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1) They didnt TV last nigt they? a)was b)did c)were d)didnt

2) zmir last year. a) going b)went c)goes d)go

3)They dont drink tea,? a)are they b)does they c)do they d)did they

4)I was in Antalyasummer. a)this b)last c)every d)any

5)This month.November. a)is b)are c)were d)was

6) A: were you yesterday morning? B:At school a)when b)what time c)where d)how often

7)Aye went to zmir last Summer,..? a)didnt she? B)did she? c)doesnt she? d)does she?

8)This year you are in 7th class, but last 6th class. a)are b)werent c)were d)was

9) An elephant is ..than a cat. A) as big as B) as small as C) bigger D) smaller 10) stanbul is..than zmir A) more crowded B) big C) smaller D) crowded

11) I have got . apples a) a little b) any c) a lot of d) so much 12) Helin is 1.58 cm tall and Pnar is 1.70 cm tall .Pnar is . than Helin. a) tall b) the tallest c) tallest d) taller 13) We wear school uniforms at school ,.. ? Complete the taq question . A ) aren t we B ) dont we C ) don t they D ) didnt we

14). I . the letter yesterday . Boluklar doldurunuz . A) did wrote B ) didn t wrote C ) write D )wrote

15)We _________________our holiday in Alanya last summer. a)spend b)are spending c)will spend d)spent

16)Jenny likes reading books,____________________________? a)doesnt she c)does she 17) I am coming with you,.? a)am I b) arent I c) are I d) am not I b)isnt she d)is she

18)I my grandmother last weekend. a)am visiting b)has visited c)visited d)visit

19) the cinema with her friends yesterday. a)went b)sent c)played d)cleaned

20)There.......four trees in our garden. a)is b)have c)are d)isnt

21)Ali is ill,..............? a)is he? b)has he? c)isn't he? d)isn't she?

22)I am right, . I ? a)am b)dont c)do d)arent

23)He very tired last night, so he . to bed early. a)was / went b)was / goes c)is / went d)is / goes

24)He always plays computer games. ..? a)is he b) doesnt he c) dont he d) Isnt he

25)My father a new car yesterday a)buy b) buys c) bought d) is buying

CEVAP ANAHTARI ( 1/25 ) 1 B 11 C 21 2 B 12 D 22 3 C 13 23 4 B 14 24 B 5 A 15 D 25 C 6 C 16 A 7 A 17 B 8 C 18 C 9 C 19 A 10 A 20 26) I am coming with you,.? a) am b)arent c)are d)am not I

27) She has criedtwo hours a)after b)for c)last d)since

28) the moment? B:No Im just watching a documentary. a) b) c) d) Are / working Do / work Did / work Will / work

29)How sugar is there in the packet? a) much b) many c) little d) a few 30)The kitchen isthan the bathroom a)big b)the smallest c)smaller d)small

31)The Nelsons enjoy on their vacation. a)yourself b)yourselves c)ourselves d)themselves

32)Our English teacher. us homework. a)given b)has given c)not give d)give

33)Ayes father..his car last year a)sell b)sold c)not sell d)sells

34)They would like to a cup of coffee a)drinking b)drink c)drank d)drinks

35)My school two days ago a)coming b)comes c)come d)came

36)Make an order the sentence My / basketball / school / always / brother / play / at a)My brother always plays basketball at school b)My brother always played basketball at school c) My brother plays always basketball at school d) My brother plays basketball at school always. 37)You can play the piano? a)dont you b)can you c)do you d)cant you

38) This bag is small ,I want a)bigger than b)bigger c)smaller d)smaller than

39)Helen is beautiful but Janet is a) b) c) d) the most beautiful beautiful than more beautiful beautiful

40)I am right,..I? a)am b)dont c)do d)arent

41) He.. very tired last night, so bed early a)was / went b)was / goes c)is / went d)is / goes

42)Two hours ago he but now he. a)was / wasnt b)were / isnt c)isnt / wasnt d)was / isnt

43) Ece and Elif go to school every day,.? a)Dont they b)Does she? c)Do they? d)Doesnt she? 44) A:Whereyou two days ago? B:I .in stanbul a)was / was b)were / was c)were / were d)was / were

45) )..your mother.the dishes? a) b) c) d) Are / wash Did / wash Did / washed Is / washed

46)stanbul is ..a Ankara a)crowd b)the most crowded c)more crowded d)crowded

47) He .visit his grandfather yesterday a)isnt b)arent c)didnt d)wasnt

48)My father went to Ankara.. a)tomorrow b)today c)last week d)this week

49)Asiye and Ali ______________ tennis at weekends. a)plays b)is playing c)play d)playing

50) zmit is __________________ Balkesir. a)more crowded than b)crowded than c)crowded d)the most crowded

CEVAP ANAHTARI ( 26/50 ) 26 B 36 A 46 C 27 B 37 D 47 C 28 A 38 B 48 C 29 A 39 C 49 C 30 C 40 D 50 A 31 D 41 A 32 B 42 D 33 B 43 A 34 B 44 B 35 D 45 B 51).you..the football match on TV last night? a)Did / watched b)Did / watch c)Were /watched d)Were / watch

52)The red car is ..the blue car. a)more expensive than b)more expensive c)expensive than d)expensive

53)Whatyoulast night? a)did / watch b)did / watched c)do / watched d)does / watch

54)Yesterday was Sunday.We..a big breakfast yesterday. a)have b)had c)having d)have had

55)A:Did Ahmet drink milk last night? B:Yes, he .milk last night a)didnt drink b)drank c)drink d)drinks

56) She ...her homework yesterday. a)do b)did c)did do d)does

57) Atatrk ..born in 1881 a)is b)are c)was d)were

58) every weekend but Ifootball last weekend a)play / didnt play c)was / didnt play b)played / didnt play d)were / played the school. d- musnt

59)Teachers..wear suit in a-has to b-have to c- must

60) The students dont have DVD player in room. a) says they / their c)say they / their b)say their / they d)says they / their

61)Tom : I watch Tv everyday a) Tom b) Tom c) Tom d) Tom says he watches Tv everday. say I am watching Tv everday. says he watch Tv everday. say I watch Tv everday.

62)You smoke in the hospital. a) have to b) has to c) dont have to d) mustnt

63) Students be late to the lesson. a) havent b) has to c) dont have to d) must

64) A: . you got a calculator? B: No, I A) Has / hasnt B)Has/ havent C) Have / havent D)Have / hasnt

65) A: Is there .. cheese in the fridge? B: Yes, there A) any /any B) any /some C) some / some D) some / any

66) My sister has got a washing machine. She .. wash the dishes by hand. A) dont has to B) doesnt has to C) dontt have to D) doesnt have to

67) They walk to school when they were children. A) had to B) have to C) didnt has to D) didnt had to

68).I did not help Carol.She cleaned the house by .. a)myself b) herself c) himself d) ourselves

69)We learnt English by . a)themselves b)myself c)ourselves d)herself

70)The watch is the clock. a)more expensive than c)more expensive b)the most expensive d)the expensive than

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71) They _________ football yesterday. a) play b ) were c ) played d ) playing

72) I did my homework last night .. a) by himself b) myself c) yourself d) by myself

73) I would like . a) to a pizza b) a pizza c) too buy a pizza d) to pizza

74)The Nile is . The Kzlrmak. A)long than B)longer than C)long that D)long

75)They dont go to concert every weekend, .? A)do they B)does they C)dont they D)doesnt they

CEVAP ANAHTARI (51/75 ) 51 B 61 A 71 C 52 A 62 D 72 D 53 A 63 C 73 B 54 B 64 C 74 B 55 B 65 B 75 A 56 B 66 D 57 C 67 A 58 A 68 B 59 D 69 C 60 C 70 A 76)You to write a letter. A)want B)want to C)was D)would

77) I can run _________________ a tiger. A) as fast as B)fastest C)faster D)as fast

78)Winter is the________________ season of the year? A) as cold as B)colder C)coldest D)cold

79)What do you prefer reading? A)I prefer read book. C)I prefer to read book. 80)stanbul is the ________ city in Turkey. A)biggest B)bigger C)as big as D)big B)I prefer to reading book. D)I prefer reading book.

81)This is thesuit Ive ever bought. A)cheap B)more cheap C) most cheap D)cheapest

82) This is the.cheapest book . A)more B)most C)the most D) ----

83)I cant buy that dress. I want one. A)cheaper B)cheapest C)the cheapest D)more cheap

84)This is song Ive ever heard. A)bad B) worse C) the most worst D) the worst

85) Today, Liz is _____woman in the world. A) happiest B) the most happy C) the less happy D) the happiest

86) You . tidy your room. A )had B) have to C) havent D) has to

87)Asl is as Aye. a) the same b) beautiful c) different d) beauty

88)Do you want to go to cinema? a) b) c) d) No,I prefer going to theatre. Yes, I does. No, I didn't. Yes,They do.

89)stanbul is ............................... city in Turkey. a) more crowded c) the most crowded b) the crowdest d) the most crowdest

90)You .................... cook anything for me tonight because I will be late. I can get a sandwich or something later. A)have to B) must C)doesnt have to D) dont have to

91)A: Whats ................ animal in the world? B: On land or in the sea? A) as big as B) the biggest C) bigger D) too big

92)The lesson today wasnt .......................... the one we had last week. A) as interesting as C) the most interesting B) more interesting D) so interesting

93)....................... people are unemployed in our country because there arent enough jobs. A) A little B) A lot of C) A few D) Much

94) I . in stanbul,my Ankara A)live/lives B)lives/live C)live/living D)do/live

95)III buy..bread. A)any B) a few C) some D)how many

96)Aye is _________girl in the class. a)the most beautiful b)more beautiful c)the beautifulest d) beautiful

97)Lake Van is ________than Lake Burdur. a)taller. b)larger c)more expensive d)smaller

98)zmir is _________than Ankara. a)colder b)faster c)hotter d)taller

99)Ar is as ___________as Kars. a)long b)hot c)tall d)cold

100) ever seen a film of Harry Potter? A)Has B)Did C)Have D)Are

CEVAP ANAHTARI (76/100) 76 B 86 B 96 A 77 A 87 B 97 B 78 C 88 A 98 C 79 D 89 C 99 D 80 A 90 D 10 C 0 81 D 91 B 82 D 92 A 83 A 93 B 84 D 94 A 85 D 95 C

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