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GARISSA SEWERAGE WORKS STATUS REPORT The works resumed on 25.5.2012 after stoppage on 27.4.

2012 and a progress of 62% although the consultant claims the progress to date is at 51.3%. To maintain the tempo and complete the works by the new completion date of end of 9th November 2012 we need to progress at 8% monthly which we are not achieving currently. CHALLENGES The Site is disorganised with no structured control of works and the RES office has taken advantage of this state to issue conflicting instructions to every small authority in the absence of the Site Agent. Matters have been made worse by the presence of a Director insitu who insists on doing everything including supervising labourers. Our core team of foremen are demoralised with the existing Technical team not providing guidance. Lack of support and facilitation from the head office and many unmet promises leading to a situation where wages for casuals delay for more than 4 weeks with pending overtime payment thus making it difficult to retain the good workers coupled with our below market rates pay compared tp competitors around together with the remoteness of the project. THE WAY FORWARD Re- structuring has been done with clear duties assigned and targets set for the core team with the achievable deliverables to be ensured by the Site Agent. Full support should be accorded to the Site team to achieve the above with the provision of both human and material resources adequately to avoid the embarrassing situation of even lack of petty cash on site to purchase basics like nails, airtime e.t.c The works can be completed within the extended contract period if the basics mentioned above are adhered to. Yours faithfully

Eng O.J. Riwo Site Agent.

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