Crack & Honeycomb Repair Method

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Problem Statement

Shrinkage crack happened to be appeared on top surface of top deck and bottom deck of the segment. Normally appeared after 7 days age. Crack width is more than 0.2mm

Causing Factor
Curing procedure is not doing properly Plastic shrinkage might due to settlement of the concrete at web area.


The affected area is grind to get a clear crack mapping

All the debris and dust is then cleared by using vacuum cleaner

Preparation of epoxy by using Sikadur 31CF Normal

The crack line in then patched with epoxy and at the same time nozzle is installed for injection purposes

All the cracks had been sealed and installed with nozzle.

The low viscosity injection liquids (Sikadur 52my )is then mix with the right proportion.

The mixing of Sikadur 52my is now being injected in every nozzle provided

After the injection liquid had harden, all the nozzle and rough surface is grind until smooth

Finished surface

Problem Statement
Severe honeycomb appeared at the bottom surface of the bottom deck of the segment. Happened at the critical part which is below the anchorage block.

Causing Factor
Insufficient vibration applied. Low flow test of concrete was used. (Flow : 550mm)


Honeycomb was spotted at the bottom of the segment

The affected area is hacked until sound concrete

Sika Top Armatec-110 EpoCem then is applied to the steel as a debonding agent

Formwork is fixed with inlet and outlet pipe

Sika Microcrete 2000 is mixed

Sika Microcrete 2000 is poured into the pressure grout pump

The grout is pumped inside the affected area through bottom inlet pipe

Both inlet and outlet pipe had to be sealed after fnish grouting

Sample of the grout should be taken to test the compressive strength

After demould the formwork, all the surface need to be grind smoothly

Finished surface

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