Drama Rapunzel (English)

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Once upon a time there were a husband and a wife who lived happily in a little house.

They had a little window at the side of their house. Where they could see a beautiful garden who was surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared to go into it because it belonged to a wicked queen named Dame Gothel. One day the wife wanted the apple in that garden. Wife Husband Wife Husband Wife Husband : My darling, can you take an apple at the garden? : That garden? : Ya... hurry up my darling. I really want to eat that. : How can I take an apple? Im afraid. : Please my darling... : Ok! I must brave, it is just for you!

At midnight , the husband went into the garden of the queen and started taking some apple at there. When he had the apple in his hands, he saw the terrible queen standing at the tower. Dame Gothel Husband Dame Gothel Husband Dame Gothel Husband Dame Gothel : Hey you ! How dare you come into my garden and take that apple. Yo will suffer for it! : Oh, please forgive me! Im just take that apple for my wife (frightened) : Dont lie to me! : Really, Im not lie to you : Okay, I will give yyou some apple, but I make one condition : What? : You must give me the child! I will care for it like a mother.

The husband agree with the condition from the queen. A several months later a baby girl was born. After that, the queen appeared, gave the child the name of Rapunzel, and took it away with her. Dame Gothel Husband Dame Gothel Husband Wife : Ha, ha, ha,ha, finally I Can take this baby girl : Wicked queen! Youre lying, give the baby back to me : Ha ha ha Im sorry its late, I will take the baby into my palace now. Goodbye.. : Im sure the wicked queen like you, will receive the worse reply from the God : Yes, thats right

Day by day Rapunzel grew into a beautiful child. At the twelve years old, the queen shut her into a tower in the middle of a forest. The tower had neither stairs nor door, but near the top was a little window. Each day, the queen came to see Rapunzel. Dame Gothel Rapunzel Dame Gothel Rapunzel : Rapunzel, Rapunzel! Let down your hair! : Why you come here? : I just wanna give you some foods : OK, Thanks

The queen then went back down and left Rapunzel alone Rapunzel Fairy Rapunzel Fairy Rapunzel Fairy Rapunzel Fairy Rapunzel Fairy Rapunzel : Im so lonely living in here : Hey, Rapunzel, I can help you... : Who are you? : Im a fairy. I will grant all of your wish : Really? : Ya, Im promise. By the way, Rapunzel. Why you look so sad. Please tell me : Fairy I was lock up by the wicked queen for twelve years here. : Pity you. Ok, Im definitely going to grant your wish. What do you want? : No, Im just want you will be my best friend : Oh, youre the most beauty and kind girls Ive ever seen. How if we go down? : Ya, Lets go... At, the bottom Apparently there was a prince who saw them Fairy Rapunzel Rapunzel Prince : Who is this Rapunzel? : I dont know. Im afraid. Rapunzel went back to the tower : (singing) : Oh. What a lovely voice. But, now what shall I do? Theres no way of climb up. There are no stairs and no doors. The Prince waited behind a tree, then he saw the queen coming, and he heard what she said. Dame Gothel : Rapunzel, Rapunzel! Let down your hair to me.

Then Rapunzel let down the braids of her hair, and the queen climbed up to her. Prince Prince Rapunzel Prince : So thats the way I can climb to the tower! I will do the same. : Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let down your hair to me. : Oh who are you? : Darling, my heart is yours. I have never seen anybody as beautiful as you. Will you marry me? Rapunzel : Yes, I will. Youre young and handsome. I will go away with you, but I do not know how to get down? Fairy Rapunzel Prince Rapunzel : Hello, I can help you. Lets go with me. Hurry up.. : But Im afraid? : Please Rapunzel, hurry up. We dont have anytime : No! You have to go now. The queen will come soon. When the prince was getting down, the queen was already there, and said. Dame Gothel : Heyyy! What are you doing here? Huh? How dare you come to my palace!

Prince Dame Gothel

: I Just want to meet Rapunzel : Uuuuh, you lie. You have come to take Rapunzel. I will make you cant see her again. Hahaha

The queen was very angry. She got a big pair of scissors and in one snip she cut off Rapunzels hair Dame Gothel Rapunzel Fairy : Hey Rapunzel now you couldnt see the prince again. Hahaha... : Please, dont leave me alone here.. : Oh, No! This is time to help Rapunzel. Mmmm, I will call Rapunzel parents and the Prince Finally Fairy met Rapunzels father and The Prince Husband Wife Fairy : Where is Rapunzel now? : Ya, where is my beautiful daughter? Im very want to meet her. : She in a desert. Lets we go there! They were went to desert. At there heard a girl who sang a song. Prince : That voice that I hear seems so familiar to me., Oh Rapunzel it s you?

The prince could not believed his ears. It was his Rapunzel. Rapunzel saw her prince and ran towards him. As she cried with happiness, two tears dopped on his eyes and immediately the prince could see again. Rapunzel Prince : Oh prince, I missed you so much! I am so happy to see you again. : Rapunzel, I could see again. Imiss you too my darling.

Husband&Wife : Rapunzel..... Rapunzel Wife Husband Rapunzel Husband Rapunzel Dame Gothel Fairy : Who is this? : We are your parents : We miss you so much my daughter. : I miss you too, my dad : Rapunzel, you are looks like your mother. Youre so beautiful : Really? Finally I Can meet you. I miss you too my mom and dad Suddenly the queen come : What is this! You shouldnt be together! I will destroy you! : Uuuuuh, feel it

Finally The Prince and Rpunzel live happily ever after. And then the Witch was never seen again.

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