Do Not Deep Drill Your Mind For Better Memory Power

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[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power.

Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power Written by : Bakul Valambhiya Edited by : Bakul Valambhiya Proof Reading by : Bakul Valambhiya Published by : Bakul Valambhiya for Resilience Creatives Veerbhumi, Virat Nagar Co-Operative Society, Opp. Atika Ind. Area, Near Nalanda Vidyamandir, Rajkot-360002, Gujarat, India. Date : 17-4-2013

Note: This Book Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power is the sole property of Bakul Valambhiya as a Writer, unauthorized reproduction in any form what so ever is prohibited without permission.

Disclaimer from the Publisher : This Book Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power Is the views of the writers learning from different scholars and his own experiences. It is not a science fiction or scientific study also, it does not imply any other person and there may be some matter which could be

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

unacceptable to general mass or an individual in different geographies. Contents:

(1) Why we always crave for more and more memory? Page : 5 (2) So lets move towards solution part. Page : 13 (3) Now the even bigger question is what is the most perfect solution for this dilemma of human life? Page : 16 (4) Then what is the best solution, anything next?! Page : 18

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013


You may find it strange that why such striking title has been given to this book?! Yes, it is obvious to feel but there is no other title that came to my conscious which could replace it! Formally this is a book, but on the other hand it is the open source of my mind. This book is dedicated to all those souls who suffered short memory, inefficiency of memorizing, and in worst case suffered disease related to memory loss. With a series of experiment and experiences in last couple of years along with numerous eyes opening learning sessions from the enlightened soul I felt compelled to write this book. Even though I am not so good at writing, I have tried my best to meet some better reading expectations of the concerned. It is an adventure ride out of which you may find new hope to face new challenges or resolute peace of mind for a while. So let me say something now about the subject

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

Yours truly! Bakul Valambhiya

Why we always crave for more and more memory?

Since we all are continuously influenced by so many things happening around us in terms of social events educational events, news, views, business affairs and endless other eventualities known and unknown, we continuously feel to remember something out of it which is relevant to us, what we find necessary to remember. Here comes the question of remembering! That, Which can be done in our memory system! The biggest and best gift, God has ever given to any living being is memory system of human being! Right from the days of our kidding, we are all continuously engrossed in number of activities at a time, there is something which is necessary to be remembered and there may be something which is of less relevance to us or not at all of any relevance. Depending on the priority, our mind remembers those things best which are more important to us and also keep memory of those things which are of less significance to us, and it also forgets those things which are not at all of any relevance to us. All these functions are happening automatically in our mind and we do not need to supervise them all the time. On the bases of our attention to the detailing of any subject this function of memorizing happens in our mind automatically. But things take paradigm shift as soon as we come in to our own. I mean to say our realization of our limited I and along with it comes the realization of limited mine, my belongings.

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

The moment we start realizing that something belongs to me, something is mine, the whole focus of our attention changes in the fraction of a second and we start feeling constantly about our priorities and of our interests. For this reason we need to remember everything which is of our interests and belongs to us, here we need memory and more memory to keep track of all the information of our necessity. In-fact this is the flash point of our craving for the memorizing at will; we start feeling compelled to memorize something very perfectly, without fail and find it the biggest matter of concern for our life! Here starts the biggest challenge of our life. Gradually our craving for more memory increases day by day because we constantly feel to remember something at our will, because it is going to determine our growth as human being and our development in to an intelligent being. For an example; when we get enrolled in a Pre primary school as a student in our childhood, something becomes mandatory for us to remember like, our name, fathers name, surname, mothers name, address of our home, the shape and colour as well as number of our school Bus etc. in perfect way, here on something cali mandatory memory account opens in our mind. Before that we were not bound to remember anything in very systematic way as a child since we were completely in the safe hands of our mother and family members and also confined under the range of their vigilant supervision. Now on as we become student in school, we need to remember those things we learn from our teacher and text books to pass our annual exams. As a child mostly we are lost in indulgence about so many exciting subjects like playing games, talking to other kids, viewing TV or Story Books, playing toys etc. just because of these we find it very difficult to remember, memorize those teachings by our teacher and lessons from our Books. That is why

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

our class teacher keeps on repeating teaching of certain subject like Alphabet, Calculus, etc. so we find it easy to memorize. As we grow in age and move to higher standards of education we are required to memorize more and more new subjects. In primary standards we did not find it difficult to memorize different subjects since all the subjects were easy to understand and easy to only memorize without understanding them properly also! Whether it is language, or meth or social study, the complexity of the subjects were kept very low as per the capacity of understanding in any child of certain age. But as we move to secondary and higher secondary standards we need to apply our mind in understanding every subject very carefully and then memorize them also. Whether it is theory subject, language, math or science, greater capacity of memorizing is highly desired to pass in half yearly or annual exams. Also we need to learn more than one subject at a time on daily basis in one after another period in school so it makes even difficult to concentrate cent percent. It requires utter conscious to attain cent percent presence of mind in learning of any subject. And whenever we fail to keep presence of mind during the time of learning, straight way it goes in to our memory system without its understanding just like raw data, which requires a lot of later analysis in our mind. And if we do not have our basics strong enough in that particular subject, we need extra tuitions to learn it properly. So demand for more and more memory power is always there to cope with educational system pressure, also it is constantly increasing as we are getting more hi-tech and prone to more and more subjective indulgence. Our indulgences in subjective pleasures make our life more and more miserable in formative years of our life in school. It reduces our presence of mind due to lake of conscious state of mind. We all indulge in subjective pleasures with the help of other state of mind like dream and subconscious etc. Increase in the tenure of

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

other state of mind automatically reduces our conscious state of mind, hence we keep on plain memorizing instead of conscious learning! Yes, it may help us in clearing our school exams but you we cannot sustain the acquired knowledge for long since it is half knowledge without conscious conclusions during the course of study. This problem becomes more serious as we complete our formal education and become professional as a worker in any organization or become businessman. You may get good job with your educational certificates or may be with influence of family member or friend but you cannot sustain there for long in the job since you do not have proper understanding of the subject you handle there in your job. For an example; if you did B.Com after your higher secondary just for the sake of having a graduate certificate, and then to earn lively hood you joined as an accountant in a trading firm. Here the questions and problems are real, require proper solution or may result in to small or big financial miscalculations or financial loss, here you get stuck in solving such issue since you do not have complete practical and theoretical knowhow of accounting. For some day your employer may tolerate you with warning to improve yourself in accounting and failing in improving the same, you would lose your job. Initially we may hide our ignorance by changing jobs but we cannot stretch it for long and our inability to work in the field of our concern surfaces with frequent job loss and conflict with clients if we become Businessman or self employed individual. Now pressure mounts on our mind for success, since we cannot tolerate salary cuts or profit loss due to mishandling of the job we did.

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

Now advises start pouring in from all the corners like using techgadgets to cope with your subject ignorance, using latest business guide or work guide in the form of book or resource from internet sites. Some advise you to use computer, laptop, palm top or tablet pc and now days also smart phones to do work without mistake with the help of its highly advance software systems also. But these are all temporary solutions, since you do not have conclusive understanding of the subject of your profession, you have to rely on only memorizing and when there is a similar question with different pattern, you fail to give answer for them, since you are not aware of the core of the subject matter. On the other hand, here in this situation you need extra ordinary memory power to simply memorize business guidance, software commands etc. so demand for more memory is always there! When we find that such tech-gadgets also need ability to use it by memorizing its command and software guidelines, we look for some other easy solution to ease our life. Here comes few more advices in different form like some advice you to wear particular Star Ring or Pearl Ring. Some advice you to attend classes or workshops to increase memory power and using your memory in optimal way in systematic manner to increase your efficiencies, some advise you for the attunement of your subconscious for better memory power also, this way you keep on deep digging your mind for bigger and better memory power resource. As we deep drill in to desert region for bigger water resource! This way, one after another tech-gets make inroads in our life, then special purpose work guide and work assistance software and then comes memory enhancing pills in our life. We constantly need something which can share our memory load, in other word our work load. If all these are not enough, scientists are now engaged in experimenting for fitting memory chip in our mind / body which

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

could help us in increasing our memory power and thus increasing our working power. But one thing is sure that one after another, these gadgets are getting obsolete and we keep on acquiring latest one, we started with simple calculator to cope with our inability to do proper calculation, subtractions, division and multiplication of small to extraordinary big figures, and now we use smart phones which are mini computers capable of working as mobile phone, device to excess internet, to write text documents, to prepare presentations, to keep track of appointments and to work like almost a personal secretary! Even though the big question of enhancing memory power is not solved, now you need to learn using such tech-gadgets, you need to cope with technology now by learning new software and gadget command lines and buttons or else again you will increase your problems with the ignorance of using such gadgets properly! At end of the day what you will find is an extra bunch of information to remember and decreased intelligent quotient (IQ). Now a days the teaching and learning process are getting more and more computer aided. So from primary education to hi-tech education and in our professional life as well as in social life our reliance on tech gadgets is increasing in leap and bound. But even though these tech gadgets have its own limitations in terms of artificial intelligence and memory storage capacity. As most advanced living beings on earth, we humans constantly evolve at a very fast pace. To be in forefront, every individual needs something as impeccable means, which is memory power of our mind (Brain). We are gifted with highest memory power and are able to store information in the form of images and words, our mind can store information at a time by viewing as well as by listening and can also analyze them on later stage, but things dont stop here since we have competition to prove us

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

better compare to other human beings! Here again in most of the cases we use our memory power to prove us superior. During the human evolution over a long period of time we have developed understanding the expressions, shapes, drawings, messages in the form of expressions, signs, action signals and gradually the speech through verbal language as well as written language. In all these learning process our memory power has played pivotal role as assistant to our intelligence along with our conscious. But sadly to empress others we now days exploit this faithful assistant called memory power beyond every limits. Initially it doesnt harm us but such excess memory burden on our mind lowers our decision making power as well as capacity to learn and understand new things easily Unmanageable large quantity of information without any conclusions is like garbage disturbing our day to day life function and force us constantly to increase our memory power. If we do not get it, invariably we end up being victim of short memory, forgetting new thing, latest information after a while. And due to repeated unwanted memory loss we lose our self confidence too, which some time pushes us in the other state of mind like Dream or Sub conscious and regaining presence of mind becomes very difficult to regain. These conditions also provide breeding ground to other disorders. Apart from all these there are other factors which contribute to further demand of more memory power. For a child, to remember something perfectly is very difficult in tender age, if you want to give him/her any vital information, you need to repeat it so many times, and then only such information will go in to the childs memory system. It happens due to its condition of mind. All the children most of the time keep indulging in many things and during indulgence the state of mind always change to dream or subconscious. Due to this reason, it becomes very difficult to understand the information given by his/her parents or family members, hardly has it stuck in to his/her

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

memory system for a few days and again it gets erased because the child does not have understanding of the information and does not find its relevance to remember! Whether it is a child or young person or aged, one only remember something / information properly for long time if it is understood properly with conscious that it is of some relevance to his/her life. Or else it will be automatically erased from the memory system. We all know that when we say a child that do not jump from staircase, Bad or Chair because there may be chances of getting injured, the child wont give it a serious thought and will keep on jumping from Staircase or Chair but once it falls from the Chair or Staircase it will realize that it really harms and from there on it will remember (keep in its memory system) that it is harmful to jump from height like Staircase or Chair for almost life time. The reason is simple, the understanding of reality and possibility of consequences! And when we look at our life span, there are hundreds and thousands of to do and not to do instructions and information get embedded in our memory system which have been contributed by our family members, friends, newspapers, books, TV programmes, Radio programmes, formal education as well as from our day to day experiences too. During school days most of the time we find it difficult to understand most of the teaching due to class room filled with 30 to 50 student. In such a situation we cannot ask our teacher to repeat the vital points of study matter, again and again if the entire student will keep on doing the same, teaching will become very difficult and in such situation the teaching will not be completed in stipulated time. In such a situation we have to just memorize the teaching matter and have to clear it later on our own or through extra tuitions for the subject or if we do not able to recollect and understand it properly, within some time we forget the matter automatically, completely or partially which ultimately cost us during our School exams! Also most of us do not find every subject of our formal education equally interesting, so we just attend the classes for the subject for the sake of doing it and due to lake of curiosity we do not able to concentrate cent percent in the subject matter so the teaching

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

will straight go in to memory system without understanding. And during exam, we again memorize question and answers related to the subject from guides and exam preparation material to get pass in the subject. Day by day the load of such unresolved questions of particular subject will keep on stock piling in to our memory system which disturbs us to understand and remember new things in life. This is the reason which make us forget teachings of early standards and we have to do revision of such subject again and again to keep alive link with it. From TV, Radio, Books, News Papers etc. we get a lot of information which occupies a large portion of our memory system, after some time our mind offload the memory of such information which is not relevant to us, but from those information we fail to forget information which is related to our subjective pleasure and those which frighten us a lot, which is related to our fears. So this way also unwanted information occupies our mind, haunting again and again to draw our attention which push us in to dream or subconscious state of mind. And ultimately it hampers our presence of mind and disturbs us in understanding other important matter too. For an example; you heard something about evil spirit from your friend or a TV programme, now due to your fear of evil spirit, that matter will never erase from your memory system and whenever you find yourself alone or at night going to sleep, the memory of the evil spirit related programme will surfaces in to your state of dream or subconscious and again and again you will get fearful in life. Exactly opposite to it, for an example; you went to see a movie in a nearby cinema theater from your home, you like it and also it become super hit and keep running in the same cinema for more than a month. Now few days later you again passes by the same cinema hall and the day was also Sunday! Now what happen is not unknown to you! Obviously you will feel to see the movie again or you will be lost in the memory of the movie for some time!


[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

So in these both the situation such matter occupies your memory system, now just count the number of such information and experiences in your memory system! Simply uncountable!! So my point is, we all carry such a huge amount of memory which we literally do not want or require consciously to remembering but such subjective indulgence will definitely add up our woes in terms of occupying our mind and decreasing our conscious. In the same fashion we all are flooded with beliefs! Those subject matters or events which were personally never seen or felt by us but felt by others or even they heard such things from other people share them with us through gossip, discussion, book, sms, e-mail, website, films, videos, story books or radio programme and we invariably start believing that something is there to believe. The reason is, such beliefs are may be related to our subjective indulgence, directly or indirectly it contribute to stabilize our orientation towards certain subjective pleasure or it may be related to fear, about those things of which we have fears in our mind. Then what happens is we unknowingly create one more large baggage of beliefs in our memory system which undesirably disturb our thinking process, decision making process, disturb our peace of mind. Looking at all these different situations and reasons which are contributing to excess memory burden on our memory system which ultimately resulting in to inefficiency of decision power, slowed learning and grasping power, short memory or undesired memory loss. Question arises here is how to stop all these adversities affecting our mental health and how to optimally use our God gifted precious memory power to make our life stress free, healthy, comfortable and easy flowing?!

So lets move towards solution part.

First let us know about the different aspects of life. As we look at our childhood to old age spectrum we find some interesting things which are shared here. In childhood we are completely free from the bother of future and the result of our acts. We all find most powerful support in the

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

form of our mother as our backbone. Hence we hardly need to realize that what we do and what will be the outcome of our actions. Almost all the time we feel belonging to our mother and nothing else. This is the reason that we hardly remember few moments of our childhood, real kidding days! This things happens due to comfort of our mother, in her lap we find us completely safe all the time of our childhood. We hardly find any attachment more important than our mother. Due to this safe haven of life we hardly take care of things we do, hardly take note of we experience and hardly try to remember we feel during this most beautiful period of our tender age. These are the most important factor which make us forget our infanthood to childhood of very tender age, mostly up to 3 years. Gradually we grow up and get enrolled in to Pre School, here for us, very first time comes the new challenge that is of remembering our name, our fathers name, our surname and our Mothers name and our residential address in perfect manner. Our parents as well as our nursery teacher help us in memorizing these details by repeatedly asking our name, our fathers name, our surname, our mothers name, our residential address etc. simultaneously we learn to remember something in perfect manner for the first time here in the preschool. From here on we also realize that we are so and so, our full name is so and so and our residential address is so and so. Along with this realization one most powerful change comes in our life very swiftly and silently, that is realization of Mine. Till we ware in the lap of our mother, we were the centre of attention for our mother, she used to take care of us in all the way, and even we belonged to her only! So we hardly knew I, but now on we have started realizing that I am somebody and something belongs to me. The mother of all the problems is these two realizations and the later one mine is the worst bent Nail! Now we are not only a child of a mother but son of Mr. so and Mrs. so and pupil of Mr. so and so, student of so and so school and class met of so and so. A lot of change in life and a lot of new things to remember!

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

Also in formal education we need to understand the subjects which are taught, and then to remember perfectly till our final exams to answer perfectly regarding the chapter we learnt from a particular text book. And if there is any subject which is not of our interest, things get tougher for us, due to lack of interest in the subject, we lose presence of mind during the teaching of the subject and we mostly leave it to memorize the matter being taught rather than understanding it properly and then remember it in perfect manner. Here our mind gets strain to remember plain information without knowing its relevance, such memory makes us more vulnerable as student, it also paralyze our learning capacity of other subjects of interest too. For most of us the formal education stretches to almost 15 long years, in this period of time we need maximum memory power for two things, one, to remember those plain information of particular subject of which we do not have clear understanding and constantly try to solve on later stage through extra tuitions or through guides. And number two is using a lot of memory power to remember a lot of different things at a time for short period of time during our half yearly and yearly final exams. We as students all know these two factors which made us vulnerable even with our best of the efforts. For an example; we tend to memorize a lot in terms of subjects like theory and language, instead of lending our concentration to understand the intricacies of any practical subject of theory through perfect understanding, we just memorize it as plain information to meet the formalities of final exams. Similarly in the matter of language, we just take it very lightly and take it for granted that if we do not understand the grammar of the language, we will simply memorize it the way we memorize answers of language lessons! But what happens is, we forget such plain information without its true understanding very fast and find us helpless during the exams, here again to clear our final exams successfully, we have to memorize these subjects of language so much that sometime we find shortage of time for the other practical subjects too! The worst case of excess use of memory power can be proved with this example; when we prepare for final

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

exams of any of the standard of school or college, we prepare a lot in terms of memorizing language subjects, theory subjects and also the practical subjects necessary formulas. Day and night we keep on repeating this again and again and one after another we clear our exam papers. We also pass in all the subjects with good marks but that is not all! Now comes the real surprise, just take one paper of the theory subject once again in hand from the previous exam, and without preparation again give all the answers of the questions in that paper. Again go to your theory Class teacher and ask him to check your paper, and find out the result in terms of marks and then compare them with the marks of your final exam for the subject. You will find that in final exam you scored so well but in repeated attempt to clear the same theory paper later on after the exam results, you scored significantly low. The reason is nothing but the short memory. During the exams, without understanding of the theory subject you just repeatedly read the exam preparation material and gave exam of the theory subject and due to this reason, you immediately started forgetting the same due to lack of its true understanding. And when you once again wrote answers of the same questions after couple of days, you forget most of the memorized answers. So your quality of answers ware not good and this time you get less marks in the same theory paper. Here once again after education is over, one more challenge comes in our life in the form of profession or business. After we get qualified as a professional, we either join as a worker or we start our own business. Here in both the case we need to apply our acquired knowledge and skills in perfect manner to be successful as a worker or as a businessman. Here we cannot apply plain information without understanding, we need to apply our know how with proper skills to carry out any task in perfect manner as a worker or as a businessman, and otherwise we cannot earn income out of our work. Also it gets more difficult to take on the challenges coming in the form of competitor in job as co-worker and in business as business competitors. If we do not have proper understanding of the trade we work in and do not update our self in that area, we will trail

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

from our competitor and ultimately lose grounds in terms of compatibility and may even lose job or business deals! As a professional or as businessman we need in-depth understanding of the subject we deal in, here we cannot ask for help all the time and cannot use guides to solve the problems as we used to do in school and college days!

Now the even bigger question is what is the most perfect solution for this dilemma of human life?
When we look around us there are a number of solutions available which could help reduce burden on our memory system or could enhance memory power to handle more memory load on our mind. They are in the form of devices, books, memory management workshops and seminars, and medicinal pills. When we talk about devices they are mostly tech gadgets such as PC, Laptop, Palm Top, Tablet PC and Smart Phone, these are the devices which are helping us reduce our memory Burdon and help us to store plain as well as analyzed data in its memory disks. Also these gadgets come with such software which helps us reduce our work hours to enjoy our life better. But as we all know everything comes with a price, these gadgets are expensive and everyone can not afford them also. Even thought if you buy any one of them, again the question will arise for the operating of the device. All the tech devices today needs to be learned to operate perfectly and you need to be updated about every new things about its up gradation through different software, software add on and much more. Or again you will be bogged down by obsolete technology problem! Adding to this you need to remember all the commands and keys perfectly to operate these gadgets in perfect manner or else they could increase your memory burden and task management woes rather than reducing them! Again these devices have language barriers and problem of adaptation in an individuals life. If any of these gadget does not

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

support language you read and speak fluently, you cannot operate them in perfect manner and you cannot even use its help menu as quick support also. Similarly every one cannot be comfortable with every tech gadget also. As per the age, education and orientation, one find some gadgets useful and can use them comfortably but they may not be able to use every gadget comfortably! And some more drawbacks of these gadgets are their limitations in terms of limited intelligence, limited memory disk size and again gradually add up to memory Burdon! Initially the use of these tech devices does not create any significant problem in our life but sometimes elongated use of such devices could create tech hazards in our life. Say for example Calculator, it is one of the most basic tech gadget we use every day. We find at least one calculator in every household and in commercial outfits like Office of any Manufacturer, Retail Store etc. Most of us become so used to this device that now we find it difficult to make simple calculations like multiplication or division without the Calculator. The reason is we have left behind our practical way of calculations on paper or slate. Even though we used to do big figure multiplication, division etc. on our own as primary students, we are not able to do it now due to lack of the practice, most of us have forgotten the methods of calculations and now we have to rely on calculator! Such tech devices have become factor of reducing our I.Q (Intelligent Quotient) also When we look at the Books, there are memory management guides, memory power enhancement guides etc. but again you need to read such books, need to understand them properly and then you should adapt such guidelines in your life or else it may not provide you desired result in terms of improvement in your memory system. Here again you need to have proper knowledge of the language in which the book is written! Similarly, when you go for help in memory management and memory power enhancement workshop or seminar, you need to pay fee for the workshop or seminar participation, then you need to concentrate on the matter being taught in the workshop or seminar, and sometime you also need to keep practicing some daily rituals to get better result of the workshop or the seminar. If

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

by chance the attunement does not work as per your expectations, you need to attend such advance workshops and seminars which will again cost you in terms of monetary spending. Then the last remedy you will look for is medication, the memory improving and enhancing pills. Here again you need to spend money to buy such medicine and consume it as per the prescription of the Doctor to get better result. But again it is going to enhance your memory but enhancing memory does not automatically increase your presence of mind or the conscious state of mind! So the solution to this dilemma is not as easy as we think of.

Then what is the best solution, anything next?!

Yes my friends; there is one best solution in vicinity; the answer to this dilemma is conscious learning in maximum possible way, with more practical way as much as in permissible way. You will say why conscious learning in maximum practical way? Since we all are learning consciously! May be you are right in some way, even I was of the similar opinion earlier but when I came to understand the different state of mind and its conditions, I found that my knowledge was more of beliefs rather than reality. Now I got to know that what I used to say about conscious was not that simple. Because in most of the case as a student initially when we start learning from our teachers in preschool we concentrate consciously to learn new things, but gradually things change, we get habituated to the education system of school. Now instead of constant concentration, we start moving our attention to different subjects, like talking to classmates, start thinking of movie and cartoon serial in Television, going for a long ride with papa in his car in the evening etc. On one hand the lecture is going on in the class room, teacher is busy in teaching we have trained our eyes on his face as well as on the Black Board, the words of teacher are continuously touching our ears but we are lost in to completely different thought cycle! Here when we get lost in such condition,

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

our state of mind changes from conscious to dream or subconscious and we hardly notice this change. The fact is we cannot concentrate cent percent in any subject without conscious state of mind-presence of mind. Now what happens is, all the teaching of the teacher goes in to our memory without conscious understanding of the subject matter. So later on we keep on recollecting the teachings of the subject matter and try to analyze in our own capacity or we fail to do so, and we need extra tuitions for the subject to understand properly. Nature has gifted us power to apply our conscious to learn new things, same way to do routine things in repeated way, we can apply our memory system. Actually the memory system is the assistant of conscious, in any new learning process it help us memorize which we consciously understand, and when we look at the reality, we all get easy and timely help of our memory power when such memory is created with conscious learning. Or else we have a lot of memory of so many things, we can talk about it, we can write about it just in the form of information but not as true knowledge-know how, and in most of the case we do not able to recall such information timely at will all the time, so what happens is sometime we remember-recollect such information and apply it wherever we require and sometime with a lot of efforts we fail to remember-recollect it to use for certain reason. This happens simply because whatever we learn, know, read etc. are not done consciously with cent percent concentration but at that time there were other state of mind like dream or subconscious, so we fail to cent percent utilize such knowledge, information or learning at our will when real question arises and blindly we start craving for extra memory power! This is our utter ignorance, instead of understanding the root cause of memory loss, or decreased memory power, we start blaming on the memory system of our mind! I do not say that there is no one in this world as human being who does not have such mental defect in terms of memory system problem like unwanted memory loss or short memory problem. There may be but when we look at the larger picture, we find that this is our ignorance. As humans, we all keep on indulging in different

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

subjective pleasures right from our childhood and still we are increasing our indulgence in terms of subjective pleasures! And then we blame nature that we are losing our memory power, we have problem of short memory etc. The biggest culprit in our life which steal away our conscious and make our concentration keep on roaming here and there all the day is our subjective indulgence, our senses are our assistants to live life properly, instead we are exploiting these senses for the subjective indulgence which results in to loss of conscious and pushes us to living in the dream or subconscious state of mind! Most of us enjoy any movie of our choice in the Cinema theatre much better then viewing it in the TV at our home in living room, the reason is simple, the movie is for entertainment, the entertainment created out of comedy, suspense, thriller etc. it is meant to change our state of mind in to dream so we do not able to apply our conscious in the subject matter of the movie, this material to change our state of mind is created with the so many props and tricks in the form of acting and dialogues which are part of our subjective indulgence, and in to this motive, the dark and peaceful ambience of the Cinema theatre with large picture screen and good sound system creates the perfect match to change our state of mind very easily in to dream and simultaneously in to subconscious if required. In these two states of mind we can enjoy or fear make believe things very well because there is not presence of mind I mean we are not in condition to apply our intelligence. Also there is no exception, we all know that whether a child or an old man every one of us enjoy movie in the Cinema Theatre! Just because of the reason I elaborated here. One more example is the learning of riding Bicycle; initially when we start learning Bicycle we start learning it very consciously because we all fear to fell down! Our fear of falling down forces us to start learning Bicycle very consciously with cent percent concentration in the subject. Even though we take greater care, with a small mistake we fell down from the Bicycle! Most of us have this real life experience while we started learning the Bicycle first time in childhood. But as we learn to balance our body during

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

the paddling and handling of the Bicycling, we gradually leave Bicycling to our memory system, and start indulging in so many other subjective pleasure like talking to friend, looking at other vehicles, road side stores, bungalows buildings etc. Now this is the clear case of exploiting our memory system to ride Bicycle to keep our subjective indulgence nonstop even during riding Bicycle! That is why we some time meet with an accident! It could be due to our lake of presence of mind or the person who collided his Bicycle with our Bicycle! Because whatever we learn consciously and practically, our memory system absorbs it, but the problem with our memorized know how is limited intelligence, it does not able to decide promptly where to start immediately and where to stop immediately, we cannot take quick decision with our subconscious! We have to come to our conscious state of mind to take quick decision. So it is OK that we ride Bicycle slowly on empty road and may talk to our friend who is also riding Bicycle or look at the shops and buildings alongside the road but we cannot do or should not do that while riding in heavy traffic or while we are riding it fast. Or there may be chances of accident. The reason is simple, to ride fast in traffic you need utter conscious concentration to take fast decision to ride the Bicycle, to break the bicycle, to turn it immediately, to slow it immediately, and again to ride it fast you know! Here your memory system alone cannot ride the Bicycle fast in heavy traffic! Similarly when we attend any lecture in classroom, we initially give cent percent concentration to the subject matter being taught. We concentrate on teachers facial expressions as well as we carefully listen to every word of the teacher, but again due to our habitual slavery towards subjective indulgences draw our attention away and our concentration starts roaming here to there and we get lost in dream or subconscious state of mind leaving our memory system to grasp the ongoing lecture. Here what happens is, we remember the initial teaching of the subject perfectly and later on we have plain and static memory of the same subject further of which we do not have understanding, if

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

the subject was easy we may recollect easily or cope in to the subject with later analysis of the subject matter. Or through extra tuitions etc. But we cannot do the same thing with complex subject. This is the real factor which contributes to increase our mental burden which directly suppress our memory system. In fact most of us all the time exploit our memory system like a slave to handle our life on behalf of us and then we complain that we are not able to remember properly, we have short memory problem, we fail to remember even the simplest matter etc. But that is not correct because whatever we do during other state of mind other then conscious does not help us in time and does not work at our will. The biggest problem of mankind is that in the other state of mind like dream or subconscious, we cannot apply our intelligence, because to apply our intelligence we have to be in the conscious state of mind without presence of mind we simply have to absorb any matter as plain data without understanding, and when you do not understand something properly, your memory system keep it for some time in to it and then automatically erase it too, to fill in other new data! This way we keep on forgetting undesirably, against our will and we find our self helpless in this situation! Also you can train your subconscious to do so many things properly without your supervision but you cannot expect to get done everything with the help of subconscious alone all the time because in subconscious state of mind you can not apply intelligence it also requires systematic memory feeding in to your memory system during subconscious state of mind only or again you will become helpless in front of your own subconscious. Also in this case your conscious will gradually become slave of your subconscious mind! And instead of easing your life with a lot of fun, you will be end up increasing your woes! I always give stress to conscious learning from pre-school to colleges to almost entire life because this way whatever information, knowledge will enter in your mind will be complete with understanding and when it is combined with practical experience, it becomes even more useful and easy to bear in our minds memory system.

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Today the world has become restless, we have a lot of different priorities, our state of mind continuously keeps on changing all the day and night and sad thing is that we are continuously reducing our presence of mind. You may be disagree that how it is possible to reduce presence of mind and that is not in your hand! But let me tell you that we unknowingly do it that is why we feel that we are not the reason to reduce our presence of mind, in fact our indulgence in subjective desires is the core factor for it, as much as we increase our subjective pleasure in life, the presence of mind decreases automatically. Because to indulge in subjective pleasures one needs to be in dream state of mind, and also this transition happens automatically. As soon as you start enjoying any of the subjective desire like; viewing movie, playing game, lost in gossip or start eating your favorite food Disk, you will invariably move to dream state of mind, until there is complete enjoying situation the dream state of mind will continue but as soon as you sense the subjective entertainment is diverting in to horrible experience or it is getting tense the state of mind will change to subconscious and you will become direction less, it will be too hard for you to take proper decision also For an example; when you see a movie, your state of mind converts to dream, now as long as story, and stunts are funny and exciting, you enjoy it, but as the story progress and if there comes a horrible scene or stunt which you do not like, you fear of, your state of mind will automatically change to subconscious, and then you will either leave the movie half way or will wait for entertaining scene again! This way we all unknowingly keep on increasing our dream and subconscious state of mind which ultimately become factors of reducing our presence of mind-conscious state of mind. Now when we look at the subjective desire, it is in the control of our will power, if we want to decrease them in our life we can do that, now choice is ours, whether we want to keep on increasing our enjoyment of subjective desire or want to reduce it to enjoy presence of mind. Because presence of mind will give you liberty of understanding any subject or situation very easily. This way

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

you will have significantly reduced pressure on your memory system and without any major help in terms of tech gadgets, memory management or enhancement guide or medication, you will be able to live life more comfortably. I also propose conscious learning of theoretical subjects as well as practical both. Because in conscious state of mind we understand everything very easily, also when it comes to learning something in terms of theory or practical subject, we get very clear subjective understanding. Due to this it resides in our memory system for very long time without erosion of vital data in terms of minute understanding, you also dont need to time and again recollect or remember with repeated attempt, this way the usage of memory power becomes very minimal. If we talk in terms of physical presence of understanding of a particular matter or plain data or information of the same subject matter, the size of the understanding as per my view would be only 1 count compare to 100 counts of the plain data or information of the subject matter! So I always propose students, professionals, people from all walks of life and of all ages that please shift your attention to conscious learning, and conscious living so you can yourself reduce your adversities. Whatever we feed in terms of information, knowledge or know how to our memory system indulgently, they will be just plain data, they will come in to our memory system without conscious supervision, now when our memory system does not know the relevance of such data, it will keep them for a while and then forget it without any warning! Now whether we get irritated with the unwanted memory loss or look at it as a disorder it is up to us, If we blindly go to any so called expert to improve our memory system or enhance our memory power through any pills, we may get some respite, but such solutions are not permanent. Let me give you one more example of exploitation of our memory system as our slave so next time if such situation occurs in front of you, you can have better understanding of the subjective indulgence in real and also will able to stop yourself doing the same thing in your own life.

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

For an example; these days we see one thing very frequently on Roads that is driving Car or riding Bike on one hand and at the same time attending mobile phone call on the other hand. Since we are gifted with ability to drive or ride vehicle with the help of our memory, we keep on exploiting our memory systemsubconscious to do the task and keep on dividing our attention in more than one activity at a time. Now days such indulgence has increased so much that hardly any one of us fear of accident, we are obsessed so much in doing many activities at a time with the exploitation of our memory system, that we forget such horrible reality of the possible consequences. Attending mobile calls during driving, eating, crossing road, middle of important discussion has become very common and part of our day to day life. We forget that our memory system is our assistant and not the master, it requires conscious supervision of the every task we handle at a time, especially when you are in to new atmosphere, in to new learning, you need utter conscious, it makes a lot of difference it helps make distinction between necessary and unnecessary matter, right and wrong, of use or not of use, to fear of or not to fear of, prioritize or not to prioritize and to do and not to do. Now if you are involved in any activity with conscious concentration you can do all these as per the requirement of subject matter, which can help you reduce burden on your memory system. But unfortunately we all have become restless to acquire a lot of information, knowledge, know-how like fast-food and due to our inability to concentrate equally on all the subjects, we keep on depending on our memory system, we deploy our memory system-subconscious which ultimately adds up to our woes further, now what happens is, we have a lot of information on various subject matters but hardly few conclusions of some of them! So until and unless we recollect and remember the whole subject and analyze it later on, the burden of the memory puts extra pressure on our memory system to keep the data as per our will even thought our memory system does not have any relevance of it. Then after some time if we fail to clear the subject

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

matter properly with later analyses or with the help of others, our memory system will forget it. Due to constant pressure on our memory system to cope with new information, knowledge and know how we are acquiring, most of the time our memory system gets confused due to its inability to analyze and understand the matter in proper way without the help of conscious concentration. And the condition of confused memory system-subconscious is called a kind of depression in medical terms. These days people are frequently fell victim to depression, because of these reasons, it is our human fault and our escapism to consciously concentrate on the new and complex subjects which requires cent percent concentration with complete presence of mind. I always say that please do not leave all the responsibility to your assistant, you should be there to supervise them or else one day they will create such a big blunder which will be unmanageable to you and to put everything in order again you may require days, month or years! Just wakeup to the reality, take control of your life use your memory system-subconsciously wisely with utmost care. There is one universal truth, that is; our memory systemsubconscious is our assistant, it is meant to help us in keeping the records of the things we do and learn. Also in the same memory system there is a part which keeps track of our real time experiences, which get embedded in to our memory system and we never forget them at our will too. Our memory system-subconscious can compensate accidental or unavoidable loss of presence of mind in some cases and it compensate partially to cope with the breakage in our learning process or experimenting process. It is not the permanent replacement of the concentration with cent percent conscious state of mind.

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

Let me give you one example of exploiting our memory systemsubconscious; One trader was having a super store in a city, he is running it very well for a decade, he had ten counter salesmen. But one day he decided to take one month leave to enjoy vacation with his family members at some favorite hill stations. He leave all his responsibility to his ten counter salesmen and told that please handle all the sales activity on your own for a month since he wanted to go for a vacation tour with his family. The all workers said do not worry, we will manage. There after workers managed the Super Market in their own way with limited intelligence of handling entire store without supervision of their Master-Boss. Some time the customer would be happy if the salesman understand his choice of product and give it to the customer immediately and sometime some customers were unhappy because the salesmen were not able to understand their choice properly and were just providing some similar Brand or keep on wasting time of customers in getting idea of his / her choice properly. After a month when the owner of the Super Market arrived to his home town, and went to his Super Market. When he entered in to his Super Market, he looked that the different products were lying here and there, out of ten salesmen there were only five in the Super Market. Rests of them were on casual leave and one of them was sick. Also the products which were arranged and displayed were not in proper way, not as per the counters and dedicated Selves for every product. The result was obvious, the monitory loss in terms of that months profit, loss of some good regular customers and some new customers also. Besides these various number of complains of providing wrong brand or different products and commodity. Now when we look at this example we find that due to lack of supervision of the Super Market owner on regular basis due to his

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

absence in the store, the salesmen behaved in their own manner and they were not able to understand the minute details and peculiar choice of every customer the way their boss used to understand. So my point here is you need to supervise input of information, knowledge and know how in your memory system with complete presence of mind so you do not face problem like that Super Market owner. Memory system is like these salesmen! it needs good governance and proper supervision, it is not capable to do everything on its own all the time. Continuously relying on only memory system without presence of mind increases burden of unresolved data and information which occupy your minds memory system, all the time could slowdown your decision making too, you will have a lot of information of so many subjects but hardly have understanding of something, and when you really need to distinguish between different data, it will take a lot of time to think and analyze before its actual use. Due to this you may be later on labeled as confused individual or absentminded person. There are hundreds and thousands of individuals in this world who have a lot of information stored in their memory system but lakes real know how or understanding and hardly have practical experience of the various subjects of their concern. So even though they have a lot of information, they are not able to use them in time. They continuously need help of others to solve critical questions and tasks. Now the question is, how we can enjoy or ease our life if we do not able to control our life in own way with our own mind?! That is why I propose conscious learning, it is a bit difficult, initially you may feel very hard to achieve presence of mind but as much as you will reduce your subjective pleasure, automatically you will be able to achieve maximum conscious state of mind which will sure reduce your woes.

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

Now you may ask me that if I propose conscious learning with cent percent concentration, then also give you guidance to achieve it fast and maximum. So before saying anything further in this regards, let me tell you a beautiful phrase; One cannot learn swimming by sleeping on a carpet, one needs to dive in to water to learn swimming, and once you have practical experience of swimming you will never forget it in life! So to attain maximum presence of mind, you should have genuine desire towards the learning of any subject. You should be ready to experience all the aspects of the subject matter in terms of practical as well as theoretical. Always keep your eyes in the eyes of the teacher simultaneously on Blackboard and lend your ears cent percent to the words of your teacher to get perfect knowledge of the subject being taught. I mean to say be maximum alert, attentive during new learning and automatically there will be conscious state of mind. When you grasp expression/gestures of your teacher along with his words you get perfect knowledge of the subject very easily, this is the perfect manner to learn and I call it Education without Burden. The biggest advantage of conscious learning is whenever there will be any question / task from the subject you learnt consciously, with proper experiments and understanding, there will be prompt and perfect answer / solution from you for the question / task. There are so many people who simply memorize different subject matter including possible questions by repeated reading from guides without understanding it properly, now what happens is, if the question comes in the same form he memorized, there will be

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

perfect answer of the question by him. But, if the same question asked with some modification and changed terminology, he will get confused to give answer even though he knew the answer, because there is only plain memory of the subject matter instead of proper experience or understanding of it, here memory system fails to recognize difference of method or terminology of the question, since our memory system has its limited intelligence, in fact we have to consciously concentrate in the subject, then only our memory system can help us to provide correct information in time. Most of the time we fail to make distinction between memorized information and real knowledge and knowhow, but when real question comes, the reality surfaces itself. You can score good marks in school exams by only memorizing any subject but when it comes to apply your knowledge in actual task as a professional or as businessman, it becomes very difficult for you. We all need to understand difference between two different words, even if they look synonyms, each of them have its distinct meaning. Let me tell you some words, which we most of the time use as synonyms but do not take things for granted, this each word has its distinct meaning, here I tell you some of those words, for example; Experience, Knowledge, Knowhow, understanding, information etc. Experience: means when do something, we feel something, we get to know something with the help of our intellect-senses with the help of cent percent concentration in conscious state of mind, that is called experience. It could be through our (Karma Indri) work sense. Knowledge: Those things which we get to know from scholars, books, school and things we get to know from various medias

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

like ; TV, Radio, Internet etc. combined with its subject understanding. Knowhow: Means when you know something theoretically as well as practically, it becomes knowhow of the subject which if required; you can also teach or explain to anyone. Understanding: When you can yourself able to distinguish between right and wrong, permanent and impermanent, proper and improper of desired or undesired, I mean to say when you get completely enlightened in certain matter it is called understanding and when asked anything about the matter you can explain thoroughly and anyone get to understand it too without any difficulties. Information: Means plain data in terms of spoken words or written matter which you get from any source such as TV, Radio, Internet, Friend, Newspaper, Magazine etc. We call something only information because we do not have its thorough understanding, we may not even have any concern for that matter or does not have any relevance for it, which can be called as information. So by controlling our food habit, clothing habit, leaving highly materialistic lifestyle, going to sleep early and wakeup early in the morning and finally start believing in oneself and respecting others, we can achieve long standing conscious state of mind which ultimately enhance our concentration in the subject of our concern. In formal education system to get in to next standard, one needs to memorize a lot. Due to 40 to 50 students average in a class room, every student cannot learn equally because every individual has his certain level of grasping power in terms of practical knowhow and in terms of theoretical understanding.


[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

If only we do conscious learning in our formal education during school and college days, we can spare a lot of memory power which can be utilize for so many other important things and informal learning too. The biggest factor after our formal education which contributes bigger burden on our memory system is our professional life where the result of our every act is very important since we invested a lot and there are so many things at stake in terms of finance, manpower, raw material, time spending, infrastructure etc. Due to this reason we accumulate a lot of necessary and unnecessary stress on our mind which worst affect our memory system. So it is highly desired to take-up and do any professional task as much as consciously with utmost care and by applying proper knowledge or knowhow. whatever is required most. In early civilization the importance was given to conscious learning with cent percent concentration in the subject matter of learning, also most of the subjects were more practical in the nature and students were first been evaluated for the aptitude for certain subject. Once the teacher gets to know that the student is eligible to learn certain subject, he used to teach that subject very carefully, also due to aptitude for the subject, students were also very keen to learn the subject of their choice. Also there was mostly one to one teaching of particular subject so every student get equal attention from the teacher also. This system of teaching allowed every student to experiment, know, knowhow and complete understanding of the subject matter. Also the teaching processes were taken place in Gurukul (Traditional School) away from neighbors, relatives, from Village and from the town mostly in the Gurukul and Ashrama which were mostly located near forest or near River bank in pristine serenity away from all kind of subjective pleasure in the lap of pure nature.

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

As per my observations of last couple of decades I came to realize that there are basically two types of mind which I call (1) Volcanic Mind and (2) Absorbent mind. Volcanic mind is one which continuously erupt with new ideas and hardly absorb anything in terms of formal learning or forced teaching, it has its own choice of observing and learning from its surrounding, society, nature and from all walk of life, it is highly practical as well as perfect in terms of theory also since it knows things from roots and have actual experience and subjective understanding too. It finds very difficult to memorize at will and does not like doing things repeatedly, it likes to do new things, likes new things to think it is very creative and innovative in nature. Whereas when it comes to Absorbent mind, it is one which is very rational, it all the time collect a lot of information and ideas generated by others, it is expert in absorbing any information even without any understanding also and is expert in memorizing. It always first grasp plain information of any subject and later on analyze it a lot and produces its own definitions of the subject of the concern. Such mind fails to accept any new things without examples and logical reason, such mind have very strong memory power but very low decision power, whenever any critical question comes in front of such mind, first it absorb as plain words spoken or written, then start analyzing and start finding solution or answer from the large collection of references in its memory system. Such mind cannot concentrate cent percent on the question being asked with utter conscious since it has preference of acquiring a lot of data from all possible corners of its surrounding and due to that it hardly keep its conscious in one subject with cent percent concentration. Observing ones mind according to these two parameters of mental orientation, we can determine that who will prefer more

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

practical and informal learning and who will prefer formal education with higher degree of theoretical and rational teaching. And I personally suggest that we all as parents and as educationalists should try to determine the mental orientation of every child. And should guide and encourage accordingly so maximum potential can be harnessed. Let me also inform all of you that never discriminate children on the bases of their preference of learning method. In totality there is nothing like average, good and excellent mind, but every individual has a unique mind, we should not by force try to replicate knowledge and IQ of an individual to another individual but should try to cultivate mind power of every individual on one to one basis. Here I am elaborating on every aspect of human mind and psychology not to prove that using maximum memory power is bad for you and practical experience and knowhow is good, but I want to enable you to distinguish between the necessary and unnecessary. I put stress on conscious learning and we should use our memory system-subconscious as our assistant in the conscious learning process. I always say that when somewhere experience is important, you cannot replace it with plain knowledge or information. Where there is requirement of knowhow, you cannot replace with only knowledge. Always concentrate consciously on the question that what is asked and what is the subject matter of the task. I would like to request you all the parents and teachers that please do not pressure any child / student to achieve good scores in formal education. If a student is not able to get good scores in


[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

school exams, please do not scold or punish him/her, instead try to find out his / her orientation towards formal learning. And no one can predict that those students who were poor in scoring good marks will not succeed in their professional life. There are hundreds of exemplary people in this world who were poor in formal education and some of them failed in formal education but they greatly succeed in their real professional life as well as in social life. They not only excelled in their field of work but they helped thousands of people to get their professional success as professionals as well as businessmen. Today we need to stress on formal as well as informal education, learning is not limited to the confines of classroom but it is equally there outside of it all around us. Also education is not limited to school and colleges, but it is a matter of lifetime. Till last breath, one learns new things and one should be open to new learning for lifetime without any hesitation. There are so many people on the planet earth who are capable of reading entire magazine or book in a day or couple of days, but when you ask any one of them to speak something about the book or ask that what is the essence of the book he will fail to give you proper answer, always remember that only reading is not sufficient, you need to understand what you read, only superficial grasping any new knowledge is not sufficient but one needs to digest the knowledge and should try to develop knowhow for it. On the other hand there are some people in this world who are not able to remember their own Cell Phone Number or Vehicle number, but in the complete contrast give lecture on any subject of their expertise for two hours in a single stretch. They can

[Book Title: Dont Deep Drill Your Mind for More Memory Power. Written by Bakul Valambhiya ] April 17, 2013

visualize and understand any critical or complex matter very easily. There is nothing like any magic stick with them but it is their orientation of mind and their choice towards learning. Either we accept today or couple of years later, the conscious learning with centpercent concentration is the key to relieve mental stress and thus reliving pressure on our memory system to allow it to work for us as our best assistant for lifetime. Be the master of your memory system, not a slave of it. Let us wakeup, with utter conscious! Best regards, Bakul Valambhiya 25-4-2013


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