Esa Irrigation

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Issued 11/01 by Electrical Safety Office

Irrigation Hazards
Many electrical risks can exist in carrying out day-to-day tasks in rural workplaces. Anyone who handles metal irrigation pipes while setting up a crop-watering system can face further hazards. A number of Queensland rural workers have suffered serious injury and have been killed by tipping metal pipes on end to clear them without first checking where the nearest powerline was. When you move metal pipes under powerlines, dont lift them at right angles to the ground. Irrigation pipes are made in 7 to 12 metre lengths, which will easily cover the distance between ground and overhead powerlines. When you are working near overhead powerlines, place a few ground markers immediately under them. Have someone watching your movements so you dont move anything too close to the hazard overhead. Train workers to remember: see a marker look up and live.

Electrical Safety Office, Department of Industrial Relations, 55 Little Edward Street PO Box 995, SPRING HILL Q 4004
Ph: (07) 3237 0221Fax: (07) 3237 0229 (

Electrical Safety Alert Irrigation Hazards.

Issued November 2001

No of pages 1

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