Industrial Revolution Inventors: Person Invention Date

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Industrial Revolution Inventors

The Industrial Revolution that occurred in the 19th century was of great importance to the economic future of the United States. Three industrial developments led the way to industrialization in America:

1. 2.

Transportation was expanded. Electricity was effectively harnessed.

3. Improvements were made to industrial processes. Following is a list of key events and dates of the Industrial Revolution.

James Watt Eli Whitney Robert Fulton Samuel F. B. Morse Elias Howe Isaac Singer Cyrus Field Alexander Graham Bell Thomas Edison Nikola Tesla Rudolf Diesel Henry Ford

First reliable Steam Engine Cotton Gin, Interchangeable parts for muskets Telegraph Sewing Machine Transatlantic Cable Telephone Phonograph, Incandescant Light Bulb Induction Electric Motor Diesel Engine Model T Ford, Assembly Line

1775 1793, 1798 1836 1844 1866 1876 1877, 1879 1888 1892 1903 1908, 1913

Regular Steamboat service on the Hudson River 1807

Improves and markets Howe's Sewing Machine 1851

Orville and Wilbur Wright First Airplane

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