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My English classes are amusing.

1. Look at the picture, read what they are saying and put it into reported speech.

I want to quit smoking

Would you like an orange?

I always read in the park.

I dont like this chocolate.

I cant go out tonight.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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2. Put these statements into reported speech: I hate advertising in the middle of films. he said. She's going to the ballet tonight. he said. I always read the morning paper. she said. Harry Potter is a best-seller. They said

3. Put the following questions into reported speech: Do you read books in English? he asked Can you help me find the way to the post-office? she asked. Where do you buy your clothes? he asked. When are you going on holiday? he asked.

4. Put the following commands into reported speech: Tell the kids to be quiet. He said. Dont pay attention to advertisements.- Laura said. Send him a nice postcard. she said. Don't make so much noise. He said

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