send a devastating
wind. (All this will be) because they will drink wine, adorn silk, take singing girls and beat
the duff (a simple type of drum) (Narrated by Ibn Abi ad Dunya in Dham al malahi)

6 - q * * d U+# W0 a d W] L* - l> a d ^0 - $+I O d E-6 - #L` a# (17)
d fV d Lp : S+ W /,+ ,* h ,y  E6 d  * - * d FfV - S _ * d U,*
* s d U,* 6 - q * sI FfV - S _ * "#g 10   S-N d # d 4V d =AV
 y - FL* - #L` M ULi bc +s n B w x) L* - l> : - q > d W0 sI q *
(.$? bwF wF SP-dM *6  F4  _
(17) Ibn Abbas (radiyallhu anhu) says: Verily Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has
prohibited six things: wine, gambling, music, blowing in the horn, beating the duff and

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

drum (Narrated by At Tabrani in Al Awsat. Al Haythami said that he did not know one
narrator, otherwise all the others are authentic)

- ?O a ULP> F> # * -  L* a =  Fg - $+I a q L - l> - #L` a# (18)
SA-F - ^,BV * 'MO - Fg - h # * * q= 6 - #4 * * - N- -6 7 _ "A_| 6
10  bPM } y HI ', A- n f rF>+ A- n /,+  ,* h ,y h b+F L- dbc
bPM ... PM  E6 * : g {= ... ... * , F b4 s ... , wF FB 'wF HoM M
-  L* sI "A_| - ?O * "#g 10   *q / w FO n L *q fJF S> n L fJF / ,
(/ M *6 S* M ULi bc +s n B w x) F> # *
(18) Al Muttalib bin Rabiah says: Whilst Rasullullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was
traveling one night, he heard the sound of someone singing. Rasullullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) enquired as to what was happening. When he looked, he found one person
singing while conversing with another person. Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) prayed:
Oh Allah, throw them into fitnah (trails and tribulations) and leave them totally in the fire
of hell. (Narrated by At Tabrani in Al Awsat)

-  L* - EL,+ * d q= 6 - #4 * d '(M - #L` d  w a# d S _ 6 - ELi* a# (19)

;,wF LfM d >+ n /,+ ,* h ,y   J : bc d m= - 6 * d b0 -6 ka# : bc d [ |
h ,y h b+F bc PM  E6 * : g {= * b4  F b4 :  ? bP # 6 E
L *q dfJF S> n L fJF6 / , : bPM : bc d EM EM  'PM : bc 10  : /,+ ,*
-  L* - EL,+ * d q= 6 - #4 * d '(M - #L` a# d S _ 6 - N- -6 a# *q F n
,y h b+F  OJ /6 # d UL,+| m= - -6 d O6 b0 -6 F# r10 :F ka# : bc d [ |
bPM d wF d /0M d Lp W
E6 ' c 7H d L+M 'wF WPM d  MM } ALfM d /,+ ,* h
n F4   U,yV U,A - rF) r J1M d bP 0 d x # 6 ^ E  d EM EM 10 :
P,M r x- P, EJ q= 6 - #4 ? s = - bc" q#fV bc n  >? n S _  -  r#f
>A EI #4 bc O6 PfA Mg *  #c O P /,f  {F SA-F| -   q= 6 - #4 @,c
U(P s = - c  Uf b bc  - #  'J E6 W4, M > ' c  / (A- "#  *V m J1 : n k> bc 1J "L * h UF  * - "#  #0_  bc 
(B w x  *
(19) Abi Barza (radiyallhu anhu) We were on a journey with Rasullullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) when he heard the sound of two people singing in communication
Rasullullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) enquired as to who they were. When Nabi
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was informed he prayed: Oh Allah, throw them into fitnah
(trails and tribulations) and leave them totally in the fire of hell. (Narrated by At Tabrani in
Al Awsat)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

- F  a# dF+| ;Nf - + a# d NfA /0 -I - F # * m# * -6 a# (20)
qAf - h # A- HoM dSMN @#c /,A ^, n @w x :* bc d#Af * * dfg * dS(M
- A /,*  S*f, '0 dt  # * -6 :@,PM. I #_FM * @fM dSMN '06  ;:@,c d/,+ ,* h ,y h b+F * @+ L* k+ d#A+  :bPM dfw {+M 8N EJ S*f
 E6   _6 S*f W*6  EI

bPM S*f - A /,*  S*f, '0 dh b+F 

(.A 0 ;Nf - + M ULi bc N  +s n B rF) "#g d=AV
(20) Ati As Sadi (rahimahullah) said: I went out in search of knowledge until I came to
Kufa where Abdullah bin Masood (radiyallhu anhu) was leading the people. I enquired
of his whereabouts and was directed to him.. (When I reached) I asked: Oh Abu Abdir
Rahman, (Abdullah bin Masoods nickname) Are there any signs of the coming of
Qiyamah? Abdullah bin Masood immediately sat up and replied: Oh Sadi, I asked that
very same question to Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
said to me: (After enumerating a few signs)...And from the signs of Qiyamah is that
musical instruments will become common. (Narrated by At Tabrani in Al Awsat and Al

h # * a# d * - '*I a# d #_F - qq a# d #c /i - /0 -I /+P -6 a# (21)
/,+ ,* h ,y h b+F : bc * h UF d ^ 6 - U,* E6 d + - B * d EL (O B q  
n  w w x) . mF4 y ' B ^A # : *
(21) Ali (radiyallhu anhu) mentions: Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) prohibited the
beating of the duff, playing with the drum and the sound of musical instruments.
(Narrated by Al Aajuri in his Tahreem an nird wal khamr)

) * : F) # / ,* &' v

9 6 HI :bc /,+ ,* h U,y h b+F E vO * F (22)
n # UPV   n Uf) .  f-  f b w - b w   >J
) =AV )  g ) Lp
( vO6 * L,# d F /Jg * PO bLA J
(22) It is narrated by Anas (radiyallhu anhu) that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has
said: When five actions become apparent in my Ummah they will become liable for
destruction :..( One of these actions is), music (Suyuti and Al Muttaqi Al Hindi
mention that this hadith is narrated in At Tarikh of Al Hakim and (also narrated) by Ad

* d#  # * - # a# dU??V #A+ - EL a# dU??V Uc  # * - a# (23)
,* h ,y h b+F y6 :bc dqAf - * dSLP,* * d/0 -I * dm * d-F # * - m f

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

- w x).. / M =AV  6 HoM d=AV    ;L,fV  *q  m*q ^w6 .. :/,+
(. r} zBcF# >A #A+ - EL M : Li bc N /KAV n B S,g n /AO
(23) Ibn Masood (radiyallhu anhu) says: Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) advised me
(Amongst others), and accept the invitation of any Muslim as long as they do not make
apparent any music. And if they do make apparent any music then do not accept their
invitation (Narrated by Abu Nuaim in Al Hulyah and At Tabrani in Mujam al kabeer)

 P   x d SOs # 10  ^01  b6 EI :bc /,+ ,* h U,y h b+F E F (24)
=AV / M s d +F h :  w+ sI O4 Wc =K+  d M x s  ,?+ d m?
s d U  >O  sI N s d /0F?-6 @L* sI   04  JF s d /,c @Ly sI d 
) .  N E N s d M A EM A s d /,c @fNO sI NV * U   AV- s J 
.(a# L* Uf h # * - 'y * Jf* - * PO bLA J  
(24) It is narrated that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has said: Verily the first thing to
vanish from this religion is trustmusic wont become common except that their hearts will
die (Suyuti and Al Muttaqi Al Hindi mention that this hadith is narrated by Ibn Asakir)

# * 0 t  # * - /+P * #4 - ,* * = - h # * * ( - N- a# S c a# (25)

0  s P A  s bc X/,+ ,* h ,y h b+F * S6 j6 * t  # *  t 
 {    ) S r10 ,* @4O6 7H 'i . W    M mF x s 0L,A s
/+P "#  {  I ^ } "# 10 bc  1  w x .S x I (h ' + * '( "#g
- ,* SPa /+P bP '*I - #L` @A bc "#g A( #4 - ,* SPa /+P .S6 j6 *
B a# bc E>+ a bc r#f n {#Lg c+ 1  B n U,A A- #w  @,c .A( #4
bc X/,+ ,* h ,y h b+F E6 S6 j6 * t  # * j6 /+P * = - h # * * ^, V -6
n F UAV -6 #f '(> -6 c+  .  I L+s s d 0 _ s  A- s SV  ' s :
- U,* : M v bc  .S6 j6 * , P M] h # * * d ^, V j6 * d /y*    #fV
(.t  # * 6 /+P s , #4
(25) It is narrated from Abi Umamah (radiyallhu anhu) that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) has said: Do not sell or buy singing girls and do not teach them (songs). There is
no good in doing business of them and there income is haram. (Narrated by Tirmidhi,
Humaidi and Abu al FadhlAn Nuri)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

- vc * d N# * * dE>+ * dS? c a d y - mFL* - #L` a# : r#Of n F4  bc (26)
- bc X' B :kA XS-N fV SV W O6 /,+ ,* h ,y  * d * - * (   )
(F4  * y  ,PO) . W Nf 'J : d *
(26) Ibn Abbaas (radiyallhu anhu) states: Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has
prohibited (the consuming of) carrion, gambling and (beating a) drum (Al Busairy relates
this hadith from Al Bazzaar)

6 - #A+ * d UA ( EL,+ - >Aw O : bc #A+ - S c O : bc = V #L` - E# * a# (27)
h EI : /,+ ,* h ,y h b+F bc : @c d S* * d -+ - * d " * d x6 * d =F
>Aw sI =F 6 - #A+ * "#g 10    I L+s d  L,A d   d  A- d SP W
" d  JH  #w6 Ea M :Li bc  +| /KAV n B  O#  - w x) EL,+ (v# 0 /,+ j6 (27) Ayeshah (radiyallhu anha) states that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has said:
Verily Allah has prohibited singing girls; selling them, their price, teaching them and
listening to them. (Narrated by Ibn Abi ad Dunya and At Tabrani)

iJ 6 - * d UL qq - EL,+ O : bc # - - O : bc q=| ( - #L` a# (28)
P O# U(P s g- kiA- 1 : bc /,+ ,* h ,y  * d m  0 6 * d SL,+ 6 * d
d Y f JF f @6F HI : bc h O  H  : c . 1P d fV d fp /
bw  z+ d S(> ^01 :  '06 SO n E,?V : _ d F4 q - # _ d P iJ
n B rF)  w f  w ,*  AM r#- 6 d #A+  M#+M d f- f d bw (  0 UL qq - EL,+ M ULi bc +| /KAV
(28) Abu Hurairah (radiyallhu anha) states that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has
said: By the oath of that being in whose control is my life, this world will not terminate until
sinking, disfigurement and raining of stones does not take place. Sahabah (radiyallhu
anhum) asked: When will this take place, oh Nabi of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)?
Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) replied: When you see women riding camels, and
singing girls become common He thereafter signalled with his hand on his forehead
and covered his face. (Narrated by At Tabrani in Al Mujam al awsat)

d -6 * d #L` - >Aw * d L* - + a d :PA - q * a d SwO - #L` - h # * a# (29)
# * :  s F /fc6 d 4V fN- @iA- : /,+ ,* h ,y h b+F bc : bc U,* * d r#w *
: /,+ ,* h ,y h b+F bc  F> 6 #A- -1A d Lt SP W h rP+ sI  O# n

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

@$f  @ O O#- S 'x# s E6 h ,*  d @$+ SO4 ^fJ d W kV SV ^fJ
(UAM N- | O-  #>)
(29) Ali (radiyallhu anha) states that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has said: I was
sent to break flutes , Thereafter Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: The earnings of
a singing male and female are haraam (Abu Bakr As Shafi in Al Ghailaniyyaat)

# * - #4 a d Uf| h # * - 44A # * a d UBPf '(> - #L` a d #t6 - EL,+ a# (30)
h b+F E6 d * h UF d :Bp - L* * d #4 - ^f * d S>?x - #4 * d U,M 7,V
 d ^,N  'i   d W  I  d W 0} d @$+ SP  : bc /,+ ,* h ,y
( y| /AO | S-$? SM A) - 6 FM @$f ,* Lg @ O LM d @$+ ^,N
(30) Umar (radiyallhu anhu) states that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has said: The
wages of a singing slave girl is illegal, her singing is haram, and to look at her is totally
forbidden (Marifah as Sahabah of Abu Nuaim Al Isbahani)
Mentioned above were a few Ahadith related from Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
Read on further to see the views of a few senior Sahabah and Tabieen (radiyallhu
anhum ajmaeen).
NOTE- Many of the following statements are also in the category of marfoo (being
transmitted from Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). This is because it is not possible for the
human mind to produce any of these verdicts. It is inevitable that the Sahabah heard
these from Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Therefore, Muhaddithoon give it the same
status as marfoo.

# * SLix -6 a# O# j6 - #L` - h # * a# E>y - ;fg O O6 E - - ;fg -6 Ox6
@   : qAf - h # * bc bc /0 -I * qt * /Ng * S A_ * F#} a# sc L* - h
S _  -  =  # * w x  *M  s S?g qq - Y x) F4 V @  LJ ^,P >
- U,* Mc Sf n  #t *  AV- s n bp -  rF  /0 - U,* *BP #_F - LA 
U,* *BP qAf - U,* Mc m,? F#c /A n = V ?O - rF /0 - U,* *BP  qAf
*M  UP   rF u* - '(>, 4 r4*   - bc m  0 6 vO6 * UL,# w x6 A
-  U0V WH n O#  -  N SO-s n SB  - qAf - U,* >c qAf - U,* Mc 
n #O+| y6 : 0 - bc E\s n qAf -    W+ - /+P  fO 1J 6 { ?y
c A bc . b  M d /f 1 ( W+ ) _ } Pa / ,J qq  bwF /0 -I bc  O6 7H

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

Fx  " c } q+o- #f 10 F #c  ": UP   bc  . /f  rq+I E| $y } AMF :
. c O " E> , Sa}I " n /P -
Abdullah bin Masood (radiyallhu anhu) has said: Verily music causes hypocrisy to grow
in the heart as water causes plants to grow.(Bayhaqi, Abu Bakr bin Khilaal in As Sunnah,
Ibn Nasr al Marwazy in Tazeem qadr as salaah, Ibn al Batta, Ibn Abi ad Dunya in Dhamm
al malahi, Ibn Sasri and others.)
Numerous Scholars opine that the above statement is a statement of Nabi (sallallahu
alayhi wasallam). However, even if we accept it as a statement of Abdullah bin Masood
(radiyallhu anhu), it will still be on the same status of the proclamations of Nabi
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) since a statement of this kind cannot possibly be made up by
the human mind. Also, keep in mind the following hadith of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi

(f "# 10 .bc  1   #t w x) rc#?M qAf - /Na# 
((Believe and accept whatever Ibn Masood tells you!!)) (Narrated by Ahmad and
Tirmidhi with a good chain)

W # d W S-N : bc * h UF d  * - * d /_0 6 * d SO* -6 a# : q#f bc
(M$, SA ^BV n PfA K -  N n UP   ) W 4V d W =AV d
Ibn Abbaas (radiyallhu anhu) states: The drum is prohibited, the duff [also pronounced
as daff; the first is more eloquent) is prohibited, musical instruments are prohibited and
flutes are prohibited (Al Bayhaqi, Al Mutalib al aaliyah li Ibn Hajar)

# * - mF+ *  L* - E>y a d : bc YKg - #P # * mV -6 a d : bc FN- - E L* a#
10 ^ 6 0w -_ @J : # - bPM B  J1M # t  # A- 4O /6 : YKg - h
r*q6 @,AKM ( b @M r}6  b0 - ,*| # * A 6 - (, W=s O6 : 
: @,c # -  : bPM ( b '>+6 n 0 /,+ ,* h ,y  ^ y f- - h # * kALfM
7 7,06 :- >f E6 I d h _  ,* 74 W 10 @4 76F I : bc E>y -6  7 
=AV :  Lp : _ U> /I Wc 2fL h d q P /B2J /Bx 6 p  >J  M
(| zN n s# rF) =x mq c ON
Abdullah bin Busr (radiyallhu anhu) has said: By the oath of Allah, a group of people
will be disfigured whilst they are drinking wine and playing with musical instruments until
they become like apes and swines (Narrated by Ad Dulabi in Al Kuna wal Asmaa)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

E6 d mF6 - #* ka# d W+ - #= * d W+ - SA a d S- -6 a d U??V m# * - #L` a#
,AKM d >O I LwM d  M  EJ #y I mF4M k-  c A- I q  Y x d 7 - *
E,$f Wc : 7 - * bPM S| r10  bw# :$y6  E J1  : 'wF bPM d Ea#$
'AM : bP E6 / ,c 7_ d Ec=  d E ? LJ E ?M d /NA E,P =AV  g Lp
d * ENL s d - Pg bw# Y x HI d c=F s O ?O   EJ  d 1J 1J - h
(; #f B rF) /L*6 I / w
Adi bin Artaar (rahimahullah) narrates that Auf bin Malik emerged from Damascus
heading to a village of Bani Fazarah to visit a friend of his who resided therein. A group of
people gathered around him and a discussion ensued. A person enquired: Who can
mention something regarding the followers of Dajjaal. Auf bin Malik (rahimahullah)
replied: They will be a group who regard wine, silk and music as permissible (Tabrani
narrated it in Musnad Shamiyyeen)

^J bc U*=| * F4> $+I 6 *  - ^fV O EL,+ - h# * O $+ - #t a#
 'wF / fJ 7-6 / + 7 I ,J vLp -6 7 /fc M -J # - L*  44A# * - L*
SP  W 7-6 L?x iJ6 LM ' f - ;JfV  j P H b+  h M ;L,fV
7 4  7 "A-6 E6 @L #P W+s n S*#- 4V =AV F I rL?x iJ  K NM
w x) / A 'J ;L,fV WA n  Syx  Fq W 'J 'A 44A# * - L* EJ bc f S
($y r#+ 10  | S, n /AO -F f
Auzai (rahimahullah) mentioned: Umar bin Abd Azeez wrote to Umar bin Waleed:
and musical instruments is an innovation in Islam (Narrated by An Nasai and Abu
Nuaim and the chain of narrators is extremely authentic)

: bc d L*| * d - O d E>* - U,* - ;fg O d F>? '*I O6 d E - - ;fg -6 Ox6
 P* M  d { x| ,* ,wF {# I M  d r ,* UP,f /J# 6 ;>6 s : h # * bc
(E\] ^A_ n UP  ) E P #
Abdullah bin Masood (radiyallhu anhu) has said: I should not find any of you lying on his
back with one leg over the other raising his voice in songs and abandoning the Quran
(Narrated by Al Bayhaqi in Shuab al Iman)

 N # * * d K_ - E  O d  - #t6 d 6 ka# d O# 6 - h # * O d ;fg O6 : bc
UP   rF ) * f M d :   ,* N* d #KfV K0 #c 'w  /6F HI : bc F4
( E\] ^A_ n
Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

Abdul Kareem Al Jazari (rahimahullah) mentions: When you see a person abandoned the
Masjid, and spends his time on music and wine, then dont even ask about him (Narrated
by Al Bayhaqi in Shuab al Iman)

bc : bc t  # * - ;?g ka# d #L` - h # * O d E>y - ;fg O6 d E - - ;fg -6 Ox6
( E\] ^A_ n UP   rF ) 4 ScF  : u* - '(>
Fuzail bin Ayaaz (rahimahullah) has said: Music is the catalyst of zina (Narrated by Al
Bayhaqi in Shuab al Iman)

6 * d #M  #L` - /0 -I ka# d O# 6 - h # * O d E>y - ;fg O6 d ;fg -6 Ox6
m  n #4 d g lP OoM d  /JI d S6 k-  : c # - #4 bc : bc Ui, ELi*
 EI f r KM d ;,*M #- s /J EoM d Nf 'A>  'A> d Lp * : OI d m V W#  d
(E\] ^A_ n UP  ) 4 S*q
Yazeed bin Waleed An Naqidh (rahimahullah) has advised: Oh Bani Ummayah, save
yourselves from music, because it will decrease your modesty, increases your lust and
demolishes your morality. It will cause you to incline to wine and cause you to do what a
drunken person does. If (as a last resort) you really have to listen to music then, at least
save your womenfolk from it for verily music leads to fornication. (Narrated by Al Bayhaqi
in Shuab al Iman)

(Sf _ n  )4w  ^ 6 d  -| I : ^fV - #A+ bc

Saeed bin Al Musayyab (rahimahullah) claimed: Verily I hate music and I love rajaz
(name of a poetical meter) (Al Baghwi in Sharh as Sunnah)

sc SLix -6 L* - h # * a# O# j6 - a# E>y - ;fg O O6 E - - ;fg -6 Ox6
bc 0 J6 * 6 bPM  * #L` - /+P EfOI b+ : bc L* - h # * * /,+ - a#
(+ n P   w x) . 'A L 6 '   g h 4 HI x6 -  O : bc 0 W 6
A person asked Qasim bin Muhammad (rahimahullah) concerning music. Qasim bin
Muhammad (rahimahullah) replied: I forbid you from it (and let me tell you) I really abhor
it. The questioner asked: Is it haraam? Qasim bin Muhammad (rahimahullah) replied:
Oh my nephew, if Allah had to separate truth from falsehood in which category would
you put music? (Narrated by Al Bayhaqi in his Sunan)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

d F B 6 d ' B fN d 'w  * h # * -6 @+ : bc / a# d $+I E6 d EF0 6 - #L` x6
- N- -6 rF) U_ 74, v d ,J 10 fJ : h # * -6 bc U_ 7H n ,* d  Nf 6
( NV * U   AV- | bp
Ishaq (rahimahullah) stated: I asked Abu Abdillah concerning a person who breaks a
drum, mandolin or (pours out ) the wine of another person, is there any compensation
compulsory upon him? Abu Abdillah replied: You should destroy all of these and nothing
will be compulsory upon you! (Narrated by Abu Bakr bin Al Hilaal in Al Amr bil Maroof)

( U0V WH n O#  - rF) U_ n ;L,fV S+  # v : fg bc
Hasan Basri (rahimahullah) mentioned: The duff is not from the sunnats of Muslims in any
way (Ibn Abi ad Dunya in Dhamm al malahi)

# * ?  F2 ) .SV S  w6 r J O6 /0 -I * /+c 6 * Fi * =  # * Ox6
(S _  - ?  = 
Abi al Qasim narrates that Ibrahim (rahimahullah) abhorred the income of mourners and
singers. (Bukhari ,Musannaf Abd ar Razzaq, Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah)

: m# * M q= d SV w6 r J O6 A * #x 6 - '*I * J m# * a# bc N- -6 a#
(S _ 6 - ?) .,J E6 ^ 6  bc
Abu Khalid narrates that Shabi detested the wages of a singing girl. (Musannaf Ibn Abi

.SV S$ w6 r J O6 fg *  L* * #A+ - a# bc N- -6 a#

Amr narrates that Hasan did not like the earnings of a mourner and a singer. (Musannaf
Ibn Abi Shaybah)

- MF bc : bc d #4 - #L? # * a# : bc d h # * a# : bc d ;fg a# : bc d #L` a#
d m6 V  m6 V d SV d S$ d m f : SP W / I 'w 4* h  s SA-F6 : #V l>
(U0V WH) E4g b - M E4 7H Fq6  : bc
Rafi bin Hafs Al Madani states: Allah wont look at four people on the day of
Qiyamah(one of them is).. a singer (Dhamm al Malahi)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

d #4 -6 a# d SA - E  a# d ,g /AO -6 a# d U??V  PV #L? # * - #L` Ox6
N- | NV * U   AV- |) ,* '? S r#*   : bP d s$N @A : bc
(bp Abu Yazeed says: I heard Makhool say: Whoever dies and has a singing girl in his
possession, no salaah (janazah) will be prayed on him. (Al Amr bil maroof of Abu Bakr Al

. f r#? dF4V OH d A O c EB : mqc : /  d ,f  iJ bc #c
(^wF -s F  M) . *M  X S6 6 "#  7H F
Qatada (rahimahullah) has said: The devils Quran is poetry, his Muadhin is musical
instruments and his net is women. (Fath Al Bari of Ibn Hajar)

(q AV E*)  $ I F L ^01M : J bc

Shawkani (rahimahullah) claimed: The vast majority of Scholars were of the opinion that
music is forbidden. (Aun al mabood)

(LN, 1 A )  $ I SA-F| ^01V '06 SL| F ^0H

Allamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri (rahimahullah) asserted, The vast majority of Ulama
including Scholars from all four Madhabs maintained that music is forbidden. (Al Arf as

E,x# s SNV : bPM q y O6  _ * ULA HA * h # * - fg * '(M - a#
(S _ 6 - ?) .q M Muaaz Al Ammi (rahimahullah) said: When Shurai (rahimahullah) heard the sound of a
duff he remarked: Verily the Angels do not enter a house in which there is a duff
(Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaibah)

s : bP #+ @A O6 : SLix bc : bc SL,+ - E L* * E>+ * #  - #A+ - a#
.q M - SNV 'x#
Imraan bin Salimah (rahimahullah) mentioned: Khaithamah (rahimahullah) said to me
that he heard Suwaid (rahimahullah) saying: Verily the Angels do not enter a house in
which there is a duff (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaibah)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah


Below we have cited the Fataawaa (verdicts) of Scholars from all four Madhaaib. You
may notice that in each madhab, references have also been given from the most
authoritive works (in that particular madhab).

6 ,AM sc A h L tF #L` + -M =AV  8_ r} ,* ,6 LM / Mx O 0
(f V) NV * U d  AVAn example of this is their difference on a person who destroys the musical instruments of
another person; Imam Abu Yusuf and Muhammad opine that a person wont be
responsible because his action is inviting towards good and forbidding evil. (Al Mabsoot)

(F2  $y _ FP m#L*) L( s #t6 7 UAM #L` + -6 bc
Imam Abu Yusuf, Imam Muhammad, Imam Shafi, Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad were of
the opinion the (if a person breaks the musical instruments of another person) he would
not be responsible. Nor is it permissible to sell any of these items. (Umdah al Qari)

(F qF) . =AV fN- EL( W#* n Lc ,* {> E|

(It is mentioned in Bahr) The fatwa is on the opinion of Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam
Muhammad that a person will not be responsible for breaking the musical instruments of
another person (Radd al muhtaar)

(F qF) *  WP S?AV E| =AV - S0 J rO

An example of it is the prohibition of selling musical instruments, because sin is done with it
directly (Radd al muhtaar)

d NV * rO  AV-  O| #* M EL s OoM 6 ( =AV fJ n / Mx 10 'y6 : c )

J _ Pg ; )

This difference is based on their difference in breaking someone elses musical items,
Imam Abu Yusuf and Muhammad opine that a person will not be responsible because his
action is inviting towards good and forbidding evil. (Tabyeen al haqaaiq)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

#* 0 +J ,* EL s O| 0} F4V ' B #J U0V F+ ,* Bc s $B _ n bc
+ 'wF U {> n bc BP W#* n S _ 7H F?M   n F?c ^wM #L` + 6
S  @NLM  , ,? 4, ,? LJ O| BP s O6 F2V M L,N m * f 0 m4, 
(c# J _ Pg ;  ).
It is mentioned in the Sharh of Tahawi that the hand of a person who steals any musical
instrument wont be cut because there is no responsibility on the person who breaks it
according to Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad. This necessitates that musical
instruments do not have any value. It is because of this neglect that his (the person who
steals musical instruments) hand wont be cut. It is mentioned in Fatawa al Walwalijiyyah
that Ulama differ on the ruling of a person who steals the drum of warriors that is
equivalent to the value of ten dirhams. The preferred view is that such a persons hand
wont be cut because just as that drum could be used for war; it could also be used for
futility. So theres a doubt (therefore his hand wont be cut). (Tabyeen al haqaaiq)

d ", -6 P> bc +6F n r fNM =AV  8_  A- # n {6F O6 L* - h # * * F
_ Pg ; )  , EJ HI ' B # n ,* EL s OI sc #L` + -6 E6 UN 1 10
(c# J
It is narrated from Abdullah bin Umar that when he saw musical instruments in the hands
of a person he took it and broke it on that persons head. Faqih Abu Laith mentions that this
is mentioned from Imam Abu Yusuf and Muhammad that a person will not be responsible if
he breaks the musical instruments of another person if it was for lahw. (Tabyeen al

. NV * rO  AV-  O| #* M EL s OoM d ( =AV fJ n xs xs 10 O
(S# _ SA)
An example of this difference is the difference regarding a person who breaks the
musical instruments of another person; Imam Abu Yusuf and Muhammad opine that a
person wont be responsible because his action is inviting towards good and forbidding
evil. (Al Inaayah)

>M m4 ' 6  , ' ' B- q V d 0 fJ I :#O #c =A r10 E| ( F4 s ' s q s )
(m m 0) . (6 M Bc s O6 F2V d x
(And a person wont be responsible for breaking) any musical item because it is
preferable to break these items. The meaning of a drum is that drum which is used for
entertainment. As for a drum which is used for war there is difference of opinion; the
preferred view is that in this case also a persons hand will not be cut. (Al Jawharah an

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

y :qAf - bc. NV FNOs /HI - / ,* 'x# dW  ,J U0V E6 SfV @q :Y f n
^?c : (J U0V y L+ :S=4  n :@,c.  V @  LJ ^,P n > @    ,
dSLA- 6 >J  H1, fM  ,* , S?A U0V L+ :Wf m? ,* P W r
F V dLf s UJ ^ E6 ^w 'J ^wM d N_ s SLA- >J ,ws ,x  } I F ?M
F2V F#).r r N f> JH  M  : A FA_6 * #* OH6 n A y6 'xq6 Wf m? ,* O6
(F q It is mentioned in As Siraj: and this masala (leaving from an invitation in which there is
music) alludes to the impermissibility of all futile actions. Therefore, a person can enter
without permission to refute their wrong. Ibn Masood said: The sound of Vain talk and
music causes hypocrisy to grow in the heart as water causes plants to grow. In Al Bazazia
it is mentioned: To listen to music like a pipe etc is haram because of what is (attributed
to) Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) To listen to music is a sin; to sit for it is fisq and to
derive pleasure from it is kufr Using the limbs for actions other than why Allah created is
SO THAT HE DOES NOT HEAR ANY MUSIC, as narrated that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
placed his fingers in his ears when he passed by music. As for Arabic poetry, if it has fisq, it
would be makrooh. (Ad Durr al muhtaar with Radd al muhtaar)

; ) . N 0 EJ HI m*# S-wI 4, s O| 0 ( M 0 ( E6 ' c } ^A 0 EJ EI
(c# J _ Pg
And if there is futile play and music at a invitation (which he knows of) before the
attending then he should not attend, because it is not compulsory to accept an invitation
if there is vice (Tabyeen al Haqaaiq)

$ ) u > 10 ScI *  6 s /HI - / ,* 'xq6 =A 4 Lf rFq n : + -6 bc
(c# J _  
Imam Abu Yusuf has said: If a person hears music in someones house he can enter
without permission (to stop this wrong). I wont stop people from fulfilling this obligation (of
preventing evil) (Al Bahr ar raiq)

NV  E| /HI - / ,* 'x#,M =AV 4V y Fq n E- NV  bx# EJ HI M
(   ^  n ? #- ) .u M
If a person hears music at someones house and intends to change this wrong, he could
enter with no consent because changing a wrong is compulsory. (Badaai as Sanaai)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

(S#) =AV - r N O6 {  s6

Dont you see that it is forbidden to sell musical instruments? (Al Hedayah)

(F qF) d  *  WP S?AV E| =AV - S0 J rO

And the example of this is the prohibition of selling musical instruments, because evil is
carried out with it directly. (Radd al muhtaar)

/,f  M >s- W1V ^A,  ,  O| \

n x M  6 P bc  n WN b|
 A '06 bP - \
S> 6 ^01 L _ q*|  *| n  ',P =KM   
(F2  $y _ FP m#L*) 7 ^01  F V 0 0 J UAM ^01
Allamah Badr ad Deen Al Ayni (rahimahullah) mentions: The first thing we will discuss is
with regards to singing. Qurtubi (rahimahullah) stated: There is no difference of opinion on
its prohibition because it is a futile pursuit and a contemptible amusement. As for those
which are free from impermissible items, a little of it is permissible on weddings, eid etc.
OPINION OF ALL THE SCHOLARS OF IRAQ, and the madhab of As Shafi is that it is disliked
and this is the famous opinion of the Maliki madhab. (Umdah al Qari)

$y _ FP m#L*) x - r NLM w K?  O= n : ( 1 # 6
(>V mc   F2 
Allamah Badr ad Deen Al Ayni (rahimahullah) says in another place: As for the duff
common in our times which has castanets and bells, they are makrooh with no difference
of opinion. (Umdah al Qari and Mirqaat al mafateeh) Allamah Badr ad deen passed
away in 855 (AH)

s 'P EJ EI q _ q  >+ 1 M ,A EV r  # EJ  UAM bc O4 ScF  'c
S w|  * EJ EI r N * r N y q K EfO] } S  n  bc q _ q 
F| + =AV ? F B qAJ Lp F_ FA_  0 S- B s-  S0 J #_6 EJ
(-?V mN _ >V mc ) S g   $y E w  n W * 1J W
Mullah Ali Qarie (rahimahullah) mentions: It is said that music is the path to fornication.
Imam Shafi (rahimahullah) has ruled that if a person persists on (listening to) music and he
is surrounded by singers (in our times, music cds etc) then this is such an act of stupity
which will cause his testimony to be rejected (in the court of law). But if he hears

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

seldomnly, then his testimony wont be rejected. And An Nawawi (rahimahullah) says in
Ar Raudha: For a person to sing merely with his voice with no instruments is detestable
and to hear it is makrooh. And if he is hearing from a strange woman, it will be even more
detestable. And singing songs with any instrument is a quality of those who drink wine and
it is haram. As for the reed there are two opinions; Al Baghwi (rahimahullah) has preferred
that it is also forbidden. (Mirqaat al mafatih)

Wf m? ,* P S?A W 7H  ^(P- : (J U0V y L+ E2c {M n
(-?V mN _ >V mc ) >N   H1, fM  ,* , S?A U0V L+
In fatawa Qazi Khan (it is mentioned): To listen to any musical instrument like the pipe etc
is forbidden and a sin because of what (is attributed) to Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam):
To listen to music is a sin; to sit for it is fisq and to derive pleasure from it is kufr (Mirqaat al


.0 J W $M NO } n LJ W =AV E6  N S0 J   A E4w N  # E6 w 
( qF# , N )
And the preferred view is that a duff and kabar (a drum which is close on only one sideLisan al Arab) are both permissible for marriage but it is detestable to hire them out. All
types of musical instruments are forbidden out of marriage hence, it is forbidden to hire it
out. (As Sharh al kabeer by Shaykh Dardeer)

 bc A #  : vO - bc. >A 7 7H r J d  A n  ,J =AV # mFwI U  s
?2V ',J] Y) FwI = E6 U M r  A n - -6 1 # 6 : vO -. 7H 4
It is inappropriate to hire out a duff and all musical instruments for a wedding, Imam Malik
detested that and weakened the opinion -Ibn Yunus says: The meaning is he weakened
the opinion of those who say it is permissible.-Ibn Yunus also said: As for the duff since it is
permissible to beat it on a wedding, it should be permissible to hire it out.(At Taj al ikleel li
mukhtasar al khaleel)

(',x  ? _ n ', ^0) . r}  A n =AV M# r J OI SO#V n 7 bc 0
The opinion of Imam Malik which is mentioned in Al Mudawwanah is that it is detestable
to hire out the duff at weddings and other occasions. (Mawaahib al Jaleel)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

mFwI 6 d M FwI S -I  A n # : S -I  W4, s  * JH   J r J N E6 zAV
(U_ 2, ',x ? _) .= s OoM  *| } n 4AV
And the meaning is that Imam Malik disliked that a duff be hired out for nikah. It is not
necessary that it be permissible to hire it out because of the permissibility of beating it (at
weddings). As for other musical instruments it is totally not permissible to hire it on occasions
besides nikah. (Sharh Mukhtasar Al Khaleel of Al Kharshi)

=AV #  ( 4A d ) b- J S w  UV F#V 0 d > #c b# /(- ( q  J ) r J (  )
U0 'c NO 6 (  A )  0 J ,* - Bf q*| F4V 'LM U0V =AV  0 bc
( N   ,* Uc+# S_ ) .  J =w 0=w  W4, s d N n m4w
It is abominable to hire out a duffand musical instuments on weddings ...and it is said
that it is permissible for weddings, however the permissibility of beating it does not
necessitate the permissibility of hiring it out. (Haashiyyah of Dasooqi on Al Sharh al

6 ( LJ : c ) M 0= bc V M  0 N- bc V Mx  A n 6 ( W =AV E6 : c )
n d S0 N = Esc L M N n N # E6 '?$M L W LJ 6 =AV N #
n S gM N } n 6 d  N n FwI ENM  $wF6 0 d S g mq4- bc6 Saa =AV
,* Uc+# S_ ) . . r >+  W#P Ep SPPA 'L N } n : c #  sc L
( N  
And all musical instruments (duff, drums etc) are haram meaning) on weddings in
contrast to those who say its abominable or even permissible. The result is that there are
two views regarding a duff and kabar in a wedding; permissibility and detestability, and
there are three opinions regarding musical instruments, the preferred view is that it is
haram therefore hiring it out even for nikaah would not be permissible. As for occasions
besides nikah like for Aqeeqah, returning from a journey etc, there is only one opinion (i.e.
there is consensus) that it is haraam. (Haashiyyah of Dasooqi on Al Sharh al Kabeer)

(U_ 2, ',x ? _) . .  ,* FK8+s W $M S L+ S #LAV E6 yx
In short, the preferred view is that it is forbidden to listen to musical instruments, therefore it
will be impermissible to hire it out. (Sharh Mukhtasar Al Khaleel of Al Kharshi)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

 $wF6 0 S g mq4- bc6 Saa =AV n d S0 N = Esc M N n N # E6 ,y
S_ >+  W#c 6 6 Ex 6 SPP* n EJ  #  sc L n S gM N } n 6 d
(20 [ / 9 Y) X ?  ,* ?
In short, there are two views regarding a duff and kabar in weddings; permissibility and
detestability, and there are three opinions regarding musical instruments, the preferred
view is that it is haraam. As for occasions besides nikah like for Aqeeqah, haj, returning
from a journey etc, there is only one opinion (i.e. there is consensus) that it is haraam.
(Haashiyyah of As Sawi on Al Sharh al Sagheer)

r}  A n =AV M# r J6 SO#V n * h UF 7 bc 0 d E0 N L M ,AM  x J 
(',x ? _ ', ) .
Abandoning it is better than carrying it out. Thus, both are detested and this is the opinion
of Imam Malik which is mentioned in Al Mudawwanah (that he said): I hate the duff and
musical instruments on weddings and other occasions. (Manh Al Jaleel)

(P S+F) d U0V  _  s ........ 7 ' s

And it is not permissible for you to..listen to futility and music. (Risalah Al Qiranwi)

rF O6 NLM q _ qF }  ,* q6  : /Ng # * - bc. r N O#* S- s  : F=V
- 71- M * EI S$ SV kV mq _ q  : 7 bc SO#V . m V P+ ,* L,*
(',x ?2V ',J] Y) . S+fp ,* b# 71- F _s d 71- /0F _
Al Mazari said: Songs with no instruments is detested according to us. Ibn Abd Al Hakm
has said: Whoever becomes habitual on music his testimony would be rejected. It is as if
he deemed this to be a sign of a person lacking any morals. In Al Mudawwanah it is
mentioned that the testimony of a male and female singer and mourner would be
rejected if they are known for these acts -the condition is that they must be known for
carrying out these acts- Being known of these actions denotes upon the lowliness of a
person. (At Taj al ikleel)

 W 8_ W HI h E6 }p F4V qAJ : B s ,i = s  /,A ,* mFw] E6 kA
(U_ 2, ',x ? _) {
Taking a wage for teaching the method of singing or (teaching) the use of musical
instruments is not permissible.because of the narration Verily when Allah forbids a thing
he forbid earning through it. (Kharshis Sharh on Mukhtasar Kaleel)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

W  ^,P 7 $  M 1 BPV ? 0 #V ; fN- (  )  (6 7 ' ( s )
(P #= 6 - S+F ,* # J>) . 0 N EJ sI ?- 1,  S- EJ  *
And it is also not permissible for you to listen to musicit is forbidden to listen if there are
musical instruments or from such an individual from whose voice pleasure is derived,
otherwise it is makrooh. (Al Fawaakih ad dawani)

,* ? S_ )  , 'J U , #w iN HI >- O#* LfV (   mF4 ) r J (  )
And a clarinet and horn is detested.if a person does not persist until it diverts him
completely. [Otherwise it will be haram.] (Hashiyyah As Sawi)

(?  ,* ? S_ )   W

And it is haraam to listen to music. (Hashiyyah As Sawi)

(S#V '06 PM n nN) - ;  E6 ^ ^*  bc SV SF - 7 r J
Imam Malik detested selling a singing girl and he said: Singing is a defect and it is
compulsory that the seller informs the customer about it. (Al Kafi fi fiqh ahl al Madinah)

m w6 - m w- L,A W $M ,J  ,  6

It is forbidden to teach singing and futile things for a wage and for no wage. (Al Kafi fi
fiqh ahl al Madinah)

7H E6 L,A A- #* 0 F4V 71J LLM F B qAJ F6 H @OJ EoM S-  6
(',x  ? _ n ', ^0)  - $,
To sing with an instrument which has strings like a lute and mandolin is forbidden. The
same would be the ruling of the horn; it is apparent according to some Ulama that it will
be in the category of haram actions. (Mawaahib al Jaleel)

(SO#V) 7H  KA  >A(M * + 6 7H  A n  ,J =AV M# r N 7 EJ

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

Imam Malik detested all drums and horns at the time of marriage. The proof of this is I
asked him and he weakened (the opinion of those who say it is permissible) and it never
interested him. (Al Mudawwanah)

d I -f EN d   d ,*  *y  12M k 'w  n * h UF UAM bc #PM
E6 d '    1 r NV  ,  O6 7H d L  #  mq _ = M : m6 V 6 M A d - F 
(UP  , { ? f) m V SP+ >f I -f EJ 10 y 
Imam Shafi mentions that a male who takes singing as a profession; (at times) people call
him and (at times) people come to him, people attribute singing to him and he has
become famous and known for it, or any female who sings, their testimony will not be
accepted. The reason for this is that singing is an abominable and futile action and
resembles things which are useless. The person who sings is usually deemed as stupid
without any morals and ethics. (As Sunan as sughra)

+ ? qA F BJ : B 0 Lp F_ FA_  0   s A - k E6 i /fP
(;>V m#L* ; B SF) .*L+ LA+ W F| =AV
The second is to sing with some delightful instruments of music, which is the sign of those
who drink wine, like the lute and tamboline and all types of other musical instruments.
(These) are totally forbidden to use and hear. (Raudha At Taalibeen)

UA# /+P -6 W] y #c S-   bP  mF4 r10 0  
$? 6 y| @,c
(;>V m#L* ; B SF) ./,*6 h \
'sq n ^6 v>O ,* L  
n R-J
The more correct view is that a reed is also haraam.. Imam Abu Qasim has written a
treatise in which there are a lot of valuable (points and proofs). He went into much detail
proofing that a reed is not permissible. (Raudha At Taalibeen)

d *L+  Uc * F4 y q* F BJ S-  FA_  S bLA+ W .* dS -  r N
(, Y V) ./,*6 h d\
y| :@,c .y| n   s
Singing and listening to songs is detested if there are no instruments. It is forbidden to use
and hear instruments which are from the signs of those who consume wine, like a
mandolin, lute and Iraqi flutes not a reed according to the correct view. Thereafter Imam
Nawawi ruled: The most correct view is that it is (also) not permissible. And Allah knows
best (Al Minhaaj)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

,* '# dF4V ' B SM4AV F B qAJ } }  : B  s bLA+ W  ('?M)
- h # * {F .U0V   * - bc (h ' + * '( "#g  {    ) A c
(;P S-N F4V fV Lp 6 ,* W h EI) bc /,+ ,* h ,y  E6 [A -  L*
s (=AV S-N- /  Lp / - 6  S6 f) bc O6 /,+ ,* h ,y  * {F
(L) d LpJ W $M bV   m? * A h JH * #? I *# : B
It is not permissible to use instruments which bring pleasure with no singing like the
mandolin, lute, drum and horn. The proof of this is the verse (And there are some people
who purchase lahw al hadith (music) to lead others astray from the Allah)). (Luqmn:
6) Ibn Abbaas (radhiallahu anhu) suggested that it refers to amusements (music and
singing). It is also narrated from Abdullah bin Amr bin Al Aas that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) said: Verily Allah has prohibited my Ummah from wine, gambling, the flute,
drums and singing slaves. It is also narrated that the prophet of Allah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) said: A group of my Ummah will be tranformed because of drinking wine,
beating the drum and musical insruments. Music also gives one enjoyment and distracts
him from the rememberance of Allah and Salah. Furthermore, it leads one to waste money
which is forbidden like wine. (Al Majmoo)

(Y V _ I Y S) ( * S - ) #V- 6 fN- (  r N )
Singing and listening to the songs is detested if there are no instruments. (Nihayah)

qAf - * y V #?c - * q s *L+ kA ( * S - ) #V- 6 fN- (  r N )
 *M  w 'P  V @  LJ ^,P n > @  O6 M V /N n ENM 6  ' c  bP s ,i
(Y V _ n Y S>
) Lf  ,  ` * *  J J n  - miJ
It is despicable to sing or listen to a song which has no instrument; not merely hearing it
unintentionally. It is authentically proven from Ibn Masood (radhiallahu anhu) - and such
an opinion cannot be formed by ones own opinion, therefore it is inevitably on the status
of being directly from Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) that music causes hypocracy to
grow in the heart like how water causes vegetations to grow.

( Uf, #-s * U   s- |) . NV c6  10  M#- : ( 
Singing and beating duffs is from amongst the most despicable and detestable actions.
(Al Amr bi Al Itibaa)

(; B SO*I) dS> 6 EI *L+ 'w , r N  Es

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

Because it is prohibited to listen to music even if one feels save from fitnah. (Iaanah at

 W O- ,A , FK8+s  $+I 6   ? - 4 I #w4V # n
(  U_ )
In Tajreed al muzajjad it is stated from Imam Ghazali, Ibn As Sabbaagh and As Shaykh
Abi Ishaaq that a person will be forbidded to hire it out reasoning that music is prohibited
and impermissible. (Hawaashi As Shirwani)

 ,  M V ( r N ) L  'J 6 ( S - ) *L+ kA ( * ) #V ; fN- (  M )
z+6) rq+I $y /Jg rF  0 qAf - bc { "#g       } A P
It is abominant to listen to music irrespective of whether there is instruments or not
because of it being a lahw as proven from the following verse And there are some
people who purchase lahw al hadith (music) Ibn Masood (radhiallahu anhu) stated that
this verse refers to music. Narrated by Al Hakim who authenticated the chain of narration.
(Asni al Mutalib)

( F4V ) - : (  ( F| ) U0V 6 ( =AV + qA F BJ S- BV S ,*  6
(^BV z+6) *L+ LA+ ( W $M ) S-  0 (  1J ) F|  - : ( 1 0 Uc A
Singing with instrument like lutes, mandolines, sticks, flute and all other musical instruments
is forbidden. The same would be the ruling of reed i.e. it would also be haraam to use and
listen to it. (Asni al Mutalib)

n S0 N P- S  S WL(V  n P S*y r12 EI ( r N S - *  c
(^BV z+6) L M S> Ux q 6 6 S w6 m6   Lf EJ " \
> s 
(His statement: Singing and listening to songs without an instruments is abominable)
even if a person does not take it as an occupation. Analogy would suggest that if the
singing is done with instruments it should remain as merely abominable; however, it is not
hidden that it would be totally forbidden when a woman or young boy sings or a person
fears fitnah.

( V ,* UK  S_ ) W sI S> " *L+ bw , r N  E|

Because it is abominable for men to listen to music if they dont fear fitnah, and if they do
fear fitnah it will be impermissible. (Bujairmies Hashiyyah on Al Manhaj)

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah


(S#c -s N ) (L(  ,y 6 F  6 F4 fJ E) (Sf)
If a person breaks a flute, mandoline or cross he will not be responsible (to pay back).
(As Sharh al Kabeer)

(kV) . L( d Ly 6 d F  6 d F4 6 d  ,y fJ EI : '?M

If a person breaks a cross, flute, mandoline or idol he would not be responsible for it. (Al

x - S  W } ^}   ^*fV n ,$+  >J ,* ] > n JH

( PV _ # V) .It is mentioned in As shifa that there is consensus on the the disbelief of a person who
regards it as permissible. In Al Mustoab and At Targheeb etc it is mentioned that music with
instruments is forbidden with no difference between us (Hambalies).(Al Mubda sharh Al

 S*  n c ' B #t6 r J r} F + n r} }  m , 'J y L+ W O6 ,y 
s  S- v O| r N 7H * x EI lcF >?  /(O HI r N ^(P- : ( SOi .:
( PV _ # V).q > Lf s : B
In short, it is forbidden to listen to anything which distracts ones awareness irrespective if
there is singing or not. Imam Ahmad detested the drum. In Ar Riaayah it is mentioned that
this is (if the drum is beaten in times) besides war. Secondly, beating with reeds is
abominable if there is clapping and dancing accompanied with the beating. But if it is
free from the two things mentioned, it (the beating of reeds) will not be abominable
because it is now not an instrument of futility, neither is there any pleasure derived from it
nor do people listen to it alone. (Al Mubda sharh Al Muqna)

( N ) L(  ,y 6 F  6 F4 fJ EI : Sf

If a person breaks a flute or a mandoline or a cross he will not be responsible for it. (As
Sharh al Kabeer)

U0V n '?M

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

0 :-  SM4AV F B qA  ,J 4V  F| : 0 W ` : : 6 Saa ,* U0
( N ) q _ qF  *L+ Wq6 LM
Futility is of three types...The first is haram. This includes using strings, ivory and all types of
musical instruments. Whoever persists on it his testimony will be rejected. (As Sharh al

('  - PM n nN) ^,P n > @  O|  k KA s : * h UF #t6 bc
Imam Ahmad said: I dont like music because it causes hypocracy to grow in the heart.
(Al Kafi fi fiqh al Hambali)

(?O])  A W  d  S -    r N : S*  n bc

It is mentioned in Ar Riaayah: It is abominable to listen to songs and wailing without any
futile instrument. If there is an instrument it will be totally impermissible. (Al Insaaf)

. d [? w ,* A- ? MF 0 d #V SLKAV ; fN- (  r N )
_) . d S "   S  W 1J d - H1, W $M S w6  sI  6 ( *L+ ) r N (  )
(Songs are impermissible) A song is to raise the voice in poetry in a specific method
(And) it is abominable (to listen to it) meaning to songs except that from a strange female
as it is forbidden to take any pleasure thereof, likewise it will be forbidden if there is an
instrument no matter what type of instrument it is. (Sharh muntaha al iraadaat)

: ( >?   : EB 4 * r} ^A,- /y6 E ? MF * ) E? E6 (  )
(c]  * P J) . M#And so that children could be saved from raising their voices in play etc and from the
horns of the devil: singing, clapping and beating duffs. (Kasshaf al Qinaa am mat nil iqna)

( 7H ^N ^J mFwI s ) S   } | ( S  d  d 4 d O4 ,* mFw] ? M )

 * P J) . . W ` >O O| W ` WJ 6 S*#- 6 W ` A_ S-J 1J   6

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

(It is not permissible to hire out on adultery, blowing flutes, singing and mourning) because
it is not permissible (nor can he hire out a scribe to record it) meaning to record songs and
words of mourning and likewise impermissible poetry or innovations or forbidden speech,
because it is taking benefit from haram... (Kasshaf al Qinaa am mat nil iqna)

c]  * P J)  ' B 4J S  Eq ( S  V MV ) H ( n ) mF*] ( ? )
(And) borrowing (is permissible) in (items which are permissible) not things which are
impermissible like a flute, drum and songs. (Kasshaf al Qinaa am mat nil iqna)

S  6 (  A W  )  F  q*  (  S -  ) #V ; fN- (   r N

(c]  * P J)    ,
(It is abominable to listen to songs) (And mourning with no instruments) whether its a
mandoline or lute etc (and it is forbidden with it) meaning with instruments to listen to
songs. (Kasshaf al Qinaa am mat nil iqna)

+ d  W O6 :$y| iJ6 : 6 ( iJ| Fx )  F  q*  ( } S -  r J
S - 0 J ^01V HI ( O M d ,$f >J ,* ] u* UP *q '- ) s 6  S  EJ
( V S} _ n  6 ^B). S "  W  A d 
(Singing with no instrument is abominable) whether it is a flute or mandoline etc (Majority
are of the opinion) majority are of the opinion that singing is totally forbidden, whether
there is instruments or the singing is void of any instruments (Infact Qazi Ayaaz stated that
there is consensus on the disbelief of the person who regrds music as permissible, however
this is open for debate) because the madhab is that music is abominable if there there are
no instruments and forbidden if there are instruments. This impermissibility is because of the
instruments. (Mutalib Uli an nuha)

d 7 bc -. ,A> FK8+s = M d   4 4J d S ` A>  d i /fP : '?M
d ,* FK8+s 4 /,M d W ` O| UA2 d A 7H r J. Fa -6 d r y d S> -6 d UAM
(kV) . 4, 6 mFwoJ
The second chapter is regarding those slaves, whose usufructs are forbidden like
fornication, ramz, mourning and SINGING. It is not permissible to hire out a person who
carries out these actions. This is the opinion of Imam Malik, As Shafi, Abu Hanifah, Abu
Yusuf, Muhammad, Abu Thaur etc. Imam Shabi and An Nakhi abhored it because of it
being totally forbidden. Therefore, it is not permissible to hire out for it just like hiring out his
slave girl for fonication. (Al Mughni)

(?O]) . ^* S| n  : 'P* - bc

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

Ibn Aqeel said: The ability to sing in a slave girl is a defect. (Al Insaaf)

('# _ ' f F) J d S  MV ,* = M    > EJ

(It is a condition) that the usufruct is permissible, Thus, it would not be permissible on
impermissible abilities like singing (Minaar as sabeel)

( - V u )  4 O4J W ` >O ,* mFw] ? M

Hiring is not permissible usufructs like fornication, ramz and singing. (Ar Raudh al murbi)

(PV F?xI n PfV q=)  4 O4J :W ` >O ,* (mFws ) ? M
So hiring out is not permissible on impermissible usufructs like fornication, ramz and
singing. (Zad al mustaqna)

(c]) M#- : ( >?  : EB 4 *

And from the flutes of the devil like singing, clapping and beating the duff. (Al Iqna)

(c])  A W   S -    r N

To listen to singing and mourning without an instrument is abominable, and with an
instrument it is totally forbidden. (Al Iqna)

( N ) O4J  _ ? /,M  n W1  E| ? s SF n  _ EI
If a person puts the condition of the ability to sing on a slave girl it will not be correct,
because singing is a despicable act in Shariah therefore it would not be correct just like
fornication (As Sharh al Kabeer)

('  - PM n nN) J S  MV ,* mFw] #P* = s

It is not permissible to take rent on impermissible actions like singing: (Al Kafi fi fiqh Ibn

(qF]  _)S "  S  W 1J - H1, W $M S w6  sI  6 *L+ r N 

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

It is abominable to listen to it, meaning songs except from a strange girl in which case it
will be totally forbidden to enjoy. Likewise, it will be totally forbidden if there are instruments
irrespective of what type of instruments there are.(Sharh muntaha al iraadaat)

( ?2V ?x6   04 u  F#2V J) S   O4 ,* mFw] ? M
It is not permissible to hire out on zina, singing and mourning.(Kasf al mukhaddarat)

(SL - {M L) > c : +| /*6  0 O4 ScF M
Singing is a means to zina, and it is from the greatest catylysts which leads to immoral
actions. (Majmoo fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah)

(EB #?  E> , Sa}I) *L+ LA+ W F|

It is forbidden to use (musical instruments) and to hear it. (Ighatha al lahfaan, This entire
treatise is written to show the impermissibility of music)



h L  #PM  4, S f- d , s- EN : d4V n > 4 .( 4) :h tF bc
/,* - h ' + * '( "#g       :bPM ,06 'w 4* h #* 71 'w 4*
, * h UF qAf - h # * EJ S\ N S r10 [6:ELP] ;  :1* / 786 40 012
 (} /,+ ,* h ,y  /M  E P P, #c qAf - h # * . O6 0 sI I s 1 hEJ d'w 4* h :N- /,*6 EJ d    /,A  L,A  * 6 P EJ  db4O LJ
k h :N- /,*6 wF /,*6  d@4O /M d@4O  d@4O 6 /,*6 sI S  ) :bP * h UF
h :J n rF6 * h UF  ',w ON /* ,* b# 10 .(I @ 01 UBV I 'LA
'06 /0 1 S-$? SL6  * h UF qAf - E6 ,* h / tF L,A 6 #c dM  SM A
dS r10 fM rF6 * h UF qAf - h # AM dmF V f>   d'w 4* h :J Bf
(UBP, PfV q= _) .( OI d0 sI I s 1 h) :bc S,V ;L h- , 
Shaykh Shanqeeti mentions Blowing in a horn or playing with musical instruments has
been prohibited by Allah. It is for this reason that Allah has severly warned those who
indulge in it, as in the following verse ((And there are some people who purchase lahw al

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

hadith (music) to lead others astray from the Allah and and they ridicule it. For them there
is a humiliating punishment)). (Luqmn: 6) Ibn Masood (radhiallahu anhu) used to take an
oath and say that this verse refers to music. Abdullah Ibn Masood (radhiallahu anhu)
received the Quran directly from Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) as it was revealed. It
was his habit that he never read more than ten verses until he learnt them and fully
understood what was permissible and what was forbidden. He was the most
knowledgeable of the Quran and he himself used to say: There is no verse in the Quran
except that I know where it was revealed, when it was revealed and the reason of its
revelation. If I know any person who knows more than me and it is possible for me to reach
him, I will undertake a special journey to him even if it is so far that I will require camels to
reach him. This clearly shows his lofty stature and high position in understanding the
Quran, may Allah be pleased with him. There is consensus amongst the Scholars that
Abdullah bin Masood was from the formost companions who were deserving of recording
the book of Allah. He has famous commentaries. (A person of this caliber), Abdullah bin
Masood commentated on this verse and took a firm oath and said By the oath of that
diety besides whom there are no other are deities, verily it is music. (Sharh zaad al

(UBP, PfV q= _) W ` =AV- 

Shaykh Shanqeeti has ruled Singing with musical instruments is totally forbidden.(Sharh
zaad al mustaqna)

(  S$$? S,f,f) d  ,J : B s 

,* SA-F| ^01V @P> 71 
Albani has said, Thus, all four madhabs are in conformity on the prohibition of all types of
musical instruments. (As Silsilah As saheehah) [Albani wrote an entire treatise Tahreem
aalaat at tarb where he stresses on the impermissibility of music.]

SK, {M ) . NV  7H  Fy u * ? P+ }  M  W $M dE4>, 6
(M] SL,A $ , SL#
As for a television, it is prohibited because of the songs, music, pictures etc on it.[Verdict
signed by Abdullah bin Quood, Abdullah bin Ghadyaan, Abdur Razzaaq Al Afeefy and
Abdul Azeez bin Abdullah bin Baaz] (Fataawaa al lujna ad daimah lil buhooth al ilmiyyah
wal ifta)

* h JH * 0#y fc :,P u  : +6  d N W }| I L+s EI

(=- - sP  {M L)

Shaykh Bin Baaz has said: Verily listening to songs is totally forbidden and loathsome. It is
one of the reasons of the sicknesses and hardness of the heart and it takes a person away
from the rememberance of Allah and prayers. (Majmoo fataawaa wa maqaalaat Ibn

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

NA }|  E6 m aNV Sq|- /,* #c L,A iJ6 #* W  M  , S  ^$? EI
:,c  qy  r#? EB #N /*6   P+V qAJ  , s- L+ s  ,*
E c 0  d E?A f> ,* NA / I ^   N E P  *  /0#y ;,0
(=- - sP  {M L) .qf>  O| ^ , O4 ScF rF4 EB
At another place, Shaykh Bin Baaz said: Even if the singing is done without any
instruments then too it is forbidden according to the vast majority of Scholars. It is known
through numerous proofs that indulgently listening to songs with musical instruments is one
of the biggest ploys and traps of the devil that he uses to ensnare the hearts of those who
are ignorant and turn them away from listening to the Quran. He adorns for them the
spending of time in sin and transgression. Singing is the Quran and flute of the devil, it is a
road to fornication and homosexuality and a means of drawing all types of evil and
wickedness. (Majmoo fataawaa wa maqaalaat Ibn Baaz)

? - P W] :/  L,A  =AV P+V I L+s S ,* ] 'PO #PM
S F P HI... d   0 P+V s ^ ?V  E6 LJ... d/0} U, g ^wF -
{ x6 S y ;- > 7H W V A h E6 'f /,A,M d ^ ?V  I L+s P+V
: B S#2fV q| y6 / > LfV EJ + d $- L /Ng ' I d x } ;- s
# - O6 d'P  V @  LJ ^,P n > @   E6 : $, L,A 0 JH  /Ng .s6 71

h.E?A f> Lp '06 FA_ O6 dS >

(S+] SN  {M) P> h# *.q  _o- {> 4J  :>V

On being asked the ruling of singing and music, The Markaz al fataawa (which is
overseen by Shaykh Abdullah Al Faqeeh) replied: A great number of Scholars have
remarked that there is ijma on the prohibition of music and its instruments. Some of these
Scholars areImam Al Qurtubi, Ibn As Salaah, Ibn Rajab Al Hambali etcjust as how
singing with musical instruments is forbiddenNow since the prohibition of music has been
established, the questioner should know that there is no difference between the various
musical instruments nor between the various types of songs. The ruling of prohibition
applies to all irrespective of whether the listener understands and enjoys the music or not.
The Ulama also mention the following reasons why music is forbidden: it causes hypocrisy
to grow in the heart as water causes plants to grow, it increases ones lust and it is a sign of
the drinkers,transgressers and sinful. (Fataawaa ash shubka al Islamiyyah)

EoM 0} ELN O  SKLN EOP S--  qAJ  *O6 L  , s U0 =AV ^
(;LiA {M L) mi E}6 S, y- - @O c HI I \
qq4 .W r10
Shaykh Uthaimeen has said: (A (person) should refrain from musical instruments which
include amongst others a lute, a rebec (musical instrument in Arab lands which resembles
Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

the fiddle with one, two or three strings), the zither (a musical instruments with strings), the
violent, the piano, the bow etc, all these are totally forbidden. It becomes even more
impermissible and there is more sin if these are accompanied with songs that are done
with beautiful and seductive voices (Majmoo fatawa al Uthaymeen)

M] Bc {M) ./,*6 h .W  M ^w * 6 HI di rq6 6 S ` q @OJ HI  W
(@NThe Ulama of Kuwait passed the following verdict: Singing is prohibited if the contents are
forbidden or singing it raises one; and if it takes you away from a compulsory act then too
it will be forbidden. (Fataawaa Qutta al Iftaa bil Kuwait)
Moulana Zafr Ahmad Thanwi has ruled that music is totally forbidden. (Imdaad al Ahkaam
4/375-376 Maktabah Dar al uloom Deoband)
After quoting the text of Radd al muhtaar which explains the impermissibility of music, Mufti
Shafi remarked: The above text shows that singing and listening to songs is totally
forbidden and an act of sin and transgression(Imdaad al Mufteen 2/832 Dar al ishaat)
Mufti Rasheed Ludhwani has written: The impermissibility of music is so clear that there is
totally no reason to mention proofs of its prohibition (Ahsan al fatawa 8/379 H M Saeed)
Mufti saheb has written an entire treatise Al Masabeeh al gharra lil wiqayah an adgaab al
ghina to proof the impermissibility of music.
Moulana Yusuf Ludhwani has said: Allah Taala has made music haraam... (Aap ke
masaail aur unka hal 7/338 Maktabah Ludhwani
(1) The impermissibility of music has been established from Quran and Ahadith.
(2) This is the verdict given by the most senior Scholars of all four madhabs. The
Scholars of those who dont follow a madhab have given the same ruling. Thus, it
has become the official ruling of the vast majority of the Ummah.
(3) In addition to the numerous spiritual harms, music is also dangerous for ones
psychology, health and worldly life.
(4) Due to the great amount of Ulama who passed the verdict of disbelief on a person
who regards music as permissible, many senior Ulama thought there was total
consensus on this issue.
(5) To adopt singing as ones profession or means of income e.g selling music cassettes
etc is totally forbidden
(6) Many Scholars prohibit the duff even for nikah. Those who say it is permissible
confine it to the duff which was prevalent in the time of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) (simple with no additional bells etc). Furthermore, it is only to inform
others of the nikah, and not as an entertainment.

And Allah knows best


Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

Ml. Ismail Moosa,

Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

Darul Iftaa - Madrassah Inaamiyyah

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