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Has changed our understanding of poverty by quantifying its persistence, and identifying the factors more likely to determine

an individual.s ability to escape poverty and the events likely to trigger poverty over the life cycle. The .ndings have strongly in.uenced the reform of poverty alleviation programs in the United States, Great Britain, and other industrialized countries in recent years.

Analysis of Magnitude and Dynamics of Multidimensional Poverty among farmers of Northern Gombe state

The dimensions of poverty are grouped as: Economic aspects of consumption (i.e. income and expenditure) and assets (e.g. land, labour), Human development, areas of education and health, etc, Socio-cultural dimensions which develop within the area, such as dignity, networks, Political dimensions which include empowerment, power, voice, Protective dimensions associated with issues such as confl ict, natural disasters, risk of eviction, etc

Dynamics of poverty: This brings in the core issue of change which is central to impact monitoring. In addition to the static picture of dimensions of poverty in the USS, it is important to capture a more fl uid picture of the variables that interplay creating the causes and consequences of poverty. This will enable the identifi cation of how impacts happen, i.e. the chain of changes to which the project contributes. Focusing on the dynamics of poverty allows the exploration of questions such as: What enables households to increase their well-being? What factors make households particularly vulnerable? Which dimensions of poverty change in unison? Which change independently? Which are the strongest facilitators of well-being?

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