Do You Know What Web 2.0 Is? Out of 58 People: 31 Yes, 28 No

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Survey Results

1. Do you know what Web 2.0 is? Out of 58 people: 31 yes, 28 no

2. Which of the following do you use? Total 57 people

Facebook – 46

Google – 53

Yahoo- 32

Blog- 13

Myspace- 3

Orkut- 2

Youtube- 47

Gmail- 31

Wikipedia- 38

Do you think web 2.0 is a good development or not? Why? Total 41 people
3. Do you think Web 2.0 should be used in school? (ONLY STUDENTS) 24 People
replied in total.

YES: 21

NO: 4

4. Do you think that Web 2.0 can be used at school for educational purposes? 43
people replied.

Yes – 35

No- 8

5. How can Web 2.0 be used in school for educational purposes? 29 people replied.
6. What would be the best medium to aware people about Web 2.0? 42 people replied
out of 58 people.

Video - 30

PowerPoint - 22

Audio- 11
Microsoft document- 16

7. Comments on Web 2.0 (only teachers) 12 teachers replied:

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