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wo rFlint
ks e s s i o nSector
# 6 a p r i l 1 3 ,Plan

White Flintwo rSector
ks e s s i o n s c hPlan
march 19: property owners presentations

march 30: complete property owner presentations

community presentations

april 13: complete community presentations

april 23: s u m m a r y o f d e n s i t y, b u i l d i n g h e i g h t s a n d
other redevelopment issues
public facilities: schools
MARC station site

april 30: transportation

public facilities: parks
environment and sustainability

may 7: design guidelines

status of fiscal analysis and implementation

may 21: zoning, staging and implementation

White Flint
re s i dSector
e nt i a l co m mPlan

white flint park-garrett park estates

randolph hills

crest of wickford


community presentations are next
next are randolph hills, crest of wickford,
fallstone and luxmanor presentations

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