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Organizational influences on Creativity and Innovation

Organizational Motivation to Innovate

Basic orientation toward innovation Primarily comes from highest levels of management but lower level communicating that vision. An orientation toward risk Vs Orientation toward maintaining status quo. An offensive strategy Vs Defensive strategy. Absence of elements that can undermine creativity: political problems, strict control, excess of formal structures and procedures.

Everything that the organization has available. This includes; Time. People. Funds. Material. System and process. Information. Training.

Management practices:
Researcher's says: Management practices at both level:
Organization Department and projects

Matching individual to work assignments on basis of:

Skills Interest Clearly set overall goals of the project

Management practices: cont.

Supervision foster creativity when there is:

Clear Planning Feedback Good communication (supervisor and work group) Enthusiastic support ( for individual and group)
Effective work groups Diversity of skills Trusted Individuals Communication Challenging ideas Mutual support Commitment to work

Management practices for creativity includes:

Enhancing creativity:
(1950-1960) Creative Problem Solving ( CPS) process.
Developed from brainstorming technique Involves checklists and forced relationships.

(1961) Synectics.
(Make the familiar strange and strange familiar)

Diverse techniques Usage of computer

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