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Albert Einstein




1955 (


Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, United

Kingdom, United States

Wrttemberg/Germany (18791896)

Stateless (18961901)


Austria (19111912)

Germany (19141933)

United States (19401955)

Swiss Patent Office (Bern)

University of Zurich

Charles University in Prague

ETH Zurich

Prussian Academy of Sciences

Kaiser Wilhelm Institute

University of Leiden

Institute for Advanced Study

ETH Zurich

University of Zurich

Alfred Kleiner
academic advisors
Notable students

Heinrich Friedrich Weber

Ernst G. Straus

Nathan Rosen

Le Szilrd

Raziuddin Siddiqui[1]

General relativity and special relativity

Photoelectric effect

Mass-energy equivalence

Theory of Brownian Motion

Einstein field equations

BoseEinstein statistics

Unified Field Theory

EPR paradox

Nobel Prize in Physics (1921)

Matteucci Medal (1921)

Copley Medal (1925)

Max Planck Medal (1929)

Time Person of the Century (1999)

Mileva Mari (19031919)

Elsa Lwenthal, ne Einstein, (19191936)

(: Albert Einstein; - )
- E = mc2 ,
, , , , ,
, ,

[ ]

- ,
Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein
& Cie Oktoberfest


1893 ( )

| 1889
| .

| .
. |

[ ]

"Mohammad Raziuddin Siddiqui". 2 January 1998. Archived from the original on 1
June 2004. : 3 April 2011.

[ ]


(1901) /






(1903) (1904)





(1922) Millikan (1923) M. Siegbahn (192

Perrin (1926) Compton / C. Wilson (1927) O. Richardson (1928) De Broglie (1929)

(1930) Heisenberg (1932) Schrdinger

Anderson (1936) Davisson / Thomson (1937) Fermi (1938) Lawrence (1939) Stern (1943) Rabi (1944) Pauli (1945) Bridgman

Cockcroft / Walton (1951) Bloch / Purcell (1952) Zernike (1953) Born / Bothe (1954) Lamb / Kusch (1955) Shockley / Bardeen

Lee (1957) Cherenkov / Frank / Tamm (1958) Segr / Chamberlain (1959) Glaser (1960) Hofstadter / Mssbauer (1961) Landau
Mann (1969) Alfvn / Nel (1970)

(1971) Bardeen / Cooper / Schrieffer (1972) Esaki / Giaever / Josephson (1973) Ryle / He

Richter / Ting (1976) P. W. Anderson / Mott / Van Vleck (1977) Kapitsa / Penzias / R. Wilson (1978) Glashow / Salam / Weinberg

Klitzing (1985) Ruska / Binnig / Rohrer (1986) Bednorz / Mller (1987) Lederman / Schwartz / Steinberger (1988) Ramsey / Dehm

Lee / Osheroff / R. Richardson (1996) Chu / Cohen-Tannoudji / Phillips (1997) Laughlin / Strmer / Tsui (1998) 't Hooft / Veltman

Cornell / Ketterle / Wieman (2001) Davis / Koshiba / Giacconi (2002) Abrikosov / Ginzburg / Leggett (2003) Gross / Politzer / Wi
Book:Nobel Prize in Physics

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