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ASSESING PEOPLE Goal: Use conviction (attitude) and physical (body language) and verbal (words) congruence to distract

the conscious, critical, mind that resists suggestions and capture the imagination (unconscious) through embedded commands, patterns, or stories that bring out strong feelings (unconscious) such that you talk directly to the subconscious mind to reframe (give context) and reprogram thoughts and beliefs about a desired behavior, belief, or action. In hypnotic change, give 75% of the emphasis to the belief system and 25% to the physical change or action that is sought. Remember the following principles: People want to be understood. They give you the map if you look at the face, body, and behavior Although pople can be different, most People choose to be similar to those around them even when they can be different. They need to fit in and be accepted. You can categorize people into behavioral groups and have knowledge (advantage) about them. People cannot resist their own ideas/thoughts, drives, actions, and behaviors. Condition your words, thoughts, and behaviors to make it seem as if things are their idea - something they want to do. When a person believes something, then it is true perception is reality Repeat belief that you know they have. It will make your power stronger until things manifest Before requesting a response (behavior), first modify the persons belief or create a belief about that response (behavior) you are seeking. Always create CONTEXT before you request make a request. In making a request, remember that people move away from pain or move towards pleasure. Attach massive pleasure to your request.. Make the person really want to comply. If they resist, regress them to childhood, either hypnotically or by making them recall good memories from childhood. You guarantee that the subconscious will come forward and obey you. Assess a person by looking at: - Body type - Facial characteristics - Additional body characteristics - Language and eye gaze - Behavior Check their beliefs in the folllowing order: o What the person IDEALLY wants (Mission & Vision) o How they see themselves (self-image); what they need to feel better about themselves (Identity) o What they say they want (Means values) o How they feel when they have what they want (Ends values) o How sensitive they are to moods and emotions (Skill) o Behaviors Routine words and actions (trance words and actions) o How original they are with people, places and things (Open mindedness, willingness)

Body types: Slightly overweight to obese - 40% 1


Fit but not super muscular 30% Tall and skinny 20% Perfect killer body -10%

Slightly overweight to obese are driven by comfort and safety (left brain). These basic needs get stronger depending on how much extra weight they have. The more weight, the stronger the need for security and comfort. Stay away from these types when they are in position of authority. They satisfy their need for security by being in charge control! You have to do some incredible reframing to convince them of anything because they feel threatened by being less than 100% in control. These people are stuck in Maslows second level. Everything they do is to satisfy this level. The fit but not super muscular types take care of themselves but are not obsessive about it. They are driven by emotions, emotions, emotions (left brain). The only way to appeal to their senses is emotionally. Rationale will NOT work unless you are totally passionate about what youre saying. You can talk about rocket science but you have to present it as though you want them to love your rocket. Appeal to their five senses and attach emotions to them. Youll fid that the tall and skinny types tend to look intellectual and often wear glasses or contacts. They are intelligent and they want to be appreciated for their intelligence. They are driven by what is rational and logical (right / conscious brain). The skinnier and taller they are, the more rational you must be. To appeal emotionally to them, you must do so from a rational and logical perspective. The perfect killer body types are not the brightest. They tend to use physical means, like sex, to get what they want. They are driven byphysical highs like sexual feelings. Often, thats all they really know. The only way to appeal to them is by offering them some way to mentally get off on something (drugs, alcohol, sex, etc.). They require being talked to in very subtle or very direct sexual ways. You must be very forward and flirtatious AND show a high level of self-confidence that you will get what you want from them i.e., show power over them. With women in this category, holding off on sex is usually a good idea because it is disconcerting after all this is the way she uses to normally control men. With males, it is best to be very direct and aggressive with sex, or they easily lose interest. The face holds the key to the personality. The most prominent features in a persons face are also the prominent characteristics in their personality, as well. It is a nearly 1 to 1 correlation; if it sticks out on the face, its important i.e., people with boring faces tend to be boring people. The way to learn to interpret this is to go out and look at people. As you are looking make rudimentary sketches of their facial features, as if you are drawing a caricature. Start with the shape and then add the most striking features. Make hypothetical guesses / interpretations and then verify or test it out. People with deep vertical folds between their eyes are strong willed and display a very volatile temper and emotions anger to violence. Avoid frequent contact with these people. People with a very thin upper lip are intelligent and very sociable. However, they are also very cold and unfeeling toward others. They tend to be selfish calculating schemers. Some are schemers. Stay away. People with full upper and lower lips are very needy and often very loving and nurturing. However, they are often not the brightest. Look for a very subtle upward turn at the folds of the mouth. Those who show this upward fold tend to be happy, enthusiastic and optimistic. Those who show a downward fold will show anger, moodiness, dissatisfaction with their life, and depression. Stay away. If a chin comes to a relatively sharp point (face tapers from the center downwards), that person has a fire element. Unless you also have a fire element, they will burn you.

Watch for other characteristics: People with nose rings or tattoos have a need to create challenge in relationships. Theyll deliberately try to tame their partner. Once tamed, they get bored and move on mentally and or physically. If they cant tame them, they make life miserable or give up and move on. The bigger the nose ring, the bigger the problem. If the tattoo is hidden, they hide their problems. (People with nose rings often write with a stinger. This is a little hook that forms in their Cs and As.) Wearing rings on the index finger means a sense of pride with a tendency toward vanity. A ring on the middle finger show a need for security (slightly overweight to obese types). Ring(s) on the ring finger shows a need for commitment. The pinky finger is the worst! Ring on the pinky finger means the person has a need for control. They are emotional control freaks who may display emotional (blackmail) type tantrums when they dont get their way (Mob bosses wear rings on this finger). People with thumb rings are open minded and adventurous. If they wear rings on all or most fingers, it suggests a person who seeks acknowledgement, love and security. They often get it by being sexually open and free. In language and thought processing, people are: - Visual 70% - Auditory 20% - Kinesthetic (touchy-feely) 10% Visuals sit up straight, dress neatly, look intently at you, their eyes gaze upwards when thinking, they breathe fast from the upper chest and speak fast, and they use visual vocabulary. Show them things and use visual words and phrases it looks like; it appears that; think of an image that etc. Auditory people talk a lot - they like to hear themselves speak. They often lean forward and turn their head to lend and ear so that they hear you more easily. They breathe from the lower chest and respond more slowly than visuals. When thinking, their eye gaze is lateral to the right or left. With them, use clear speech (enunciate), vary your tone of voice, and have background sounds (like background music). Also use tonal phrases this sounds good; can you hear what Im saying?; Dang-it!!!; etc. Kinesthetics are the slowest of the group in talking, breathing and in action (in general). They do abdominal breathing. Their eyes tend to go down and to the right. They constantly use their hands to touch things, like the table edge or corners or the stem of a wine glass. Wit them use subtle / accidental touches or overt touching pat in the back, extended shaking hands, hug, kiss, etc. Also use emotional vocabulary I feel your pain; I sense that you; etc. Remember that actions speak louder than words!! Watch what theyre doing. Forget what they say Watch what they do!! Everything about the body reveals something about the mind - People who look and act physically attractive usually have good self-esteem. To influence: Choose the right target - Study the person first and find out what void in their life you can fill

Create a false sense of security Approach indirectly mAke sure the target only gradually becomes aware of you Send mixed signals A mix of qualities conveys depth, which fascinates and confuses Appear to be an object of desire Aloofness makes you a commodity. Getting your attention will become a point of vanity for them. Create a need and stir up anxiety and discontent A satisfied person cannot be seduced Sow confusion Focus on what they feel is controversial Insinuate - Make bold statements followed by retraction and apology, banal talk combined with alluring glances, make everything suggestive Play by their rules - to lower their defenses Create temptation give a visual, verbal, and a feeling glimpse of pleasures to come Keep suspense DO NOT be predictable you bore Pay attention to detail Subtle gestures and offhand actions and comments are always more charming Be intriguing alter your presence make moments of calculated absence Be gently inferior - Make the other person feel superior and stronger Confuse desire and reality Focus on their secret emotions, wishes and desires, especially if they were thwarted or repressed Stir up strong emotions to cloud their power of reason Isolate your target Take them away from their environment / comfort zone. With no support, they are easy prey Prove yourself Show pictures and facts about yourself to dispel doubts Regress them make them recall good past experiences (associate to you) Bring up the transgressive and the taboo People yearn to explore their dark side. Take them farther than they imagine- a shared sense of guilt and complicity with you makes a powerful bond. Use spiritual lures Make them focus on something sublime and spiritual Use physical lures Awaken their dormant senses; combine a non-defensive attitude with charged sexual pleasure attitude Mix pleasure with pain The GREATEST mistake is to be too nice Show some vanity Hint that you are growing bored; Hint being interested in someone else (a gaze, etc.) Use bold moves Dont give the target time to consider the consequences; be on the offensive Beware of after effects Never be taken you for granted- Use absence, create pain or conflict to keep the interest alive INITIATING NATURAL LANGUAGE HYPNOSIS It is important to: Do so within the first ten to twenty minutes of initiating a conversation. DO NOT look directly into the persons eyes. Focus your gaze on the very top bridge of the nose (between the eyes) third eye. Lower your tone of voice until you can feel it resonating in your chest You MUST capture their imagination (subconscious) using verbal and physical pacing, then leading, and by inserting embedded commands followed by a story or a pattern. Focus on the present AND the future. Keep past intact and only recall good experiences from it (regression). Always stir up feelings of intense passion - emotions and feelings by focusing on: o Their likes and dislikes o Levels and location of liking acquaintance, buddy, love 4


Levels and location of interaction lust, desire, passion levels. Discover locations by asking where in their mental screen or body they see pictures, hear or feel the presence of attractive movie or pop stars when they think about him/her. Feed back to them whatever they tell you. This show them that you understand them (builds rapport). Take the locations and descriptions of what they describe and duplicate these in yourself i.e., be the ideal person they want AND attach feelings and emotions to this image (create a new mental construct). Slowly move your new image to the location associated with lust or love. o Eliciting means values (What they say they want) o Eliciting ends values (how they feel once they have what they want); Ask: Whats really important to you in your life? your relationships? Whats really important to you in a person you want to date? Go out with? What qualities are important to you in people you like? How do you decide that you want to go out with someone? Like me, I. What makes you feel good when youre out with someone? Like me, I. What do you like to experience in guy? How would you describe your ideal relationship? Your ideal guy? Physical pacing - mimick their motions and acions scratching, crossing legs - their voice tone and pattern, their key (or trance) words, their breathing and eye blinking. You can be very overt doing this and people will NOT be aware of it. They subconsciously believe that you are like them and they accept you and feel comfortable with you. Verbal pacing - make statements about what is true and verifiable in the immediate vicinity or and ongoing action. Only make statements to which they agree with (say yes to). ALWAYS make at least three (3) pacing statements in sequence BEFORE you lead or introduce an embedded command. Verbal and physical leading - using words, tones, or small body movements that they can mimic. Embedded commands - a form of covert suggestion i.e., a message that bypasses the conscious and is heard by the subconscious, which will act upon it since there is no conscious objection. Embedded commands must have as few words as possible from 2 to 5. Among the best ways to set up an embedded command is to use conditional binding set-up phrases. These are phrases that make the person think that they have a choice and that an idea is their own. Set-up phrases include: - Eventually what I want to direct your attention to will probably come to pass. You will - When you.feel irresistibly attracted to someone - If / when you find yourself - You might find me very attractive when you - Maybe youll want to do this more and more often - Maybe you havent ____, yet. Maybe you havent decided to do this, yet. Who knows. Theres still time. And you may still want to do it. - How surprised would you be to find that youre becoming . - As you.listen carefully - If youfeel intensely excited - If you were to.relax and open your subconscious mind.

- What would it be like if You feel relaxed and sleepy - I wonder if / how.that drink is making you groggy. - I dont know if youre going to like thisbetter than any other youve had - Its easy to_____, isnt it? Its easy to go nto a trance, isnt it? To effectively use embedded commands, you MUST highlight the command in some way. The best way is to either introduce a slight pause before and after the command, or by increasing or decreasing the loudness of your speech, or by a change in your tone or pitch. Example of a conditional binding set-up phrase: I wonder how it will feel to believe everything I say or at least accept what I say.after you naturally start to feel very comfortable and at ease with me. This phrase starts by giving a sense of having a choice by using the set up phrase I wonder how Then, it offers a binding choice along with simultaneous embedded commands believe everything I say or accept what I say. Whichever is chosen is what you want. It ends with a final embedded command feel very comfortable and at ease with me. Once the level of rapport increases, the best way to chat is by telling stories that expand the range of their behavior. So, start by describing the different levels of liking someone acquaintance, buddy, love - and interacting with someone lust, desire, passion levels. Do this using the approach: People do this. or I knew a person (girl/boy) who. or You can.

Make the person aware that they ALREADY have these levels i.e., love for family, love for friends and teachers, for ex-boy/girlfriends, etc. The purpose is to reframe and redefine their own concept of themselves. Make them feel like they are better than they think. Challenge their current thinking model this makes you interesting. For example: You reframe their concept of slut - from a loose woman to someone who shares a deep human and spiritual connection with her fellow man. A good approach to starting conversations is ewhen they ask you what do you do? Reply by suggesting I make people feel goodwould you like a sample? Suggest that you have the power to bring about intense feelings of relaxation. Then, ask Would you like a sample? offer to give them a sample. When they say yes, it becomes the willingness agreement that you need to lead into patterns or to an induction. Begin with an Ericksonian story, the Elman induction, or the Progressive Relaxation induction. ERICKSONIAN INDUCTION I Are you willing to learn how to relax? (get approval) All you have to do is to let things happenand they will happen and I may take a hold of your hand in a moment. Now, I want you to know that you dont need to talk. And you dont need to move. And you dont even need to listen to my voice because your unconscious mind can hear me.

For your unconscious mind really doesnt have anything of importance to do because the important thing is the listening by your unconscious mind. Now, there are certain changes taking place of which you are unaware. Already your breathing has changed. Your respiration has slowed down and your heart rate has slowed. Now, Im just going to talk to you. Just nod your head if you have to. Now as you watch your hands , they are simply resting there. And do you know about the feelings that you have when you want the baby to open its mouth and you open yours instead of the bay? (subject nods head) And did you ever put on brakes when you were in the back seat or the front passenger side of a car? (subject nods head) Well, I want that same kind of automatic movement. Now look at my hands. You see very, very slowly, without it being a voluntary thing. My right hand can lift up and can lower. And the left hand can lift up and lower. (show yourself doing each hand). Now what Id like you to understand is this: You have a conscious mind and you know that and I know that. And you also have an unconscious mind. Do you know what I mean by that? (Subject nods; YOU lean forward and make intense eye contact by focusing your gaze on the bridge of the nose) Now, you could lift your right hand or your left hand consciously, but you unconscious mind can lift one of the other of your hands. And now, Id like you to look at your hands and Im going to ask you a question. And you do not know the answer to that question, but your unconscious mind does. So youll just have to wait and see what the answer is. Im going to ask you which hand is your unconscious mind going to lift up first? The right hand or the left hand and you really dont know, but you unconscious knows. (Pause) Thats right. Its beginning to lift one of your hands. Lifting, lifting, lifting, lifting up. And now that hand is lifting up. (Subjects hand begins to slowly move) Thats right, Watch it lifting, lifting, lifting, up it comes, lifting higher and higher. And as you keep watching your hand, youll notice that you can close your eyes and feel it lifting higher and higher. And Im going to take hold of this hand. (Lightly slide your thumb on the inside of the hand that arose) And its lifting, lifting, lifting. Thats right. And the other hand is lifting, lifting up. (Lightly touch the other hand to assume a catalepsy position) That rightI mentioned before that then hand could lift up and it could go down. And now I wonder if you know which hand is going to go down first. One or the other is going to go down. Down it comes. (One hand begins to lower)

Thats right. Down it comes. And its coming down more and more. And as it comes down, I want you to go deeper and deeper into the trance. Id like to have you enjoy going deeper and deeper. And when your hand reaches your lap, youll take a deep breath and go even deeper into trance, because youre beginning to know how now. Thats right, coming to rest there. Now, take a deep breath. Thats right. And now, let it seem as if many minutes had passed. Now, Id like for you to slowly arouse and look at me and talk to me. Now slowly arouse up now. (subject opens eyes) Thats right. And youre beginning to learn to go into a trance. (lightly take hold of hand that is still suspended) And how does your hand feel? (Subject says it is a little heavy) Thats right. A little heavy. (Continue with a Reverse Set) Rouse up. Do I have to awaken you again? (Raise tone of voice slightly as you rub the hand that is still in the air) ERICKSONIAN INDUCTION II When you first went to school, I dont know if it was kindergarten or first grade, but you had to learn the alphabet. And looking at all those letters seemed to be an insurmountable task. And you had to learn the difference between an A and a B, a B from a D, an M from a W, and a P from a Q and an upper and lower case. But you learned them by creating mental images of these letters in your mind. And then you had to learn script writing and that seemed t be an insurmountable task. But you did it by developing images of those letters in your mind, both upper and lower case> And that has been permanent learning that has stayed with you all your life. And you can learn other things like how to relax and how to feel good about yourself, and how to like what you want to doand how to break from your bonds and feel carefree and happy, safe and secure, calm and relaxed, quiet and peaceful.. Sometime today, perhaps soon if you like, I would like your unconscious mind to have an opportunity to give a surprise to you A present, a pleasant gift, something special, something nice, An unexpected pleasure, a wonderful feeling A particular taste perhaps or a brilliant color Or an exciting experience, a very personal experience, a thrilling and stipulating experience that is especially unique for you

Something that stands out and gives you intense warmth and pleasure, That special feeling, a special treat So nice to be alive to experience that A brief period perhaps or a long time A giggle of amusement or a luxurious sigh of satisfaction So keep an aye for whats in front of you, a unique person, a unique being For that special time that you may want now When your unconscious mind sneaks up on you and opens up your mind and your body To that special person and that special feeling That only that person can bring to you. Tonight, perhaps tomorrow too Your unconscious mind can give you a need to be with this person A very special person PROGRESSIVE RELAXATION INDUCTION Instructions - Have the person you're working with sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Talk slowly in a soothing low tone of voice (it doesn't have to be monotone; It must resonate in your chest). Eye Closure "Take a deep breath and as you let it out, close your eyes and begin to feel yourself relaxing." (If their eyes are already closed, leave the eye closing out) Body Relaxation Now focus on the tip of your toesrelax them one by one.relax them one by one. Now focus on your feetrelax each of them more and more feel the relaxation as the muscles grow loose and limp. Loose and limp Now, focus on your legsallow your muscles to go loose and limpjust like a wet rag. Feel the muscles going loose and limp as you continue to relax. Now focus on your thighslet the muscles go loose and limpallow them to go loose and limp feel them going loose and limpmore and more.


That's right, good, you're doing just fine. Now, allow this relaxation to exted into you butt and to you abdomenfeel a warmth building as you relax your muscles more and moreloose and limpjuts like a wet rag. Extend this relaxtion into your chest and back.allow the relaxing warmth to losen you chest and back muscles more and moremore and more Now relax your shoulders and arms.and your hands.allow them to be loose and limp.loose and limp. Good, you're doing very well. Now, let your neck and face muscles relaxthe back of your neck.and your jawjust let it relax.and you cheeksand the muscles around your eyes..and your forehead.and your your scalp.allow them to go loose and limptotally and completely relaxed Well done! Now, become aware of how completely relaxed you are.become aware of how calm and peaceful you this relacxing warmth now covers your entire body.alloing your mind to also begin relaxing more and you go deeper and deeper into this relaxing trance. Let your body become more and more comfortable... let the muscles become loose and limp and even more relaxed. Deepen and give suggestions Testing Testing must be donbe in the following order: Test #1 Anesthesia Test wnly when you are certain that the subject is in deep hypnosis - Pinch the skin. This test must be passed before you go on to do anything else in hypnosis. Test #2 Moving arm or leg Ask the subject to try to move a large group of muscles. If unable to move these muscles, go on to test #3 Test #3 Opening the eyes This involves any small groups of muscles preferably around the eyes. Ask the subject to try to open the eyes. If you see any muscle movement, like fluttering, with no eye opening, the subject is in sonambulism. If you no muscle movement whatsoever, the subject is in coma state. Test #4 Catatonia Realize that catatonia can be realized even in light states of hypnosis. It must arrive by itself, without suggestion. The test means nothing unless the subject is already in a coma state. Emergence (End of induction)


Now w are ready to emerge from this trance. I am going to count to five. When I reach the number five, or before, your eyes will open and youll feel refreshed and relaxed as if you had peacefully slept through an entire night. Here we go 1,.2 (Make voice stronger as you get close t five) 3, Waking now 4,. On the next number your eyes will open and youll feel refreshed and relaxed if you had peacefully slept through an entire night. 5. Eyes wide open, refreshed and relaxed. Awake now! Once in a deep trance, move on to: ELMAN INDUCTION EYE CLOSURE Take a deep breath. As you let it out, close your eyes and relax. Now, relax your eyes and the muscles around your eyes as fully and completely as possible. Relax them so completely that as long as you maintain that relaxationyour eyes just remain closed. When youve got them sooooo relaxed to that point of absolute relaxation give them a try and satisfy yourself that they now remain closed (pause). Good. Now stop trying and completely relax them again. Totally relax them. Allow your eyes to remain fully closed and relaxed. BODY RELAXATION Take that same quality of relaxationthat same level of relaxation and allow it to spread from the top of your head to the tips of your toes Feel this warm wave of relaxation spread aver your entire bodyAllow this relaxing warmth to go from the top of your head to the tips of your toesfeeling this warming wave of relaxation over your entire body. Good In a moment, as difficult as it may be, Im going to ask you to open your eyes and close them again. You may barely be able to comply with this request. Thats OKIt means that you are relaxed. When you close them, just go 10 times deeper into this relaxation Now, open your eyes and close them (Pause) Go 10 time deeper (Pause) Now, just feel the warmth of this relaxation intensify all over your body. You are loose and limp just like a wet rag.



As difficult as it may be, Im going to ask you to open your eyes and close them once more. It may be more difficult to comply with this request. Thats OK you are just more relaxed. When you close them this time, just double your relaxation Now, open your eyes and close them (Pause) Double your relaxation (Pause) Feel the warmth of this relaxation intensifying all over your body. You are loose and limp just like a wet rag. Good. In a moment, Im going to ask you to open your eyes and close them again. You may just leave your eyes closed if it is too difficult. Thats OKIt means that you are fully relaxed. This time, when you close them, just go MUCH deeper into this relaxation. Open your eyes and close them (Pause) Go much deepermuch deeper.all the way down. (Pause) Good Just feel the warmth of this relaxation just intensify all over your body. You are loose and limp just like a wet rag. ARM (DROP) DEEPENING SELF INDUCED In a moment Im going to ask you to feel your left armIf youve followed instructions so far ..and I thing youve done very wellyour arm will be lose and limp just like a wet rag. Just feel itDont try to move it ..just feel itIt will feel as if you are leaning your whole body to the left.Thats good its only a sensation as you relax more and moreJust let your arm relax as you feel it relax go much deeper .Now, feel it once more.go much deeperand againfeel it go deeper and deeper into this relaxation Now, allow this much deeper relaxation to spread all over your body. SUGGESTED AMNESIA Very good Youre doing very wellNow weve got a very good and workable level of physical relaxation. Now, lets add mental relaxation to it.

HYPNOTIST INDUCED In a moment, I am going to pick up your left arm by the wrist. If youve followed instructions so far ..and I thing youve done very wellyour arm will be lose and limp just like a wet rag. Just feel itDont help me . Let me do all the work. Im going to lift your arm up just a few inches and then drop it. When I do, just allow it to make a nice satisfying plop and as it plops go much deeper (Do arm drop) . Much deepermuch deeperIn fact each time I pick up your arm and allow it to plop down, go much deeper into relaxation (Repeat arm drop several times)


In a moment Im going to ask you to begin saying the alphabet backwards out loud. (You dont have to speakjust say it in your mind) Allow each letter you say to help your mind to grow more and more relaxed, more and more calm, more and more serene. You find that within just a few lettersyour mind can grow soooooo relaxed,.sooooo calm,sooooo serene and peaceful that the rest of the letters just fade away.they grow dimand distantand become quietand disappear altogether. When that happens, notice how good it feels. Notice how this relaxation feels warm and wonderful all over.body and mind are now calm and peacefulrelaxing more and moreWhen that happens, notice how good it feels as you say the alphabet backwards in this manner Z(say slowly in time with their exhales) Y(say slowly in time with their exhales) X (say slowly in time with their exhales) Allowing each letter to relax your mind so that it grows calm and relaxed.peaceful and serenelike the surface of a very still clear water lake shining in the morning. Within just a few letters, the rest of the letters disappear. Your mind is sooo relaxed that they just disappear. Now, begin saying the alphabet Z Good Y Relaxing more and more X More and more calm W More and more peaceful V Allowing them to just fade away U Fading away more and more T Now, just allow them to disappear.. Are they all gone? (State as a command) Good SUGGESTIONS Now I want you to listen to me.only to my voice I am going to give you some suggestions


And I want you to ask your unconscious mind to work with your conscious mind to make all of these real, each and every day. (Pause) From now on, each and every day, you find it so easy to learn and to remember and apply to people leading, pacing, embedded commands, anchoring hypnotic induction language and patterns. From now on, each and every day, anytime, anywhere anyplace, you routinely and very easily remember and use leading, pacing, embedded commands, and anchoring. From now on, each and every day, anytime, anywhere anyplace, you routinely and very easily use hypnotic induction language and patterns. From now on, each and every day, anytime, anywhere anyplace, you routinely remember and use ambiguous phrases and seduction patterns. Your mind so easily remembers all of the words and phrases for these techniques You find that it is it soooo very easy to do and to influence and to hypnotize people. even strangers. When you do this you are calm and your speak hypnotically and with authority. You move with calculated movements. Through ought the process, you think carefully about what you say and do, before you speak or act. Everything that you do is pre-thought to strengthen and make more powerful your hypnotic effect. As you gain experience, you do this more and more rapidly until you routinely do instantaneous inductions. You do this from now on, each and every day, anytime, anywhere anyplace, with anyone. From now on each time I say the words Time to trance you will easily and instantaneously go into a deep, deep trance to listening for my suggestions. From now on each time I say the words Time to trance you will easily and instantaneously go into a deep, deep trance listening for my suggestions. EMERGENCE Now w are ready to emerge from this trance. I am going to count to five. When I reach the number five, or before, your eyes will open and youll feel refreshed and relaxed as if you had peacefully slept through an entire night. Here we go 1,.2 (Make voice stronger as you get close t five) 3, Waking now 4,. On the next number your eyes will open and youll feel refreshed and relaxed if you had peacefully slept through an entire night. 5. Eyes wide open, refreshed and relaxed. Awake now! THE PROTECTIVE BUBBLE INDUCTION


In front of you imagine red fire leaping and dance from out of the ground. Feel the heatNotice how you can feel the heat against your skin, warm, bright, powerful, and protecting you from things on the other side. Feel how the fire is fuel for the most powerful change. To either side of you, right and left,, imagine fountains of clear blue, refreshing water shoot from the ground. Water of the deepest bluewater of calm and balanceWithin this water is all the positive energy of the universe at your command. Feel it spray against your skin like a thousand warm raindrops refreshing you. Now, turn around and look to your back. Imagine a field of electricity, shining brilliantly. Notice how you can feel it tingling against your skinnotice how this energy makes you feel free from guilt, free from fear, and free from confusion. This is the energy of the totally natural, free, and uninhibited person underneaththe kind of person you really want to be. Now, swirl these energies togetherthe warm red fire.the refreshing blue waterand the rejuvenating white electricity.Swirl them all around you until their colors are swirling together mixingcreating all sorts of bright and beautiful colorsswirl these energies together until they create a bubble made of clear energy all around you. Imagine this bubble of clear energy now protects you from any negative or unhelpful emotion or feelingHere, the rules of society do not applyHere, you can be and believe anything you want Here, any unhelpful emotion or feeling disintegrates instantly when it comes in contact with the protective bubble that surrounds you. Notice how the negative feeling (mention a particular issue for the person , like Im too fat ) comes flying toward the protective bubble surrounding you and CLAP (clap your hands) ..Its gone forever! Notice how another negative feeling comes flying toward the bubble and CLAP (clap your hands) its gone forever!! Now, this is where you get to feeling really goodImagine the energy of the bubble coming down like rain, bathing you in pure white light from the top of your head to the tip of your toesfilling you with beautiful, relaxing, calming, blissful protective energy. And if at any time in the future you suspect any unhelpful emotion or feeling or thought has snuck back into your mind somehow, all you have to do is take a deep breath, close your eyes and relax all the way down and you can create the bubble of protection all around you and disintegrate those negative thoughts and feelings away and keep them out forever. From now on, every time you hear me say Its time to wander for you as I snap my fingers, You will immediately go into a deep, deep, relaxing trance that is 100 times deeper and more relaxing than this one (Repeat). Do you understand this? If so, slowly raise a finger in one hand. Now, I am going to count from one to five and as I count from one to five, you will awaken, alive, refreshed, and feeling so much better than before12345(snap fingers) eyes open, wide awake, and feeling wonderful. HYPNOTC INDUCTION WHILE SUBJECT IS ALREADY ASLEEP



First - notice and count the respirations. Make sure that breathing is down to no more than 8/minute. Ideally it should be between 6-8 /minute. If the subject is breathing too fast, you will have to wait. Second Approach the subject very carefully and gently for the aim is to bypass the critical faculties (some may be active even during sleep). The bypass must occur instantly. Third Speak very very gently but very confidently. Once you start, maitain a constant hypnotic pace and rhythm of voice. Fourth - say the following: This first line is MOST IMPORTANT! This is (say your name) speaking. You can hear me and cant wake up. You can hear me and you cant wake up. You can hear me and you cant wake up. You remain asleep without waking up. Ill know youre hearing me when your thumb, which Im going to touch, begins to rise. Ill know youre hearing me when your thumb moves. You can hear me and you cant wake up. You remain asleep without waking up. (When the thumb responds, continue to talk gently, giving suggestions and compounding them as you proceed) Give a post-hypnoytic command From now on, every time I say to you Time to trance, and I snap my fingers (snap fingers gently), you will go into an immediate deep, deep, relaxing trance just like you are in now. From now on, every time I say to you Time to trance, and I snap my fingers (snap fingers gently), you will go into an immediate deep, deep, relaxing trance just like you are in now. Do you understand? If so move your thum again. (ait for response or repeat suggestion). In a moment, Im going to stop talking to you. When I do, you will revert to the state you were in before I started talking to you. You will sleep deeply, restfully and peacefully, totally relaxed and totally calm. In the morning, youll awaken competely refreshed you wont even remember Ive been talking to you. The more you try to remember, the harder it will be to recall. When you wake up, youll feel so much better about ________. You will _______. You just know that you wouldnt do this ______ if you didnt know that it was (going to be) absolutely and completely safe / exciting and necessary for you. From now on, it is easy for you to__________ . Each and every day, youll get/ want more even though you wont know how or why you feel this intense need and desire for more of the same thing with the same person. Youll feel an intense drive to take action to find ways to get much more. Now, go to sleep very soundly and Ill see you in the morning.Ill stop talking now. Attachment 1 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs



Abraham Maslow is known for establishing the theory of a hierarchy of needs, writing that human beings are motivated by unsatisfied needs, and that certain lower needs need to be satisfied before higher needs can be satisfied. Maslow studied exemplary people such as Albert Einstein, Jane Addams, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Frederick Douglas rather than mentally ill or neurotic people. This was a radical departure from two of the chief schools of psychology of his day: Freud and B.F. Skinner. Freud saw little difference between the motivations of humans and animals. We are supposedly rational beings; however, we do not act that way. Such pessimism, Maslow believed, was the result of Freud's study of mentally ill people. "The study of crippled, stunted, immature, and unhealthy specimens can yield only a cripple psychology and a cripple philosophy" (Motivation and Personality). Skinner, on the other hand, studied how pigeons and white rats learn. His motivational models were based on simple rewards such as food and water, sex, and avoidance of pain. Say "sit" to your dog and give the dog a treat when it sits, and-after several repetitions--the dog will sit when you command it to do so. Maslow thought that psychologists should instead study the playfulness, affection, etc., of animals. He also believed that Skinner discounted things that make humans different from each other. Instead, Skinner relied on statistical descriptions of people. Maslows hierarchy of needs was an alternative to the depressing determinism of Freud and Skinner. He felt that people are basically trustworthy, self-protecting, and self-governing. Humans tend toward growth and love. Although there is a continuous cycle of human wars, murder, deceit, etc., he believed that violence is not what human nature is meant to be like. Violence and other evils occur when human needs are thwarted. In other words, people who are deprived of lower needs such as safety may defend themselves by violent means. He did not believe that humans are violent because they enjoy violence. Or that they lie, cheat, and steal because they enjoy doing it. According to Maslow, there are general types of needs (physiological, safety, love, and esteem) that must be satisfied before a person can act unselfishly. He called these needs "deficiency needs." As long as we are motivated to satisfy these cravings, we are moving towards growth, toward self-actualization. Satisfying needs is healthy, blocking gratification makes us sick or evil. In other words, we are all "needs junkies" with cravings that must be satisfied and should be satisfied. Else, we become sick. Needs are prepotent. A prepotent need is one that has the greatest influence over our actions. Everyone has a prepotent need, but that need will vary among individuals. A teenager may have a need to feel that


he/she is accepted by a group. A heroin addict will need to satisfy his/her cravings for heroin to function normally in society, and will not worry about acceptance by other people. According to Maslow, when the deficiency needs are met: At once other (and higher) needs emerge, and these, rather than physiological hungers, dominate the organism. And when these in turn are satisfied, again new (and still higher) needs emerge, and so on. As one desire is satisfied, another pops up to take its place. Physiological Needs Physiological needs are the very basic needs such as air, water, food, sleep, sex, etc. When these are not satisfied we may feel sickness, irritation, pain, discomfort, etc. These feelings motivate us to alleviate them as soon as possible to establish homeostasis. Once they are alleviated, we may think about other things. Safety Needs Safety needs have to do with establishing stability and consistency in a chaotic world. These needs are mostly psychological in nature. We need the security of a home and family. However, if a family is dysfunction, i.e., an abusive husband, the wife cannot move to the next level because she is constantly concerned for her safety. Love and belongingness have to wait until she is no longer cringing in fear. Many in our society cry out for law and order because they do not feel safe enough to go for a walk in their neighborhood. Many people, particularly those in the inner cities, unfortunately, are stuck at this level. In addition, safety needs sometimes motivate people to be religious. Religions comfort us with the promise of a safe secure place after we die and leave the insecurity of this world. Love Needs Love and belongingness are next on the ladder. Humans have a desire to belong to groups: clubs, work groups, religious groups, family, gangs, etc. We need to feel loved (non-sexual) by others, to be accepted by others. Performers appreciate applause. We need to be needed. Beer commercials, in addition to playing on sex, also often show how beer makes for camaraderie. When was the last time you saw a beer commercial with someone drinking beer alone? Esteem Needs There are two types of esteem needs. First is self-esteem which results from competence or mastery of a task. Second, there's the attention and recognition that comes from others. This is similar to the belongingness level, however, wanting admiration has to do with the need for power. People who have all of their lower needs satisfied, often drive very expensive cars because doing so raises their level of esteem. "Hey, look what I can afford-peon!" Self-Actualization The need for self-actualization is "the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming." People who have everything can maximize their potential. They can seek knowledge, peace, esthetic experiences, self-fulfillment, oneness with God, etc. It is


usually middle-class to upper-class students who take up environmental causes, join the Peace Corps, go off to a monastery, etc.



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