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Book City Public Library

SWOT Analysis
Staff: experienced, knowledgeable,

customer service focused ; Sense of place: welcome change, friendly, safe ; The existence of the catalogue online completely updated ; Volunteers provide service enhancement; Cooperation of our library with the main libraries from Ploiesti.

The existence to the Internet of many site containing online publications ; Staff training: limited budget, hours of operation add to challenge ; Undersized and poorly situated main library ;

Developing partnerships with business/private sector/secondary schools ; The increasing of number of users ; Employment support ;


Access to professional staff ; Lack of public transportation for customers in outlying areas ; Staying relevant (impact of fast changes in technology).

PEST Analysis

Political : municipal level of funding, infrastructure programs ; Economic : aging infrastructure, business sector (mining globalization) ; Social : new group of professionals, library as a social gathering place, ability to provide services to all age groups; Technological : wireless internet, accommodations - providing technology for persons with disabilities, e-books and ereaders.

Porter forces

New entries : the market is quite easy to penetrate,but are necessary expensive investments because of new technological skills ; Substitutes : online literature and publications ; Power of negotiation of clients: none ; Power of negotiation of suppliers: relatively large; Competition:Public Library Nicolae Iorga,The Oil-Gas University Library.

Segmentation and positioning

Micromarketing : individual marketing Segmentation variables : need for information,need for socialization,need for specialized assistance ; Positioning : The services different from our competitors offered for a small/none price will bring us many clients and also will be safe source of income .

Range of products and BCG

Dillemas : online payment services, library participation in community cultural events ; Stars : the use of the e-book,support for entrepreneurialism in the community ; Cash-cows : access and tutorials through our website ; Stones : online catalogue,recycle books, accepting donations and offering used book sale programs ;

Pricing strategies

Book City Library will adopt Pay what you want strategy,because we will provide different services at different prices,some of them will be free. Also,we will provide bonuses to our loyal clients.

Distribution strategies

Direct distribution channel: the distribution takes place on the producers premises.

Promotion and communication

Free advertasing : local Tv stations, the partner schools and business. Public relations : closer relationships with schools(to support student education), local business and partner publishers ; Word-of-mouth marketing : our clients ; Website : online catalogue,our own web page ;

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