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Text: Each Peach Pear Plum Janet & Allan Ahlberg Term: 2 Weeks: 2-8

Structure of the passag e The text 1: What meaning was conveyed? Inferences and Secret English Each Peach Pear Plum Apples Peaches Pears and Plums nursery rhyme 2: Why it was included? Authors intentionality To introduce the first of the nursery rhymes

Class: Kindergarten
3 and 4: How was the meaning created? Structure, word and language choices, grammar Rhyming of each and peach ch sound So What? Teaching implications Informing Writing workshops NA

Passage 1
I spy Tom Thumb

Passage 2

* The Authors is giving the first clue for the I Spy game. * 2nd fairytale Tom Thumb * Illustrations Tom Thumb hiding in tree.

To introduce Tom Thumb to the story/game as a characters.

Word Choice:* I spy * Tom Thumb

* I introducing the Author as the lead role in the story. * spy action for game * Tom Thumb introducing first character * Rhyming - Plum / Thumb um sound * in the cupboard location of Tom Thumb (adverb - where) * Mother Hubbard intros 2nd Character * Rhyming cupboard / Hubbard board sound * down the cellar location of Mother Hubbard (adverb - where) * Cinderella intros 3rd Character * Rhyming cellar / Cinderella ellar sound

Tom Thumb in the cupboard I spy Mother Hubbard

* Locate Tom Thumb * Second clue in game * 3rd nursery rhyme Old Mother Hubbard * Illustrations - Mother Hubbards bottom, bottom right * Locate Mother Hubbard * Third clue in game * 4th fairy tale Cinderella * Illustrations Cinderellas arm dusting, right of centre

* Tells where Tom Thumb is hiding * To introduce Mother Hubbard into the story/game

Word Choice:* in the cupboard * I spy (game) * Mother Hubbard

Passage 3

Mother Hubbard down the cellar I spy Cinderella

* Tells where Mother Hubbard is hiding * To introduce Cinderella

Word Choice:* down the cellar * I spy (game) * Cinderella

Passage 4



Moree East Public School

Cinderella on the stairs

* Locate Cinderella * Fourth clue in game * 5th fairy tale The Three Bears * Illustrations Three Bears in the window

* Tells where Cinderella is hiding * To introduce The Three Bears

Passage 5

I spy the Three Bears

Word Choice:* on the stairs * I spy (game) * Three Bears

* on the stairs location of Cinderella (adverb - where) * Three Bears intros 4th Character * Rhyming stairs / Bears airs sound * out hunting location of The Three Bears (adverb - where) * Baby Bunting intros 5th Character * Rhyming hunting / Bunting unting sound * fast asleep location of Baby Bunting (adverb - where) * Bo-Peep intros 6th Character * Rhyming asleep / Bo-Peep eep sound * up the hill location of BoPeep (adverb - where) * Jack and Jill intros 7th Character * Rhyming hill / Jill ill sound

Three Bears out hunting

* Locate The Three Bears * Fifth clue in game * 6th nursery rhyme Baby Bunting * Illustrations Baby Bunting in basket was hanging from tree * Locate Baby Bunting * sixth clue in game * 7th nursery rhyme Little Bo-Peep * Illustrations- Bo-Peep hiding in paddock

* Tells where The Three Bears are hiding * To introduce Baby Bunting

Word Choice:* out hunting * I spy (game) * Baby Bunting

Passage 6

I spy Baby Bunting

Baby Bunting fast asleep

* Tells where Baby Bunting is hiding * To introduce Bo-Peep

Passage 7

I spy Bo-Peep

Word Choice:* fast asleep * I spy (game) * Bo-Peep

Bo-Peep up the hill

* Locate Bo-Peep * seventh clue in game * 8th nursery rhyme Jack and Jill * Illustrations Jack and Jill tumbling down hill

Passage 8
I spy Jack and Jill

* Tells where Bo-Peep is hiding * To introduce Jack and Jill

Word Choice:* up the hill * I spy (game) * Jack and Jill



Moree East Public School

Jack and Jill in the ditch

* Locate Jack and Jill * eighth clue in game * 9th nursery rhyme Hansel and Gretel The Wicked Witch * Illustrations Wicked Witch hiding behind bush * Locate Wicked Witch * ninth clue in game * 10th fairytale Robin Hood * Illustrations Robin Hoods arrow

* Tells where Jack and Jill are * To introduce Wicked Witch

Passage 9

I spy the Wicked Witch

Word Choice:* in the ditch * I spy (game) * Wicked Witch

* in the ditch location of Jack and Jill (adverb - where) * Wicked Witch intros 8th Character * Rhyming ditch / witch ich sound * over the wood location of the Wicked Witch (adverb - where) * Robin Hood intros 9th Character * Rhyming wood / hood ood sound * in his den location of the Robin Hood (adverb - where) * Returns to Three Bears Characters * Rhyming den/again en sound * still hunting what Three Bears are doing (adverb - time) * Returns to Baby Bunting * Rhyming hunting / Bunting unting sound

Wicked Witch over the wood

* Tells where the Wicked Witch is * To introduce Robin Hood

Passage 10

Word Choice:* over the wood * I spy (game) * Robin Hood

I spy Robin Hood

Robin Hood in his den

* Locate Robin Hood * tenth clue in game * Returns to Three Bears fairytale * Illustrations - Three Bears behind trees * Returns to previous characters * Three Bears are now part of the game * Brings another character back to story * Illustrations Baby Bunting under the bridge

* Tells where Robin Hood is hiding * Reintroduces Three Bears

Passage 11

I spy the Bears again

Word Choice:* in his den * I spy (game) * Three Bears again

Three Bears still hunting

* Describes what the Three Bears are doing

Passage 12

THEY spy Baby Bunting

* Reintroduces Three Bears * Continues the game making reader audience instead of player

Word Choice:* still hunting * THEY spy (game) * Baby Bunting



Moree East Public School

Baby Bunting safe and dry

* Describes how Baby Bunting is * 11th clue in the game * 11th nursery rhyme Little Jack Horner Plum Pie * Illustrations Plum Pie blanket in yard * Locates Plum Pie * Illustrations everyone hiding throughout page * 12th Clue in game * Solves clue * Illustrations everyone eating pie

* Describes how Baby Bunting is

Passage 13

I spy Plum Pie

* To introduce Plum Pie

Word Choice:* safe and dry * I spy (game) * Plum Pie

* safe and dry how Baby Bunting is (adverb - how) * Intros Plum Pie (Little Jack Horner) * Rhyming dry /pie i sound

Plum Pie in the sun

* Tells where the Plum Pie is

Passage 14


* Finishes the game by solving the final clue

Word Choice:* in the sun * I spy (game) * Everyone!

* in the sun where is the Plum Pie (adverb - where) * EVERYONE! capital letter and ! to show emphasis * Rhyming sun /everyone un sound



Moree East Public School

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