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Anna Barth 3/17/2013 English 2 UTC Socratic Seminar 3.

How does the divergence of the plot characterize and/or strengthen the novels purpose? Novels purpose: reveal horrors of slavery, humanize slaves Divergence of the plot tells the story from many perspectives, shows slavery from many viewpoints, shows the horrors of slavery in many ways: Tom is sold down South o Shows how cruel, frightening the slave trade is (379 Emmeline is frightened and cries, is scolded) o How bad having a cruel master is (Legree) Aunt Chloe stays on the farm o Sadness when a family is separated, desperation to get them back (292 and 293 at the top Chloe is thrilled to be earning money for Tom) Eliza runs away o Pains of a child being sold (59 if it were your Harry, mother, or your Willie shows how Eliza felt about her son being sold, and again on 60, how having her child make her feel fiery to run away) o Follows the pains of running away o Shows slave family and their troubles

6. How are the characters who live by true Christian values the same or different than the Christians in the book? How do Stowes religious background and views shape the themes? Stowes religious BG: In her time period, most Americans were Christians She and most Americans placed good Christian values (faith, hope, love) high up Stowe took advantage of the Christian mood of the country by putting Christian themes and values in the book She put slavery in an anti-Christian light and showed abolitionism as a true Christian value

The main difference between Christians and true Christians in the book is that true Christians are very loving. The true Christians are abolitionist, while the Christians promote slavery. Both use the Bible to support their views on slavery. Characters w/ true Christian values: Tom


Anna Barth 3/17/2013 English 2 Refuses to be cruel to anyone wont beat Emmeline even under threat (404), wont even harm Legree after hes been incredibly cruel (449) Loves Jesus gives a sermon to Sambo and Quimbo on his deathbed, the very word Jesus stirs him (pg 469) Kind to others whom he barely knows just out of the love in his heart (pg 447) Prays often Truly loving: 320/321, talking to Topsy about how she loves her and Jesus loves her Would die to end suffering for slaves (explicitly says so on pg 313) Anti-slavery: 314, I wish they were free

Christian characters: Marie St. Clare Considers herself Christian o 207 he hasnt a particle of religion about him. It really isnt respectable thinks being religious is respectable o 209 she cites the Bible in favor of slavery Does not live by Christian values: No love or kindness o No love for daughter: pg 178, resents attention husband gives to daughter, 310, no sympathy for her when shes sick o 193 no love for servants, calls Mammy selfish even though she is keeping her up every night o 199: admits the slaves have souls, but doesnt care, has no sympathy at all for their struggles, As if Mammy could love her dirty little babies as I love Eva!

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