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Media a(ribu,on ]
How to measure cross-channel media a3ribu5on and access impact of banner view-throughs

[ Overview ]
Challenge: establish a generic model to accurately a3ribute conversion credits to each channel and analyse the true impact of banner view-throughs in par5cular. Key ques5ons: Is my company a3ribu5ng the right amount of conversions to each channel or some channels such as display ads geAng to much credit? What would be the op5mal channel mix and spend to op5mize conversions? Desired outcome: Iden5fy the op5mal channel mix and budget for each and if possible reduce media spend in some channels while maintaining eec5veness.
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[ Methodology part 1 ]
Development of a single source of truth that accurately tracks all campaign touch points leading up to a conversion event in one central repor5ng plaRorm to enable de-duplica5on across mul5ple channels and calcula5on of true ROAS (Return On Adver5sing Spend). Recorded campaign touch points should include responses from paid and organic sources as well as online and oine channels plus include clicks and view- throughs to provide maximum accuracy. Omniture would be the plaRorm of choice due to its exibility and accuracy but sa5sfying results could also be achieved using other plaRorms such as Google Analy5cs.
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[ Single source of truth ]


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[ De-duplica,on across channels ]

Paid Search Bid Mgmt

Banner Ads

Ad Server

Email Blast

Email PlaGorm

Organic Search

Google Analy,cs

Instead of recording conversions for each channel in separate plaRorms, ul5mately leading to sales being recorded mul5ple 5mes due to the fact that more than one channel usually contributes to a nal conversion, all campaign touch points should be tracked and analyzed in one central analy5cs plaRorm to enable de-duplica5on and comparison of performance across channels.


Datalicious Pty Ltd

[ De-duplica,on across channels ]

Paid Search

Banner Ads Central Analy,cs PlaGorm Email Blast

Organic Search

Instead of recording conversions for each channel in separate plaRorms, ul5mately leading to sales being recorded mul5ple 5mes due to the fact that more than one channel usually contributes to a nal conversion, all campaign touch points should be tracked and analyzed in one central analy5cs plaRorm to enable de-duplica5on and comparison of performance across channels.


Datalicious Pty Ltd

[ Methodology part 2 ]
Website entry survey to determine the origin of conversions currently a3ributed to direct site visits as well as branded organic and paid search responses (i.e. search terms that contain the brand). Direct website visits and branded searches should not receive credit for conversions as these channels most likely were not the source of the generated awareness. In addi5on to recording view-throughs in the central campaign stacking, an ad server exposure test is recommended to establish the incremental increase in search trac and conversions due to display campaigns (i.e. banners ads lead to an increases in searches if they are not clicked on).
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[ Website entry survey ]

Greatest Inuencer on Branded Search / STS

Channel Word of Mouth Blogging & Social Media Newspaper Adver5sing Display Adver5sing Email Marke5ng Paid Search - Generic

% of inuence 32% 24% 9% 14% 7% 14%

De-duped Campaign Report

Channel Straight to Site SEO - Branded SEM - Branded SEO - Generic SEM - Generic Display Adver5sing Aliate Marke5ng Referrals Email Marke5ng

% of conversions 27% 15% 9% 7% 14% 7% 9% 5% 7%

Conversions a3ributed to search terms that contain brand keywords and direct website visits are most likely not the origina5ng channel that generated the awareness and as such conversion credits should be re-allocated.

Datalicious Pty Ltd

[ Ad server exposure test ]

1st impression

User qualies for the display campaign

(if the user has already been tagged go to step 3)

10% of users in control group, 90% in exposed group User tagged with segment

Audience Segmenta,on

Measurement: Conversions per 1000 unique visitors

(displayed non-branded message)


(displayed branded message)


N impressions

User remains in segment

(displayed non-branded message)


(displayed branded message)



Datalicious Pty Ltd

[ Methodology part 3 ]
Reality check and deni5on of company wide cookie expira5on policies for the various channels to guarantee accuracy of a3ribu5on model. Development of customized success a3ribu5on model following the principles and methods suggested by Forrester and including data from campaign response tracking, website entry survey and ad server exposure test. One-o summary report of ndings plus automa5on of media a3ribu5on report delivery via a customized online dashboard to increase ma3er awareness within the company.
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[ Success a(ribu,on models ]

Banner Ad Paid Search Organic Search $100 Success


Last channel gets all credit

Banner Ad $100

Paid Search

Email Blast



First channel gets all credit

Paid Search $100

Banner Ad $100

Aliate Referral $100



All channels get equal credit

Print Ad $33

Social Media $33

Paid Search $33



All channels get par,al credit



Datalicious Pty Ltd

[ Sample campaign stacking report ]

Chart shows percentage of channel touch points that lead to a conversion.

Neither rst nor last-click measurement would provide true picture

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[ Forrester media a(ribu,on ]

Chart shows an example only, a3ribu5on model needs to be dened for each company separately based on their individual success metrics (and cookie expira5on policies).


Datalicious Pty Ltd


101011010010010010101111010010010101010100001011111001010101 010100101011001100010100101001101101001101001010100111001010 010010101001001010010100100101001111101010100101001001001010

[ About Datalicious ]
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[ Con,nuous op,miza,on ]




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[ Best prac,ce approach ]

Con,nuous op,miza,on






Analy,cs framework


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[ Wide range of services ]

Web Analy,cs Solu,ons Marke,ng System Integra,on Cross Channel Media Tracking Online Surveys/Panels Omniture Specialists Google Analy,cs Specialists

Keyword Research Campaign Repor,ng Segmenta,on/Data Mining Quan,ta,ve Research Market/Consumer Trends Compe,tor Analysis

Search Lead Media Campaign Op,misa,on Internal Search Op,misa,on Targe,ng/Merchandizing A/B, Mul,variate Tes,ng Sta Training/Workshops


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[ Challenging clients ]


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Ques,ons Updates


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