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1. 0esIgn a brIef lIst of medIcal hIstory questIons to be used a part of a patIent's

overall hIstory - takIng procedure:

2. WrIte short notes on the dIagnosIs and management of dry socket:

J. UsIng approprIate headIngs desIgn a short patIent hIstory and examInatIon form
that could be used as an aId to your patIent management:

4. WrIte short notes on the clInIcal assessment phase of the Insert vIsIt for a
removable partIal denture:

5. WrIte short notes on the management alternatIves for an unerupted maxIllary

6. WrIte short notes on alternatIves to FP0 for sIngle max anterIor tooth

7. WrIte short notes on localIzatIon and management of Impacted canIne:

8. Class 7 root carIes adv. and dIs. Adv. of materIals of choIce:

9. Factors affectIng long term prognosIs of an avulsed tooth:

10. |gt. Df pt. Under trI cyclIc antI depressants:

11. DutlIne your mgt. For chIld In the mIxed dentItIon wIth absent permanent
upper lateral IncIsor and lower 2

12. 0escrIbe the procedures that would ensure the correct sterIlIzatIon of dental
burs and hand pIeces. 0Iscuss types of sterIlIzatIon methods and verIfIcatIon
procedures to ensure correct sterIlIzatIon:

1J. 0Iscuss the prIncIples of InfectIon control In dental practIce:

14. 0Iscuss the procedures Involved In surgery preparatIon between patIents:

15. 0Iscuss the management of blood - contamInated Instruments followIng dental
surgIcal procedures:

16. 0Iscuss the procedure for managIng an operatIon needle stIck Injury followIng
InfIltratIon anesthesIa:

17. 0Iscuss those aspects of full denture constructIon that you would check at the
try - In stage:

18. 0Iscuss the role of the dental surveyor In removable partIal denture may have
on dental - oral tIssues:

19. 0Iscuss the adverse effects of FP0s on dental oral tIssues:

20. 0escrIbe and dIscuss common post InsertIon problem that a patIent may
complaIn of at the 7day check vIsIt followIng full upper and lower denture

21. Early dIagnosIs of dental carIes:

22. PopulatIon of Newzeland Is IncreasIngly survIvIng to extreme old age so u are
asked to prepare artIcle how thIs change may effect future oral health plannIng
and cure for thIs communIty:

2J. A pt. who requIres removal of molar tooth states that he has experIenced
excess bleedIng after tooth extractIon last tIme. So what steps would u take to
clarIfy thIs InformatIon:

24. What would b your recommendatIons to the parents on fluorIde therapy for a J
year old boy:

25. A controlled non - InsulIn dIabetIc (nIddm) pt requIres extractIon of tooth 47.
What are the treatment precautIons If any:

26. A 12 yr old pt has avulsed an upper central IncIsor just 20mIn ago. The parent
calls your surgery for advIce. What would be your InstructIons over the phone
and out lIne your management of the case:

27. A pt who requIres extractIon of an Impacted J
molar has h/o bleedIng after
extn. What would be your management of the case:

28. A pt wIth a lower molar extracted a week ago presents wIth paIn assocIated
wIth both tmj's. What Is the possIble dIagnosIs and management:

29. What advIse would u gIve pt who has a darkened upper central IncIsor:

J0. 0Iscuss the effects of cIgarette smokIng on general health and Its Impact on
oral health. What would you tell your patIents to encourage them to stop

J1. A 15 yr old pt presents at your surgery complaInIng of malocclusIon problems.
Dn oral examInatIon u notIce that both permanent upper canInes are mIssIng.
What addItIonal examInatIon technIques would u undertake and what
treatment optIons would u suggest:

J2. When placIng a proxImal - occlusal (class ) amalgam restoratIon how do u
ensure that the proxImal surface of the restoratIon Is properly contoured:

JJ. 0Iscuss what precautIons u mIght take and what post - op InstructIons u mIght
gIve a pt for whom u had removed a tooth at 5 pm on a FrIday afternoon If u
were leavIng ImmedIately for the weekend away your self:

J4. DutlIne the dIfferent factors that may affect the stabIlIzatIon and retentIon of
full upper and lower dentures:
J5. 0Iscuss the possIble squeal of preparIng and placIng full veneer crowns wIth sub
gIngIval margIns:

J6. Current recommendatIons for fluorIde supplementatIon In Newzeland:
a. chIldren In non - fluorIdated areas
b. chIldren In rIsk categorIes
c. c. adults In rIsk categorIes

J7. PrescrIptIon wrItIng:

J8. 0ental treatment In pregnant women:

J9. HalItosIs

40. Factors affectIng the longterm prognosIs of an avulsed tooth.

41. Factors affectIng selectIon of a suture materIal for a dIrect |D0 restoratIon on
a lower molar:

42. 45 year old male dIabetIc on InsulIn Is scheduled for upper and lower denture
In preparatIon for full u/l denture how would you manage:

4J. Your nurse sustaIns an LA needle stIck Injury how would you proceed:

44. 0IagnosIs of early occlusal carIes:

45. LocalIzatIon of Impacted max. CanIne:

46. 0IffIcultIes In extractIon max 1

47. Changes In oral mucosa caused by smokIng:

48. A 28 yr old female patIent came to wIth perIpheral abscess In rIght upper
central IncIsor had a blow to It 10 days ago and has sInce been a bIt loose.
PatIent now complaIns If paIn and tenderness to touch for the past 2 days.
What Is your management of thIs patIent:

49. PatIent wIth chronIc perIodontal dIsease, what are the factors that wIll
Influence the management and outcome of the treatment:

50. A class amalgam restoratIon In a molar - what factors do you consIder when
preparIng a good proxImal contact area:

51. FadIatIon hazards:

52. Dsseo IntegratIon:

5J. Droantral communIcatIon - fIstula dIagnosIs, management::

54. AnaphylactIc shock::

55. What are the factors whIch wIll reduce the exposure of the patIent to radIatIon
In a dental surgery lIst factors and descrIbe how each effects the reductIon of
patIent exposure:

56. A 11 - yr old chIld has a class dIv. mal occlusIon he Is a thumb sucker,
dIscuss the causes and how u wIll manage the malocclusIon wIth mother of the

57. A woman has been wearIng an excellent upper denture for sometIme she has
been mIssIng her lower molars and sound anterIor teeth remaInIng In the lower
arch. What Important consIderatIons wIll you dIscuss wIth patIent to make her
belIeve In order to accept a lower partIal denture:

58. |oIsture control:

59. PIt and fIssure sealants:

60. FecommendatIons to a J yr old boy on fluorIde management:

61. HepatItIs, 10yrs ago, what addItIonal InformatIon you get from pt. And how It
Influences hIs treatment:

62. A 15 yr - old boy decIduous canIne present and how you manage the case::

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