Air Water Fire Earth

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Air is the subtle material realm between the physical and spiritual plane. It represents the intellect, creative imagination, and new beginnings. This is where all thoughts come from and where our spirit goes to be nourished. Air is feminine and has been associated with breath - the spirit or soul of all living creatures. The principal concern of Air people is that of communication. These signs think, communicate, analyze and theorize. They love freedom, truth, justice and have the ability to change circumstances with amazing speed and have great leadership capabilities with a reputation of being fair. As thinkers, they rely on rationality rather than on intuition or emotions to confront a situation. Their philosophical approach to matters allows them to endure hardships. They can tolerate almost any circumstance as long as there is a rational explanation for it. Air becomes a negative when their expectations of everyone to uphold the same standards fail. Air people cannot understand why everyone does not think and act as they do. Rationalizing mistakes also occur instead of perceiving events as learning experiences. They are devoted to abstract ideas and have difficulty making decisions making them appear elusive as well as exasperating at times. When Air persons cannot cope in reality, they try to live in a fairy tale world. Color: Yellow Places: Sky, Mountain Tops, Tree Tops, Bluffs, Airplanes Time: Spring and Dawn Process: Thinking, Reading, Speaking, Praying, Singing Direction: East Symbols: Circle, Bird, Bell, Sylph, Flute, Chimes, Clouds Plants: Almond, Broom, Clover, Eyebright, Lavender, Pine Stones: Amethyst, Sapphire, Citrine, Azurite Tools: Athame Zodiac: Aquarius - Aquarius - January 20 - February 18 - Water-Bearer

Air sign; hopes and dreams, friends and wishes; idealistic humanitarian; Refuses to follow the crowd; wants to be original and do things a little different than everyone else; constantly seeking knowledge and searching for answers; easygoing and the kindest persons in the world; intellectual and communicative; view things from an analytical point; plans are well though out; makes friends with everyone by placing yourself in unusual situations with unusual characters; comes across as cold and uncaring yet underneath the surface is an extremely soft-hearted loving person; passion is aroused by stimulating conversation and intellectual appreciation; known for change, the unexpected, invention, and modern science; personality is liberal with strong opinions; tendency to be innovative and eccentric; starts arguments simply for the intellectual exercise. Geta along with Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio all are perfectionists and resistant to change. color purple
Gemini - Gemini - May 21 - June 21 - Twins

Air sign; versatile, witty, logical, spontaneous and talkative; tend to be nervous, restless and inconsistent; an expert at 'duality' and being fickle; born to persuade; lively, energetic and humanistic; intellectual and communicative; quick minded; ideal conversationalist; interests in many areas and know a little about almost everything rather than a lot about a few things; in the things you know a lot about, youre inclined to get carried away; tend to force opinion on others and try to make them see things from your point of

view; prefer communication, travel, and intelligence; ready for a trip at a moments notice; a shrewd business person and can excel in business mainly because of your communicative abilities. metal quicksilver color - pink
Libra - Libra - September 23 - October 23 - Scales

Air sign; marriage and partnership; happiest in a union; lose equilibrium and positive outlook when forced to be alone; most easygoing of all; filled with charm and elegance; love to be in peaceful setting; avoids friction at all costs; flair for diplomacy; see each side of argument; intellectual and communicative; well versed and knowledgeable; seeks pleasure and social pursuits; inclined to self indulgence and love of luxury; enjoy the comforts that life offers and delights in art and music; great pleasure surrounded with others in parties, especially at home. Get along with Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn all are enterprising, outgoing, and initiators. color green metal copper

Fire people are extremely passionate. They live life to the fullest and have powerful emotions. Everything is intense and when nothing is occurring they will create something even if it is troublesome . They are seekers of passion and willing to suffer in order to avoid boredom. Their minds are quick and active. They are often quick to anger and quick to forget about it. They also tend to get involved quickly but lack staying power of the other elements. They are often brilliant and live for the moment. Color: Red Places: Volcanoes, Ovens, Fire Places, and Deserts Time: Summer and Noon Process: Passion, Anger, Quick, Active, Energy and Power Direction: South Symbols: Triangle, Lightening, Flame, Salamander Plants: Basil, Blood Root, Dragons Blood, Ginger, Orange, and Tobacco Stones: Ruby, Garnet, Diamond, Bloodstone, Flint, Topaz and Sunstone Tools: Wand Zodiac: Aries - Aries - March 21 - April 19 - Ram

Fire sign; generates tension; rules over fire and danger; not afraid of aggression and conflict; little patience; strongly project their own personalities; quite selfish; restless and goal-oriented; brave, impetuous, courageous and direct; leave projects undone; A 'me first' attitude can go to the extreme of selfishness, crudeness and foolhardiness; hot temper interferes; Little self control; compassionate side; impulsive; open to new experiences. Gets along with Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn all are enterprising, outgoing, and are usually initiators. Metal; iron Color - red.
Leo - Leo - July 23 - August 22 - Lion

Fire sign; dominates and is not afraid of challenge; strong and dominant; enthusiastic and very creative; the most excessive spendthrift; wants to enjoy the good life; Luxury is a necessity; dont like to settle for second best in anything; generous, kind and soft-hearted; brings sunshine to those around you; the best friend, however, ego needs feeding; love flattery, can never get enough; active and enthusiastic; extremely ambitious and a hard worker; can appear lazy but its a temporary rest to admire the things around you; focus on authority and vitality; love to give advice; overbearing at times. 146268110.doc 2

Gets along with Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius all are perfectionist and resistant to change. colors gold and orange metal gold
Sagittarius - Sagittarius - November 22 - December 21 - Archer

Fire sign; philosophy, higher learning, and broad concepts; happiest discovering new ideas, exploring distant places, and not getting tied down with personal commitments; desire freedom to do what they want; tend to be impulsive and independent; more interested in mental exploration as teachers and philosophers; procrastinate or seem self-indulgent; trustworthy and charming and adaptable to all situations; broad-minded and enthusiastic; have foot-in-mouth disease as they talk too much or speak before thinking; enjoy travel and spiritual study; have daring and adventurous spirits; love to have a good time; outgoing and friendly; natural comedians; exaggerate their adventures to entertain people. Get along with Gemini and Virgo all are flexible, versatile, and adapt to new situations easily. color dark blue

Water is passive and receptive. It is associated with the universal womb/mother, birth and fertility. It is life giving and life destroying and used to cleanse or purify physically and psychically. It is the emotional response to a situation. It is sensitivity, inspiring intuition, remembering the past, and foreseeing the future . Water people sense the feelings of others and are aware of their surroundings on an emotional level. Living in a spiritual world, everything can become sacred. They are protective and nurturing. Sometimes they find it difficult drawing a line between what they should care about and what they should leave alone . The major problem is their sensitivity. They tend to break under stress and sometimes will seek escape through drugs, alcohol, or other addictions, if they cannot control their sensitivity. They also hold grudges due to their lack of control. Color: Blue Places: Ocean, River, Lakes, Ponds, Waterfalls, and Beaches Time: Autumn, Harvest and Sunset Process: Love, Nurture, Sensitivity, Psychic Ability and Healing Direction: West Symbols: Crescent, Shells, Boats, Ship Wheel, Anchor, and Cup Plants: Aloe, Cucumber, Dulse, Gardenia, Lily, Lotus, and Willow Stones: Aquamarine, Chysocolla, Moonstone, and Mother of Pearl Tools: Vessel, Grail, Chalice, and Cauldron Zodiac: Cancer Cancer - June 22 - July22 - Crab

Water sign; seek close personal relationships; happiest surrounded by the familiar and those whom they love; Shows a hard exterior behavior to hide a soft and sentimental interior; very imaginative, sympathetic and extremely complex; receptive and kind nature that makes friends easily; constantly looking for support and assurance from everyone; desperate need for approval makes you clingy; loyal, devoted, affectionate, and very protective; tend to hold on to money as firmly as you do to everything that belongs to you; very emotional, intuitive, and sensitive; keen awareness about people and not easily fooled. Gets along with Aries, Libra, and Capricorn all are enterprising, outgoing, and are usually initiators. metal silver color silver
Scorpio Scorpio - October 24 - November 21 - Scorpion


Water sign: inheritance and legacies; sense of purpose and destiny; find truest happiness in dispensing their life-force to others; interest in discovering other people's emotions and how they respond to the world around them; strong-willed and wary of being controlled by others; can be self-destructive; have their own agenda and work intensely to achieve their desires; motivated and loyal but often misunderstood since people may see them as dictatorial or sarcastic; enjoy difficult pursuits that challenge them to excel; refuse to settle for being anything less than the best; great strength of determination to see things through to the end; refuse to allow boredom to turn them away from projects; committed to accomplishing what they set out to do; Get along with Taurus and Leo all are perfectionist and resistant to change. color red metal iron
Pisces - Pisces - February 19 - March 20 - Fish

Water sign; new beginnings, eternity, reincarnation, and spiritual rebirth; illusion, glamour, mystery, and deception; ability to see deeply into the human psyche; born with gift of prophecy, mysticism and dreams; loyal, unselfish and generous, naturally kind, and sensitive; excellent friend and are always available to listen to peoples problems; possess the gift of gab and expects others to listen; tends to boast; habit of taking over conversations; explains how you feel about things can be annoying; keen and interesting manner of speaking; emotional and intuitive; trusts in own perceptions; completely trusts own intuitions and feelings; strong imagination and creative; success in business. Gets along with Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius all flexible, versatile, and adapt to new situations easily. color lavender

Earth is our ability to manifest desires helping to ground energy and focus. It is passive in nature and represents both the womb and the grave by bringing forth and taking away. It is stationary, with no ability to create. It is interested in the final outcome and is focused on the flesh and all physical matters. It supports, affirms, sees, touches, smells, senses, feels and holds. It is both sensual and practical. It can be stubborn and generous and has instinct rather than feeling. Earth is very slow and steady in any change and seems to remain the same . Most Earth people have the essential quality of strength and are practical, liking organization. They are steady and solid in efforts being both builders and defenders with a strong sense of responsibility. They are concerned with reality and the constants of home, family, and work. They are sensual and conservative in their approach to life. They are kind and cautious and it takes much to win their trust and friendship. Once you have it though, they are loyal forever. They are attracted to power and have a negative side of power games, possessiveness, and manipulations. They can forgive with little effort or hold a grudge for years. Color: Green Places: Caves, Forests, Fields, Gardens, and Canyons Time: Midnight and Winter Process: Responsible, Practical, Organized, Steady, and Grounded Direction: North Symbols: Square, Cornucopia, Spindle, Scythe, and Salt Plants: Alfalfa, Cotton, Oats, Patchouly, Vetivert, and Wheat Stones: Moss Agate, Jasper, Malachite, Peridot, and Tourmaline Tools: Pentacle Zodiac: Capricorn Capricorn - December 22 - January 19 - Goat

Earth sign; reputation, career, and status in the community; a driving force towards success, money, and authority; cautious and conservative; quick to seize an opportunity; outside you appear distant and

indifferent but inside extremely loyal and capable of sharing much passion; emotionally reserved; remain patient and supportive no matter what are the conditions; cherish and protect people you care for; practical and stable; focus on obstacles, restrictions, and discipline; tends to pessimism, inflexibility, and selfishness; can be extremely materialistic and cunning; In a constant mental battle. Gets along with Aries, Cancer, and Libra all are enterprising, outgoing, and initiators. color brown metal lead
Taurus Taurus - April 20 - May 20 - Bull

Earth sign; patient, affectionate, responsible, reliable and very sensual; stubborn, obstinate, and possessive; high regard on collecting possessions; excellent business sense; easy going; dont like to be challenged or rushed into anything new; have great control over temper, however, if pushed too far, becomes very angry and let it be known; practical and stable; Beneath surface lays a sentimental and sensuous person; basically shy and reserved with strangers; inclined to a love of luxury and like to surround with quality things; tendency to be materialistic yet you have a frugal side; You do not show your affection by giving lavish gifts; Your gifts are carefully thought out, never extravagant, and almost always practical; Gets along with Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius all are perfectionists and resistant to change. Metal - copper Color green
Virgo - Virgo - August 23 - September 22 - Virgin

Earth sign; perfectionists who dissect facts to find truth and obtain information; reserved, and modest; need to keep busy; constantly on the move; spend free time organizing and planning; wants to make everything perfect; practical and stable; kind, devoted and loyal; Having friends around brings out best qualities; critical of others; lets feelings be known; dont like criticism about you; Focus on communication, travel, intelligence and reason; analytical and rational; Before any adventure you analyze the facts and make sure everything is prepared before proceeding; sensible in business and finances; astute business person; Gets along with Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces all are flexible, versatile and able to adapt to new situations easily. color navy blue metal quicksilver
The following apply: East - Air yellow/red South - Fire red/white West - Water blue/gray North- Earth green/black


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