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MA2224 Lebesgue integral Assignment 2, January 21-25th 2013 Lebesgue outer measure on (0, 1) 1.

Show that AB (x) = min(A (x), B (x)) = A (x)B (x) , AB (x) = max(A (x), B (x)) = A (x) + B (x) A (x)B (x) , Ac (x) = 1 A (x) . 2. Prove De Morgans laws



Ac ,



for a collection of sets indexed by any set A. Write De Morgan laws for just two sets and check that they agree with the formulas for characteristic functions from Question 1. 3. Let S = Q (0, 1). Show that the characteristic function S is not integrable on (0, 1) in the sense of Riemann-Darboux. 4. Prove the following properties of the Lebesgue outer measure on (0, 1): (i) 0 m (E ) 1 for any E (0, 1) (ii) m (E ) m (F ) if E F (m is monotone) (iii) m () = 0 (iv) m ({x}) = 0 for any x (0, 1) 5. Compute m (S ) where S is the set from Question 2. 6. For a number r R and a set E R we put E + r = {x + r : x E }. Let now r (0, 1) and E (0, 1). Dene the cyclic shift E r (0, 1) by Er = E + r (0, 1) E + r 1 (0, 1) .

Prove that m (E r) = m (E ).

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