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By: Devin Ridgeway

How to Make a Movie

Movie Definition
The definition of a movie is very simple. It is a story recorded by a camera made as moving pictures shown in a theater or on television; a motion picture. (

Importance of Movies
Today, about 84% of people around the world watch TV. If you think about it, thats a lot of people. So movies are very important. TV shows, movies, reality TV, and sports. In the next few slides will tell you how movies are made. (

Step 1 & 2
Its actually not very hard to make it as a Hollywood director. The first step is to hire an unpaid intern to look over a bunch of scripts and books. The intern will eventually find a story that everyone else has overlooked. The second step is to find the author of the original material and offer him $1 up front for the exclusive option to buy the rights once the project is green lit (to give permission). (

Step 3 & 4

Pictures are IMBd screenwriters

Step 3 can go two ways. The author is sufficiently beaten down and desperately says yes. Or the author is young and green and refuses making you go back to step 1 and later that material is made into a Tom Cruise movie. If the author says yes, find an out-of-work screenwriter and pay him too adapt the book or revise the screen play for the smallest amount possible to make him feel creatively invested in the project. Get three free revisions from that. ( 1 Whoa dude Creepy Smile

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Step 5 & 6


Youre too Next, you should make a list of directors scarywho would make an artistic, beautiful, moving film from that material. lookin Cross them out. You should go to the IMBD and rank directors in order of box-office receipts for life's work.

Oh cool!!! James Cameron!!!

you Step 6 is to engage the director to supervise a re-write of the Are script ineven part of this exchange for pittance (small amount of money paid to someone) payable I dont like you era?!?! Youre once the movie in green lit and convince the writer to do one more free reGood, but probably write. not what Im dead looking for (

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Step 7
Step 7 can go three ways.


While the writer re-writes, the director signs on another project. Return to step 6
The director hates the new draft. He drops it off and signs with someone else. Return to step 6


Debate an artistic ending of the new draft with the director. Then convince the director that the most commercial ending is the unexpected one.

( Directors fighting over a film with alcohol

Step 8 & 9
If you are part of the successful step 7, well the option for the original material runs out. That means VEGAS BABY. Go to Vegas and try to win enough money to renew the option for one more year. Which means step 9 can go two ways. 1)

You lose big and the option lapses. Go back to step 1.


Win big. Renew option for one more year.


VEGAS !!!!!!!!!!

Step 10-13
-Hope you win big, then use your frequent flier miles to fly to Hollywood. Take meetings with assistants and junior executives (Note: DO NOT MEET WITH THEIR INTERNS!!!!!!!!). -Wait to hear from the studios. -Wait more


TO (

Step 14 & 15
-Step 14 can go two different ways.



The option runs out. Return to step 1

The studio agrees but they want to change the script

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-Step 15 can go two ways as well 1) 2) The writer negotiates a deal to be paid their studio quote (quote about a studio from a celebrity) Writer has no studio quote and negotiates for more peanutsplus two tickets to the premiere

-Either way step 15 goes, you go straight to step 16.


Step 16 and 17

(Grammer.about. com)



-Writer turns in provisional (unofficial) new draft to the junior executive and the junior executive asks for provisional revisions. -Writer threatens to withhold revisions on grounds that the studio hasnt paid anything. The studio blames lawyers for slowing things down. You convince the writer to play ball. (

Step 18
-Step 18 can go four ways:

( m)

(DSNYfamily. com)


Studio realizes it has a similar movie going into production and drops the project. Return to step 1
A similar movie tanks at the box office. Studio drops the project. Return to step 1.


Studio executive takes job at another after the executive at that studio takes an open job at a third studio. The new executive drops at your studio drops the project. Return to step 10.
Studio decides to approve the script and starts casting the film.



Step 19 & 20
-Make a list of possible actresses for lead role. Rank in order of lifetime box office receipts (Add $10 for each Oscar nomination. Add $50 for each win). -Wait months for lead actress to read script while she films $200-million superhero movie for another studio. (


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Step 21-23
-Wait months for actress to return from her vacation after filming.

-Take out second mortgage on our house because your studio doesnt pay you anything until the project gets green lit.
-Give actress agent an ultimatum. (

Wait for

To return to

Forum.xcitefin .net

Step 24
-Step 24 can go two ways


The actress passes on the project (unclear whether or not she received the script, much less read it). Return to step 20.
Actress expresses interest in the project. Take her to lunch at Chateau Marmont. Pay with credit card.

Take her to


Step 25 - 28
-Repeat step 19 24 to attach the lead actor.

-Look for locations in exotic Thailand.

-Determine budget and submit to the studio for approval -Step 28 can go two ways 1) Lead actress tanks in superhero film. Studio cuts the budget. Find exotic location in North Carolina, which a 25% rebate on cost of filming. Return to step 27. Lead actress goes into rehab. Market value increases.



Step 29
Picture gets green lit

All pictures from google images. Search congratulation funny images

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