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That guy was muhshesuh

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The Guy was Muhshesuh By Guiyeoni

Summer break is almost over and school is about to start. Because its near the end of summer, all my "friends" have gone away on trips with their boyfriends. At the blossoming age of 18, the only thing I can do is go on my computer. And Ive gone on almost every site in the world... so I have nothing to do on the computer either. Oh! A school board. Since there wasn't anything else to do.. I clicked into the boards. For the most part, I go to a nerdy school, so there weren't that many topics or conversations. Nobody was in the chat room, so I clicked on the comments topic instead. Oh yeah~! A topic~! It read, Doils Girls school So I did.. Ji Eunsung If my senses are right, this should be a guy. HEHEHE.. Wait... but what the hell is this? ~ Click~!

You girls~ Dont go out in the city.. You girls dress like crap~ Get that?? Are you pissed yet? Reply~~ Kekekek

Okay fine, my school is rumored to be one of the best in Kwachun, so most of the girls dressed in our ugly plaid skirts with their hair cut up to their chin and their bangs tucked behind their ears.. 70% wear glasses... But still!! This is too mean!!! The more I thought about it, the more it pissed

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me off. And since my school is rumored to be one of the best and we have a lot of nerds, no one would reply to this ass. Not that theyd have the backbone to either.. So I decided to stand up for my school!!!

Shut your trap!! Speak for yourself!! Fawk off you bastard!!! Truthfully? I was nervous about that so I deleted that..

Have you seen us? HUH?? That was too weak.. He probably HAD seen us. So I rewrote THAT. Arent you too harsh, we dress better than YOU. Okay, I guess this is good.. But I feel immature.. I turned off my computer and an hour later turned it back of to see if there was any reply.. Nope.. No reply... The sun had begun to set and I felt a familiar sensation in my stomach.. Oppa is in college... Moms at a meeting.. Itd be a while before dad got back... +RIINGGG RIIINGG+ Oh my cell phones ringing~~ Forgetting about my soy sauce, I ran towards it.

Hello? Do you know who I am?!

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..Whats this person talking about?? Its a guys voice..

Uh.. who is this? Do you know who the HELL I am? Who is this? Me? Im Sang Highschools Ji Eunsung. Ji Eunsung? O_O my reply...

He sounds pissed.. OMG what do I do ?

Yeah, uh why? Hey, you go to that girls school, huh? ..Yeah? FuQ, are you kidding me? Who do you know at Sang?

FuQ?? Did he just say that to me...? Im pissed..

What if I say I dont know anyone.. Youre coming off hard, arent you?

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..Whyd you call? Howd you know my number? It said it in your profile.. You dont know why I called? Do you know who I am? You started it.. And do you think I care who you are? Hey hey! Listen to this, 'You started it.. wah wah!!'" He said it to his friends and I can hear them laughing at me..

Dammit.. whatever, Im hanging up. So I did.. but Im scared.. what if he beats me up? +RRRINNNGS+ Dammit, my phone wont stop ringing... I quickly took out the battery.. Should I tell my brother?? No, he doesnt care about me...

Next day. Ji Eunsung? Yeah, Ive heard of him. O_O Where? I dunno. But I have. What do I do? Should I just act like it never happened? Anyway, Han Yehwon, youre the problem. Whyd you even reply back?

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I dont know!! Just dont answer his calls because hes probably out to kill you.. Yeah I know.. I doubt hed hit girls..

And thats how it ended.. until 2 weeks and 3 days later.the day right before school started. I wanted to show the girls at my school a new me, so I went to go get my hair straightened at the salon. There wasn't as much people as I thought thered bemaybe because its morning... The unni placed a plastic head covering on my head. And it was then... +Ring+ The door opened .. Huk Three guys just walked in.. my age.. and GOOD LOOKING. All 3 had blonde hair -- theyre probably here to dye it back to black because of school..

What are you going to do?, the unni asked. Hair cut. Youre not doing to un-dye it? No. Just a cut. And short! The unni set down one of the guys next to me and I was too embarrassed to look up. I cant look at anyone like this..

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Yehwon! Youre doing magic straight right? Unni.. Whyd you say my name...? Yeah.. B.U.T

I felt someones gaze on me...


I was surprised. The guy next to me was Sang Highs school. 3 of the 4 best looking guys.. The one who showed some interest in Kyungwon (my friend). He looks popular. Hes even prettier than me... In other words.. BLAGH. I dont like people better looking than me. I quickly averted my gaze.. How embarrassing.. Why now of all times? You go to that girls school, right? ...Me? You. Why? " Just because ...Yeah? Eunsung.. It's her!!!

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The crazy bastar shouted at one of his friends seated on the sofa.

Whatd she say?,.. one of the guys asked.. Girls school! The one who hung up on you! .. I cant even run away... Right then, I looked in the mirror and saw one of the guys coming nearer. He was very tall with short blonde hair. I think he's Ji Eunsung... T_T Hey, kid, lift your head. I still # looked 4 down with the plastic on my head. But he grabbed the plastic and ripped it off my head so my eyes found his face..

The guy was staring at me with a loathing look. White skin. Short blonde hair.. No double lids but big eyes. He looked like a Japanese comic book character.. Prettier than me. Wait.. I dont want to admit that hes good looking..

Right?? Youre her, right?! The annoying pretty boy said next to me.. Yeah. Ji Eunsung forced a VERY fake smile to cover up his anger. He grinned at me..

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-- me.

You remember me? Ji Eunsung?

What should I do to you?? His face hasnt changed at all.. How scary..

Stupid Floppy (Ill call him that since his hair flops and I dont know his name) grinned.

Werent we finished with that whole thing? smiled.

I gathered my courage and

Do you know how long Ive waited for this day..?

Youre the first who's ever hung up on Eunsung~~! ^0^" Shut up Floppy.. before I break your face. Suddenly I got a boost of courage before it was shattered away again.. 1 girl.. 1 guy on the sofa.. Stupid Floppy.. and Ji Eunsung... 1: 3. So much for that plan... Hey, Im straightening my hair right now. Lets settle this after Im finished. Yeah, I dont feel like beating someone with plastic on their head either.. Hurry and finish it.. ^0^ He said in a scary tone.. and sat back down on the sofa.

B.U.T .. Stupid Floppy grinned at me.. Eunsungie really hits girls..

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Hurry and run!!


I wanted to tell the unni next to me to kick them out.. but with stupid Floppy next to me-- that was out of the question. And a horrible 30 minutes passed. People whove done it might know.. but magic straight is a test of patience. As soon as his hair was cut, Floppy ran over to Ji Eunsung. And the 3 guys on the sofa just stared at mewaiting I could see through the mirror.. 5 minutes... then 10... then another 30... And they still havent left.. Unni, just keep it in as long as you can.. Yes maam. Of course, the 3 guys didnt hear.

Shiit, whats taking so long?! Its been 2 hours already!!!

Ji Eunsung said impatiently.. Maelong~~ >_< Usually when girls straighten their hair, it takes a while.. Last time when I came here together with Haewon, I thought I was going to die waiting..

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Damn, how much longer??! About 1 hour.. Stupid Floppy said the first thing that made me happy. 1 hour?!?! Whats she doing?!?! Straightening her hair.. Fawk.. If you put stripes on a pumpkin, does it become a watermelon?

I felt my nostrils flare to keep from snapping at him. Its 1:3. I cant take them all... But all of a sudden...!! Ji Eunsung stood up.. and following him, his friends did too. If you're not here when I come back, your 10 hits will become 100. Got that?

Yes!! Theyre leaving!!! If you leave you die!! Ill go hunt you down at your school!! Okay okay.. now LEAVE.. And he finally left... Stupid bastard... You think Im scared?!?! As soon as he left I shouted.. Unnie!! Are you done?!

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I just need to rinse now. Oh! Ill do it at home. Im going. 50 right?! I slammed down the money and I yanked off the robe. With the plastic covering still on my head, I ran out the back door. On August 21, 2001, I, Han Yehwon, ran like crazy... +Next Day+ Its school!! The first day of school... But I have a bad feeling..

I arrived at school. Much to my annoyance, Kyungwon didnt even acknowledge my new hair. So Sang High Schools #3 best looking guy talked to you!? That stupid Floppy. If I see him again.. What are you going to do?

Kill him...

You poor b***h, I cant believe you havent heard of Ji Eunsung. Shut up! Dont even say his name in front of me!! KEKEKE! ^0^

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The first day of school we got assigned the last seats in the room so we sneakily and carefully chatted away. And we also decided.... Hey, isnt detention the first day of school a little harsh?

Wanna skip? I asked. Skip detention? Well be in so much trouble. HEHE.. okay

Hey, dont lie to me, I know youre afraid Ji Eunsung will come looking for you. .. Shut up.. I muttered HAHA! Okay, lets skip. OKI OKI!! So.. the time is 4 oclock and school has ended and were SUPPOSED to be in detention right now.. We crept past the office and into one of the classrooms. No one will catch us here. ^0^ We whispered in the back of the classroom.. We talked about what we would do when we got home and on the weekends. Then well- Lee Kyungwon.. Turn around. Huh? Why? Turn around, were running on the count of 3.. What are you talking about, weirdo?!

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I ignored her and I started to run as fast as I could. I felt a LITTLE bad so I turned my head and yelled, Theyre in Ji Eunsungs group! RUN! You b***h, you should have told me earlier!! Kyungwon was struggling to catch up with me and me??? I ran for my life, even though I didnt really know if it was him or not. Im sure it was one of his friends from the salon (not Floppy) the other one. OH NO. The back door is locked.. In that case, I might as well go to the south side and go out the door and hop over a fence and into the street.. Kyungwon finally caught up with me.. panting for breath. You psychotic b***h. You leave your friend to save your own pathetic life!? Sorry.. T_T .. Ill pay you back, but right now is REALLY not the time to fight. Ji Eunsungs friend saw me. Then what do we do? Lets hop over the fence. Crazy b***h... Well do you have a better idea? But its dangerous. Its not as scary as getting beaten to death! Of all the girls at school, I decided to become friends with you.

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Athletic Kyungwon climbed the fence first. Catch me okay? Shut up..

Kyungwon smirked and jumped over.. AHK. What is it?! No answer... Lee Kyungwon! Whats wrong!!? No-- nothing, Yehwon... Huh?? WHAT?? No reply.. Why arent you talking? Are you hurt? No.. Okay then, Im going!! If I have ever made a big mistake, it was on August 23, 2001. And if I have ever been careless, it was on August 23, 2001. I jumped without

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even checking to see if anyone was there. I jumped with closed eyes, thinking Id chicken out if I actually saw where I was jumping. AAAHHHKK!! +Smack...+ Smack????? Oh lord!! When I opened my eyes, I was in Ji Eunsungs arms with his lips on mine. I can see 3 others from Sang, including Floppy. Kyungwons shocked face next to me.. She was staring as if Id lost an arm. Wh- wha- what the hell is this?? Ji Eunsung looked even more shocked. His eyes were as round as saucers. WAAAAAH!! Im dead... Sorry!! I didnt mean to!! O_O Sorry!!

I said, drawing away and getting ready to run. The guy finally came back to his senses. Where. Are. You. Going, he asked, grabbing my arm. Sorry! I didnt do it on purpose!! Take responsibility for your actions..

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Huh?? Youre the first b***h Ive smacked lips with. Take. Responsibility. You think I'd believe you?! BWAHAHA!!

A guy who looks like that has never kissed?? Thats like saying my mom does the dishes (she makes me do them..) Eunsung wouldnt hold a girls hand unless hes getting married, someone said. It was stupid Floppy. Take responsibility for your actions...

Hell only hold hands if hes getting married?? With THAT personality?! Sorry Yehwon, I was going to tell you, but that ass over there covered my mouth.. she said, pointing to Floppy. Dont worry Kyungwon, Ill kill Floppy.. its only a matter of time... But right now, we have a bigger fish to fry.. How are you going to take responsibility? ... I cannt talk anything. Just quiet. We. Have. To. Get. Married. The guy said.

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Hey Kyungwon.. Whatd he just say?! I asked startled.. Am I hearing him correctly.. He said hes going to marry you. Eunsung!! Youre crazy!! Look at her face!! I swear Ill kill you if its the last thing I do, Floppy...

Dammit!! Whyd you jump over the fence?!?!?! Ji Eunsung yelled. Youre the one stupid enough to hide there!!! You wanna die?! Do you have a death wish?! ... Hes still scary... Dammit, if only we hadnt smashed lips.. Why HER of all people?! Are you going to hit me..? Fawk jibber jabber... jibber jabber.. He muttered to himself. Hey, do you want me to call the others over? One of his friends asked, looking at me as if I were lower than poop. Yeah. Call them. Floppy said, Eunsung!!! Lets go, Im hot!! Shut your trap!! 001-553-297. Press talk. Ji Eunsung yelled Me? Yeah you!! Why? Because you jumped on me!! I did not jump on you!!

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Well you hugged me!~ You came to beat me!!! Well, do you want me to finish what I came for?! No.. Then call!! If you dont, Ill kill you!! Are you really going to marry me? Crazy b***h.. he muttered.. Tch.. the bastard is changing the topic...

Im not taking responsibility of you.. I said.. Do you think I like you?! You ass face!! If you tell ANYONE were going out.. He let the threat hang in the air.. Whos going out with you?? I guess Im a little to blame, but its all your fault!! 4 people saw you jump into me!! It was a tiny peck!! Besides, Im already going out with someone. (white lie.. ) I dont care, do you think I like you?!!? Then why do we need to go out?!??!! Cause we kissed!! I told you!! If you dont call, you die... Dammit, why the hell arent they here yet?? Is the back door far from here? No.. its hella close.. Stupid Floppy answered. Well go then. Kyungwon and I followed behind Floppy and Ji Eunsung slowly. From here, Ji Eunsung is pretty tall, and I could hear their conversation.. Eunsung, isnt she a little....

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Guess who said that...

Dammit!! Im pissed too! Sticking to me like a stalker.. We followed after them a little slower..

BARFF!!! Hey, thats Ji Eunsung?" kyungwon whispering to me. Ye- yeah (I was out of breath cause I was yelling too much earlier.)

Hes the head of the 4 best lookers. How could you not know?? Shut up...

Youre so stupid.. I told you a billion times in the city that he was the uhljjang.. You totally lucked out you b***h ^0^ You can have him.. Oh yeah, I forgot that he hated skin-ship. You know touching people and stuff. But I didnt know hed go out with someone because of a little kiss.. Tch.. Why do you think hes going out with me anyways?? Because you guys kissed.. Nope! Hes lying about that. Hes soooo into me~~ Hes WAY into me..

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Kyungwon hit me on the head a couple of times...

Oww. Sorry... Yup, with that unbelievable situation happening at the fence.. I got myself a boyfriend. However.. neither him no I called each other for a week.. and I just forgot about it all..

+A few Weeks Later+\ I got a phone call from Kyungwon. Hey! Jungmin wanted you to call you!!!.... Jungmin (my only friend of the other gender.. Were not going out..) Why? I dunno. He sounded serious though. He can call me!! Well I told you~ See ya, Im wasting my minutes.. I cant call long distance. Its because of my stupid brother. My stupid brother always used my phone to call his girlfriend in America and he used all my minutes.. Oppa~~ What.. Can I use your phone??

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No. Why? You didnt make me fried rice yesterday. Bastard... My brother.. His record for being pissed at me because of food is a week. No matter how much I bothered him, he wouldn't let me use his phone.. The time was 11:30 at night.. However, there was no one at home to keep me home.. so no one even tried to tell me it was dangerous to go outside at night. I walked to the phone # 7 .. Muttering to myself, I put in some coins and I heard a greasy booth outside voice behind me.. Want to earn some fast money??

What the hell is this guy talking about...??

The guy kept on hitting my shoulder. He looks at least 30. Wow.. Its my first time seeing someone with a mustache. His eyelids are bigger than his eyes.. Droopy eyebrows.. Long nose hairs. Who is this man...?? Who are you? Come to my car for a while and we can talk.. Why? This oppa has something to say to you. Ahjuhshi, how old are you?

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Im not an ahjuhshi, Im an oppa. Im not old~ No thank you, my boyfriend is waiting for me.. Lets talk, girlie~~ I dont need money, mister..

The mans face expression suddenly turned pathetically ugly and he grabbed my wrist..

Im lonely, thats why.. Ahjuhshi, get away from me..!! ( Im very afraid right now) My eyes filled with tears as I looked at my surroundings.. Far away, I saw a few people... They seemed to be around my age.. AHKKKK!!! HELP ME!!! Why youMustache boy covered by mouth and started dragging me towards his car.. Mommy, your daughter is about to be kidnapped... The tears I held back were flowing down like crazy and stupid mustache man tried to get me into his car. His car was a truck... T_T

Ahjuhshi.. Let go of me.. What are you going to do to me... No ones going to kill you.. The bastard started the car.. WAHHH

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What the hell is that... The man muttered with a surprised look. Its probably your reflection in the window.. Hey!! It IS Eunsungs girlfriend~~~!!

FLOPPY~~~~~~!!!!!!!! its really floppy Yup.. Jumping up and down (the car window was high up) trying to look inside the car was Floppy.. My cute little Floppy~~~!

Hey!! Get away from here!! Mustache man yelled through the window.. He must have thought Floppy was too weak.. Eunsung!! Sungjae!!! Come here!!! Mustache man froze and then turned the car engine on again. Hey! Hey! Mustache man is running away!! Floppy yelled.

The bastard locked all the doors and started driving away. I smashed my face into the car window and screamed.. +BAM!! . SMASH!!!+ The window broke and a rock hit the mustache man on the head. Oh yeah~~~!!!

FUQ!! What the- M.M. (Mustache Man) yelled angrily.

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He got out of the car angrily. YES!! Im alive!! I opened the car lock and jumped out. Whats that sound? I neared towards the direction where the sounds were coming from... 3 guys wearing casual suits.. 4 girls wearing casual clothes... One of the guys was Floppy. And next over there, I could see M.M. with a double bloody nose. In front of M.M. was.. ...was... Ji Eunsung.., with his suit sleeves rolled up to his elbow, beating the CRAP of the M.M. I collapsed onto my butt and cried out loud.. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Hey ass head, are you alright? Floppy asked looking at me with a pitying expression on his face..

*sniff* Do you want to *sniff* die..?? I yelledwith tears still growing.. Eunsung!! Your girlfriends crying over here!!! Crap.. After Floppys words, all the guys and girls eyes found me

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Ji Eunsung spat on the guys face and neared towards me. T_T Thanks.. Retard!!! Why the hell did you get in that car!!! He kidnapped me.. Why the hell are you walking around at night by yourself?! Are you a loser?! That bastard.. I was actually thinking you had a heart..

Anyway.. Thanks.. Hyunsung, get that guy in his car and have him drive away. I think Im going to barf looking at his face. K. The guy named Hyunsung said.. Hey, hes good looking.. The guy named Hyunsung.. ..hehhehehe...

Ji Eunsung stared at me and opened his mouth.. Hey, do you want to die? Huh?? What?? Why are you looking at him like that.. I did not!

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Are you yelling at your savior?!

I dont have anything to say back to him...

Hey!! And why arent you calling?! Were you going to run away or something?! ...What a Retard.. One of the girls, wearing a casual outfit, with the longest hair said.. Eunsung, lets go. Its scary. You guys go ahead. Why? This b***h will run away again.. ... ....

The long haired girl just turned her head. I think Ive seen her around before.. She looked similar to To-Yas Kim Jihye.

If it wasn't because me, youd have been kidnapped.. Floppy said.. It's not like anyone cares...


... Get lost.. that guy ji eunsung yelled to all of his friends.. Eunsung, take all your time.. Well be waiting at Saie one of the guys wearing a suit said. The guy named Hyunsung kicked M.M. a few more times and sent him on his

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way. KEKE.. This guy is my type

K, hurry up, Ill be right there. They got a little further away. And if I wasnt mistaken.. The girl with the long hair kept on looking back.. Floppy grinned, Be careful, Eunsung~~! And ran after his friends.

Be careful of what? Me?

Wheres your house? HUH? WHERE IS YOUR HOUSE!?!?! Why are you yelling.. Its right behind this alley. Lets go. "Where? Your house, stupid. Are you drunk? Who said Im going inside??! Ill take you home!! DAMMIT!! Why do you have to make everything so complicated?! Its fine.. Obey me, little one.. My house was that close.. but why did it seem like it wasnt? Call me when you get inside. Why?

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CALL ME!!! Our phones out of order.. What do you mean..? We cant dial.. ... So youre poor... I didnt know.. Sorry.. Its not like that!! Dont you have a cell phone?! Yeah.. Call me with that. You call me.. No. If I want your number, I have to go back to that chat room.. Its annoying.. But you called me last time!! I was pissed back then.. I dont have any minutes on my cell phone.. You wanna die..? You always say youll kill me when you have nothing to say..

Go in. Dont walk around at night. Last time I saw you- you had a friend. Go around with her. Okay. Thanks?? See ya.. If you dont call.. He let the threat hang.. Fine!! K, Im going.

I wonder why hes wearing a suit. I was curious, but I didnt ask him. Hmm, he dyed his hair back to black.

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As he walked away I realized.. He wasnt that bad.. I walked inside and not ONE person asked where Id been. I have to call him.. What do I do?? +KNOCK KNOCK+ Who is it? Oppa, youre not asleep Yeah...? Im coming in. No. I opened the door anyway and saw my brother on the internet. Oppa, can I use your phone real quick ? No. Why?! Because you didnt make me fried rice.. Ill make it for you 10 times!! .... Wanna make a contract?! .... Ill make a contract!! The papers in the first drawer.

That beast... After writing the contract (I even stamped my print), I got to use his phone.

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Use it here. WHY!?! No. .. T_T.. Its ringing..

Who is it?!?!?!

OMG, that scared me.. Its me, Yehwon.. Oh.. "Do you always answer the phone like that?? Yeah. I called. Yeah.. "Eunsung~~ Open this for me!! a girls voice said over the phone.. You open it!! Anyway.. Thanks.. Yeah.. And right then.... Hang up now. Its been 2 minutes. Oppa, hold on a few more seconds . My brother didnt answer and just

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stared at me.. Hello.. Whyd you stop talking?!?! Oh, my brother.. +PEEPE PEEEEEP PEEEEP..+ What the hell is that?? Ji Eunsung asked with a surprised tone. Whenever I use the phone for too long, my brother always plays his stupid recorder..

S-sorry. Ill call you back. 12 sharp tomorrow. But I have class. Dont make me laugh, its lunch! My school and your school are different. Then 1. K, Im hanging up. "beep....beep... beep..."

He hung up..

.. without saying bye.. meanie..

I slammed the phone shut and turned around to glare at my brother.. but him playing his little recorder so casually pissed me off even more..

Sheesh, impatient loser!! Make me rice.. Right now...?

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Im hungry.

Crap.. WHY MUST ALL THE GUYS I KNOW BE LIKE THIS??? Oh yeah.. Jungmin, I havent called him.. #9

If I ask that human if I can use his phone again, hell probably start singing the opera or something.. I guess Ill just have to use Kyungwons tomorrow. That night.. I made fried rice for my brother, and my mom started b***hing at me for cooking at 3 AM.

The next day... Kyungwon and I .. were supposed to be in class.. but we were in the bathroom.. Why..?? Because the teachers found out that we ran away yesterday..

Damn, why do these b***hes make the bathroom so dirty?! Is that really all you have to worry about..? So really, are you going out with him..? I dunno. It seems like a joke.. Anyway.. it was a nightmare yesterday. Didnt you say he wanted to call you at 1? What time is it? 1:30. Why didnt you tell me..? Did you give me a chance to talk? ...****... Kyungwon, lemme see your phone. 5 minutes. ..Just dont blow a recorder..

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While the phone was ringing, Kyungwon was muttering to herself ..

Youre starting to like him.. jibber jabber.. DI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E!!! Who the hell are you?! Hello.. Its Yehwon..

Isnt my timing great? Why did he have to answer right when I was yelling at Kyungwon? Over on his side, I could hear another persons voice.

Ji Eunsung, come here. It seems to be his teacher.



Dammit, Im going to get my phone confiscated!! Sorry.. (but it was your fault you answered).. Get up here!!! (<-- teacher) IM COMING!! IM COMING!! Meet me there at 7. How dare you talk like that to your teacher!!!! (<-- teacher) OW OW OWW!! DONT HIT ME THERE!!! I HAVE A PIMPLE RIGHT THERE!! ... ... ... ... ... I can never have a normal conversation with this boy..

Whatd he say?

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I dont know. He said, 'Meet me there'... Where is there..? How would I know? I dont know.. Kyungwon!! Come with me~~! Is that the wind..? You.. bad person!!

Kyungwon just continued to scrub the toilets.. Betrayer.. Girl version of Han Seungpyo (my brother). Hmm.. right about now, Ji Eunsung is getting hit where his pimple is.. I feel a little bad.. But where is there....? Is he talking about there from yesterday?? I guess the only place is in front of my house.. Hmm.. Maybe he really does like me.. EHEHE.. Of course, thats impossible.

Hey Kyungwon, come to my house today. Why?? What are you trying to do..? Just that my brother is coming home early today (she used to like him). Lets go. ..........Okay.... (you boy crazy... tsk tsk.. how can you see my brother as a guy)..

I couldnt actually tell her that Ji Eunsung was going to be there. If I had, she would've punched me.. so I lied If my brother ever comes home before 12, it would be a miracle.. you know that. Hmm.. Ji Eunsung will probably come by himself, then what do I do with Kyungwon? So we both went to my house and I realized I guessed right Dammit!! Why did he bring Floppy?! If he was going to bring a friend, he

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could have a least brought along that one good looking one.

Hey!! You brought your friend!! Floppy yelled running towards us. Hi

Whatcha do with Eunsung yesterday?? Kim Seungpyo, die..

Ji Eunsung, what did you just say..? Kim Seungpyo? Yeah, it just happened that Floppys name was Seungpyo.. The same as my brother.. The more I get to know Floppy, the more reasons I have to hate him..

Dammit!! I got my SKY phone taken away because of you!! I told you to call at 1!! I never asked what kind of phone you had. .. Aish.. Lets go.. Oh yeah!! 2:2 perfect!!!

# 10

Where are we going? Someplace where we get some nice cool alcohol.. Why? Because I saved you yesterday.

That was random..

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Im not getting drunk. If you get drunk, Im leaving you.

That.. PERSON!! Cant you at least lose to me once?! Im not going. Kyungwon said firmly. Im not going. Floppy mimicked the tone of her voice and actions.. <-- Kyungwon

KEKEKE. Eunsung, look at her face~~! Isnt it funny? Your voice is funnier, Kyungwon said, crossing her arms. Whats wrong with my voice?! You should record it and listen to it. Its really funny. Why?! You sound nasally. Hey, lets leave them, I said, tugging at Ji Eunsungs arm.


Let go and tell me.

He said, tugging his arm away from me.

Sorry... Do you not like people touching you..? Yeah. Are you mad?

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No. Even if you want to touch me.. Dont.

O_O Floppys rubbing off on you.. Dont hang out with Floppy! Hang out with your friend Hyunsung!! Behind us, we could hear Floppy and Kyungwon still arguing.

NASALLY?! HOW do I sound nasally?! TELL ME!! You sound like your nostrils are plugged up..

Kyungwon.. He may be annoying and he may be Floppy.. but he is STILL good looking as 1 of the 4 kings at Sang High. Ji Eunsung led us into one of the most expensive bars. I turned around to see Kyungwon rubbing it in Floppys face that she won an argument and Floppy was pouting like mad.

The usual!! Ji Eunsung yelled..

I guess he comes here often.

There are only 4 of you.. Do you think you can drink it all..? Yeah. Silence.. Hey, say something. He said tapping me on the shoulder with his lighter.

You might not want to touch me, but still.. you dont have to hit me with your lighter..


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You think thats funny?! Yeah. Oh yeah!! Have you called Jungmin?!

Kyungwon asked suddenly. I guess Floppys glares were making her uncomfortable.

OH!! Right!! Good job, genius. You forgot, huh? Lemme see your phone. 5 Minutes. K. How can you even think of calling a guy in front of your boyfriend?! Floppy gasped.

Oh yeah, I have a boyfriend. I looked over and he didnt seem to care. He was playing with his lighter. I forced a smile at Floppy and dialed Jungmins number.

Hello ? (<-- actual English. Hes studying in America) Hi.. JungminMe .. I suck at English. (actual English) Tch. (<-- Hes also like Floppy) I said sorry! Hey, Im coming to KOREA!! Really?! YEAH YEA!!

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OMG.. How many years has it been!? 2 minutes long distance.. Kyungwon muttered Jungmin, Ill call you later~~ K! You better!! BYE BYE !! (actual English) ... ... ... ... Hes coming!! He's been one of my best friends ever since I was a kid!! I wonder how much hes changed.


Someone mimicked and I was sure that it would be Floppy.. But it was Ji Eunsung..

What..? I frowned.. # 11



This time, Floppy copied me.. Those.. Those buttholes!!

Heres your order.. O_O What is all this?! 3 plates of anjoo (something you eat with alcohol, like peanuts or something) 14 bottles of beer 11 bottles of soju..

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Whos going to drink all this? You.. Me.. Seungpyo, and your friend. Crazy, do you want to see me die? BEER~~~~~~~~~~~!!!

Floppy yelled.. and he happily grabbed for some beer.

Dont drink more than one bottle. WHY?! Dont you remember last time on the wa- oob!!

Before Eunsung could finish, Floppy quickly covered his mouth.. Wall...? Floppy.. Did you pee on the wall when you got drunk..? Is that it? Im pretty strong with alcohol.. if I say so myself.. 4 bottles of beer.. Kyungwons crazy though.. 4 bottles (of soju) is a cinch.. Time passed... and half of the alcohol was in our bellies.. HOWEVER.. The only one drunk was Floppy.

What kind of girl is so good with alcohol??

Since 5 minutes ago.. that Ji Eunsung has been jibbering about the most random things. Something like my eyes are crooked.. My hairs flipped out.. Things like that.

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What about you?! Youre also drinking a lot!! Im a MAN!! Well, then is your friend a girl..?

Like I said before, Floppy was half crazy, URHG!!

O_O All of a sudden, Floppy knocked the peanuts off the table and onto the floor. And said one sentence... that only a half crazy person could say..

If you love me~~ Pick up these peanuts!!! Crazy... Of course, no one started picking up peanuts. Kyungwon was staring at him wide eyed.. And ignoring his friend and just drinking like crazy was Ji Eunsung, still jibbering random things about me.

You have squid stuck in your teeth. Dont talk. Theres no squid here though. Just joking...

Floppy crouched down and started picking up the peanuts. I felt pity for stupid Floppy. Im going to go give it to my baby. He muttered. He has a baby?! Retard.. Is he in his right mind? (embarrassed) .. When are we going to finish all this?!

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Your friend's chugging it down.

Kyungwon.. You dont know how much respect I have for you right now. I knew you liked drinking but.. this much?? Right then, with his peanut picking finished, Floppy stood abruptly. He had a scary expression on his face. And with a shaking finger, he pointed it at Kyungwon..

Lets go see our baby!!

Lets go! Lets go!! Go look at it yourself. I dont like babies.

Floppy grabbed Kyungwons wrist and dragged her away.

Kyongwon~~!!! I yelled getting up from my seat.. Let it go.. He likes your friend.. Ji Eunsung said. Huh?? Thats how he tells girls he likes them.

Well.. Kyungwon DOES look cute. I felt bad for Kyungwon for giving her to Floppy.. but hes good looking so Ill let it go.

ARGH! Let go of me!! Yehwon!! Give me another beer bottle!! Im not finished~~!! She yelled as she was being pulled away. Its just the two of us now.. Ji Eunsung said grinning..

# 12

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For a moment, my face heated up..

Youre liking it too much. Liking what?! I dont see anything to like!!

It was just for a second... Just a second.. But for the first time, Ji Eunsung and I had eye contact. His pupils are so dark.. REALLY REALLY dark.. Almost black. Ive never seen eyelashes so long on a person before..

Can I ask you something? I asked. Sure. Nothing weird though. Uh.. okay.. uh, why dont you like people touching you?

For a while he was silent. Then he finally muttered:

Its embarrassing. Huh?? Its too embarrassing to tell. Oh.. okay. What else?

I have nothing to ask anymore.. Thats all Im curious about. But he was looking at me as if there was something he wanted to answer so I searched in my brain for something.

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Whats your blood type? Why do you ask stupid questions? Just because! Type O. Birthday..? August 30th.

Dammit, why did I ask this question? Now hell think that I like him or something.

Oh! August 30th!! Then whats your sign? I dont know.. Sign? Yeah!! Astrological sign!!

He was silent.. I guess he doesnt know..

The big dipper.. Huh?? What!! HAHAHHHAHHAHA!! Why are you laughing.. HHAHAA. Thats not what I was asking.~~!! HAHHA" You laugh at me after I saved you!??!?!

That guy.. How long is he going to use that saving thing to shut me up?

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Ahem.. sorry.. But seriously.. You were really funny.. When I go out with someone.. Huh? Whoever goes out with me can only look at ME. Dont worry. No one likes me. I know that!! He said it as if he were positive of his outburst. That guy you were talking to.. meet him after I dump you..

...Are you drunk already, Ji Eunsung??

Who is going to get dumped?? You from me.. Why am I going to be dumped.. Because Ive never been dumped before," he said a matter-of-factly. What the hell are you talking about?! Hes a childhood friend. I can meet him if I want! You just try.

What if I do?! Are you going to kill me?! Yeah.

O_O... With that personality, he probably would...

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Wheres your friend, Floppy?

I asked turning the conversation.

Whos Floppy? That guy named Kim Seung Pyo. Why is he 'Floppy'? Jus.. Just because. Im going to tell~~ Dont. Then dont meet that guy. You like me, huh? I asked, nearing my face closer to his. Move your face.. Your breath stinks..

..Dont you even see me as a girl...? T_T

Its because Ive been drinking!! Its disgusting..

Thats how we spent 2 hours.. arguing about absolutely nothing.. And in that time.. Almost all the alcohol was gone..

Hey, Im starting to get drunk. Lets go," that guy said, glancing at his watch.

Its only 12.

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Its almost 12.

# 13

Ill pay for half since I ate half.

I said, taking out my wallet,.. but Ji Eunsung stopped me with a few words..

Youre poor, he said seriously.

WHO. SAID. IM. POOR.... HUH?!?!??! When we walked out of the bar.. all the streetlights were shining brightly..

Oh yeah!! KYUNGWON!!! What are you talking about? Shes not drunk. Huh..? She can get home herself. Oh right. What about your friend? He won't die, he said seriously. You call yourself a friend.. ? But still.. I still wanna call her. Let me use your phone. Want to die? Oh yeah.. Sorry.. Ill pay you~~

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Lets go, Ill take you home. Where do YOU live? Korea..

..You call that funny? You lame ass. Ji Eunsung continued to walk a few steps ahead of me.. Sheesh.. Walk slower... It was then I saw about 3 or 4 girls walking towards us. All wearing Sang High uniforms.

Huh?? Hey!! Ji Eunsung!! yelled the one on the left. Its Wang Bitna, my middle school jjang. Shes 175 cm tall..

..Oh hey.. long time no see.

I just stood by him stupidly.

What are you talking about? We saw each other earlier today. I didnt see you.. Hey... Whos this? She asked finally giving me a look over. Hi, I said awkwardly. Are you two going out?! she asked, not bothering to say hi back. Whats it to you? This is her?! The girl youre going out with?! But she goes to that girls school!!! Yeah, I know. What about Hyobin?!

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She yelled pulling one of her friends forward.. Oh, its that one girl .. The pretty one..

What about Hyobin? Hey! You cant do this to her!! Its been like 3 days since youve broken up with her!! Dammit.. Her and I are good friends.. What the hell is it to you? Han Yehwon, lets go.. There are a lot of mosquitos here!! Hu- Huh? Okay.

Kang Hyobins face was dark as she glared at me. As I was starting to walk, Wang Bitna grabbed my arm and said quietly. Hey, if I ever see you out in the city....

T_T My house is near the city... She said with a scary tone.. and frightened, I ran towards Ji Eunsung. When I looked back.. Hyobin was crying.. Her other friends were comforting her and Wang Bitna was glaring at me.

Hey!! Wait for me!!! I yelled as we neared my house. That girl.. Kang Hyobin, you think its okay to just leave her there? ...... It looks like she likes you a lot. Is that what you should say to your boyfriend? Huh?

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Bear head.. Go in!! Im leaving!!

He said, shoving me into my house gates and going into the alleyway.. ..Huh?.. That alleyways a dead end. He came back out.. and turned left.. and I watched him disappear.. ...Yehwon... Do you like him..? When I walked in.. I got lectured by my mom for 30 minutes. I climbed up the stairs into my room and flopped down on the bed, not even bothering to wash up. +BANG+ (<-- door swinging open)

Who is it? I had a nightmare..

Oppa... What are you doing holding a pillow.. It doesnt match your image.

Did you see a ghost? I think so.. Oh.. Well.. Good night.

Sheesh, who cares about you??

I had a nightmare.. What do you want me to do about it?! Sleep in my room.. Oppa, Im tired!! You sleep on my floor.

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Your room smells like our great granny.. Fine, Ill sleep in your room if you let me off on 5 fried rice makings. Nevermind.. He said quietly closing the door behind me. You human.. Youre more scared of your sister not making rice for you than seeing a ghost?? I slowly drifted to sleep...or I tried to anyway.. Truthfully, I was too scared of Wang Bitna.

# 14

That night, I dreamed that Jungmin was following me with a huge phone.

Call me~~ Call me~~~

Oh yeah, I should..

+That Morning @ school+ Kyungwon and I were serving detention by cleaning the bathroom once again.

HEHEHE >_< Why didnt you tell me? I was too embarrassed! HEHE..!!

Stop hitting me, it hurts. Okay fine, maybe friends.. but going out?!??!! What are you talking about?? Seungpyo was so cute!! But what are you yelling at me for?! Cant you even congratulate me?!

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You better not show up with him when Im meeting Ji Eunsung. So you like him now? NO!! Oh wait, shut up, I got a text from Seungpyo~~

Smiling, Kyungwon answered her message while I vigorously scrubbed toilets. Oh yeah!! My dream!!

Hey, lemme use your phone~~ But Im talking to my man!! Eww!! Im going to go call him! Jungmin? Sorry! Its me, Yehwon~~! Tch! You said you were going to call yesterday. Dont act gay. So when are you coming to Korea? Are you moving here for good? No, only while we reconstruct our house. Huh? But thats only like a little while. About a week? Then why are you even coming? T_T Sorry , so when?


Thats the day before Ji Eunsungs birthday.. Well, its the day before so..

Thats not too far away!!

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Youre going to pick me up right? Duh!! Lets play during that week~~~!!! ... uh Okay...

.. Youre dead..

O_O.. thats the teachers voice..

Jungmin-a, Ill call you later. Okay.

I turned around and grinned at the teacher, You see... That was my cousin... Hes visiting from Junlabok this weekend.

Oh~~ Hes from my hometown.. Junlabok where?

UH.. Doomaesan.. Lets go.. Yes, maam.


Ow... You have the worst luck. Out of all the teachers, you get caught by Night Pig. Ow! My butts swollen to 4 times its original size!! You poor thing.

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Hey, tell your man that I cant meet his friend because my ass is swollen. But Ji Eunsung told you to be there. What do you think hell think if I drag my ass there? Have fun. I dont want to go by myself.

Muttering, Kyungwon left me at my house. But I soon realized that my front gate was locked.

Im at a meeting. Meet me at GEUMSHILs house.

Sh1t.. It hurts to walk, mom... But I had to do something so 1 hour later.. Im still waiting for my mom and shes still not here. Without a choice in the matter, I had to go to Guemshils house. Dammit.. I have to pass the city to get there. I guess Ill go in between alleyways.

Sheesh, why is it so hot here? I asked myself. Yeh.. WON~!!!

This voice.. My senses were warning me to not look back. I quickened my pace.. and the pain was killing me..


This time it was Floppy. Dammit.. If Floppys there, Ji Eunsung is also there. If I tell him that I didnt meet him because my ass is swollen, hell kill me. I quickened my pace. What if that Hyunsung guy is there too???T_T

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Hey!! Assface, you wanna die?!

Caught Red handed.. This time, it was Ji Eunsung.. T_T

# 15 I turned around now that just ignoring them was out of the question.. Damn... Kyungwon.. Couldnt you just act like you didnt know me?? That Hyunsung guy is there also~~~ WAHH WAHHH WAHHHH!!!! Hyunsung.. Ji Eunsung.. Floppy and that guy from the hair salon last time.. Its them.. The 4 kings of Sang high. Not bad.. (except for Floppy ) but this isnt the time for that.

H- Hi~~ while I was just standing there as the others caught up to me. Hey! Han Yehwon!! What about your butt? Where are you going?! Kyungwon asked loudly.. T_T

Look.. Kyungwon.. See that guy next to you named Hyunsung..?? Im an 18year-old with dreams. Ji Eunsung was staring at me without much expression.. Dammit. Im probably going to be called 'Butty' for the rest of my life.

Look at her butt!! LOOK! LOOK!! Do I HAVE to explain who this was? Get away from me, I muttered.

Hyunsungs laughing at me.. T_T

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Where were you going?? Kyungwon asked. Geumshils house. Where's that?? Somewhere.

Floppy, Hyunsung, the other guy and Kyungwon were laughing their heads off. Whats so funny?? HOWEVER.. Ji Eunsung was just staring at me. I forced a smile at him and asked..

Where are you going? ..The army..

He must have the worst sense of humor in the world.. I swear to God..

I got hit.. It really hurts.

But you see.. My mom wasnt at home either.. so I was just walking to Geumshils house.."

And finally, the tension in Ji Eunsungs body slowly left.

Whyd you get hit? Uh.. .Its kinda embarrassing to tell.. "=_=^^^ =_=^^^ ..."

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Dammit.. Look at his face.. Hes pissed again.. What do I do?? How do I turn this conversation around..

She got hit by the night pig. She got caught cussing.

Kyungwon~~ T_T

Whats a night pig? School guard. You cussed at your school guard?? Yeah.. (I lied.. Hey, I cant tell him I was talking to Jungmin)

Before Kyungwon could tell him the actual truth, I tugged at him.

Hey, it looks like were going the same direction. Lets go. Lets go.. oh.. Sorry..

I said letting go of him arm. I just remembered.. He doesnt like people touching him..

.... ....

The awkward air around us thickened.. Okay fine! I wont touch you again.. We walked out of the alleyway. Knowing that Hyunsung was behind us, I put a lot of thought into my walking. Me and Ji Eunsung were walking way up front.. even though I wanted to walk in the back. Ji Eunsung doesnt walk if he

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isnt in the front..

Where were you guys going? I asked trying to loosen the air around us.

Seungpyos house. Oh.. I see. Why? To eat. .. Oh.. I see. ;;;

Swollen~~ Red~~~ Her butt is red and swollen~~ ..seems to be Floppy. Seungpyo. Stop it. Kyungwon said. PUHAHAHAHHAHA!! Hyunsung and the other guy...

Those... those.. butts!!! Ji Eunsung was also smiling .. Actually more like..smirking..

Kyungwon-a, look at your friend. Floppy said. Its your fault..

Kyungwon.. You havent betrayed me yet.. Thank you. Just you wait, KIM SEUNG PYO, Ill kill you.. Ill kill you along with Han Seungpyo. I finally reached Geumshils house and I neared their gate.

I'm going now~ Its right here. See you tomorrow!! Cant you just get your key?

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Huh?? No, its okay. My butt hurts.. Ill just go.. Go ahead.. I want to talk to Buttface a little.

Ji Eunsung said.. I knew hed tease me.. 'Buttface' from now on..

I just know hell start calling me

K! Hurry up!!

The others all left us in front of Geumshils house and walked further away, and I saw.. I saw Floppy purposely shaking his ass and walking away...

Of all the people to cuss at, you cuss at your guard.. Are you crazy? I didnt cuss at HER.. I was just saying it to myself.. Your ass is as big as a watermelon.. My ass has always been big!! O_O... It wasnt supposed to come out this way...

Hey.. on the 29th. Im going there. There where? Its the day before my birthday. I invited the kids and Kyungwon to our condo. Are you holding a party? Yeah.. Everyones coming.. You better come too.." Huh??? Just just say youre not going.. he threatened.

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But.. Jungmins coming on the 29th.

I- I- Its not a school night. Its a Saturday. So you can go. Its not that.. My friends coming from America that day.. ...Friend who? # 16 (Eunsungs Story..)

My name is Eunsungie

. Todays my 7th birthday. Last night... Before I

went to bed.. I made a wish on a shooting star.. . Today..? Daddy and I are going to get our pictures taken and were going to eat cake. Daddy promised me 3 times already!!

Whose birthday is this month? Please come to the front~

The teacher at the kindergarten said.. That day, they were holding a party for all the kids with birthdays that month. 5 small children walked up to the teacher.

Eunsung~~ Hurry up~~ Me..?

Of course~~ Isnt your birthday today??

A big cake rested on top of a long table. All the children were grinning and loudly singing the song.. but as a child apart from all the loudness and laughter.. Ji Eunsung just smiled shyly..

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Okay now~ I want everyone to come to the front and kiss the cheeks of our birthday boys and girls~~ and please congratulate them!! EWW!! Boys have cooties~~ You come up first~~

They were still small kids.. In a straight line, one by one the rest of the class came and kissed the 6 kids up at the front. All was well until... Teacher!! Yes? I cant kiss Eunsung.. Well, why not Jiyoung? My mom said that his dad has RAIDS!! So she told me not to even touch him!! No, thats wrong. My mom said its AIDS, not RAIDS Kids!! Im very disappointed in you!! .... Who said that?? I thought every single one of you had a kind heart!! I guess I was wrong!! HEUK HUEK T_T Jiyoung, dont cry. Go and give Eunsungie a kiss, and tell him to have a happy birthday. .... Jiyoung..

The little girl named Jiyoung went to Eunsung fearfully and whispered..

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Happy birthday Eunsung.. ...Thanks... Jiyoung, arent you going to kiss him???

She hesitatingly placed one kiss on his cheek, and burst into tears..


The teacher was surprised.. All the children are scared of him Out of all the days they had to find out about his father.. she thought sadly. A few previous kids who had kissed him earlier had also burst into tears. Eunsung, unaware of how to act, just looked down quietly.. All he knew was that he had made the girl named Jiyoung cry.. On the way home.. all the tears that he had held back cascaded down his cheeks. He wiped them away in front of his house.. "Daddy and I are going to take pictures today.. and I ate cake so I shouldnt cry.. Daddy doesnt like me crying.. " He stood outside for 10 minutes before he opening the gate and walking in.

Daddy!! Eunsungies home!!!

He said smiling brightly with eyes still full of tears.. But.. his daddy wasnt home. The large house was empty. Eunsungs tear filled eyes found a small note taped on the table.

Daddys busy today.. Hes just late..

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While he was waiting for his dad, Eunsung got a piece of paper and pencil. While still wearing the pointed birthday hat his teacher had given him, he wrote his best on the paper.. . Eunsungs dad.. Ji Sunghan.. was out more than he was in. Even when he said hed come home, he never showed up before 12.. When Eunsung was asleep, the only person to take care of Eunsung was a paid sitter.. Eunsung was always alone.. He waited in front of the door.. and he waited for the phone, but still no dad. Exhausted from waiting, he fell asleep. +DING DONG+

Huh.. Is no one home..? A woman with short hair opened the gate and walked in. Eunsung?? Ji Eunsung~~ There was no answer.. After looking through two rooms, she opened the door to another...


He was asleep on the bed... The woman neared him, looking at the sleeping child wearing the pointed hat. She picked up the piece of paper next to him on the bed.

Whats this??

Daddy.. Today... Eunsungs klass mates wished me a hapee burtday. But.. I at cake and my frends kissed me. All my frends sed hapee burtday! Today

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you and me is going to tak pikturs. And wen we do.. I am going to keep it furever and ever..

The womans eyes started watering.

"He probably hasnt even take one picture with him.." The woman picked up the child, got into a car.. and headed towards Kwachun. She was Eunsungs mom. She had divorced his father before he was even a year old because of his affairs with other women.. even making her give up her own son.. Ji Sunghan had died that afternoon.. Of course, he had kept it secret from his son... Eunsungs stepbrothers and sisters avoided him at his new home.. with the fear that HE had AIDS, and they avoided making ANY skin ship with him. AIDS.. Small children didnt know much about this disease and when they found out Eunsungs dad had it, they immediately believed that Eunsung had it as well.. so they avoided him even more for fear of catching it. ( A/N: Eunsung does NOT have AIDS) And when he was in fourth grade...

Now, lets meet our new student!!

Eunsung sat down in the back next to a girl.

Hi! My name is Suhyeon!! Your names Eunsung, right..?? Lets shake!! Nice to meet you~~!! .. uch me... Huh? Whatd you say??

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....Dont touch... me....

# 17 (Back to the Story) (A/N: Eunsung & Yehwon are talking to each other. Eunsung's birthday is coming up but Yehwon tells Eunsung that her friend (Jungmin) is coming from America.) Its someone you dont know. ...Well then, you can come after you pick him up. Cant we just.. I dont know.. have our own separate party the next day? You have to be with me... the morning of my birthday..

Is it just me..? I probably just heard it wrong, but when he said I had to be with him the morning of his birthday, it sounded so.. I dont know.. like it would mean the world to him if I was there. His pupils are shaking.

O...kay.. Go on, the guys will be waiting for you. Ill call you. Did you get your phone back? No, I bought one. Its a Sky phone, Im going~!

Does money grow on trees for you? Whats with you and Sky phones?? I walked inside Geumshils house and as soon as I did, all the attention was turned towards me.

H..hello~ Oh~~ Yehwon~~ Hey, your daughters here!

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Mom, my butt hurts. Okay, whatever.. Here are the keys..

How can you act like you dont even care about your daughters butt? I walked home and laid down on the floor. Our quiet little house. I wonder when dads coming home. Man.. Im tired.. Right when I was about to fall asleep, my phone rang at least 3 times, and being very annoyed, I turned it off. When I woke up in the morning and thought about it.. It probably was Ji Eunsung. Okay!! Starting today, I'm volunteering at my school!! Im so happy that I dont have to study~~ Not surprisingly, I finished all my cleaning in 12 minutes and soon enough, Kyungwon and I were busy chitter chattering away.

I dont want to say this, but I really dont like your boyfriend. I said gathering a lot of nerve by telling this to Kyungwon.

I got huge shock from the Butt Song he was singing yesterday. Haha~ I get sick of him sometimes too.. But hes still cute~~

Why dont you just marry him if you think hes so cute.. Tch~~ Yesterday at Seungpyos house, I saw a picture of Ji Eunsung when he was in middle school!!

As soon as I brought up the word 'MARRY', she quickly turned the conversation around, turning red in the face.

Did he have a grumpy expression on his face like always??

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He had a buzz cut. Why didnt you bring it??

Him and Kim Hyobin.. I think they knew each other in middle school also. Why do you say that? There was a picture of them together. Oh.. I see.

Its weird.. Something feels kinda weird.. It feels as if I got in between their relationship... Why do I have a feeling like that's exactly what I did?

RING RING RING!! Hold on, I got a call. Hello? Buttface~ What are you do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ing?? he said in a sing song voice.

Ji Eunsung.. That bastard... i can't read...

Dont call me 'buttface'. Im cleaning the bathroom. Whatever. You cant meet me today~ Who said I wanted to meet? Dont talk back. Yes, sir. Eunsung.. thats my phone. Your phones right here. (I heard a guys voice say over the speaker.) I know! Shut up! ( Do I really have to tell you whos voice this is?)" Why are you talking to me with someone elses phone? Wheres yours?

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The dial pad is broken. Im getting it fixed. What are you doing today? My kids and Gong highs kids are fighting today. Yeah right. Do you wanna die? If you think Im joking, why dont you come over to the back field huh? Oh wait, nevermind. If you come, Ill kill you. I dont even want to.. The text messaging works, so send me some text. Im going. Oh.. Okay... BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP......

He hung up before I could even say bye.. What a rude person!!

Who was it? Eunsung? Yeah. I think theyre going to fight with Gong High. WHAT?!?! But then Seungpyo will be there too! I ... guess.. Arent you even worried about Eunsung?! Not really.. I dont think hell get beat up.. What do I do!?!?! Seungpyo~~~!!

Kyungwon brought out her phone and quickly dialed Floppys number.

Kim Seungpyo!! If you fight today!! Ill KILL YOU!! ...... Im warning you!!! What if you get hit!!!! Dont make me laugh!! Please!! Seungpyo~~ KIM SEUNGPYO!!!!

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Did he hang up? Whatd he say?

Kyungwon quickly dialed again, but it seems Floppy turned his phone off..

Whatd he say?? He said its fine.. He just laughed and said he was going to win. Gong kids are so scary!!! I swear, he's going to be beaten up so bad!! Yehwon! We have to go!! Okay?! OKAY?! ..No.. What are we going to do there? WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~ YEHWON-A, PLEASE!! PLEASE!!!

Its my first time seeing Kyungwons tears. No matter now much she got hit by the night pig, she never cried.. but ... right now.. ................................ ..................................... ............ Hey, be careful.. Dont step on that tree.. If we get caught, were dead. Han Yehwon, youre voice is too loud. Shut up. Hey, isnt that them? WHO? Yeah, its them.

In front of our eyes, 8 kids from Gong high and 8 from Sang were facing each other. Ji Eunsung's facing some other guy that's like 190 cm tall. And before I could blink, their fight had already begun.. T_T What do I do...??

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# 18

Good job!! What the.. I said silently cheering for my boyfriend. Yehwon.. Look.. 3 guys from Gong had circled Eunsung and were charging at him.

He wasnt getting beaten too bad, but it was obvious he was getting hit.

No, its fine. The others will probably help him.

.. The assholes.. 5 more guys approached him. Oh No~~ Eunsung~~~ Kyungwon grinned..

Hey, Seungpyos sitting on one of them. Whos his opponent? Hey, do you see Eunsung? No, why? 4 guys are stepping on him. WHAT!? Oh my gosh, what do we do??

Why do you suppose my heart was racingMy hands and feet were shaking.. The person getting hit right in front of me seemed so far away..

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Hey.. Hey.. I said gathering what little voice I had. HAN YEHWON, ARE YOU CRAZY? Kyungwon hissed at me.. HEY!!!! Im crazy.. crazy? HA! My brain has shut down completely.

I loudly yelled and jumped out from behind the tree. I didnt punch the closet person.. I didnt scream or bite.. I just grabbed the closest guy and grabbed his arm and started wailing, Stop it!!!!!!!!! Hey, get lost.

The guy yelled and pushed me away. Truthfully, it didnt hurt.. but as I heard Ji Eunsungs voice, tears just started pouring out of my eyes..

Han Yehwon.. WAHHHH WAHHHHH!! WHAT!?! Who told you to come? WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Kyungwon did.. What the hell is this? Hey, you bastard, you have to get hit more! The guys keep hitting him. Han Yehwon. ..... Nothings coming out. My throats choked up. Yehwon..? Hey, hey, Han Yehwon. WHAT!?!??!?!?! Just close your eyes for 10 minutes. HEEENNG. I dont even have a watch!! How do I know if its 5 or 10 minutes?! WAH!!!

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The guys beating up Eunsung started giggling as I yelled that.

Then just close your eyes until you finish counting to 150. WHY~~~~~~ Just count.. Go stand over there in the corner.. T_T

I did what I was told. I really did stand by the corner and start to count to 150.

"131..132.....133......." What are you doing? Who is it? Its Kyungwon. Hold on. I have to count to 150.....134...135..136..137.. 138..139.. 140..141.. 142...143... 144...145....146...147........148.....149...Kyungwon.. Im going to open my eyes. Are you going to keep joking with me, you stupid brave little girl?! Im not in the mood to joke.

My eyes were then wide open.. Actually, not really... my eyes dont go wide open.. I just opened my eyes.. I ignored Kyungwon and ran towards Ji Eunsung.

The SCENE.. 3 guys laying in awkward positionsand Ji Eunsung turned to me while

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grabbing some other guys collar.

I told you to count till 150!! I did!! Damn! Fawk!!!

He continued to beat the crap out of the guy and turned to Kyungwon.

Gimme your phone!! Seungpyos getting hit. GO HELP HIM!! Give me your phone! Then Ill help him. ..Here.

I knew what Kyungwon was thinking right then.. It wasnt that hard.. I mean think about it. After Ji Eunsung finished his call, he went over to Floppy to help him. 6 guys appeared and dragged away the near dead guys.. and in 30 minutes, the fight was over. 14 guys and 2 girls.. Truthfully, it was kinda embarrassing. We went to the closest park.

Hey, your girlfriends pretty brave. Hyunsung said grinning..

Even with a black eye, you look like an angel O_O Hehe~ Not really.. Its because of you that Eunsungie won. Thanks.

Hey, all of you get lost!! Go to that pojangmacha behind the corner!!

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Ji Eunsung yelled loudly. Why are you yelling?

Hurry~ Bring your little wifey along too~~ One of the guys said.

In the park, it was me.. Kyungwon.. Ji Eunsung.. Floppy.. The four of us were left..

Did you see me?! Beating the crap out of those guys.. You told me to close my eyes so I didnt. You saw the 4 guys!! You got hit first. Its because they jumped me from behind!! Sure.. Whatever.. Whyd you come anyway? Kyungwon dragged me along.

I glanced over at Kyungwon and Flop- I mean Seungpyo and watched what they were doing. She was blowing on his face gently as he pointed to the areas that hurt.

Do you want me to do what Kyungwons doing? Do what? Blow on your face. You get close to me and Ill kill you.

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Admit it, youre glad I stopped them from killing you. Yeah..

OMG. Did he just agree with me??! Maybe he got hit too much in the head!!

Whyd you fight anyways? Oh, Eunsung made fun of the guys at Gong High.

HOLY CRAP!! Floppy, you scared me with that bloodied face of yours.

You made fun of them? Yeah. So? Is that your hobby? When Eunsung goes to a PC bang, he doesnt do anything because he doesnt know how to play any games. So while we play and chat, he just makes fun of other schools. HEH!! He doesnt even have an email address!!! Kim Seungpyo, you wanna die? No. Seungpyo.. Do you CHAT when you go to PC bangs?? ... N-No.

Look at Kyungwons face.. Floppy, youre dead~~~

Here, lets go over there and have a little discussion, okay??

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The two slowly disappeared.. Floppy, I feel bad for you.. But who cares about you?? Maelong~~

I have to get back to the guys. I also have to get home. Two days from now.. you have to be there. ...uh.. uh... urh.. Hows your body? I think my backs bruised. It hurts like a mother. Where?! HERE!?

I asked pressing my finger into his back..

..Oh.. Sorry. What. You dont like people touching you.. .....

Whats this.. this awkward silence.. Whenever I touch you, it gets awkward..

...ay.. HUH? You can touch my back.. but dont touch my butt. Give me a million dollars and I STILL wouldnt touch your butt. Ill call you later. Oh yeah, lets not meet tomorrow. Why dont we NOT meet 2 days from now!!

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I want to ask him why.. why we cant meet tomorrow.. But I just cant be myself around this guy..

If you dont come.. Im curious at how Ill change myself. Okay. Im going~~

Seems like he wants to be with his friendsHey.. There are footprints on your uniform... # 19

Ji Eunsung is running.. Floppy is screaming from behind the corner that he and Kyungwon are in. I yelled, "Fighting!!" at Kyungwonand I then went home..

+next day+ Mom, Im going!! Okay. Oh Yehwon, Jungmins coming tomorrow, right? Yeah.. Why? What do you mean 'Why'?? Were going out to dinner. Mom.. What? Tomorrow I- Never mind. Im going!! Hey!! Have you gotten any calls from Seungpyo?? (<-- My brothers name is also Seungpyo.)

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No, I havent. I havent gotten any texts from him either.. Stupid boy.. Just wait till he comes home.. Mom.. I think oppas out with a girl.. How would you know?! Because he left after he got a call from a girl ( hehe, sorry oppa). Im leaving~~

I quickly ran to school.. before she figured out that I lied. That day.. I had to clean the bathroom again...and I didnt get a call.. or a text message from Eunsung..

Okay!! K!!! Bye~~~ See you later~~ (<-- Kyungwon on the phone)

.. How unlucky...

Are you meeting Seungpyo today too?! YEA~~~~ After fighting yesterday.. So?? Wanna come with us?? Sorry.. WHY?! He said not to meet today. why? I dunno. Lets just clean~~ Hey, today at 4 when the teacher asks where I am, just tell her I disappeared mysteriously. 4? Why 4?

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Were going to go to the movies~~ Me and Seungpyo.

After cleaning the bathroom and writing a letter of apology to the teacher, and cleaning the hallways.. Time flew by I realized that Kyungwon has betrayed me for Floppy. Hmm.. Jungmins coming tomorrow. Should I make a list of what to do?? No matter how long I wait.. Im not even getting 1 message!! Unpredictable human: Ji Eunsung.. The sun was shining brightly and I slowly walked home by myself. I dont have any close friends besides Kyungwon.. I opened the front gate..

Is that you, oppa? Whatd you tell mom?!?!! Maelong~~ Maelong~~ Make me food.. What food O_O? Friend rice!!!! Make it with spam. We dont have any. Well go buy some. Ill give you money!! T_T

That day.. I- I made rice for my brother.. Dammit.. I still have 8 left.. Hmm. What do I wear tomorrow? Its my first time seeing Jungmin in a LONG

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time.. Casual?? No.. American style?? No.. Itd be awkward.. Should I just wear a casual suit? Hmm.. No, thats too formal.. Should I tie my hair? Or let it loose.. Anyway.. What about Kangwondo?? T_T I should just go to the airport and wait for Jungmin pick him up.. Drop him off.. Go to Kangwondo.. and then plan what to do for the next week~~~

LOOK LOOK!! Kyungwon, do I look better in the white? Or the black? Since your face is black, wear white.. Im not dark!! Well, its definitely not white. You know.. Im kinda nervous.. .. Im curious about Jungmin too..

Lets go together!! I cant because of Seungpyo. You can go secretly~~ He wants me to go to the arcade right now with him. Tell him your friends sick and that shes at the hospital. Hed want to go along. Hmm. Youre right. Hey, hurry. Hes arriving at 3. Oh yeah!! Lets go~~

Kyungwon waited for me to get on the bus..

You have to be back by 6. You have to go to Kangwondo~~ Yeah I know.. but..

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Just forget about Jungmin if you run out of time. You still have tomorrow. Ill try to get there. Ill try my best.. But whos going anyways?? You.. me.. and Eunsung.. Seungpyo.. and the other people from Sang. And I think 2 girls from Sang. What if Wang Bitna goes too?? If he isnt stupid, he wont invite her.. ..But he is.. Oh, the bus is here. Hurry and get on. Thanks~~ Kyungwon-a call me.. or Ill send you a text!! Okay, Ill explain to Eunsung.. Text me when you see Jungmin~ OKAY~~~

Sheesh.. Im really nervous. After reaching Seoul, I grabbed a taxi and rode over to the airport. Dammit.. What time is it? Thats when I decided to go over to the PC bang right next to the airport. Jungmin will probably call me. I gathered all my nerve and took pictures of myself in a room full of guys. Hmm.. Seoul guys are hot.

RIING RINGGGGGGGGGG RING~~ Its Jungmin. Hello? Where are you? Who is it? You wanna die??

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Its Ji Eunsung..

Im in Seoul right now.. Why? TO pick up my friend from the airport. ............... Do you know what time it is? No.. Its 5: 30.

O_O... its already that late??!? Where the hell is that ass LEE JUNGMIN!?

Well, what do I do? Ill drive over to Seoul.. Where are you going to wait?

Crap.. Why is his voice so cold.. Its scaring me to death.. But still, its my first time seeing Jungmin in 3 years.. So far its friendship before love..

Eunsung.. Where are you going to wait.. Eunsung... Where are you going to wait. JI EUNSUNG!!! ..... Sorry, but its the first time Im seeing my friend in 3 years. You promised me... You said youd be with me on my birthday...

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..I know.. You said you were going to be with me... Sorry.. I really am. But I promised this first.. So you're not going to come. How about tomorrow?? Ill be with you even if you say you dont want to see me. I.. want to be able to trust you.. I want to trust at least you.. Youre going to come right? Eunsung.. Sorry.. I real- ......................Bye..........

+Beep BEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP+ Bye? Whats that mean? What does that mean?? I just wanted to keep my first promise.. Is that that bad?? Is it such a thing to want to greet my friend when he comes back?? Your birthdays tomorrow anyway.. Bye?? You want to break up?? .. I guess its for the best.. I didnt like it either.. I didnt even know you for that long and youre so controlling.. You were really annoying.. Its goodbye from me too.. But.. Why is my throat choking up??

RING RING RING~~~~~~~~~~~~ HELLO!?

Thinking it might be Ji Eunsung.. I quickly answered.. Even though I said things only 3 minutes ago..

Where are you?!

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Oh.. Jungmin.. Hey, whats with your voice? HAHA! What are you talking about.. Where are you?? Im at the entrance of the airport.. Theres like this big yellow thing~ Oh thats at the very front. Hold on, Ill be right there.

I should be happy.. Whats wrong with me.. Han Yehwon.. Smile..

# 20

I went over to where Jungmin said he would be waiting.. Hmm, is that him? No, he wasnt that fat.. Is it that guy?? No, he wasnt that good looking. Perhaps.. him??? HAHA.. I doubt hed have grown his hair out that long.. I spotted a guy with yellow hair all the way down to his back.. I know its not him... But why does it seem like it is..

Yehwon~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!! Jungmin T_T.. I said heading towards the guy with the long hair.. You! grew your hair out..!! he said running towards me. I was just about to say.. Whats wrong with your hair..

Isnt it so cool?? The girls all fainted when I smiled at them. Anyways.. Its been forever!!!

We talked until a bus pulled up in front of us.. And the two of us headed

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towards Kwachun.

Yehwon~! Han Yehwon~~ Huh.. HUH? What are you thinking about? UH.. Oh, I know.. Know what? Youre thinking about what to do this week!! Uh yeah.. Perfect...

We reached Kwachun and Jungmin said that after he dropped his things off hed come over to my house. I thought I was going to die of embarrassment because everyone was staring at us because of his hair. T_T What happened to you in America??

Mom.. What are you making?? WHERES JUNGMIN~~? He went home to drop his things off. Hes coming.. Hows he look?! Huh?? Howd he change?! Mom.. You know that singer Mindahleh (translated: Chrysanthemum.) Of course.. Hes like that.. He changed that much?!?! He was so cute when he was little though!!

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Not his face.. his hair.. Well Im tired.. I think Im going to take a nap.. Why are you tired?? You havent done anything!! What are you talking about? I was in the bus for like 10 hours. Are you talking back??!?!?! Make yummy things..

I walked into my room... Have we broken up?? I guess we have.. I thought as I sat down at my desk. +RING RING RING~~~~~~+

Hello? Yehwon~ Oh.. Kyungwon-a.. Are you in Kangwondo?? YEAH! What the hell happened??! We broke up... What?! 'Bye'.. and he just hung up. Why arent you coming?! Jungmin came late.. Do you know that?! Know what..? Eunsung.. Yesterday he came to Kangwondo alone to plan what to do with you. He even rented a condo!!!!! How do you know?

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Seungpyo told me.. He saw a letter Eunsung had written for you.. Something he hadnt done since middle school.. He said he thought he was going to die.

So that day when he told us not to meet... Sheesh. Hes making me get teary..

Let me talk to him. Say that again.. EUNSUNG~~~~~~~~~~~!!! Oh the way here, I couldnt even call you to hurry because he was so pissed off. Why do you think I called now? OMG while he was driving.. I thought I was going to die!! He was going as fast as a bullet.. We got pulled over at least 5 times.. Do you know his cell number? No. Go ask Seungpyo for me. K, fine.. Ill send you a text later. Thanks. Oh yeah.. Kim Hyobins here also.. What? Yehwon!!! Im here~~~~~! <-- Jungmin O_O.. Jungmins here.. Ill call you later. Jungmin? Hey, let me talk to him!! Later. Hey whats up? Who were you talking to? Kyungwon~~

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Really?? Its been forever since Ive seen her. Tell her to come over~ Shell be home tomorrow. What about hyung? Huh?? Seungpyo hyung!! I dunno. He went out. Haha.. hes the same as always.. When he got kicked out of your house, hed always come over to ours. Thats how he is..

Nuna said she misses hyung. Oh.. Wheres Jungeun unnie? She isn't coming? Yeah.. She was like whats the use of coming if were going to go back.. I miss her.. KIDS!! COME DOWN~~ Lets go eat! WOW! Mom did you make all this?? Oh course I did!! We got seated at the table.. Jungmin~ You got so charming in America~~~~~~~ You too Ahjumma.

HOHOHOHOHOHO!!!! Oh Jungmin.. do you know the gasoo, Mindeuleh? Mindeuleh? Why? OH MY GOSH MOMM T_________T !!! Lets eat, huh??!?!! Thanks for all this food, mom!!! # 21

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After we finished dinner... Jungmin and I went to the Noraebang and sang for two hours.. (I felt like throwing the mike while he was singing.. )

Then we went to the PC bang and played games until 2 in the morning.. Hehe.. While Jungmins here, Im going to play like mad since mom wont be able to say anything.. The next day.. (exactly 2: 10 Sunday morning) I had 5 text messages. -Why arent you answering- Kyungwon -011-293-83** is his number- Kyungwon -Back in Kwachun.. Call when you get this.- Kyungwon -Dammit you b***h!! How fu**ing long are you going to sleep?- Kyungwon -I have something to tell you. Call as soon as you get this.. If you dont, Ill puncture your head with a drill.. - Kyungwon.. So I called Jungmin to meet us at the arcade at 5 and then I called Kyungwon. Yeah?? Its me, Yehwon. You b***h! Did you just wake up?! I slept at 3 yesterday. What do you have to say? Ill tell you when we meet. Then lets meet at 5 at the arcade. Jungmins coming too. Jungmin? OKAY! Oh yeah.. Hey, dont call Ji Eunsung.. Why? Ill tell you later.. You have to come!! Just tell me now. Im hanging up. DDOK.

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Why is she telling me not to call him?? Man, I wanna know!!! Hehe.. So youre telling me that he wrote a letter for me, right?? Ignoring Kyungwons little warning, I quickly dialed Ji Eunsungs number. Its ringing.. It has been for a few minutes.. Hello. He picked up. Hello!!! Who the hell is it?! Hey, its me, Yehwon. .............................. I heard all about it. I heard you wrote a letter for me~ Wanna meet? Ill introduce you to my friend. I dont need you anymore.. Are you mad?? Meet us at the arcade at 5.

+beep............................ beep. ........................ beep............+ Hehe.. since I didnt show up at your party, Ill forgive you. Ill call him later. At 5, I headed towards the arcade and I spotted Kyungwon. HEY! HEY!! KYUNGWON!! Kyungwon looked past me with a dark expression.. And in a small voice said.. Dont look behind you.. Lets go in. Why? Is there someone behind me? Is it the night pig? No. Lets go in. So we went down and on our way down, I heard a few footsteps behind us. You know. I think Eunsungs really mad. What do I do? Be quiet, she said in a low voice. Sheesh, whats wrong with you? Sheesh, hes so... I dont know. Is that really

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something to be that mad about though?! I heard the people behind me laughing.. Dont turn around. Being the stupid girl I am, I turned around and saw.. Ji Eunsung.. Kim Hyobin.. the hot Hyunsung guy.. another Sang girl.. and Kyungwons boyfriend, Seungpyo.. All 5 were laughing at me..

# 22

Eunsung... Hey.. Come on, lets go. Kyungwon said grabbing my arm. Hey! Whats wrong.. Kyungwon, let go of me! Ji Eunsung.. Did you have fun?? Hey, you got a tan!! ...Silence.... Thats weird.. Right about now, Floppy should be making fun of me... Floppy just stuck close to Kyungwon and the other 4 just walked past me and into the arcade. Eunsung~ Whats wrong?! Just then, one of the girls from Sang turned around and said... Hey, stupid.. Dont you even know whats going on?? I heard youre smart.. but it doesnt really seem like it. Why the hell are you hanging onto someone who hates you?? Dont you see that Eunsung and Hyobin are together now? ****.. Youre pissing me off!!! O_O... Are you finished b***h? HUH!? Kyungwon said heading towards the girl.. HAHA.. What the hell is this? You want to die? Hey.. Kim Eunji.. Get lost. Floppy- I mean Seungpyo said in a serious tone

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Id never heard him use before.. Whats this... The four walked past Seungpyo into the arcade. Ji Eunsung didnt even look back.. My hands are shaking.. Hey.. Kyungwon.. You know the type of girls that go to our school.. Whats wrong.. Seungpyo said carefully. ****!! What the hells wrong with your friend huh?! Shouldnt he just let it go now? What did Yehwon do that was so wrong?! You know how he is.. Yehwon.. Are you okay? Yeah.. Im fine.. But is he really mad? You just be the bigger person.. That day.. He prepared a lot for you.. I know.. I guess I have to be.. I mean. It IS my fault. What did you just say?! What did you exactly do that was so wrong?! Ji Eunsung, that bastard.. He got drunk so badly that he was sticking to that b***h the whole day!! Kyungwon.. Youre overreacting. I mean, is going to the airport to meet your friend you havent seen in 3 years that bad?! Its not like she planned for Jungmin to come the day of the party!! Hey, do you want me to introduce you to someone 1000000 times better than him?! No its fine.. This time... It was my fault. DAMMIT!!! Yehwon, this isnt like you!! Right then.. there was another person running towards us.. Yehwon!!! Do I have to explain? Its Mindeulleh- I mean Jungmin. Kyungwons mouth was stretched open .. same with Floppy. Thats Jungmin.. OMG, Lee Jungmin!!! ITS BEEN FOREVER!!! Lee Kyungwon?? You look so much better!!

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Until a few minutes ago.. she was acting as if shed rip Ji Eunsungs head off. Hey Yehwon.. Whos the punk?? Oh yeah.. Seungpyo youre still here. My friend from America.. Oh.. Hey, Lee Kyungwon.. Im going..!! I dont know if Kyunwon was just ignoring him or didnt hear him. I said Im going. K! K!! Whatever!! OMG, Jungmin you look like that one singer GIL!! Kyungwon. Its not GIL its Mindahleh. Seungpyo stared a little longer with a slightly clod face and headed down again.. That girl.. Seriously. Doesnt she see that her boyfriends mad.. Why is everything so complicated?!?! Lets go down. Jungmin, lets see how much better you are at arcade games than I am.. Kyungwon, are you in your right mind? You wanna go in there? Who cares? You dont have to care about that Ji Eunsung bastard!! Ji Eunsung? Whos that? Jungmin asked. Nevermind. Lets go Yehwon, Jungmin~~ This place is the bomb!! .. Seungpyos mad. Its okay!! Hey.. Lets go~~ Oh my god.. Han Yehwon.. Look what youre going through because you met a weird friend and a guy with a dirty temper.

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# 23

Luckily.. Ji Eunsung and Co. were in the karaoke section of the arcade. Floppy, who was playing a game, spotted Kyungwon and Jungmin and he stormed off to where his friends were singing.. Kyungwon.. Seungpyos really mad. Its okay! He'll feel better when I buy him some chocolate. Jungmin, are you good at singing? Ask Yehwon~~ Yehwon, is he? If he and you made a group.. you guys would be the best I wanna play a game. I want to be as far away from Ji Eunsung as possible. So I got down in front of a game and started playing........... tetris... What should I do? Should I apologize one more time? It seemed him and that Hyobin girl were getting along together.. Should I tell them congratulations? No.. I cant do that.. I just realized that I like him.. Dude!! You just died!! O_O holy crap Jungmin you scared me. Hey, what are you doing here? I couldnt handle her singing. I dont think thats something you should be saying Hey, put in some more money. I want to play too. No.. Go away. COME ON!! 'Cmon!! Put in YOUR own money. T_T .

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So we were busily playing tetris.. Kyoungwon was so drunk in her own singing that she didnt even bother to come out.

Oh yeah baby!! 6 combo!! Yehwon.. What! Dont make me talk, Im losing my train of thought. That Ji Eunsung guy.. ........... Is he your boyfriend? ..Yeah. I see. What combo did you just do? 2. BWHAHAHAH!!! LOSER!! Dont force your laugh. BWHAHA. What are you talking about? I asked trying to sound tough, and when I put my elbow on his shoulder, I saw Ji Eunsung from the corner of my eye. He was just staring at me.. and then Jungmin. Yehwon.. Whats wrong?? Nothing.. Hey, why do you suck so much?? Tetris is a game of strategy!! Youre acting weird. ....... When I turned back around.. Ji Eunsung was gone.. Right then..

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Ji Eunsung appeared again with Kim Hyobin next to him. Whoa.. Shes pretty. Jungmin said looking at her and then turning back to the screen. Ji Eunsung. What are you doing..? He came right behind me and said in a cold voice.. Move. What? Move.. Why should I? Because she and I are going to play. You havent changed at all..... You immature piece of pantyhose. Who the hell are you? Jungmin asked getting up .. NO.. Jungmin, not him..... Ji Eunsung. Get the hell out of our way. Ji Eunsung? Is this your boyfriend? "..................." The room was silent for a while.. I dumped her. Why do you think it was that, when I heard those words come from his mouth, a tear almost fell out of my eye? Hes right. We broke up.. Jungmin, lets go over to Kyungwon. With my head down, I grabbed his wrist.. +++++OMG!! Youre pissing me off!! Do you think what you say goes?! And you call yourself a man? Youre only garbage.!!!!!!!!!!+++++ <-- English ....What the hell are you saying right now???? ( Didnt understand anything) Ji Eunsung just stared with a stupid expression.. and one of annoyance. What? Say that again..

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.. If he says it again.. Do you know what hes saying.. say it a hundred times, you still wouldnt know.

I bet if you heard him

+++++Piece of ****!! **** YOU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ++++ Okay.. even I know what **** you means. But I doubt Ji Eunsung that stupid kAHH! Okay.. Never mind.. He understands..... Jungmin flew back from Ji Eunsungs punch and from the corner of his mouth, blood was flowing out. Jungmin-a~ Are you okay?! Im fine. Move. Im going to teach that guy a lesson. Stop it!! Stop!! Hey, Ji Eunsung.. Fine! You dumped me. Happy?? You dumped me!! So stop acting immature!! We dont need to get in a fight, okay?! Jungmin.. Lets go.. Were the ones wholl be getting a headache.. Come on.. Lets go... Maybe it was the tears.. but Jungmin calmed down and I turned around.. I couldnt face him... We walked out of the arcade/karaoke bang, dragging Kyungwon out with us. Whats wrong? Why are you crying? Jungmin, whats wrong with her? "............." Lets talk outside.." Is it Ji Eunsung?!?! Did that bastard do this?! DID HE??! Hey~ Han Yehwon~~ A voice said behind me.. Ill give you a chance to give me an excuse.. if you have anything to say to me. Ji Eunsung.. Are you going to make me feel lower than dirt until the end..? # 24

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Youre funny.. Really.. Ji Eunsung.. Im sick of having to do everything that you want to do. I dont like having to do everything that you like.. And overall, everything you do is tiring.. You know.. You act like some kind of child, you know that?? A spoiled one... and I pity you... This time, Ill say bye. Even though its something I said.. It was cold.. Something I didnt even think twice about.. I know Ill regret it.. But after I spat out those cold words, I left Jungmin and Kyungwon, and started walking wherever my feet were willing to take me. And I walked.. just walked wherever my feet took me.. Whats happening to me.. Tears were trailing out as if I were some lunatic.... That night.. Kyungwon and Jungmin came over.. and even then, I was still crying.... Han Yehwon.. I told you I was going to tell you something, right? Ill tell you now.. Forget about him.. I dont want to hear you. No. You have to.. because you have to forget about him. I already have. That night.. He drank a whole **** load of crap.. and he and Kim Hyobin went out together.. They didn't come in for a long time, so Seungpyo and I went out to go look for them.. They were both on a bench.. Okay.... Stop it.. Kim Hyobin was putting her clothes back on.. I said stop it.. Listen to me, dammit!! And he had his shirt off too!! I told you to stop. Han Yehwon. I get it okay?! I know.. I understand.. Ill forget him, okay?? We didnt even get along. So starting tomorrow.. Ill approach you guys with a happy face.. Okay? So just let me cry.. Just for today.. Sorry, you guys.. Okay. Im trusting you Han Yehwon.. Im going.. See you tomorrow. Thanks.. Jungmin. After school tomorrow.. Ill call you.

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Got it. Get a load of rest.. Ill call you later. HAHAHAHHAHA.. I cant stop laughing.. He didnt even like me touching his hand.. HAHAH.. so thats how much he liked Kim Hyobin... Ill forget you within a day, Ji Eunsung... I only liked you enough to stop thinking about you within a day.. Ill show you that I didnt like you at all.... because I can... .........and because Im Han Yehwon.. But I keep remembering... The The The The The The The The The time time time time time time time time time he saved me from the pervert.. we saw each other in the alley. where he ripped off my plastic head covering at the salon.. we accidently kissed over the fence... we fought about stupid things at the bar. I interfered in the fight. he walked me home.. he bragged that he had a Sky phone.. he said his astrological sign was the Big Dipper...

Hes probably the only person who doesnt like holding hands.. It wasnt for even that long, but why do I keep thinking about him... ..Im going to forget him.. ...Im going to try.. ...even my thoughts of forgetting about him.....

# 25

Yehwon! Arent you going to school?! Im up. For the first time in a while, my whole family had breakfast together. Oppa. Long time no see... Appa too. Whats wrong with your eyes? I slept late.

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Hey, so Jungmins back, I hear. Yeah. He said he wanted to see you. Bring him home after school. Ill be at home. Got it. Han Seungpyo.. You dont get allowance for a week. WHY??! Mom~~ Thats not fair!! Dont say anything.. Looking at everything thats happened-- consider it a miracle that youre even eating in this house. cough* My dad faked a cough.. Im going!! Alright! The skys clear and blue today~ At school... Youre okay now, right? Huh? What.. Eunsung.. Oh! Of course!! Who do you think I am? How are you and Seungpyo? I dunno. Its weird.. Hes not calling.. and hes not sending me any messages.. When I call, he just hangs up.. Call him again. Im scared. I don't want to. Its your fault! Youre not supposed to act like that in front of your boyfriend. .. Tch. If you saw Seungpyo going up to some girl and holding hands with her, would you have liked that? Id have broken his neck. Exactly.. So just call him one more time. He wants that too. You- you think so?

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Yeah. Kyungwon grabbed her phone and dialed his number... Kyungwon.. Were in class right now.. Hello? Seungpyo? Its me, Kyungwon.. hung up. Phew.. That guy stays mad doesnt he? What do I do? Go to his school and wait for him.. Hows that? Huh? Like buy some flowers and a present.. Stand in front of his school and wait for him!! Isnt that perfect? Youre crazy.. Want me to get beat up? No~~ NO~~ You know what you do? You dress in a way Seungpyos never seen you. To look older.. then the kids will think you go to college or something.. You think hell like that? Dude, hell like freaking love you. Think about it. Wouldnt you like Seungpyo to stand in front of our school dressed in a casual suit?? How proud would you be?? Hey! Youre right! I knew I could count on you, best friend! HEHE.. In that case.. Lets go together.. Im scared to go alone. Youre crazy.. Go with Jungmin. We fought because of Jungmin You know I can. Why not? ...................... . ...................... ............. He just

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You said you forgot him.. Are you saying that you still like him..? Dont go there. No. Im serious. You're talking about Ji Eunsung right now. Its not that.. I mean, itll be weird. Dont you think? In what way. Wang Bitna" Does it matter? Ji Eunsung and Kim Hyobin are going out so theres no reason for her to beat you up anymore."

Yehwon. Okay. Fine. Ill go with you. But Im going to hide behind a trashcan or something. HEHHEHE. Thanks. Hey, your eyes are still swollen. Exactly how much did you cry yesterday? I dont know. I didnt cry!! Hmm. Where should we go with Jungmin though? Seoul Land!! You can go there all you like.. How about a Night Club?! Night Club???!?!?

# 26

You want to go to a night club. Are you crazy? We have to give Jungmin some great memories of his visit!! Great memories?? You should be thinking about Seungpyo right now.

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We went over that already. Remember? Were going to Sang. Night club. How about it? That girl, Lee Eunji, went too. Is she can get in, why can't we? What if we get caught. Honey is easy to get into. " IF we get caught. We wont get caught because of Jungmin. I mean, look at his hair. Who in their right mind would think hes 18? Hmm... Lets go~~ I got my allowance the other day!! Lets go, Yehwon~~!!!! Im not in the mood to go to a club. But Jungmins leaving in 5 days!! ....................If we get caught you take the blame. OKAY ^o^~~~ I dont even know why I agreed to that decision. So we agreed to go to the club. Since mom and my oppa were at home, Kyungwon brought me over to her house. No! Wear this! If you wear something with a collar, you look younger. I cant wear something that low!! You can wear it!! Im already wearing something like it!! Oh.. I see. Listen to me.. Yehwon.. Wear it! That kind of Nylon bothers me. Well then, do you want to be outside all by yourself when you get kicked out?!??! .....Its too low.. But in the end I ended up wearing a purple, low cut, itchy nylon shirt. And a white skirt.

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Kyungwon wasnt any better. Does she want to freeze to death in this fall weather? And she called Jungmin. Jungmin~ Its me. Were going to take you to a great place today!! The best!! Wear clothes that make you look mature but cool at the same time!! Wait in front of your house. NO!! It has to look cool and mature at the same time!! Were going to a club. Okay! Hey, Kyungwon. What? Im getting a bad feeling. Lets just go to a bar. No! Never!!! Do you know how much Ive waited for this day? Fine. If I go there and Im a lame ass, dont blame me. OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we headed towards Jungmins house.. T_T If Im caught, Im dead, you little b***h. T_T Forget about my mom.. I wonder what Ji Eunsung will say when he sees me. No! Wait! Why am I thinking of him? Han Yehwon, youre crazy... JUNGMIN~~~~~~~~~!! Yehwon!! Look, Jungmins the bomb!! His long blonde hair was let loose and he had on sunglasses and some dog tags. He wore a tight shirt.. and pointed boots and he was waving at us.. T_T Where has my childhood friend Jungmin gone?? T_T But on the other hand.. Jungmins face was also full of surprise. You guys.. Lee Jungmin, tie your hair!!! I yelled.... but Jungmin ignored me and just kept staring. Stop staring. Its embarrassing. ++++""+++++

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Hes only lived in America for 3 years and he just speaks English in front of us.. The 3 of us headed towards the club with the sun setting behind us. In front of the club there was a huge guy standing guard. However, he just ignored us as we walked in. Okay, Yehwon. Weve snuck in. Im scared T_T Its okay. I brought my sisters ID. But still. Itll be fine!! My sister and I look exactly the same!! Do you know what I did with it last time?? Jungmin, how is it?? Great, huh?? No. The ones in America are 10 times better. You want to die?! I looked around. Now that we actually got inside.. It wasnt that great a place.. Oh well.. Better than nothing. Even the waiter didnt say anything as Kyungwon held out her sisters ID and led us to a table... But something doesnt feel right. Over there at that table.. some waiter keeps glancing over at me.. Ive seen him before.. I know I have.. Damn, its loud in here. Hmm, there are so many people.. Do you even know how to order, Kyungwon? Of course I do!! Jungmins dogtags are reflecting light all over the place.. So we passed time drinking and eating.. Hahah!! Look at Jungmins face.. I think Im ging to die from laughing. Youre face is funnier. HAAAHAHHAHAH~~!! Jungmin and Kyungwon.. They werent exactly drunk.. Both are really strong with alcohol.. In my opinion.. Theyre just crazy. Hey Jungmin. Lets go out and dance~~ ..I cant.

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Its okay!! Ill block all of your moves with my brilliant ones!! Yehwon, lets go! In a while. I wanna drink a little more. EENG EENG Yehwon, lets go. Lee Jungmin, go away and dance. T_T Yehwons scary. Forget about her! Lets go! Damn, I have to go pee.. Whenever I drink beer, I have to go pee really bad so I decided to go right then.. But. How can this be.................

# 27

..............Hyunsung.. and Floppy.. The other 4th guy (dont know his name) and Wang Bitna.. All four were at a table.. Dammit.. How can this be...?? Luckily, Ji Eunsung wasnt there and neither was Kim Hyobin. This isnt the time for this. I cant have them see me like this.. Quickly, I headed towards a waiter. Excuse me, wheres the bathroom? Go to the left, then when you meet the corner, its on the right. Thank you. With his beady little eyes, the waiter stared at me.. Hmm, maybe he likes me?? ............. ......................... ........................ That feels good. Now that all my concentration wasnt set on going to the bathroom, I can

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smell cigarette smoke in here. Damn, it smells. I quickly washed my hands and thats when it happened. +BANG!!+ Crap. that scared me. .............................. .................... .............................. ...................................... It was Kim Hyobin.. She seems to be drunk.. She was glaring at me with her eyes.. Its the first time her and I have seen each other face to face, one on one. She was pretty.. really really pretty. Her cheeks were slightly red because of the fact that she was drunk. Itd be better to just leave. Embarrassed, I started to leave the bathroom.. Hey~ I dont like you very much. She said in a slurred voice. O- Okay...? Do you like Eunsungie? ..........She was cute.. even I had to admit it.. No.. I dont. Do you hate him???????? I dont feel anything for him.. You know.. I- I liked Eunsungie a longer time than you!! Do you know that?! ................ ..................... Yeah. I know ......... The girl stared at me a little longer.. Damn, I think Im going to go crazy.. Why do you keep bothering Eunsung?? My Eunsungie.. Do you know how much I like him??

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Id never actually like Kim Hyobin .. But.. right at this moment.. this girl named Kim Hyobin was .......... so pretty, saying the name of the guy she liked and crying loudly... She looked so pretty..... And I realized right then.. It could never be me.. Okay, dont worry. I wont bother Eunsung anymore. I think Im going to go crazy if I stay in there any longer. And slowly I walked out of the bathroom. Yeah!! Hyung, its the b***h from last time!! .. Whats this?? The waiter who was staring at me from behind the table was telling the guy who had told me where the bathroom were whispering. ..That guy.. Id seen him somewhere before.. O_O thats right!! Its him!! That guy.. the one guy from the fight that Ji Eunsung was in. The one that pushed me away when interfered. Dammit.. Han Yehwon.. You have the crappiest timing. Kyungwon.. Jungmin.. Where are you?? T_T Hey.. Did Ji Eunsung come too?? We broke up. Get out of my way. WHAT? You broke up?? HAHA, yeah right. Stop eating up time, and call him to come over here. We broke up.. I got dumped.. Happy?? I dont matter to him. Hey b***h. I told you to call him!! Do I look that easy to you? Call him within 10 seconds. If you dont, Ill kill you. What? Are you too afraid to actually go over to him? Huh?? What, you dont have enough balls to go over to him with his friends next to him?? Is that why youre making me bring him over to you?? HAHAHA, youre really funny. What the hell, this ****ing b***h. Do you seriously want to die?? HUH!? I told you already.. I got dumped.. How many times do I need to tell you..? You have no manners you know that b***h?? Hyung, how many times should I hit her?

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Hey, you haven't hit a girl before. T_T Oppa.. thank you so much... ****!! Fine then, whats his number? Im letting you off this time. If I tell him his number.. its obvious that him and his friends are going to beat him up.. I dont know. You dont know?? Youre his b***h arent you??? It was then... Someone stepped out of the girls bathroom.. HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess who it was.. Right. it was Kim Hyobin.. Hyobin-a.. Just go back into the bathroom T_T Eunsung is MY b***h!!!!!!!! Seems she ran out to tell them that. Hey, isn't it Sangs little princess. Kim Hyobin looked up at the guy, Kim Sungtaek? What are you doing here? Eunsung and I are going out. Get it straight. Till the end.. Shes saying Eunsungs with her.. Hey, shes hella cute. The guy said nearing Kim Hyobin. Hyung, leave her alone. Her brother is hella tough. Whos her brother? Hansung hyung. Hansung?? That bastard is my junior. Hey, but shes pretty cute huh?? Names Hyobin? Get away from me, Hyobin said to the guy that was getting closer.

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Just leave her alone. Just bother me instead!! I yelled. Han Yehwon.. Whend you get so brave?? You're saying youre tough, are you? the guy yelled, pushing me into the wall. Im asking you one last time. Whats Ji Eunsungs number? The guy asked pushing me into the wall again. Im not telling you. I wont. HAHA. Fine. Hey, now that I look at her from up close, shes pretty cute. I glanced over at Hyobin and the guy.. He was touching her cheek and saying greasy words to her. The guy in front of me put his hand on my head. There wasnt anyone around to help us. Dammit, Han Yehwon.. This is my punishment for all the things Ive done.. T_T Mom.. Jungmin.. Dad.. Oppa.. Kyungwon.. Ill miss you.. JI EUNSUNG YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T # 28

The only way I can get safely out of this situation is: A: Someone comes to help me or B: For some reason, they decide to let us go. Only two choices.. Great. Hyobin doesnt seem to be doing anything either. Maybe it was because she was drunk. Or maybe she thought the guy was good looking.. .. Hopefully, its not the latter. However~~ Im in a different situation than she is. I cant be raped by someone like this!! At least the guy next to Hyobin is good looking!!! How should I do you? Youre going to regret this.

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Regret? Thats something you should be saying. HAHAHA. Mommy.. T_T The bastards hand is slowly creeping down from my head.. My eyes are growing dark and I can feel tears starting to gather inside my eyes. Last time this happened.. Ji Eunsung helped me.. Eunsung-a!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I hear wrong?? Eunsung, its me.. No, I heard correctly.. Hyobin had called Ji Eunsung with her cell phone. Dammit, its not supposed to be like this.. The guy in front of me had taken his hands off me and reached into his pocket to call his other friends. Stupid.. Retard.. Dont come.. Hey, that bastards coming in through the back door. Bring all the kids.. Okay. Kim Hyobin was just calling out to Eunsung. Eunsung-a!! Im scared!! This scary oppa is.... Hes... What do I do?? Here?? Its near the bathrooms... No!!! JI EUNSUNG, STUPID BASTARD!! DONT COME!! DONT!! JUST STAY THERE!!!! I yelled as loudly as I could.. if Ji Eunsung were to come.. I dont even want to think of the things that could happen. Hey you crazy b***h! You want to die? The guy in front of me yelled. The guy next to Kim Hyobin was touching her cheek greasily. Kim Hyobin was crying.. Dammit, stop crying, Im the one who wants to cry! WAHHHHHHHHHHHH WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I wailed.. ( because I was scared that guy in front of me was going to hit me..) Hey, shut your trap!!! The guy yelled covering my mouth.

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You ****ing piece of ****. Take your hand off her. The voice stuck in my head... NO.. You stupid.. I told you not to come.. Ji Eunsung.. Stupid.. Look who it is~~ Sang's Ji Eunsung~~ You really piss me off. Hmm. What do I do.. Oh ho!! So what if youre pissed??? What are you going to do about it? I told you not to come!! Are you stupid? I yelled through my swollen eyes. In a split second Hyobin was hiding behind Eunsung. Damn, shes fast. I didnt come to save you. Dont think so highly of yourself. Oh yeah... He came because of Hyobin... Sorry for thinking that. Get lost, go hide in the bathrooms or something. No wait, go find your little friends. Why.. I told you to leave!! Are you not going to listen to me till the end!!??! ........................... .................................. ........................................... It was the first time Id seen him that mad. .. And for the first time.. I was scared of him.. Im going. You hear that? Ill leave.. If you die.. Its not my fault.. And with those words, I ran out of the club. Tears cascaded down my face.. Whats this.. You stupid girl.. Why are you crying?? For a couple of hours I just squatted in front of the night club crying my eyes out.. When I finally decided to walk in to find Kyungwon and Jungmin, I couldnt find them. Maybe they were looking for me? In my phone were an endless amount of messages and voicemails.. I drank up all the remaining beer. ...And when I woke up, I saw Jungmins worried face in front of mine. I could also see my brother smirking.

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I closed my eyes again.. I saw you open your eyes. Tch.. Stupid cant use his head but his eyes are good. Oppa.. Can you leave? Okay.. Ill call mom then. Oppa, Im serious.. "..........." Seeing me like this for the first time, my brother just nodded and left the room. Yehwon, are you okay? Why are you like this?? Jungmin~~ I cant do it. I cant forget him~~ I like him too much.. I think I like him even more than before.. What do I do?? What do I do........... What ARE you going to do? I dont know. I just miss him.. Hes at the hospital right now.. WHAT?! There was a big fight at the club.. He.. He got seriously injured.. " Where is he?! What hospital!?! I dont know.. There was an ambulance and everything. I wasnt in my right mind.. I think I went half crazy and started calling every single hospital near our house. By luck.. the first hospital I called had a patient named Ji Eunsung. Jungmin~ Will you make up a reasonable lie for my mom? ....Youre going.. Instead of answering, I nodded my head. Do you have to? I want to talk to him.. I dont want to lie anymore.. There are so many things

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I want to tell him.. I cant go, can I? Sorry... Think of a reasonable lie for my mom. Thanks. I think that was the fastest Id ever run in my life.. Besides the time when I was running away from Ji Eunsung that day he came over to my school to kill me.

# 29 Im sorry.. That patient is in surgery right now. WHAT?! Why? Did he get that injured?! ... Please come tomorrow. Wahh. Unnie, is he going to die?? Is that it?? No. He wont die.

Whats going to happen to him? Please. Come. Tomorrow. Then.. Can you tell me what room number hell be in?? 310. Damn bastard.. If you die.. Ill... I could see Sang kids.. It was too late for me to turn around and hide.. Luckily.. Floppy, Hyunsung, and the other guy were all there.. All three had on dark expressions.. Floppy was the one who gave any hint that he knew me. Yehwon.. What are you doing here? How is he? We havent seen him.. They told us to come tomorrow. What.. what happened? I dont know I should tell you.

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But I know!! I was at the night club too!! You were there? Yeah!! I was there right before he got into the fight!! That ass made me leave.. What are you talking about.. So you know what they fought about?? You guys dont know? We got there ****ing late. He was getting beat up by 8 people. .......8? What about Kim Hyobin? Wasnt she there? Shed passed out. Shes in the room next to his.. What happened? Floppy was just talking quietly the whole time. I held back my tears and told them the whole story. When Id finished.. Floppy was pacing around in anger.. Kim Sungtaek... that son of a b***h. What happened to him?? The guy named Kim Sungtaek? It's the first time Eunsung has beat someone to that level. He's in critical condition right now. ............. Its not because of me that you beat him ( Theyre talking about the guy who was covering Yehwons mouth), is it?? .. It cant be.. If it is.. Ill like him even more... Yehwon.. Why are you crying?? Eunsung just needs a cast and needs to stay here a little while and hell be fine. Hes a tough guy. Kim Sungtaek.. Now thats a problem.. But Eunsungs fine.. "T_T T_T T_ T .... Dont worry, hell be fine!! We made sure that those bastards would never touch him again ^o^ T_T Oh yeah, Yehwon.. Huh??

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Is Kyungwon not here? She disappeared. Oh.. You know, she really misses you.. Whatever.. What do you mean whatever, you loser.. I can you see smiling, you know .

Its late. Yehwon, after school tomorrow, come visit. Well be here all night. I want to stay too. Bitna and the other Sang girls are all next door. If they s- Bye, Ill see you tomorrow. ...Its my safety before love.. Yehwon!!!!!!!! Huh? Bring Kyungwon tomorrow!! ..Okay Bye.

Hyunsung hasnt said one word at all.. and his face was expressionless... They must be really close... But I still feel ten times better than before. Tomorrow Im going to come and tell him exactly how I feel. It was 2 when I got back home. And I spotted a little note left by Jungmin. Kyungwon wants you to call her. She said shes waiting. See you tomorrow. Oh yeah.. Kyungwon.. I forgot about her.. So I did and she didnt let down my expectations by not yelling. So hows Eunsung.. Oh, I dont think hes seriously hurt.

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So youre going to tell him you like him? Yeah.. So come with me. Do you think Wang Bitna will just let you off like that? What if she sees you? Seungpyo wants to see you. Isnt he mad anymore? Nope! No. Im going to go to his school and surprise him. Hey.. But then hell bother me until I go crazy. Then you want Jungmin to stay by himself? Oh yeah. Jungmin.. hey it seems like youre looking after him a lot. WHAT?!?! IM GOING TO SLEEP!! SEE YOU TOMORROW!! OH WAIT, I'LL SEE YOU IN A FEW HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmm, how very suspicious.. Maybe she... Nah.. The next day, none of my lessons came into my head. No matter how much I bugged Kyungwon to go to the hospital with me, she wouldnt budge. She said something about surprising him or whatever. Then.. during math class, stupid dork got her finger stuck in a hole and said it hurt. So she got a slip of excuse to go home.. ..Im a little nervous.. Until yesterday I was saying I was going to forget him..

I even bought a flower.. I wonder if hell like it.. I walked confidently towards the hospital.. I got to his room.. but I couldnt gather the courage to go and open the door. What do I say when I go in? Hi? Too awkward.. How ya doing?? Too happy.. How are you feeling??? Okay.. that sounds good... Im feeling fine..

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# 30

Oh lord.. What is Kim Hyobin doing behind me.. T_T Oh yeah, their rooms are next to each other. Did you come to see Eunsung? Huh.. yeah. .......Im going out with him. Yeah.. I know. Can I talk to you for a little while? Yeah. The girl walked to one of the hospital benches and sat down. Damn.. I think Im going to go crazy.. shes even pretty wearing a patient suit or whatever you call them. Ill get to the point.. Do you think you could not meet Eunsung?? .................. ....................... ........................ ................................. ..I dont know.. Please.. I cant do anything without him.. I cant either.. Whoa. Why is she crying?? With tears trailing down her face, she was practically begging me not to meet him.. I really really like him.. Ive only looked at him for 3 years.. I liked him enough to beg my parents to let me come to the same school as him.... I live with my mom. I was lonely.. Ive never gotten anything I wanted.. But just this once.. this once.. I seriously think Ill go crazy.. If shes practically begging.. that means she likes him that much.. but what do I do?? I also like him.. I like him a lot ...

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When I didnt answer.. her tears started falling faster than ever. What do I do.. Seriously.. In situations like these, what am I supposed to do?? Cant we even be friends? She just stared at me.. No. But.. I like him too. Then.. Cant you just like him by yourself?? Just to yourself?? ... How can you say that as if its nothing.. Then just today.. I mean, I came anyways.. Ill just see him today... Tch, you pretty little girl, you think Im going to actually do that?? Im going to meet him secretly behind your back. ( Even at 18.. she isnt exactly mature..) Lets go see him together. Huh.. This girls even scarier than Wang Bitna.. Go in there and tell him.. Tell him its your last.. .......... Please. ..O-Okay.. If you were my younger sister or my junior, I would have killed you. Kim Hyobin opened the door and stepped in first. Eunsung~! You were here earlier!! He yelled in an annoyed voice.. Hi...

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He stared at me with an expressionless face.. His left leg was in a cast and hanging in the air.. His right arm was wrapped in bandages.. What are you doing here? Thought you said you werent going to see me ever again. ..Dont change the subject.. Only smart people change subjects.. Im just asking.. Are you feeling okay?? You dont look too hurt. How can THIS (shakes leg and arm) not look serious to you!??!! The first minute we see each other and hes yelling. I come because Im worried and all you can do is yell? Here, take these flowers!! I yelled throwing the flowers at him as hard as I could (not underhand.. more like a pitcher)" What are you doing here after acting as if you were never going to see me again. Dammit. Will you shut up? The ass just ignored me and looked out the window.. OMG.. Dont tell me youre pissed off.. Whats with this weird silence? # 31 Eunsung! Have you eaten? Kim Hyobin asked, breaking the silence. No. Why? You have to eat!! Its nasty. You cant starve! Lets eat.. Kim Hyobin.. Go out for a moment. .......Why.. Just because. ..No.

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Listen to me. I dont want to this time. Hey.. ...........Yehwon has something to say to you. Right, Yehwon? That foxy b***h.. What is it? He said turning his eyes towards me. What do you have to say to me? ...When you do go to school? He let out a smile. Its not that.. Its something else. Kim Hyobin said. Right.. uh.. When do you get out?? ...This time he lost the smile and just stared at me with a sincere expression on his face. What is it that you want to tell me? ................ ..................... ............................ "..........." Yehwon, do you want me to tell him instead?? Dammit Kim Hyobin, I feel like breaking your face. .......... For a while, the room was silent.. Have a good life.. This is my last time coming to see you. Eunsung.. What I just said is a lie.. Look at my eyes~~~~ My eyes are telling you what I feel.. Dammit, look at my eyes!! Ignore what my mouth just said and look at my FRICKEN eyes....

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Silently.. Ji Eunsung just stared at me... Damn.. he has pretty eyes.. It doesnt match a guy a dirty temper like you. Yes... Look at my eyes... or what you can see of it.. because she drank so much) Is that what you wanted to say? No.. No~~ I told you to look at my eyes...~~ ...Stop.. it... ................. Huh? I said stop it.. ****.. How stupid do you want to make me?!?!?! .........For a second.. Kim Hyobin and I were so surprised that we just stared at him silently. Theyre shaking again-- his pupils.. This always happens when hes mad.. They always shake. What are you going to do if I say that I need to see you... ..O_O.. Are you holding onto me.. T_T If you wont see me, I cant help that.. but what are you going to do if I say that I need to see you? How do I answer him? .. Kim Hyobins crying next to me.. What do I tell him?? What she told me is echoing back at me.. I live with my mom.. I was lonely.. Ive never gotten what I wanted... Tell him its your last... I cant tell him.. I cant tell him that I like him in front of this girl who likes him this much. Lets talk next time. This was the best answer I could think of for both of them.. (Theyre swollen

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No. Answer me here. Okay.. Fine.. Kim Hyobin.. Im really sorry... But.. I like him too much.. I li- Wait! It was then...when Kim Hyobin said what Id forgotten. # 32 With a shaky voice, she said Ji Eunsung.. You didnt forget what happened between us that night, did you? .. and you promised me too. .............. ................ If shes talking about that night...His birthday... Id forgotten about that night. Ji Eunsung was silent. He looked as if he was keeping back his anger.. or trying to. Kim Hyobin continued to talk. You know what we promised that night, right? But how could you do this to me?? .............. .................. Shut up.. Ji Eunsung said.. and there was silence.... Kim Hyobin silently wiped away a trail of endless tears. .. Ji Eunsung.. The guy who wouldnt even touch my hand.. ....And ...That night.. The image kept playing my head... Im going to take responsibility for my actions.. So shut up.. Dont say anything more in front of Yehwon.. Dont say any of that **** in front of Yehwon. ****??

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The scene is getting weirder and weirder... How can you do this to me??? Han Yehwon.. Listen to me.. Ji Eunsung and I slept together that night!! And he said he was going to take responsibility for his actions. He promised!! Get it??! Tears were starting to gather.. Dammit.. This isnt how everything is supposed to happen. I couldn't get the scene out of my head-- I couldnt say anything.. I wanted to run out.. Ji Eunsung, who was just glaring at Hyobin, said in a soft voice full of anger, Kim Hyobin.. You havent been hit by a guy, have you.. ................. .................... The way things are going right now.. It really does seem like Eunsung's going to hit her.. Ji Eunsung. Dont talk like that.. I have to be going now. Kim Hyobin, want to go out together? I cant leave her alone in a room with him.. I didnt have enough strength in me to keep looking at Eunsung.. Dont go. Ji Eunsung said softly, staring at me.. Ill come next time.. When is next time. ......Next time.. And Im asking when is the next time in all my years of living.. I've waited for too long... How long are you going to make me wait.. "................" Tears had started to flow.. Why did that seem so sad to me?? Exactly what did he have to go through in his life.. Dont cry.. If you cry, I get pissed off.. Dont cry. Right then, Floppy opened the door and barged in. In one hand, he had a bag.. and in the other was a box of cigarettes. Huh? Yehwons here. Wheres Kyungwon?! Hey.. Why are you guys crying??

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Sorry.. Ill be going. I didnt have the confidence or the strength to be standing there right now.. I walked past Seungpyo, who had a clueless expression on his face.. I smiled at him and walked out. Hey, Han Yehwon. I heard it but I ignored him and didnt turn around. I just walked out and closed the door behind me.. Eunsung!! Where are you going?? Youre not in any condition to get up! Ji Eunsung!! Are you crazy? Ill go bring her back,. I heard Seungpyo yell on the other side of the door. Before he could catch or even see me.. I quickly started to run away. And I ran all the way home. I cant get the scene out of my head.. Kim Hyobin and Ji Eunsung together.. I shouldnt be thinking about that.. It was probably a mistake.. but I cant. I cant understand why Im angry.. Why I felt betrayed.. When I walked home, my mom was waiting for me.. Jungmin was looking for you. Oh yeah.. Jungmin.. Id forgotten about him.. That day at the arcade.. I wonder how mad he was when he got hit because of me. And I was crying in front of him saying that I wanted to see the guy whod hit him. -0Han Yehwon.. Youre lower than dirt.. If there was any poison.. I want to drink it and just die right here. I should go see Jungmin.. but Im not in the mood right now.. But when I turned my head to the right, I saw Kyungwon and Jungmin both grinning at me from the front door. Youre back! How is he?? Jungmin asked, grinning. It was fine.. Before that.. Why dont you guys let go of your hands.. Oh. oh!! Was Seungpyo there too? Kyungwon asked.. Yeah.. He was..

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Whats wrong?? Oh, nothing.. So Jungmin! Youre leaving in 4 days!! Where should we go today?? Kyungwon asked.. She didnt even ask about Seungpyo.. Im not in the mood to be with them right now... But I decided to ignore everything that happened earlier, for Jungmin. That night we stayed up until 2 in the morning just playing. Actually, it was more like Kyungwon and Jungmin playing and me just thinking.. And the remaining four days passed like that... And on the day of his departure.. Oppa and me.. Kyungown.. Mom.. Jungmins parents, and Jungmin were all gathered at the airport. # 33 WAHHHH!!!!!!!!! WAH!!!!!! Jungmin!! When you arrive, call me!!! <-Jungmins mom. Say hi to your sister for me.. And dont waste this money.. Study.. And when you come over during winter break, cut that damn hair of yours.. <-Jungmins dad. Hey, be careful dude, of, you know, like the terrorists and bombs. When you come over next time, dont forget to buy me chocolate. <-- The human I call my brother. Ill write you letters.. and Ill send you messages, okay?? And you promised to come over during winter break. <-- Kyungwon.. I know Ive said this before.. But shes really acting suspiciously.. Jungmin forced a smile, trying to hide his tears. Hed tied his hair up.. He wouldnt cut it even though I bribed him with 30 dollars. Like the first.. He was smiling.. It was my turn. See you.. When you get there call me.. and write letters okay?? And you have to come over during winter break.. and.. and Im sorry.

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Why are you crying?? I dont know.. Theyre just coming out. As I started crying, everyone there started to cry too.. Not including my brother. Jungmin was crying the hardest.. and it was kind of embarrassing. WAHH WAHHHH!! I promise to come over during winter break. Im going to miss you all. And Yehwon.. Theres nothing you need to be sorry about.. Im actually thankful that I have a friend like you.. And if that bastard makes you cry again.. Ill dress up as a gangster and beat the crap out of him for you. Okay? So stop crying. Why dont you follow your own advice, Lee Jungmin.. Im really going!! The planes about to leave. I love you all!! BYE-BYE!! And with that.. Jungmin disappeared behind the gates and all of us were left there to cry, except my brother. If I wasnt one of the people crying, I would have thought it was funny. We all left the airport and I got in a car with my brother, my mom, and Kyungwon. Whos the guy?? HUH? my mom asked.. What guy? That guy Jungmin was talking about. Yeah, who IS that guy.. Han Seungpyo.. Do you want to die..? Its nothing.. Jungmin doesnt know what hes talking about. Its just a guy I know. Oh I see. Well, lets see what you know then. Mom.. T_T Just leave me alone~~ I glanced over at Kyungwon, who had her eyes closed.. Mom.. I dont know anything.. Ow.. My stomach hurts.. Even though Im the one lying, I sound stupid.. So for a long time.. My brother and my mom were bothering me to tell them what Jungmin was talking about.. The one thing thats amazing though is how Kyungwon fell asleep so quickly

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but when we reached a restaurant, her eyes opened instantaneously. That night when I laid down on my bed.. I could only think of Jungmin... I feel so bad... But then.. when I think of him and Kyungwon, I dont feel bad anymore. I hope they dont like each other.. Nah, it cant be.. Hmm.. Kyungwon, that girl.. Where is she? Ive been calling her but she wont answer... Maybe she drank poison and died because Jungmin went back to America.. Nah.. Kyungwon might die from eating too much.. But never from poisoning.. Whoa.. What am I talking about right now?? +Ring~~+ My phone rang.. Hmm, I wonder if its Kyungwon. Hello? Its silent... I hear loud sounds over the receiver.. Hello.. Its still silent.. So I just hung up.. As soon as I hung up.. I felt really weird.. Who was it.. Maybe it was Jungmin.. I waited again for the person to call me again, but they didnt. I think I even hoped for it to be Ji Eunsung.. So until 12, I waited for the person to call again.. And just as I was falling asleep, my phone rang again.. Thinking it might be Ji Eunsung, I quickly flipped it open. HELLO!?!??!!? # 34 Hello.. Who is it?? Han Yehwon.. Come out. ...Eunsung... Come out.... This is.. This is... Shinwhul Elementary School.. Come out.. ? Right then...

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Are you drunk?? Did you come out of the hospital? "........" Stupid! Youre not even well yet--What are you drinking for? Howd you get out with your leg? Come out. Stop staying that.. Hows your leg?? .............Come out.. I.. .................. .. Ive become crazy because of you.... What are you saying.. Why are you talking like that.. Its not like you. Exactly how much have you drunk?? Hey.. Are you alone? How much did you drink? Look.. I waited, but you didnt come.. You said you would.. ****.. I waited.. and in the end, you didnt come.. Where are you?? Shinwhul Elementary School? Wait there, okay?? Just wait there. And dont talk to any strangers. Just stay there!!! The time was 2 in the morning.. Thinking that something had happened to him, I quickly closed the front gate and ran out. I cried from happiness and I cried from sadness... I was happy that I heard his voice.. and I was sad that I heard his voice I seriously think Im going to go crazy.. Shinwhul Elementary School? Ive only been there once... I didnt exactly remember where it was.. but I finally found it after some time.. I looked around... but Ji Eunsung wasnt there.. Did he leave already..? Or did I hear him wrong.... Its not that... This is Shinwhuls entrance.. But he wasnt there.. I didnt see Ji Eunsung waiting for me.. ...I waited.. I waited.. because he waited for me. Now it was my turn to wait for him.. It was a chilly Autumn morning.. But I waited for 3 hours.. I think I fell asleep.. And when I woke up, it was morning and Ji Eunsung still hadnt come.

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I thought about going straight to the hospital.. but instead I went home... Im lucky todays a Sunday... I went home and looked at my phone... 15 missed calls? ...Are they from Ji Eunsung?? Right then.. the phone rang. HELLO!? Crap, you scared me.. Oh its you. Were you waiting for a call? "......................" Something happened, didnt it? ............Kyungwon, theres something I havent told you. What is it? Dont get angry after you hear.. Well.. tell me! And so I did.. I told her I went to Ji Eunsungs hospital room, and saw Kim Hyobin.. and I told her about the call I got from him but when I got there he wasnt there.. When I finished, she was silent.. Why didnt you tell me....." Jungmin was here.. And it felt weird to tell you guys.. What do I do.. I dont feel strong enough to go to the hospital.. Han Yehwon.. Want me to tell you your mistake..? Mistake...? Youre stupid, huh?? I know.. I know... But what do I do?? I dont know what to do.. Its not that.. Hey, dont you know Shinwhul elementary school has 2 gates??? An entrance and an exit.

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WHAT???????????!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tsk. Where were you? The entrance.. Well then, I guess he was at the exit. Im going. See you. "...?" Im going to the hospital. Ill call you later!! ....Eunsung and Kim Hyobin.. Are you okay with the fact that they slept together? I dont care!! Hang up!!! It feels as if I got hit with a hammer.. Stupid Han Yehwon.. Stupid idiot Han Yehwon.. Why didnt you even think of there being Exit and Entrance gates? I quickly ran towards the hospital.. I dont know where I suddenly got the courage. And on the way there, I was thinking.. Eunsung .. I dont care what you did with any other girl. Im not going to run away because of that reason... The only thing I like, the only thing I see... is you.. When I reached the hospital, the nurses all looked at me with unwelcoming glares. Eunsung!! I yelled flinging the hospital room wide open. And I was shocked to see Wang Bitna.. Floppy.. Hyunsung.. and above that 3 other Sang guys, Kim Hyobin, and another girl from Sang... 8 people were all surrounding Ji Eunsung on his hospital cot. Damn.. Oh well, it doesnt matter.. Because I came to see Ji Eunsung. All of their expressions were cold.

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Yehwon.. Youre here.. Floppy said, offering a tiny smile,.. I only have you, Floppy... *pant* Yeah.. Hows Eunsung? ....Eunsung has a weird personality. Its weird, Yehwon.. Huh?? Last night.. He left his room and came back at 8 this morning.. He caught a bad cold.. And hes not talking.. What are you saying?? I quickly neared the cot where he was laying.. Hey.. What the hell.. Wang Bitna said but I ignored her and neared Eunsung.. Hey.. whats wrong.. .......Get out. Are you okay?? Hows your cold? I dont want to wait anymore. I dont want to get mad at you so get out.. Ill let you go. So get out.. Hey.. He said get out.. Dont you hear him?? Get lost! Wang Bitna yelled. Even if you say youre going to let me go.. I wont... Im going to stick to you no matter what. Besides, you sound weird talking in that kind of voice, so stop it. So get up.. I have a lot to tell you. Even though I said it, it sounds crazy... Ji Eunsungs face expression didnt change once.. The thing I hate the most is being made a fool.. and right now and this morning.. Its what you made me.. Its a misunderstanding!! Now Im going to stick to you even if you dont want me to!!! There was a chilling silence in the room.. Get.. out... He said coldly.. ****.. He said get out!!! Wang Bitna yelled again...

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And right then.. I got the biggest boost of courage Id ever had.. I grabbed the guys neck.. Luckily, he was sick and didnt have enough strength to push me away.. And before anyone could say anything, I smacked my lips of top of his.. And this was our second bizarro kiss.. I knew he was going to push me away.. But.. What the hell is this.. Hes not.. ..So ... We were making out in front of like 8 kids.. And the only thing I could think about was.. Is this really his first..? Of course, for me, it wasnt.. hehe. There was this guy in 8th grade.. No one even bothered to stop us.. Finally, the only thing that stopped us was Kim Hyobins cry. # 35 I think at least 4 minutes have already passed... Damn, I cant breathe.. Making weird noises, I lifted my lips off his.. Everyone was staring at us with a stupified expressions... And I could hear Kim Hyobins cries.. Do you want to die?!?! Ji Eunsung asked, returning to his old self. One of his eyebrows is scrunched near the front ... Hmm.... Its been a while since Ive seen that face of his.. Youre the one who accepted!!! Who are you saying accepted?!?!? Haha.. Youre funny... Did you turn your neck?? Or did you NOT turn your neck?!?! I dont know what possessed me to say those things to him. It was probably the fact that I didnt see anyone within my sight except for Ji Eunsung. ****.. What number was this one?! (TN: Theyre talking about the kiss.) What are you talking about? I can list them off the top of my fingers.. He glared at me again.. Like when he gets mad.. his eyes are shaking.. Im just kidding..... ( I said, thinking that if I didnt say that Id get hit with a casted leg)

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But still his eyes were shaking.. Im serious.. It was only the guy next door and you.. T_T And it was then.. Come out here, Wang Bitna said. Kim Hyobin continued to cry... You go yourself.. It was Ji Eunsung.. Hey, Ji Eunsung.. Do you have anything in there? Huh? She yelled, pointing to her head. Eunsung.. You were too harsh.. one of the guys said.. Right.. You dont do that in front of your girlfriend, another one said.. What do I do.. Its 2: 8 What? How do I have to act in front of Kim Hyobin.., Ji Eunsung asked quietly.. Everyone was silent... Except Wang Bitna.. Hey, Han Yehwon.. After I asked you to.. After I practically begged you to... How could you do this to me? Kim Hyobin yelled, crying. Wang Bitna smirked at me, You die today, you ****ing b***h. Wang Bitna.. Get out.. And Kim Hyobin.. What did you ask Yehwon to do for you? There was silence. Fine.. I asked her not to see you or meet you.. I begged her not to meet you.. There. Are you happy?! You know how much I like you!!! But how could you do this to me?! You said youd take responsibility!! You promised me!! Kim Hyobin yelled loud enough for the hospital to shake.. Everyone stared, surprised at Kim Hyobin.. except for Wang Bitna and Ji Eunsung. I told you I would, didnt I? Hey, Ill get married to you.. Happy?? But Im going to get married when Im 70, so come find me then. So before I turn 70, dont appear in front of Yehwon or my eyes.

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...Isnt that a little harsh...? No.. It was really harsh... And everyone in here, listen to me.. Do I seem easy because Im laying here with a cast? Dont piss me off.. Wang Bitna, from this moment on-- dont make me hear your voice.. Dont lay a finger on Yehwon.. If I hear one word that you did.. On that day.. You die and I laugh, got that? If you think Im joking.. Just try me.. Eunsung.. Youre so perfect... And with those thoughts, I slowly stood behind Eunsung.. Even with Eunsung by my side, they were all so scary.. Ji Eunsung.. Im disappointed in you.. # 36 It was Hyunsung... The atmosphere of the room turned quiet once again.. What is it this time? You were a little harsh, werent you? Do you still like Kim Hyobin? Wait. Wait.. Whats this that Im hearing?? So Hyunsung likes Kim Hyobin?? Is that what hes saying... What? Hyunsungs mad.. Oh no.. If you like Kim Hyobin, go tell her.. Dont come to me and say Kim Hyobin, Kim Hyobin.. Just hearing her name pisses me off!!! .............. ................ ................... Crying.. Kim Hyobin ran out of the room with Wang Bitna and the other Sang girl. Dirty bastard.. There wasnt even enough time to stop him. Hyunsung let his fist fly and it hit Eunsung squarely in the jaw. The other guys grabbed hold of Hyunsung and kept him back. Ji Eunsung just fingered his jaw, shocked.. Not from the fact that it hurt.. but from the fact that his friend had hit him...

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Kim Hyunsung.. ... Of all the people in the world, YOU decide to throw me away because of some girl. Bastards like you have to get hit more often, you know that? Have you ever thought of anyones feelings besides yours? Have you?! Haha.. Why? Why do you think I did?? The person who knows why I hate Kim Hyobin so much.. The only bastard who knows why I hate her.. Youre saying that to me? .. Do you really want to die?? Do you really want to see whats scary? For a moment.. Hyunsung froze... I think he felt the coldness and seriousness of Eunsungs words.. He stormed out of the room along with the other 2 Sang guys. Inside the room was Floppy.. Ji Eunsung, and me.. Us 3.. Eunsung was looking down silently.. Eunsung, are you okay? Floppy asked quietly.. "................" Ji Eunsung was silent... The reason he really hates her?? I wonder what it is... Im curious.. but this isnt time to ask that.. Eunsung.. are you okay?? WHATEVER!! YOU SHUT UP!! Why are you yelling!! ...Bet you went around kissing every guy that you could see. Are you still pissed about that?? How cute~ My little baby..

Shut up.. Do you want to die? Dont call me baby.. I hate that word. When I ask you how youre doing, you ignore me, but when Yehwon asks, you answer.. Eunsung is mean!! Floppy said. Oh! This is more like the Floppy I know.. Who ever knew that Id be glad to see him act like this??

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Arent you leaving?? Ji Eunsung asked... Hes going to hit me as soon as Floppy leaves.. I just know it.. I dont want to.. Its scary out there. Then go out the window.. But its the 3rd floor!! Then shut up!! Eunsungs mean! Did you leave me for HER already? Shh. With that one shh, Floppy shut up.. Whoa.. I didnt know that it actually works.. Oh yeah.. I have something to tell him.. Ji Eunsung!! Shinwhul has two gates-- an exit and an entrance!! I was at the entrance and you were at the exit!! I was there until 7 in morning!! I swear!! Load of crap.. Dont lie.. I swear!! Ask Kyungwon.. Oh! Right! Wheres Kyungwon?! Crap.. I shouldnt have said her name.. Now Floppys looking for Kyungwon.. What do I do? Uh.. Kyungwons not feeling well. Where!? Her... uh.... neck!! What happened to her neck?! She got it .. uh stuck in her window (Sorry Kyungwon.. but this is the only way to get him to shut up..) Is it broken?? No, its just...

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Im going to go visit her!! Huh?! Im going to her house!! You know where she lives? Duh! No! You cant go, her dads home and her grandpa!! A-and thats not all!! Her great grandmas there too!! .........Ill just go in front of her house and look at her through the window. No!!! Seungpyo~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before I could stop him.. Seungpyo ran out.. T_T I couldnt even hold him back because of the scary Sang kids outside the room. Damn.. Kyungwon is going to kill me.. T_T. Wheres the Yankee? Yankee? Jungmin..?? A word they used often in the 70s : YANKEE. He went to America! Hes the one from America, right?? Yeah.. Do you like him? What the.. Ive known him since I was 7!! Load of ****.. Stop cussing!!!! ".............." "......................." Its been a while.. Us talking like this... Yeah, I know..

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Youre not going to avoid me anymore, are you? Stupid dork.. At times like these youre supposed to say, Dont leave me now.. It sounds nicer that way.... I nodded and he grinned at me.. During the time we were going out, he only smirked at me.. This is the first time he has ever grinned at me.. It was kinda funny... When do you get out?? I dont know!! My condition got worse after leaving yesterday!!! You brought this upon yourself!! I went out for you!!! Stupid!!! Dont cuss!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...That is how we spent the first day back together.. fighting immaturely.. I promised that Id come to the hospital right after school... AND I promised to call before I go to bed.. And he made me promise to buy him something to eat on my way to the hospital tomorrow.. I sneaked out slowly so that the Sang kids wouldnt catch me.. T_T Its going to be hard sneaking in tomorrow since Kim Hyobins room is next door. # 37 The next day at school Han Yehwon.. Say it.. Say what?? What the hell did you tell Seungpyo yesterday!??!!?!?! Oh.. He asked why you didnt come.. So in order to save myself, I told him you hurt your neck. WAHHH. WAHHHH... He yelled so much yesterday!! T_T Like youre any better!! Why are you ignoring and avoiding him!?! What?? Im going to surprise him on Saturday (TN: Korea has a half day on Saturday.) Youre lying! Do you think Im stupid!?

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What?? No, Im not! Whys your face red then!? My face is not red!! Whats wrong with you these days?? And with that, she fled the room.. Weird..? Me..? Youre the weird one.. After lunch... and after 6th period.. Kyungwon was still mad.. Now that love comes back.. Friendship leaves.. T_T Hey....Lee Kyungwon.. ............. Kyungwon... ..................... You b***h!! You promise to go to Sang this Saturday!! Youre going to say sorry to Seungpyo, right?! Okay!! Im going!! Stop it!! Why are you yelling.. Whatever.. Im going to go visit Eunsung.. Im not going to care about you and Seungpyo.. Whats wrong with me..?? Everyone I know is weird.. Hmm. What do I buy Eunsung?? Oh yeah.. Since I wasnt with him on his birthday.. I guess Ill buy him a cake. Han Yehwon.. You genius.. I grabbed all my money from my wallet (which wasnt much) and threatened Kyungwon to give me money.. so I got 8 dollars from her. I bought a cake.. and I headed over to the hospital.. Actually.. I was scared of Wang Bitna so I tried covering my face with the cake... I could hear loud sounds coming over from Kim Hyobins room.. The girls were yelling loudly and cussing.. Theyre probably talking about me.. .

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Im here, baby~! I told you not to call me that. What the hell are you doing? Im reading!!! And so he was.. Ji Eunsung was reading a book with his leg up in a sling... and his broken arm behind his head..... Are you really? I asked nearing him.. Well, Im bored!! .. Is that book.. fun?? Its okay.. .... Youre calling a picture book okay ... Not just any book.. Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves... What exactly is your IQ? If I opened your head.. What would I find? But I couldnt find the nerve to actually make fun of him because he looked so cute reading the picture book. I bought a cake~~ What kind is it? Its whipped cream! It was expensive~~ I dont like whipped cream!! You could have at least pretended to be happy!! How can I pretend to be happy when I dont like it?! Are you stupid?! ... Never mind.. Well.. More for me..

NO NEED TO DO THAT~~~~!!!! Holy crap.. Seungpyo (Floppy) you came in so quietly.. I like cream cake!! Yehwon, thanks~~!! You- Your welcome.. At least someone likes it.....

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Alright!! Its Bbari Baguette!! (TN: I have no clue what that is.. probably the maker..) Seungpyo opened the box like a crazed animal, picked up a fork and was just about to stab it when.. Dont eat it!!!!!!!!! Whats wrong with him.... Eunsung.. You dont like whipped cream.. Seungpyo said with a clueless expression. But why are you eating it?! ...What do you want me to do with it?? (Still with the clueless expression) Just leave it there!!! If you touch it, you die!! If you want to get hit with my casted leg, just smear the tiniest bit of that cream!!! How immature.. How can an 18-year-old be that immature?? Ji Eunsung.. If you leave the cake, itll get mold all over it!! Just let Seungpyo eat it! Shut up.. Its MY cake.. Seungpyo put the cake down, knowing about Eunsungs tantrums, and .. he started teasing Eunsung.. Youre not letting me eat it cause Y~~~~~~~~~~~ehwon bought it.!! HUH?!? HUH!??!?! I told you not to come today...

Okay. Ill shut up.. But Im not leaving. I dont have any other place to be.. Is Hyunsung still pissed?? Yeah... He hasnt said anything... ..Dammit.. Just make up. ...........Go ask the nurse when I can leave.. Me?

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Yeah! I think Im going to go crazy from being cooped up here!! ..Okay.. How kind and obedient you are.. Seungpyo got up and walked out the door to ask the nurse when Eunsung would be able to leave. Kyungwon.. How could you cause that kind and obedient child pain?? The more I think about it.. Kyungwons a b***h.. Hey.. Lock the door. .. What.. Hurry!! Hurry!! Lock the door!! Hes going to come in again!! ...And you call yourself a friend.... I cant do that.. How could you do that to kind Seungpyo?? (My hands were reaching for the lock while I was saying this I did well, huh? Yeah.. )

# 38 +THUMP .. THUMP...+<-- The sound of Seungpyo running towards us.. Eunsung!! You can leave this Sunday!! Seungpyo yelled cheerily.. (<-- For some reason, I felt a little guilty.) What the.. +Jingle.. Jingle..+ ( <-- sound of him trying to get the door open.) You assholes!!! Sorry Seungpyo.. Eunsung made me do it.. Open the door~~ I seriously have nowhere to go~~ Ill see you at night~~ Bye!! Ji Eunsung, youre so mean.. And while Im thinking this, I dont even bother to go near the door..

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After ten minutes of Seungpyo whining... he was gone. I think someone dragged him away.. Probably another one of Eunsungs friends... How can you do that to a friend? Right when he was about to respond, my phone started to ring.. For some reason.. I dont think I should answer it in front of Ji Eunsung.. Arent you going to answer? ..Its not important.. Bring it here. Ill answer it. Not its okay. Hello? Yehwon~~!!! Huh? Yeah! Its you!! You? Do you know who I am? How can I not know?? Youre Jungmin.. But I cant say your name in here right now.. Of course I do~ Tch.. Who am I? ...Son of a b***h.. I cant say your name right now.. Youre my best friend!!! Which one?! Dammit, Lee Jungmin!! ...Crap I said his name.. Now you know!! You didnt call!! You know how much international calls are? Did you get there okay? Of course!! Of course!! Hey.. I might move to Korea in the winter!! What?! HEHE. I called to tell you that!!

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Thats great!! (But when I think of Kyungwon and Seungpyo.. Its not that great..) Where are you right now?? Where do you think?? Im in the hospital room of the guy who punched the crap out of you.. ..Here?? Its ... Kwachun!! You think I dont know that?? Where IN Kwachun? If I tell him that Im in a hospital right now, hell start freaking out. Right!! Ill say it in English! Ji Eunsung wont know what Im talking about.. I guess Ill say +++house++++ Here?? +++HOUSE++++ Oh I see!! Ill call you later!! Nunas calling me~ Okay, bye!! Right after I hung up the phone, I looked over at Ji Eunsung.. He was smoking.. Whys he doing that?? ^o^ I hung up~~ ........... Are you mad? ..... Oh come on! Hes a friend!! It was the Yankee, wasnt it? I told you hes a friend! FRIEND.. He has a girlfriend!! (Truthfully.. No, he doesnt.) Come closer. Youre going to hit me, arent you? Come here. No. It hurts when you hit.

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Have you ever been hit by me?! ..No.. Oh yeah.. Whats +++HOUSE++++ ? EHEHE.. I knew that you wouldnt know.. ++HOUSE++ is hospital in English~~ Stop lying!! I swear it is!! What if I know what hospital is in English? ...Haha.. I doubt it! I dont even know what it is... ... Wha- What is it?! ..Caught red-handed.. ****.. Im going to kill you. What is it? HUH?! HUH?! Anyway.. Youre dead.. .... (.. I dont think he knows what it is..) WHAT IS IT?!

Dont you know my mom is a translator?! I dont remember hearing anyone ask you that.. But I pitied this guy here whom I call my boyfriend with sweat starting to gather around his forehead.. So I decided to change the subject.. Mom? I want to meet her! Actually I dont.. You know that thing? The son is always an exact image of their mom.. So shell probably have a crappy temper.. ...Whatever..., he said with a dark expression.. She must be smart if shes a translator.. ...Dont talk about her.. Im tired. I think Im going to take a nap. Hey.. Ji Eunsung..

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What? ...Why do you have so many secrets? ........................... # 39 ............I dont. Liar. You have a lot.. You dont like people touching you.. You dont want to show me your mom.. Thats all I have.. ..No.. Theres more. Like what? That night with Kim Hyobin.. I wanted to ask. But I couldnt... "............." Like what?? ....................... No, its nothing... Its only those two.. Were you just curious why I dont like touching people? Yeah.. ...You want to hear the reason right now.. Well yeah. I cant. What? I might tell someone else.. but I cant tell you.. Even if you slit my throat or torture me.. I wont tell you.. So dont ask about that.. I was silent.. "............." Are you mad?

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................ Hope you understand that its not easy for me to keep this from you.. Dont worry.. Im not mad. Smile. What? If youre not mad, smile. ....Just make me stand on my head why dont you.. .. happy? ;;; Happy?

Wipe that sweat away.. ....................... ^0^ Happy?

Yeah.. Now stop it.. I think Im going to go blind..

Its late. You better get going. Its only 6. Girls like you have to be home before the sun sets!!! ...But that one time, we came home at 12!!! I didnt like you back then.. So you ... like me now?? Stop talking stupid.. Hurry and go.. The suns setting. Tch. Have fun reading Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves!! Im going!! Buy me chocolate cake tomorrow!! I dont have money!! Hey.. Leave your phone here.

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What? Mine? YEAH! Are you crazy? Youre going to talk to that Yankee bastard again.. Fine. Ill leave it here.. Give me yours. What? Give me your phone!! Im going to take yours! Mines a SKY phone.. ..Forget it...Im going.. NO, SWITCH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! So we did.... # 40 ..Ji Eunsung.. is stupid.. I could just tell Jungmin to call my house instead of my phone.. ... Hey.. Can you write text messages on this piece of crap? ... Do you want to die?

Im going. Ill see you tomorrow. Before he could say anything about switching back the phones, I quickly headed towards the door. Dont forget to eat dinner!! Ill bring you Dduk Bbok Kki tomorrow!! BYE!! HEY!! HAN YEHWON!! I heard the dude yell as soon as I closed the door behind me. What now?! ...Just wanted to tell you I hella like you a lot. Get going!!

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...Did you have to tell me that with the cuss word in it? Did you HAVE to say +hella+ ? Yeah.. I hella love you a lot~ Do you want to die?! Before he could go into one of his cussing rages.. I quickly closed the door behind me. Hehhee. Im going to snoop around.. Im going to read all your messages and see how many girls you have in your phone book. Mom, Im home!!! Where do you go everyday?! I was at school.. ..You were at school until 7... You know my school ..

Shut up and go check up on your brother. I think hes gone crazy. Why?? How would I know why your brothers gone crazy? Im too scared to even ask. Mom.. let me tell you one thing.. ..? Hes not my brother.. Hes your son. Come here.. Oppas in his room, right!? .... ... Oppa? DAMN! Kim Hansung, that ****ing bastard!! ...Oppa?

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What? Who the hell is it?? Guess, I said sarcastically. Go to your room. Whats up? Kim Hansung, that bastard.. Did that human lend money and not get paid back? Wait.. Kim Hansung?? Ive heard that name before.. Oh yeah.. What do I care about this human? HEHE. I have to go look through his messages. ...3 text messages.. Im serious.. call me.. Im going to tell... That was the newest one.. It came 10 minutes ago.. Why didnt I see it?? Last?? Eunsung.. Call me.. I have something to say.. That came 2 hours ago.. same number.. Its probably Kim Hyobin.. right? Answer the phone.. Im the one who should be mad. This is the same number.. Im sure its Kim Hyobin.. What is this? This is no fun.. So I went to the sent folder.. and saw one.. Okay.. This was his.. Well. he doesnt know how to use email... +RINGRINGRING!+ ..What do I do? Do I answer? There was a number.. But it wasnt Kim Hyobins... +RING RING RINGG!!+

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What do I do.. I just stared at it and then it stopped.. But it started ringing again a few minutes later.. Sky phones are good.. Theres a blinking light... A while later.. the phone stopped again. What do I do? I should probably tell him that he had a call. ..Theres a message.. Wait.. Not a text.. A voice mail.. Who is it..? I guess its okay to listen to it. 1 New message... +BEEP+.... Eunsung, its me Hyunsung.. What are you doing right now? Youre not even answering the phone... Right now, Hyobins threatening to tell Yehwon.. Shes going around asking everyone what her number is... That time I sided with Hyobin, I was just doing that to get her to shut up.. It was just a misunderstanding.. Anyway.. Im going to try to stop her, so dont worry.. +BEEP+.. ....Whats all this?? Whats Kim Hyobin going to tell me? Is there something else she has to tell me? ...What other things happened between the two? I quickly called Hyunsung.. EUNSUNG?! Its Yehwon.. .....Oh.. uh.. Hi..? I have Eunsungs phone.. I heard the voicemail.. Sorry for snooping.. "................" ............. ................. ................... Do you think you can tell me? What are you talking about? ..The thing Kim Hyobin is trying to tell me.. Do you think you can tell me??

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..Sorry.. I dont think I can. Why? Because I promised Eunsung. Please can you just tell me? Sorry.. I promised Eunsung. What if I hear it from Kim Hyobin? It seems like its about me. ..............I promised Eunsung.. But dont you think its better for me to hear it from you than from Kim Hyobin? ......Whats your address... # 41 I was waiting outside my house at the playground.. Why am I so nervous?? HAHA.. Its not because of Hyunsung, is it.. If it is.. then Han Yehwon, youre not human.. ..Im nervous because its so important.. ...But then, whys my face red? 10 minutes passed and from a distance away, I could see a figure coming closer. It was Hyunsung.. Bangs that slightly covered his left eye... (Ji Eunsungs hair is short) Tan skin.. (Ji Eunsungs pale..) Straight proud looking shoulders... (Ji Eunsung slouches..) Big but not too big Oriental-shaped eyes that go slightly up like a cat.. ( Ji Eunsung doesnt have double lids but his eyes are big.. ...Hes my ideal guy.. Han Yehwon... Over here. Damn, he looks scary.. Maybe its because I threatened him earlier?? ..But its something I HAVE to know. Stop it..

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Its not just anyones problem.. Its because its Eunsungs problem.. Wheres Eunsung? Hes at the hospital.. We... decided to switch phones for today... But after hearing your message.. I was too curious.. Sorry. Whatever.. You were going to find out from Kim Hyobin anyway, werent you? Its better off hearing it from me.. Yeah.. Keep it a secret from Eunsung, will you? ..Of course.. I dont know where to begin.. .....Take all the time you need. Lets sit down. ...Okay. So we sat down on a bench.. It seemed as if he wanted to be as far away from me as possible.. ...Youve never seen Eunsung REALLY drunk, have you? No. Yeah.. You probably havent since hes strong with alcohol.. Yeah.. Do you know what happens when he gets totally drunk? ..Are you playing with me..?! Of course I dont know!!!! Of course I dont...

He loses all his strength.. What are you saying? So if he gets really drunk.. he becomes physically weaker than you. Okay.. And?

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That night with Hyobin... ...That night? His birthday-- the night at the condo.. ............... ............... ......................... If its about that night.. I dont think I need to hear. I know everything that happened. Its not that.. .......... .............. .................? That night.. Hyobin took Eunsung out. Of course, he didnt know what was going on. Unlike you, she knew what would happen if he got totally drunk.. so she kept giving him things to drink.. That day.. You werent there so he was really depressed.. It was the first time Ive ever seen him drink that much.. And they both went out.. You know I liked Hyobin, right? Yeah. Yeah.. So I followed them.. Truthfully, it wasnt because I was worried about Eunsung.. It was because I was jealous that Hyobin took Eunsung. So I followed after them... and I saw.. ....Saw what.. Kim Hyobin was starting to unbutton Eunsungs shirt.. In my eyes.. I think she was trying to make it seem as if theyd spent the night together.. It wasnt even funny. Eunsung was cussing at Kim Hyobin like crazy.. spitting.. yelling.. Since he didnt have the strength to actually do anything to her, all he could do was cuss at her.. ............ ............... ..................... But she didnt even blink an eye.. Shes always been like that.. Even if it was her mistake.. Even if she almost died from getting beaten up, she would never admit that shed done anything wrong. So instead... Eunsung told her.. Told her what?

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.............. .................... ...................... Hyunsung took out a cigarette and was silent.. I waited for him to say something.. What does he want to tell me? After a while.. Hyunsung slowly opened his mouth... And his voice was shaking.. He.. told her.....that his dad died because of AIDS. That he might have it too... He told her that if she did this.. she would get it too... Liar... Its the truth.. Eunsungs dad died because of AIDS.. But what he said about himself is a lie. What a relief that he doesnt have AIDS... Are you crying? No.. NO.. So what happened? The fact that Eunsungs dad passed away because of AIDS.. is something that only he and I know.. But then.. he told it to Kim Hyobin... It wasnt what she was expecting.. and she stopped.. When he told that to her.. Eunsung was holding back tears.. because its something he doesnt like thinking about.. (TN: If you have NO idea what Hyunsungs talking about, look at Chapter 16.) ...Oh.. I had no idea.. So she stopped.... Eunsung told her not to tell anyone.. He said that if she told anyone, hed seriously make her regret the day she was ever born... And she said something that made everything I thought highly of her just.. go away.. .....What...did.. she say:... Tears are just flowing down my cheeks.. I never knew that Eunsung.. had to go through that kind of pain.. She said.. Ill keep the fact that your dad died from AIDS and the fact that you have AIDS a secret... only if you act like you spent the night with me.. and tell everyone that you slept with me.. ..................

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..................... ....................... If there was ever a time in my life that Ive gotten so mad. It was right then.. What did he say........ He agreed.. When I confronted him a while later, he practically begged me to not tell anyone the truth.. ........Im going to go.. Where? To go see Kim Hyobin. ..Didnt you hear anything I said? If Eunsung finds out I told you.. Do you think hell like it...? He didnt want anyone to find out anything.. especially you!! Ji Eunsung.. Is he more embarrassed with the fact that his dad died from AIDS than with the fact the everyone thinks that he slept with Kim Hyobin?! Just because that stupid thing, everyone thinks that he slept with Kim Hyobin.. ..Stupid thing..? ...Sorry.. It wasnt meant to come out that way.. Eunsung.. didnt have any friends until elementary school.. He was alone.. Do you know why? Hyunsungs mad.. Damn T_T Because everyone knew that his dad had died from AIDS.. No one.. No one even tried to get close to him.. Even when they went on field trips and they had to hold each others hands.. no one grabbed his... (TN: If you still have no idea what Hyunsungs talking about, look at Chapter 16.) I didnt know.. I didnt have a clue.. Its hard to breathe.. The stupid tears wont stop.. The only thing Im seeing right now is Eunsung.. Why do you think he was quiet when Kim Hyobin was telling everyone? ........... Its because of YOU, stupid!!! He thought that if you found out, youd leave

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him too!!!! Thats why he stayed quiet even when she was telling everyone!!! But what?? Stupid thing?! ......................... ...I wouldnt leave him if he had AIDS.. If he DID have AIDS I wouldnt leave him.. I never would.. So Kim Hyobin thought--she thought that if she told me.. that Id leave him?? ...Im going to go see her.. Hey!!!! Stay there!! Listen to me!! HAN YEHWON!!! I ignored him... Ji Eunsung.. Youre no better... You thought Id leave you because of that?? # 42 I could hear Hyunsung running after me.. TAXI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sunghan hospital--as fast as you can go!!! He glared at me through the rearview mirror but it didnt matter.. he hurried anyway.. Thank you!!! +THUMP THUMPPP+ <-- Her running.. Hurry.. Before I run out of adrenaline.. I have to see Kim Hyobin.. Wang Bitna might be there too.. Lets be strong!! +BANG!+ <-- Door swinging open. Who the hell?! .............I can see Wang Bitna.. It doesnt matter... Move.. You crazy b***h.. What the hell do you think youre doing?! Kim Hyobin was leaning on her cot. I was looking for you.. Why does Eunsung have your phone?!!

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Before Wang Bitna had time to react... I grabbed Kim Hyobins hair. What the hell!! Bitna!! Get her off me!! Let go, you b***h!! It was instant chaos.. I was grabbing Kim Hyobins hair... and Wang Bitna was grabbing mine.. But I didnt feel any pain.. I guess when you get such a high boost of adrenaline you dont feel anything.. OR.. Maybe not.. I think its because all my concentration is on killing Kim Hyobin. ****.. You want to see blood?! Let go!!! Wang Bitna yelled.. You say that you like Eunsung.. You say that you like him.. How could you do that to him!?! I yelled, shaking Kim Hyobin. What are you talking about?! ****!! Let go of me!!! I cant.. I wont!!!! Promise me that you wont bother Eunsung anymore!!!! ..For a second, I saw stars.. Wang Bitna, who has done Taekwondo and Hapkido,.. had just punched my right eye. Damn.. That hurt.. You want to die, huh?! Youre doing this because you want to die, huh?! Wang Bitna smirked at me. ****... Look at my hair!! Bitna.. Lock the door. Kim Hyobin.. Youre starting to show your real self now.. Arent you? Stop bothering Eunsung.. Just stop bothering Eunsung.. KEKE.. What the hell is this crazy b***h saying? Wang Bitna asked, crouching down next to me and poking my head. I started to cry.. Not because I was about to get beaten up.. Not because I was outnumbered.. But because I felt bad for Eunsung... I was crying because I couldnt even get his revenge properly... I was crying because I was too weak.. Why the hell are you crying?? There are so many crazy b***hes like you in

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the world, you know that? Wait.. Bitna... Hey.. You crazy b***h... .....Youve finally decided to show yourself, havent you?.. What the hell were you muttering earlier? I said to leave him alone.. Are you deaf? Want me to tell you again?! Hold on.. What did you hear?? Everything you were going to tell me.. Hyunsung told me already... I heard everything you did to him... You did?? Well now that you know he has a disease.. I guess you dont need to see him anymore, do you? Well only hit you a few times so.. get lost, got it? Eunsung has a disease?! Wang Bitna yelled.. Oh yeah.. She doesnt know.. Yeah.. Just a normal disease.. What kind?! Just a disease.. ....Seems like you like him a lot.. since youre willing to hide his secret.... What are you going to do though? I dont have any thought of leaving him.. Even if you beat me to death.. Im going to stick by him.. Its you who should be leaving.. Im going to make you leave.. .......... ................. ................ Hey.. We can hit her now, right? Step on her until shes barely hanging on.. Its been a while since Ive been this pissed off, Kim Hyobin said quietly.. And I heard from the other room-- Ji Eunsungs room.. Ow!! Why the **** are you giving me a shot there?! Give it to me on my arm!! I have a mans pride too!! OMG, Im going crazy!!!

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....He has a loud voice.. Should I call him from over here? No.. Hell worry.. If you tell Eunsung.. Wang Bitna threatened me.. Go die, you b***hes.. Thats right. I told her straight to her face... And then............the fists started coming.. Not only their fists.. But their feet too... Do I have to tell you that Wang Bitnas hits hurt like hell?? Kim Hyobin also.. hit pretty hard... Eunsung... went through harder times than this.. It probably hurt more than this..? But damn.. It really hurts.... # 43 Oh.. This b***h wont give in easily., Wang Bitna muttered, still beating the crap out of me.. Kim Hyobin busily just kept beating the crap out of me too.. Eunsungs in the next room.. Hes right next door.... Ive gone numb.. Its the first time in 18 years that Ive been hit so hard.. Its nothing that I cant handle right now.. because deep inside.. I know that Eunsung has gone through harder times than this.. Hey!! Open the door!! Kim Hyobin!! Wang Bitna!! I know youre in there!! Open the damn door!!! ............ ............. Is it Hyunsung? ****.. Whats he doing here? Damn him.. Bitna.. Open the door. Kim Hyobin covered me with a sheet.. You think he wont see me...? Kim Hyunsung.. What are you doing here?

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Wheres Yehwon?! Han Yehwon? I dont know. Wang Bitna.. Move. ****.. What the hells wrong with all of you?! You go to Sang, not some stupid all girls school!!! I. Said. Move. ................ ..................... ......................... Kim Hyobin.. You move too. What? Hyunsung.. Whats wrong? Oh.. BARF.. Trying to be all innocent.. Move when I tell you to.. I said move. ............ YEHWON!!! Hyunsung yelled loudly.. Damn.. Dont yell.. Eunsung will hear you.. Hi........ Hyunsung...What are you doing here? F**k, you b***hes... Ill deal will you later... Yehwon... Get on my back.. Im fine.. Im just.. a little bruised.. I only got hit 3 times.. Just a little bruised?!?! T_T I got hit more than 30 times!! Are you stupid?! Are you stupid?! He yelled and he got me on his back.. Heheh... Im so happy.... I must be crazy.... Han Yehwon.. Whats this.. Are you stupid? He muttered as he walked out of their room. Wang Bitna was just muttering angrily.

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.......And Hyunsung bumped into someone.. I winced.... . ...... I heard someone muttering.. ..What is ..this..? ................ ...This voice.. ..Ji Eunsung ... Is that you again..? Han Yehwon.. Who did this to you? ...Of all times.. Why now?? # 44 Eunsung.. Kim Hyunsung.. You tell me.. Who was it? I couldnt say his name... I smothered my face in Hyunsungs back and didnt look at Ji Eunsung.. Stay calm.. Ji Eunsung.. Youre overreacting.. Hyunsung seemed shocked by Eunsungs anger... Its me.. I did it.. Happy? I felt bad for Hyobin.. So I did it.. So what? ...It was Wang Bitna... I guess thats how close they were... But Wang Bitna.. It would have been better if you hadnt said anything.. Ji Eunsung was silent... And he neared her with his crutches and broken leg.. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! It happened in the blink of an eye.. No one had time to stop him... Wang Bitna had been hit by Ji Eunsung.. With what? I dont know.. Maybe his crutches or his fist I dont know.. But Wang Bitna got pushed back into the wall.

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And Ji Eunsung went after her.. Eunsung!! Stop it!! Shes a girl!!! Hyusung yelled, putting me on a hospital seat and hurrying towards Ji Eunsung. But it was no use... ..I saw a blurry image of Ji Eunsung... He was.....scary... Its the first time that Ive seen Wang Bitna with a scared expression on her face... No, wait.. Ji Eunsung, list- He didnt give her a chance to speak... And with one arm (TN: the other ones broken), he continued to beat her.. It was different from when she was hitting me.. Kim Hyobin.. I cant believe you.. Your friends getting hit like this.. for you.. And all you do is stare at her getting hit.. If I could talk.. I would tell him that Kim Hyobin hit me too.. Eunsung!! Shes going to die!!! Hyunsung yelled, nearing Eunsung.. If Eunsungs arm and leg werent broken.. it would probably be no use trying to even stop him. Take Yehwon to the doctor... and... thats exactly the reason why Im hitting her.. Are you crazy?! Ji Eunsung, youre the one thatll get the blame!!! Hyunsung yelled loudly..

...and I closed my eyes... ........I think I dreamed that Eunsung was near me with tears in his eyes... I dreamed that someone was holding my hand and crying...

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.............. ................ ................ If you die, Ill kill you!!!!!!!!!!!! ...Listen to yourself.. Does that make any sense.. What..? The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a grim looking doctor... The nurse that I hate and vice versa.. And I saw Ji Eunsung.. with his eyes half swollen.. ..Its a monster... +BAM+ ...Ow.... Why are you hitting me...? If you woke up, you should have opened your eyes!! I thought you were dead!! I just woke up a minute ago... Excuse me.. Move..., the doctor said.. ...Ow... My back... Now.. Tell me where it hurts.. Here?? Here?? The doctor asked, poking me in the back... OW!! OW!! THAT HURTS!!! We know that shes not dead so you can leave!! You can stop, you know!! ....That crazy bastard.... You may be stupid.. but you should know enough not to yell at a doctor.... I dont know what was up with the doctor.. Maybe Ji Eunsung hurt his feelings.. but he left the room... along with the nurse.. How much did you get hit?

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....Hes serious again.. I didnt get hit that much... Are you going to lie again? Im serious. Why didnt you yell when you were getting hit.. ..Hehe.. Just because.. Damn.. I think Im going to crazy because of you.. Why are you smiling?! Eunsung.. What? Hows Wang Bitna? .......Shes not dead.. How can you say that?! Whyd you get hit... ............. ................. ...................... What do I tell him?? What do I tell him? Hyunsung, where are you?? Well.. I was going to find out sooner or later.. I should just tell you now.. That way... there wont be any more secrets between us.. # 45 Ill tell you... So dont interrupt me... And dont leave during the middle of when Im explaining.. I wont. Promise me.. Ji Eunsung let out a laugh... Its been a while since Ive heard that laugh.. Its embarrassing..

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Promise me... ...Fine.. I promise.. Pinky promise?? Have you gone crazy? Pinky promise me.. Okay.. I promise.. He said sticking his finger out.. ....Do you know its the first time youve offered your hand? His finger was really pretty... Most of the time.. good looking people have ugly hands... Damn.. My hands are becoming embarrassed... You promise, right? Yeah.. ......Ill tell you then.. Hyunsung called your phone because he didnt know that I had your phone.. And he left a message... And I listened... .....Uh huh... His face is losing its smile.... ...I heard about ...that night... I bugged him to tell me.. Hyunsung didnt want to... I said that if he didnt tell me.. Id go find Kim Hyobin... And I kept bugging him.. ...What ..... night? I bothered him to tell me.. Hyunsung didnt want to.... What night are you talking about.. .....What do I do T_T ? That night.. at the condo.. with Kim Hyobin... That night... Keke.. What did you hear? He asked, forcing a laugh... Dont talk as if youre making fun of me..

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What.. The fact that my dad got screwed over by AIDS? .....Ji Eunsung.. Dont talk like that.. ....I dont think I can keep your promise.. For a second I saw... in his eyes... A tiny sparkle in his eyes.. What promise? I dont think I can listen until youre done talking.. Ji Eunsung.. Whats wrong with you? Are you doing that to me too? "......" Who cares?! That doesnt matter!! Lets know your reason!! If you just go.. What do you want me to do?! Why are you the one that always leaves first?! Were finally back together... Why are you leaving again?! Youre the one that left... He said, not bothering to look at me... He said, while walking toward the door. If I wasnt hurt.. Id go right over there and break your face.. .....What? You think Im like the people that youve known? Im telling you.. that I might have it too.. So...? .....Dont you know what it does to you? I know. ....You cant have kids with me... I never even thought of having kids with you in the first place. WHAT?! ... Just until a few minutes ago.. he had a serious expression on his face.. Look at him now...

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He neared my cot... Well, why not!?!? Hey.. Think about it.. (Good.. Ill change the subject) Okay, we might get married.. and have a kid.. and then he grows up! Hell be last in school! No, he wont!! Youre saying he wont be?! Hes going to come out of my stomach smoking with a dad like you!!! If I could.. I would just.. Ji Eunsung raised his hand... and I quickly grabbed it (Hehe.. I was 2nd place in our class arm wrestling tournament.. Kyungwon got first.. Hehe.. ) Got it..

What the .. Let go.. Do you want to die?! Dont go anymore, okay? .......... Im not going to let you go.. Even if you die, Im not going to let you go... Han Yehwon.. ..Yeah? I can hug you, right? What? "........" Mommy~~ Is this a dream?? Ji Eunsung is hugging me first?? ^_^Hehe.. Doesnt feel too shabby.. I was in his arms for a while.. and he smothered his face in my hair.. He smells like a baby... ..Hey.. Whend you wash your hair? What?

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I washed it yesterday!! Load of crap!! I really did.. T_T Why are we always like this.. Dammit.. Right when it feels like were having some bonding time, it always gets ruined.. Truthfully.. Its been 3 days since Ive last washed my hair.. # 46 +KNOCK KNOCK~~+ Who is it? Can I come in? Its Hyunsung.. Please do come and save me from this embarrassing moment... No. Dont come in. Oh yeah.. Ji Eunsungs pissed off at him.. Okay. Thanks. Hyunsung said, just opening the door.. and walking in.. Wang Bitna.. is in critical condition.. The atmosphere is... Yeah.. Not very good... Oh yeah, Eunsung... Last time.. When Hyunsung hit you!! Its because of Kim Hyobin!! He thought that shed say everything... So he was just acting.. Hehe Ricecake.. Be quiet.. What?! Why am I a ricecake?! Because thats whats in your hair. T_T ... No... I have to change the subject~~ T_T Hyunsungs in front of us.. T_T Hows Wang Bitna..

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..Shes in a coma.. She wont open her eyes.. Yehwon.. How are you? Im fine~ Thats good.. Ji Eunsung.... I need to talk to you.. Lets go out.. Han Yehwon, go out.. Were going to talk.. Is.. is.. he crazy? Yehwons hurt.. Lets go.. Oh yeah.. You are, arent you? WAHHH... What do I do if he really wants to marry me? T_T Wash your hair before I come back.. .................. ARGH~~~~~~ Im going to kill him~~~~!! Ow... My waist..... What do I do when Kyungwon finds out? Right now, its 2 AM. I guess I should call Kyungwon first.. Since my mom likes Kyungwon, Ill have Kyungwon tell my mom.. Phone.... Phone.. I saw my phone Ji Eunsung had left behind.. But I cant write text on mine.. Oh wait.. Ill use his phone.. Im at the hospital.. I hurt my waist.. Call me.. Kyungwons such a good friend.. A minute after I sent Kyungwon my message, I felt my phone ringing.. And I found something else out about my phone... When I opened it to answer my call.. I realized my antenna was broken.. Guess who it was.. -_-Of course it was Ji Eunsung... Hello?

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Yehwon~~!!!! Where are you!? T_T Kyungwon.. T_T Where the hell are you?! The hospital where Ji Eunsungs at. Why are YOU there?! I got beat up by Kim Hyobin and Wang Bitna. Why?! If I tell her the reason.. then Id have to tell her about Ji Eunsung... I just talked back to them.. Damn.. What room are you in?! After we hung up.. I continued to think... How do I break HIS phone? ..._..._... Anyways.. why arent they coming in?

# 47 The door opened... KYUNGWON?! Its me, Seungpyo. HUH?! It really was... He hurried over wearing training pants.. and a wife beater.. I went over to Eunsungs room, but the nurse said that hed be here.. What happened to you?! Oh.. I just got hit.. By who? Eunsung?!

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..N- No.. Then did Eunsung push you down the stairs?! ... .. No, it was Wang Bitna and Kim Hyobin..

What?! Why?! There was a fight. I hit them too.. ^o^ .....Are you okay? Where are they? Floppy... I didnt know that I meant so much to you... Theyre hospitalized.. Eunsung hit them... Thats like Eunsung.. Did you get hit a lot? No.. Not really. ..Wheres Eunsung? Hes out there with Hyunsung.. Oh... okay.. YEHWON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +BANG!!+ The door slammed opened and I saw Kyungwons face.. Youre here." +BANG+ The door closed again and Kyungwon disappeared.. What the... Its not because she saw Seungpyo, right?.. Haha.. Of course its not. That was Kyungwon just now.. Right? Huh? Yeah. Whyd she go out again? She doesnt want you to see her all gross looking.

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...No...Its not that... No!! Im serious!! Ill bring her back.. Hold on.. ..O-Okay. Floppy went out to go find her.. A few minutes later.. Floppy came back in, grabbing Kyungwons wrist.. Are you okay, you b***h?! Why is she yelling? She seems mad.. Im fine .

Where the hell are those b***hes?! Theyre hospitalized.. Ji Eunsung almost killed Wang Bitna. Does your mom know?! No.. She doesnt... What are you going to do? ..I dont know.. T_T Lee Kyungwon.. .....Seungpyo, who was grabbing Kyungwons wrist tightly, opened his mouth.. uh... UH.... Hi... Long time no see, Seungpyo.. Kyungwon said awkwardly... Yeah.. LONG. TIME. NO. SEE.. Its been a while since weve talked... Seungpyo said coldly... Its my first time hearing Seungpyo like this... Yeah. Are you doing well? No..

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Ive been doing well

.....Oh~~~ Really? Youve. Been. Doing. Well? Seungpyos really mad... I pulled my blanket up to my chin... Yeah.. Ive been doing well.. You look skinnier.. Did you lose weight? Tell me the truth, Lee Kyungwon.. W-what truth? Kids... Please go out and talk... Im embarrassed just by listening... T_T Is it someone else? Or are you sick of me... Or is it something else? What are you talking about... Is it someone else.. Are you sick of me... Or is it something else... Its a side of Seungpyo that Ive never seen.. So he has a charismatic side to him too... Wait.. This isnt the time to be thinking these thoughts.. What.. Kim Seungpyo.. What are you talking about... Kyungwons coming off hard too.. Okay!! 1 to 1!! Youre not the only girl for me.. There are tons of girls who like me.. So tell me.. Tell me precisely.. I waited 3 hours for you that day... I know youre not answering my calls on purpose.... 3 hours?! Lee Kyungwon, you heartless little human... Okay!! Seungpyos winning.. 2 to 1!! What if its someone else.. .....Kyungwon...... What are you going to do if its someone else... 2 to 2 !!! ...What....? Its someone else.. Are there are tons of girls who like you?? Well, go to them, I dont care.

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Lets go outside.. Seungpyo said, walking out.. Ji Eunsung and Kim Hyunsung.. Kim Seungpyo and Lee Kyungwon... The loner... ME~~ Sheesh.. What is all this? If it wasnt for this stupid waist.. Id be able to be watching at least 2 fights... Yeah.. I was really bored.. Sorry Yehwon.. Ill be right back.. Kyungwon.. Yeah. Dont hurt Seungpyo.. You know hes a great guy, right?? Yeah.. I know Im trusting you.. ...Yeah.... # 48 ..... 30 minutes have already passed.. and no one even has bothered to come in.. Ow.. My waist... I wonder what Kyungwons going to do.. They wouldnt break up, would they? Jungmin..? Its not because of Jungmin is it? Jungmin hasnt done anything good either.. He knew Kyungwon already had a boyfriend... What do I say when he calls? Oh yeah.. Its none of my business. Wait.. Between Seungpyo and Jungmin.. Whos better looking? Hmmm... The door opened.. Who is it? Its Ji Eunsung... Its Ji Eunsung by himself..

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What about Hyunsung? He left.. You didnt fight, did you?! We figured it out.. Dont worry. Thats a relief. Whats a relief? Well, theres nothing bad going on..

Wait.. Never mind.. Theres Seungpyo and Kyungwon... Wheres my phone? Right!!! Whyd you break my antenna?! Antenna? You broke my phone!! Do you want to die?! It was barely hanging on.. It was half broken anyways.. Well, it looks even more like a piece of trash now!! Give me my phone! No! Fix mine first!!! If you dont, I wont give it back!!! ...Oh~ Youre coming off hard, arent ya?~ Y-yeah!! What are you going to do? Okay. Im not coming to visit you anymore.. Crazy.. Did I ever say I wanted you to come visit me?! Dont visit me!! If you do, my head hurts!! +Thump+ Ow!! Stop hitting my head!! The door opened again and this time, Kyungwon stepped in with a dark

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expression.. Kyungwon.. What happened? Ji Eunsung kept poking my head. Oh! Stop it!! Kyungwon.. What about Seungpyo? He.. left.. What happened? Did you guys break up? Stop it!!!!!! We didnt break up.. We.. Were just giving each other time to think. Good!! Thats good!! Oh! My head, Ji Eunsung!!! Get out!! Go to your room!!! Give me my phone..

Fine.. fine!! Here.. take it!!! Take it and leave!!! +SQREEE + (TN: Sorry I have no idea how what sound a door makes when it opens or closes.. ) Ow.. My head... My pretty little head... Kyungwon.. Whats the reason?? Its Jungmin, right? She just sighed as she sat down on a chair... You have to have a reason.. I dont know.. I dont know if its because of Jungmin.. I think it is.. Im not even sure who I like more... What do I do? What do I do, Yehwon? That day.. My waist hurt.. My head hurt.... My whole body hurt... ....And yet, I still had to listen to Kyungwons love problems.. I wanna sleep T_ T

# 49 Kyungwon left around 6 the next morning...

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And as soon as she left, a bunch of people rushed in.. ..They happened to be my family... As soon as my mom saw me, she slapped my back.. And I told them what had happened... Mom was saying that shed go find Wang Bitna and Kim Hyobin and rip their heads off.. There were tears in Dads eyes and he held my hand tightly... But. oppa was weird... Thats Kim Hansungs sister right..? I dont know... She should be.. Kim Hyobin.. Sang.. 2nd year.. Isnt she the prettiest little b***h there? Thats right. That son of a b***h.. I was waiting for an opportunity to beat him.., he said and ran out of the room.. And he bumped into someone... That someone was Ji Eunsung.. HEHE ^_^Coming to visit me in the morning.~~ ...Oh...? Anyounghasaeyo.. What the.. Is Ji Eunsung bowing to my brother??? Do they know each other?? Yeah.. I heard everything.. Thanks.. Ill see you next time.. My brother said, acting all tough.. Ji Eunsung.. Get out..My mom and dad are in here.. Yehwon!! Is this the guy who punished the girls who hit you? Is HE Ji Eunsung..? ..Uh.. yeah.. Aigoo.. aigooo.. Thank you so much... My dad grabbed Ji Eunsungs hands.. Dad, dont do that.. T_T

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Like I thought he would.. Ji Eunsung quickly took his hands away.. Anyounghasaeyo.. ....

How awkward.. T_T Ill be back.. Okay.. Ji Eunsung left again.. phew.. What a relief... My dad looked as if he was about to cry.. Hes a very sensitive person... You dont have to have surgery, do you? Its not that bad, appa.. Ill be fine in a little while.. ............ .............. Appa.. Why are you crying?? My poor daughter.. APPPPPPA T_T Yehwon~~!! Dad and I were crying together for about 10 minutes... And my mom dragged him out... I was asleep the whole day... I was so happy that I didnt have to go to school.. And again.. Ji Eunsung came to visit me.. Finally..!!! Im tired.. Wipe that spit off your lip.

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.... Get out...

"_..?" WAHH...!! Why do you keep seeing the dirty side of me?!!? TT_TT !! Do you know how embarrassing it is.?! Youre embarrassed? Oh course!!! If you tell me that, its the only thing I can think of for the rest of the day!!!! ...You keep those things inside you? Its not that.. Hmm, Im going to have to watch what I say in front of you from now on. The person who DOESNT keep it inside is the weird one!!! Have you eaten?! No. Lets go eat. What do you mean? I cant walk! Get on my back. ...Really? ..Oh wait.. You havent washed your hair.. If I do.. Will you?

No... Now that I think about it.. I dont think I can.. Hold on.. Ill go get a wheelchair..

Okay. I looked in the mirror and quickly wiped my saliva... But where are we going to eat? ...Wait.. How do I get out of this hospital outfit??

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Aigoo.. My waist.. How can I go out like this... T_T # 50 He came back a minute later without a wheelchair.. Where is it? Hey.. If I get a wheelchair.. that means I have to push you.. ...Yeah....? Do you think we can have them delivered here? Probably. What do you want to eat? Me? Hold on.. Let me think~~ hmm.. hmmm.... What should I eat? Ddukboki? No.. I have to eat something expensive... Pizza? No its too common.. What is there to eat?? Jokbal (TN: Id tell you what it was.. but its something non Korean people would call nasty) No.. Its not lady like.. I dont think they would deliver lobster.. Hello? Can we get sushi for 2 people? Yeah.. Its Sunghan hospital.. Hey, what room is this? What are you doing right now? ...Its room 501.. I cant eat sushi!! You eat it all!!! You cant eat SUSHI?? You should have told me.. Did you give me a chance to? Just eat it.. Its good. ....You always do what YOU want.. T_T.. You have no manners... T_T Well, what do you want to eat?! Me? Nengmyun. (TN: Cold rice noodles in cold soup with kimchee and a load of other stuff.) You can eat that then.

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....Did he eat something wrong? Whys he being so nice? Ji Eunsung got the number to a Nengmyun house and ordered me some nengmyun. Im leaving on Saturday. Oh.. thats not good. What are you talking about~~ I get this stupid cast off!! Im so itchy that I think Im going to die.. T_T I dont want to go to school.. I want to stay here. Oh yeah.. How do you know Han Seungpyo? Han Seungpyo? My brother?? The guy you actually BOWED to yesterday?? Hes my brother.. He stared at me with round eyes.. Why? How do you know my brother? Why didnt you tell me?! You never asked.. That hyung also takes my bag and my shoes.. T_T And if I bought something he likes, hes always takes it and never gives it back.. Aigoo.. That disgusting human is a disgrace to our Han family.. T_T Yeah.. My brothers like that.. That hat he was wearing yesterdays mine too.. Do you want me to get it back for you? No. If you get caught.... I die.. .. Hey, do you know when I can leave?

Ask the nurse. As soon as he said that, she walked in. And she neared me.. Im a little nervous.. (She doesnt like me)

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Hey you, what are you doing here? Go back to your room.. Your bones arent going to stick together correctly. ..Are they close?? Why are you in here? Why do you think I came here?! I came to treat your girlfriend. Get out! Go to your room! Lady, do you know you always come when Im about to eat? I wonder if thats the nurse who gave him the shot when I was in Kim Hyobins room with her and Wang Bitna. How dare you say that to your nuna!! Lady.. You give me the creeps.. Ji Eunsung.. That was kind of harsh Oh ho!! If you dont want another shot on your ass, shut up. ....uh.. Arent you going to treat me? ...Yeah...

The nurse glared at me and started poking me everywhere. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ...It hurts.... T_T Really.. Here.. Let me fix it.. Could you please not push me there? It really hurts. T_T Do you need water? Does it hurt here too? she asked, poking my ass.. Why are you touching something I havent even touched?!??! Ji Eunsung.. Wait.. So is he saying he has thoughts of touching me there?? O_O.. How perverse.. That wolf~~~!!!

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Kids these days!! She huffed and stormed out.. HEHEHEH... I need to move to a different hospital.. Everyone likes me here.. How long has that nurse been after you? She still is!! You know you like it... WHAT?! Nothing.. Your sushis here~~! Hey, your orders here.. Go pay.. How much is it? Ji Eunsung asked in an annoyed voice.. And the person answered in an annoyed voice too.. When is my nengmyun coming~~? T_T # 51 A little while later, my nengmyun arrived... I happily downed the whole thing in about 3 minutes.. Soup and all.. Its been forever since Ive eaten it~~ Why dont you just eat the bowl too? Be quiet.. Dont say anything...

*tiny burp* Yum.. Eunsung~~ Thanks.. Dont look at my face.. Youre giving me the chills.. WHAT?! But hey... That sushi looks good.. ...You cant eat sushi..

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I cant eat the rice~~ If you get any fatter.. Im not taking you around.. Who said that Id want to go anywhere with you?! And besides.. What kind of guy eats so clean?! Gimme some~~~ +BANG+ Some guy banged the door opened the door. Is it you?! The bastard who did that to my Bitna?!! ....It must be Wang Bitnas dad... What the hell?! He yelled after he saw Eunsung... It was as if time had stopped.. Was it you? Eunsung.. Was it you?? Get out. Was it you who hit my daughter?! Didnt you see her?! ...Eunsung.. You dont call an adult you even if he IS Wang Bitnas dad. Eunsung.. Youve changed... ...Did they know each other from before? If you come out like this.. Do you think Ill just let you?! I was going to kill your daughter but I didnt... You daughter beat this girl here first and I did the same to her. Get out.. if you dont want it to happen to you either.. If it wasnt for your mother.. you would have already died in my hands.... Youre exactly like your father when he was your a- ...Before he could finish, Ji Eunsung got up and shoved him towards the door... Dont you dare say Ji Hansungs name..., he spat.. ...Ji Hansung..? Is that his dads name...??

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Youre trash.. Just like he was.. Wang Bitnas dad said and walked out.. Eunsung.. That w- ......You can eat the rest... Youre going?? Ill be back later.. ...Youre coming back, right..? Yeah. Dont think too much about him.. I dont know anything so this is all I can say.. Im not.. So you can eat ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of that.. O-okay.. I wonder what all this is about.. I wanted to ask.. But every time something about his dad comes up.. He becomes so sad... Hell tell me someday.. That evening, he didnt come back... Instead.. my family did... That disgrace, Han Seungpyo, was wearing that hat again.. Oppa, that hat is Eunsungs, right? Did he say that? Yeah. Son of a b***h... Hes dead.. Youre the one who should die.. When I go home.. Im going to get rid of you... And bring honor to the Han family once again~~ .......Yehwon... Yeah, mom? I went to go see Wang Bitna.. There are tubes everywhere.. Ji Eunsung did that, didnt he?

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Ye-yeah. Is he your boyfriend? Yeah. Why? Nothing.. Phew.. That Kim Hyobin girl... YEAH!? What about her?! She left yesterday.. Dont worry... She wont bother you again.. I beat her brother half to death so dont hate me to much TT_TT, oppa said.. Look at moms face Seungpyo.. WHO~~~~~ did you beat half to death?! Uh... I got a message.. Im going to go call.. See you~~!! Stupid.. Is that all you could think of? Okay.. Today.. you die!! ... I told you not to hit people!!! Oppa zoomed out of my room and my mom chased after him.. And a little while later, my dad came in.. My little girl.. Does it hurt? Tears were gathering in his eyes again... No, Im fine, dad.. (Crap, hes making me cry..) My poor little girl.. My baby.. Caught.. Today it was for 15 minutes.. Eunsung, where are you?? Save me~~ # 52 Dad.. You should be going.. Its late.. ...Youre......right....

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Where did that human Han Seungpyo and my mom go?? Are they circling the hospital? Ji Eunsung really isnt coming.. Should I call him? I wish there was music... .................. ....................... Should I call him? Wait.. Would he be sleeping right now? Whats his number again? RING~~~ RING~~~~~ RING~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RING~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hes not answering... Hes probably sleeping... Hello............... ...? Eunsung? ..Who is this?? Whats wrong with your voice? .......Yehwon? Whats wrong with your voice??!! Have you been crying?! Crazy.. Why the hell would I be crying?! ..Liar.. Why are you crying?! Why arent you asleep? Why are you crying? Are you crazy...? No ones crying.. .....Why are you keeping things from me?? He was silent for a moment.... For a moment....

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I miss him.. ....What? ...I miss my dad... Want me to come over? Dont come. Ill be there. Im going to lock the door. Were you crying ............because of your ..... Do you know what thing I want to say the most in the world is? ....What? ...Dad.. Im going to school.. See you later.. ............... ................ Eunsung.... I sound stupid.. Dont I? What are you talking about.. Why didnt you tell me.. I have a mans pride.. You dont have to think of your pride in front of me.. Why arent you sleeping? Im going right now.. Youre not going to come.. Go to sleep.. Ill visit you tomorrow... "..........." Im just talking crazily.. Dont think about anything I said.. Ji Eunsung.. What?

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When youre crying.. Call me.. and open up okay? ..I already have.. Go to sleep. Ill visit in your dreams~ Is that fun? Dont cry after we hang up.. Im not going to!! Im hanging up.. +beep.......... beep............ beep............+ Stupid.. Im going to go.. to Eunsung... I tried to get my body up.. It wasnt as easy as it seemed... What do I do? It took me 30 minutes to get out of bed... My tail bone... OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... I got on the ground and dragged myself out of my room using my arms and just pulled my body in the direction that I wanted to go.. If I go to see Ji Eunsung like this, he wouldnt hit me.. Would he? PANT........... PANT................ PANT.................... I reached the elevator.. But my finger wouldnt go up high enough to press the button... I guess I have to go back towards the stairs.. Its a miracle I got up the stairs... Now you want me to go down them?? Oh lord... T_T ......................... .......... ............. ............... ................. ......................

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I dont even know how much time has gone by... Im sure its been more than one hour.. But then, finally, I found myself in front of the guys hospital room. PANT............. PANT On the way to his room.. I met up with a few other patients.. But when they saw me dragging myself, they just went back into their rooms. And I could hear them locking their doors behind them... -0-.. Whatever.. ............. .................. ...................... HOO~~... Ive finally reached my destination. Hell probably be proud of me.. Hopefully, he wont go into shock and dump me. Eunsung~~ ........... ............... Eunsung~~ ............ .......... T_T Eunsung.. Youre not sleeping, are you?? Eunsung.. T_T~~~!!! ".........." The door opened.. and Ji Eunsung appeared in front of me with messy hair.. His outfit had shifted so I could some of his white shoulder... HEHHEHEHEHE.... Eunsung~~ He stared at me for a while with sleepy eyes... I think he wanted to believe that it wasnt me in front of him Hi~~ Eunsung.. Were you sleeping?? .............. Ji Eunsung grabbed my left arm and pulled me inside his room..

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And quickly closed the door... You crawled here, didnt you? No.. I dragged myself here. ....Are you retarded? WAHH.. No, Im not retarded.. I came to see you.. T_T .........Did you come right after you hung up? Yeah... My tailbone.. I think its crooked.. T_T How long did it take you? T_T I dont know!! My tail bone!! .....What do I do with you?? ... I cant hit you.... He sighed and pulled me into a tight hug... He hugged me so tightly that I almost couldnt breathe... Tight enough for me to hear his heart... ............ ............ Ow... Let go.. It hurts... T_T Its your punishment.. Be quiet.. ............. Punishment?? I guess I should never ever listen to you.. Hehe this punishment all the time.. .............. ................. ....................... That night.. Ji Eunsung held me for a long time.. I think for at least 1 hour.... ............. .................. Then Ill get I thought I was going to die...

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But it was the best hour of my life Because during that hour.. My heart was beating like crazy... ...............

# 53 .... ....... ......... I felt Eunsungs arms.. loosen slightly.. Are you tired, Eunsung? Yeah... Go sleep on the bed... You go sleep on it! Im a man~~ ...What the.. That doesnt matter.. I came on my own. So you sleep on the bed! Okay. What kind of person are you?! Youre supposed to give it to me no matter what!!! He really got on the bed.. and pulled his blanket over his body and without one word, fell asleep.. .... Is that really the guy who held me for an hour just now? ...Well, its not the first time that hes acted like this... Well, it is my fault for going out with him... Anyway.. My tailbone!! T_T ....... ..........

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I was tired.. So I climbed onto a chair and fell asleep. ......... ........... ................ .................. ......................... What a good nights sleep .........?..............?................? I could have sworn that I fell asleep on the chair.. Why am I on his bed? And why is HE sleeping on the chair? Ji Eunsung.. .. Did you put me on the bed after I fell asleep.. Youre making me teary... Hey. Hey.. Ji Eunsung.. Wake up.. What happened?? .... ...... Is he fast asleep? ..Hes curled up in a ball on the chair and sleeping.... I thought hed sleep straight... Its the first time that Ive seen him asleep... Like I said before.. Ive never seen a person with lashes as long as his... Eunsung.. Come sleep on the bed.. Wake up!! ....If you bother me while Im sleeping, Im going to hit you... ............ He said without even opening his eyes... ..Okay.. Keep sleeping then.. Hes still my boyfriend.. So I should at least cover him with a blanket.... Luckily, the chair was right next to the bed so I reached over and covered him with a blanket..

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.... .... Since I couldnt go up the stairs alone.. I waited for him to wake up.. I wanted to wake him up.. but I didnt want to get hit either.. When the nurse comes to check up on me.. shes going to freak out .......... +Creak+ As soon as I finished thinking that.. The same nurse from last time came in. As soon as she saw m,e her face froze.. ...Miss Han.. What are you doing here? I came to hang out.. Do you know how worried everyone is about you!? Your family is in your room. Hurry!! Howd you get here anyways.. I cant.. Excuse me? I cant get down.. Help me please.. I cant believe that Im hearing this.. The nurse clucked her tongue and brought a wheelchair.. I had to listen to the nurses nagging all the way to my room. My family really WAS in my room. .... Where were you? Over there... Somewhere.. She was in Ji Eunsungs room. Damn, you stupid nurse, do you want to die?!

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..... ......... ...................... .... Are you going out with Ji Eunsung? My brother asked.... I could hear my moms angry breathing And my dad sighing.... Exactly why did they come in the morning?? Theyre going to kill me.. Just as I predicted, my mom grabbed a pillow and whacked me over the head... And then she left.. with my dad following her.. ............. .................. ... Inside the hospital, it was just my brother and me.... Oppa, dont you have to be somewhere? Yes.. I do... Well.. Hurry and go... Are you going out with Ji Eunsung? What if I say I am.. Im not going then... WHY?!?~??~?~? Cause I dont like him... Its probably vice versa~~ Youre the one who took all his stuff!!! I was just going to go.. but I just changed my mind!!! Im not going.. Oppa... Its no use...

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Kyungwon said that she was going to come.. ...W-when.. Han Seungpyo asked still trying to keep him cool... Remember what I told you before?? There was a time when Kyungwon liked the human that I call my brother... So now he avoids her... ;;;

When I would tell him Kyungwon was going to come over.. he would suddenly disappear off to somewhere... Han Seungpyo has high standards..... for his looks.. He should have been thankful someone like Kyungwon liked him.. Anyway.. Saying Kyungwon was going to come worked like a charm... You have to tell mom that I was here the whole day!! Han Seungpyo yelled running out of my room.. ......... Stupid.. Disgrace to the Han family... By the way.. Why isnt Ji Eunsung calling? ........ ............. ............... ................... ...................... For three days.. Ji Eunsung and I communicated through the phone and text messages.. Mom and dad.. and oppa were guarding my room.. And because of that.. I had to hear endless and endless cussing from Ji Eunsung.. .. He said that he wanted to rub my brothers ugly face into the asphalt floor... Why do you think I didnt feel anything against Ji Eunsung when he said those things about my brother??? #54

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There was no word from Kyungwon.. Only a few text messages... Ji Eunsungs getting out of the hospital today... ..... "Mom, today is the day Eunsung that is getting out of the hospital... Cant I... go?" "... Tell him to come here" ".. He probably wont..." "Then you cant...." "I can walk now though..." "Still... You cant" "Mom... T_T....." "Tell him to come here... So I can see him too.." In the hospital room, there was only me and my mom.. But she wouldnt let me go even if she died... T_T .. T.,T Hm... Will Ji Eunsung come up if I told him to?? =_= He would probably slam the door and leave when he sees mom's face.... ... ....... ..... .. Avoiding mom's eyes, I sent a text message to Eunsung... +Eunsung ah, I wont be able to see you cuz of my mom... I'll see you when I get out of the hospital+ .... Arent you gonna catch the date for the day you're getting out?? You have to go to school... Isn't it about time for your testing [finals?] to start??" "=_=... N...No... Mom.. My bone isn't still back in place... I think I'll have to stay here for a few more weeks..." "The doctor said.. that people who recover fast like you aren't very common.... You'll be able to get out of the hospital this week."

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"No... Mom.. (If I dont get out of the hospital, I wont be able to see Ji Eunsung... But if I do, then I have to take the finals in school...) If I walk.. I feel like my bone is gonna break again..." "No! You brat! Jeez, you complain so much, just like your dad!" .......... "Wait... Phone..." At the sound of the sudden ringing of the phone... I was worried... What do I do?.. I think its Ji Eunsung.... I can feel mom's triangle shaped eyes looking at me.... "H...Hello..?" "Hey!! Hurry up and come down!!" Just as I thought... It was Ji Eunsung's loud voice... .... "Oh... Kyungwon ah... It's been a while...." "What??" "Yeah~~ You're coming right now? No, you cant... You brat~~ ^o^ ~~" "Isn't this Yehwons handphone?" "Omg~ Kyungwon ah! Of course I'm Yehwon!!! Stupid~ ^^ But.. right now, I really cant go out right now. " "Han Yehwon!!! You wanna die?!?!?!?!?!?" +ddook+ ....... I hung up.... That boy's voice had rung in the hospital room through the phone.... "Yehwon ah..... I heard that... =_=..." "Mom.. To not let me out.. At least tell me you're gonna hit me..." "You can be an actress.... =_=^ " "Ah... Mom... My stomach hurts .... What do I do.... T_T " Even when I think about it, it's a weak excuse...

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But that was the only thing I could do.... There were no calls from Ji Eunsung at all that day... Is he mad....? - -;; I think he has a timid side to him.... ... ..... .............. ..After that, a week passed... Thanks to my healthy body that I hate, I fully recovered, came out of the hospital, and returned home safely... What has changed since Ive come out of the hospital..? Well, Kyungwon and I are back to what we were before... But.. Wang Bitna is still in the hospital.. They said that she has to stay like that for at least 4 more weeks... =_= ... I talked to Ji Eunsung.. But I havent seen him for a week... When I came home... A familiar smell made my nose hurt.... It didn't feel good... - -;; "It's been a while since you ate home-cooked food, right?? Wait one minute... My daughter..." .. Whats wrong with that lady... Anyway.. It's horrible to have to come out of the hospital... But I get to see Ji Eunsung!! ^^ And since I came out, theres other good news... I dont have to see that girl that is still lying in the hospital ... !! Oh yeah~ I have to call Eunsungiee... heehee >_< ......... ......... .... ..."Hello.." "Eunsung ah... (I had to talk quietly..) I came out of the hospital today.."

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"Oh.." "We can finally see each other again.. >_<.. " "Wow, I can finally see the face that was so hard to see.. - -;; " That boy... He thinks we didn't meet because I was avoiding him... - -^ "You being sarcastic doesnt fit you... Dont be sarcastic." "What time are you planning to see me tomorrow..." Those words are picking a fight... Childish boy... - -;; Ah!!!!!!! Right then.. I felt someone pulling on my hair..... "Eunsung ah!!!!! (I forgot that mom was there...) "Yeah.. What?" "We wont be able to see each other tomorrow! In one week... No, in 2 weeks!!.. Thats when we'll see each other again! I have to study for finals!" "... Are you kidding with me???!!!" "Ah!! I have to study!! I cant just sit here, right?! Ill see you in 2 weeks!!! >_< " "hey.... Hey!!!!! HAN YEH WON!!!!" +ddook.....+ =_=^ (Hanging up the phone first has become a hobby...) Yeah yeah yeah...!! This is my idea!! Tomorrow... I wont go to school... I'll go to that boy's school.. jjjwaak~ dressed nicely.. with a present... and surprise him!! Then.. he'll swoon at my beauty~ And he'll just melt at my love and cuteness~~ And on top of that... I can see Hyunsungiee~~ hehehe (I still havent thrown away that stupidness - -;;) This is my good idea!! >_< Anyway.. My school thinks I'm coming back next monday!! (Because of the doctor's word that I need to rest...)

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So... Tomorrow, I go to that boy's school.... hehehe~ -.,-..... Sister is good... Her husband is good... (Ji Eunsung will be impressed with me.. I get to see Hyunsungiee >_< ) Eat pheasant... Eat berries (Ji Eunsung will recieve my present.. I get to see Hyunsungiee >_< ) Hit a ditch.. Catch a fish... (Ji Eunsung will be happy.. I get to see Hyunsungiee >_< ) Yup... It's good..It's good... Anyway.. Wang Bitna and Kim Hyobin wont be there.. (Well, Kim Hyobin might be there...) Ji Eunsung.... I'll show you the part of me that you've never seen before.... Hehehe I shouldn't be sitting here like this... I have to borrow clothes from Kyungwon!!


"Mom.. I'm going to Kyungwon's house!" "Tell her to come here."

Hm... That's not bad.... But then.. Will she come...?

My handphone has been ringing since a while ago... That would be Ji Eunsung... Jeez.. What a temper... Tomorrow, this nuna will find you at school... heheh, I just smile at the thought of it!

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I called Kyungwon...


"Kyungwon ah!"

"Uh... Yehwon?? You came out of the hospital??"

"Kyungwon ah! Right now, to my house, COME ON~"


"Im going to Sang tomorrow.. So.. So.. Get out your sister's clothes.. Bring the nicest ..!"

"Arent you going to school tomorrow...? =_= "

"Im going to go starting next week.. So.. Yeah? You dont want to see your friend die, do you??"

"..If you dont come to school, I have to hang out by myself again.."

".. Alright... I'll go starting the day after tomorrow... So hurry up and come."

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" Forreal, right???"


"Alright.. Wait for me~~"


Hm.. I wonder what clothes she'll bring.. =_= She wouldnt bring horrible clothes like last time when we went to the night club would she......??

Jeez.. That stupid handphone keeps ringing like a *beep* .. I got a text message too.. I wonder if he's really mad.. He wouldnt know that Im going to his school tomorrow, would he?? ..... No way ..... =_= Then all of Sang go's mut jin kids will see me and make fun of me.... =_=

"Yehwon ah! Come out and eat!!"

"Ok~ I'm coming~"

Mom has made... for her terrible daughter.. the nengmyun that I love so much... T_T

"Mom... Thanks... T_T "

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"Yeah. You do the dishes.."

=_= "Ok.."

+ding dong~.. ding dong~..+

Right on time, the doorbell rang... Lee Kyungwon.. That girl.. always... shows up.. 1 minute before I start eating... I hurried and wrapped up the nengmyun and hid it in the fridge. (I always do that)

I opened the door..

"Kyungwon ah.. Come to my room!!"

So.. My friend.. came in with a bag....

..... ....... ............ .........

"...You're telling me to wear this..."

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"If you wear it, it's not showy...!"


"Then you wear it.."

"Whats wrong..?! Hey... My sister wore this to Shinae once and that day, she got 6 huntings..." (TN: huntings: sortof like guys who go up to her and ask her out)


"Yeah!! And on top of that, since you dont have a pretty face, we have to make you look better!!"

"... I'm kinda starting to feel bad....."

"Nono.. So.. Anyway! Wear it! Wear it then talk about it!"

"Wont the principal of SangGo tell our school principal??"

"If you wear these clothes... the principal wont know that you're from an all girls' school..."



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....... ..............

"See~ It's pretty when you wear it!!"


"Yeah!! It's not like you!!"

"..Thats harsh, man.."

"- -;; Sorry.. I overreacted.. In the bag are heels and a handbag... Make sure you take them with you tomorrow!"

"Thanks T_T .. Kyungwon ah... You're a good friend!!~ T_T Want some nengmyun??!!"


"Ok~ Wait a sec...T_T "

I'm so bad... hiding the nengmyun in the fridge just because I didn't want to share... T_T I, who changed my mind,.. gave my beloved nengmyun that i love so much.. to Kyungwon... =_=..

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Phew.. Yeah.. I did good today ... Tomorrow, if I wear these clothes... my stomach wont come out.. =_= ... Nope... The clothes that Kyungwon joyfully brought.... A black and white aluminum pattern of nice fur... (Not very common and normal...) It was a formal dress/skirt... The skirt was very short... and the top was very tight... To tell you the truth, the clothes werent uncomfortable... Seems like she tried to match the fur... The bag is aluminum too... O_O Hmm.... Will Ji Eunsung like it..?? He might be very shocked....

...When is a good time to go ...??

Yeah.. Yeah.. Lunch time is good... 12:00 is good... hehehe

Feeling nervous, I couldn't go to sleep that night, believing that if I arrived in front of SangGo Ji Eunsung would be swooning......

So that night, my dad came home from work and he looked for me without fail..... As he looked at me with warm eyes, we had a long talk... ... I talked with my dad all night long... .... ........ .....................

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+ddee ddee ddee ~ ddee ddee ddee~~~ ddee ddee ddee~~~+

Morning call...... Ehhhh... Is it already morning....? =_= ..Its about 10:00.... Ah!! Wait, I'm not supposed to be like this right now..!!!

I jumped out of bed .. and dressed in the very seeeeeexy clothes that Kyungwon brought me... and hurriedly put on some makeup... Since Im at the age to not ever have to wear makeup... ^0^ A little of my mom's foundation is good enough.. Its something that not even my mom has touched yet... so I guess its new? .. It took me an hour to put on the mascara and eyeliner... ..... But.. I should stop here... Rather than with just nothing on my face, I am "upgraded"..! I want to "up" my hair too though.... But hrm.. long straight black hair is good enough...

...What should I bring for a gift..??

Hmm... Hm.... =_= ..

Thats it!! Good!!!!!!! A brilliant idea just came to mind!!!

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.. Shouldnt just be like this... It is 11:20.. I dont have much time... I hurried... with dangerous feet (in stilettos >0<)... and ran out of the house... .......... ................ .................... ...... Where did I go to buy the gift ........ It was a pet store..... =_= Of course, I wasnt going to buy an expensive dog... ...

"Mister... Put in here... two of the cheapest bunnies!!" "=_=.. All the bunnies cost the same..." "..Then.. the best ones... I'm in a hurry! " ".. ahh.. Yes..."

Ahhhhhh!!!! >_< A bunny covered with white and brown fur... and a bunny covered with white ash fur ... came in >_<

"Bunny... T_T ..You're so cute.. T_T " "Didnt you say you were in a hurry..." "Ah.. Yes.. Here.. How much is it?" ........... ...............

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............. Bunnies... Stay in the basket... I am running to Sang Go... *pant* *pant* ... I'm so tired; I cant do this anymore...... T_T Wait... Before I get there.. Must examine self through the show window... >_< Hm Hm...~* Good..!~ You're the best! Han Yehwon >_< !!! ... ...... ............ But then.. Whats going on..?? ... In SangGo's field... In the morning meeting (TN: morning announcements), the principal's loud voice in his speech rang through the air...

A LOT of SangGo students.. were standing there listening to the principal... -;; ..... ........... Jeez, this situation is really messed up... T_T ... It's 12:00 right now... Whats with the morning meeting... T_T ... ..... ........ .............. Hmm, I see teachers walking back and forth holding scissors... they're doing a dress code check...?? O_O?? //// I was on top of SangGo's front gate in between the wires... looking for Ji Eunsung... ... I can see all of the SangGo students' backsides...They were doing the last of .. I guess

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the talking.. so that they wouldnt get their hair cut....

Ji Eunsung... Where are you... T_T... Since he's tall... he should be in the back.. o_o..?? Ah?! >_< There he is!!!!!!! >_< !! Hm... He was standing in the very back in a crooked position... spitting on the ground of the field... I can see the back of his head with one eye by his cocky posture... ... I can see his back appearance! >_< Eunsung ah!! Ahh!! I'm so happy to see you!! Eunsung ah!!

I got all excited.. and my index finger got caught in between the wire... from pointing... - -;; hehe.. I'm so retarded...>_<..!!! Maybe Ill wait a little while.. until the dress code checking is finished... I'll call Eunsung.. keke.. and tell him to come out.. And! I'll give him the bunny and say this...

"Eunsung ah... You keep the girl and I'll keep the boy... >_< The girl's name is (Yeh) Woniee... and the boy is (Eun) Sungiee.. >_< and... let's not ever let them die and raise them~ nicely~~ hehe *^^* "

Good.. Good.. Han Yehwon.. You're so smart to a point that it's annoying... ^^ YES!! GOOD~~ .. ....

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......... ................ B...But.... why is this finger.... not coming out......??? =_= .... Ah!!! No matter what I did-- it got swollen freaking BRIGHT red.. and it had no thought of coming down from the wires... The two cute and lovely bunnies were looking at me in a sorrowful way and just looked at my finger, I guess... ....... ............ With piercing of pain in my bone...... the Sang Go principal's words.. rang throughout the field...

"All students.... Turn around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

=_=...Dear Lord..... =_= # 56 <== I stood frozen O_O_O_O_O_O_O <== The whole school stared... I closed my ears.. but I couldnt cover my ears... I could hear them starting to mutter... And F*~in teacher, who hadnt spotted me yet, yelled words that pissed me off even more... STUDENTS!! 10 STEPS FORWARD!!!! ......._... Oh Lord.. Oh God, please.. Ill never steal.. Ill never lie.. Ill never make fun of people...

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So just please let me become an ant for the next 10 minutes.. Please??? Maybe God cant hear me... The students at Sang came 10 steps forward.. WHOA~~ Someones hot~~ Who is she? ..What the hell is that girl doing here? Hey.. I think her fingers stuck~~

Hey Nuna~~ Whats your number?? All these things were directed towards me... And embarrassed.. I couldnt even open my eyes... Hey.. I think her finger really is stuck!!! HAHHHAHA A stupid guy said and all the students started giggling.. And I... I hated God right then... Oy~ Nuna.. Open your eyes~~ Nuna?? Those asses.. When I slowly opened my eyes... I saw... Not even 5 meters away from me... .......... ............. .................. With scary eyes.. and one eyebrow scrunched near the front... Probably wishing that it really WASNT me who was in front of him... Was Ji Eunsung... ........ ............ ............... I quickly closed my eyes again..

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Han Yehwon.. With my eyes still closed.. I answered, Im not Han Yehwon.... Youve mistaken me for someone else.. Open your eyes...

Youve mistaken me for someone else.. Hey.. Cover your legs... ... ......... .............. Something flew towards me and landed on my head.. It was the upper uniform of Sang High school.. ...... ......... Cover your legs with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ji Eunsung yelled... I guess he must have thrown it.. Its not my legs that I want to cover.. Its my face.. T_T Eunsung.. Is that your girlfriend?! Someone yelled.. and I wanted to die.. T_T Hey!! Shes pretty busty!!! I think it was the guy who called me nuna.. For some reason, it doesnt feel too bad being called busty. You close your damn eyes!! All of you!! If I see the whites in your eyes... youll get a beating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....There are third years in that group.. But he yelled anyway... For me.. Ugly me.. Me with my finger stuck in this damn hole... Since Ji Eunsungs voice was loud.. the teacher neared us.. And I slowly opened my eyes... ....

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........ And the scene in front of me shocked the crap out of me... Excluding some of the 3rd years.. everyone had their eyes closed... My prince Eunsung was getting his cheek pulled by the scary teacher.. ....... I think its a good time to close my eyes again.. Excuse me, lady.. What are you doing here? The teacher asked nearing me.. Me...? Shes Eunsungs girlfriend!! Shes a crazy b***h.., I heard a girl mutter... All of you, get inside!!!! If you dont go in within 10 minutes, youre getting a beating!! .......... ............... ................. Everyone quickly ran inside and I saw a few girls give me the finger as they ran in... ...... ........... Excuse me.. What are you doing here? ...Ny .... fingers stuck... What were you doing shoving your finger into the hole? I just wanted to see how big the hole was.. Do you know anyone at this school? ......... ..............

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Didnt you hear?! Shes my wife!!! Eunsung yelled proudly as if he were bragging to the teacher... with his cheek red from being pulled on. # 57 If only I could get this damn finger out of this damn hole, Id run away.. T_T Ji Eunsung, you again?! The teacher neared Eunsung.. Didnt you hear me when I told you all to go in!?! I cant go in when my wifes right here!! T_T Eunsung.. Ill give you a kiss later.. I dont know what Ill do with you.. Hurry and get in! Ill send your wife or whatever home after we get her finger out... You can go in... Its your favorite time right now-- lunchtime.. Do you want to be embarrassed in front of your girlfriend?! The teacher grabbed his left cheek and pulled again... OW! OW!!! You still wont go in?! OW! I think Im going to die!! All the students were watching us.. And I felt a little bad for Ji Eunsung... Uh.. Eunsung.. Stop and go in... Shut up!! Whyd you get your finger stuck in there anyway?! He yelled, with his cheek still getting pulled. Teacher~ You can continue to pull his cheek.. I can wait..!!! Aigoo.. Your fingers swollen.. Hey you.. Go make yourself useful and get some lotion..

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Youre a lot nicer than you look T_T Why? Ji Eunsung asked, rubbing his red cheek. So we can put some on her finger and slip it out!!! Hurry and get it! Your wife is dying! I wish we had weird teachers like this at my school.. And Ji Eunsung quickly ran inside the school... What school do you go to? ..Me? Yes you, miss. I live in Seoul. How did you and Eunsung meet? We just met through a couple of friends.. Is he good to you? he asked with a scary face.. Of course he is.. T_T From over here.. I can see Ji Eunsung running towards us with something in his hand.. Damn.. Hes fast... Did you bring it? There isnt any lotion.. he said with a load of soap in his hand.. I know you dont have any brains.. But soap?! Move.. Sheesh.. Eunsung shoved past the teacher and looked at me.. Hi, Eunsung.. TT_TT You retard.. Your fingers swollen.. Why the hell did you shove your finger in here? Ow, it hurts... T_T

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To my surprise, he gently rubbed the soap around my finger.. (I thought hed be rough) And pulled it out slowly.. Hey.. Youre good at this... Im a man.. Hey.. Thats school money youre wasting and property youre destroying.. Since its lunch, I can go out for a while, right? NO! Han Yehwon.. You come into my school then.. She can come in, right? he asked impatiently.. Just dont get caught by the principal.. If you get caught, I die with you.. What a nice person.. Come in. Okay. ....My finger was about as thick as a sausage.. T_T Ill probably remember this day even when Im 50. We awkwardly headed inside... From the windows.. I could see a bunch of girls glaring at me.. Eunsung.. H-Here.. Even though it isnt exactly the way I wanted it to go.. I handed the bunny to Eunsung. What is this? Is it a dog? No.. Its a bunny. Bunny? Here. You keep the girl. Her names Yehwon.. The boys name is Eunsung.. And Ill keep him. If one of them dies.. then our love will die too.. Wait.. I didnt want to say it like that.. I guess, with all the excitement, it just

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came out that way... Ji Eunsung was staring at me with a stupid expression.. If one dies... our love will die too?? No.. Not that.. I mean.. Just dont kill her.. Which ones the girl? The grey and white one.. ...Its face is smashed in... I want the guy... No!! Thats not how its supposed to work~~~ ....... ............ Hey.. Huh? Who told you to wear these kind of clothes? What?? I wore it to impress you.. What did you do with the shirt I threw you? Its right here.. Cover them. Huh? COVER YOUR DAMN LEGS!!!! Fine... Those crazy bastards keep staring... Lets go.. But youre not allowed. Its fine. Youre going to skip? I said its fine.

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No!! Skipping is bad!! Ill come back after your school ends!! SKIPPING = BAD!! Im going to kill the bunny..

He said quickly raising the bunny above his head.. ..How can you do that.. I gave it to you.. T_T .... .......... ............. OPPA!! Cheating is bad!!! Some crazy b***h yelled... When Ji Eunsung glared.. she quickly hid.. Stupid b***hes.. Do they have a death wish? OPPA!! WHAT ABOUT OUR BABY!?! One of the first years yelled again.. When we looked up.. they hid again.. Theyre dead... Hey, stay here. With one hand around the bunny I gave him.. Ji Eunsung quickly ran into the school. The bunny looked pretty stressed out.. If I stay here.. its obvious that hell skip.. Well, at least I gave him my present and made him happy (My own thoughts) I think Ill leave~~~ ^o^ # 58 Before Ji Eunsung could run back out.... I quickly left with my bunny in my hand. Hmm. Should I go out and eat..? Its been a while since I have. Should we, bunny? Wow.. Its been a while since Ive been out in the city.

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No wait... Lets go to a karaoke room!! Nuna will sing you a rock ballad!! With bunny Eunsung.. we went to the karaoke room... +RING RINGGGGGG RINGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!+ For some reason.. I felt scared of my phone... Probably because it was Eunsung on the other line.. Hel- Where are you? ....Is this Eunsung? He sounded as if he was panting.. I wonder how much he hit those 1 years... I said Where are you? Why do you want to know? Youre going to skip. Im getting pissed. Where are you? Outside of your school. Oustide where?! Youre going to skip. Im not telling. How long has it been since weve seen each other? ........A long time. I think Im going to die because I miss you so much. Where are you? AHHHH Still.. No skipping... Im going to kill your bunny..

Why do you keep threatening the bunny?! Do you know how much trouble I went through to get that bunny?! So where are you? After school ends, Ill call you. Ill wait for you in the city~~ Okay? Ill see

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you later~~ Eunsung, I love you!! ........ .......... ............ ................ And I hung up.. with a death wish.. T_T And I took out the battery... Anyway.. He thinks hes going to die because he missed me?? ^_^Hes gotten a bit greasy.. (Shes liking it a little TOO much.. )

Well, at least I stopped him from skipping.. Okay!! Eunsung!! (Bunny) Lets go sing!! I grinned and with bunny Eunsung, I went into the karaoke room. ......... ........... ............... 1 hour please~~ Are you going to sing alone? Im singing with my bunny~~ ...uh.. You can go to room 13. The unnie at the counter assigned me to the room farthest away from her... .... ...... It doesnt matter.. ........ ........... WOW! Its been forever since Ive been here!! OH YEAH~~~

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Eunsung~~ What song shall Mommy sing you? ......... ............I picked Hwang Shinaes bands JJAM PPONG For some reason, in these past days.. Ive started to like these songs.. +DDO DDAH DDO DDAH DDO DDAH DOO DDAH+ <-- ( a very weird beat) YOU~~~ YOU~~~~ When it rains~~~~ YOU AND I will eat JJAM PPONG!!!! AH SSAH!!!!!! I sang loudly but not too loudly... .......... ............. And that was because.. because.. the highlight of the song was in the 2nd verse... EU HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!! (<= This is a part of the song too) And while I was singing this.. I yelled the loudest I could.. ............. ............... While I was singing the 2nd verse.. I felt a cold breeze... ..... ......... And I knew who it was before I turned around... ....I didnt have to turn around.. but I did.... ....... Do you know that gaze-- the gaze you see when Grandma sees someone stripping on TV.. You know that gaze.. Yeah... Ji Eunsung was... gazing at me with that kind of gaze.. I think he just heard the kind of song that I just sang...

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# 59 I gave him an awkward smile.. However, there wasnt the slightest change in Ji Eunsungs face. Howd you know I was here? I searched all over. .......... ............. Now that I look at his forehead.. I can see sweat.. Did you listen to me sing that song? ...I didnt listen... I heard...

Youre skipping right now, right? Go back!!! (<-- Im telling him to go because Im embarrassed) Slowly, Ji Eunsung neared me.. And with his fist, he hit me over the head lightly. But it still hurt.. Why are you hitting me? Who told you to shut off your phone? While we were talking.. the unique beat in JJAM PPONG kept playing.. AHH SAHHH!! AHRAH AHRAH!! JJI KI JING JING KKING KIING JING JJING~~ Hey.. Turn that off.. Im getting a headache. I like this song T_T Did you leave to sing.. THIS song?? Whats wrong with this song.. T_T

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Stick this on your finger.. What is this? Stick it on!! The thing that Ji Eunsung had stuck out for me to put on my finger was a Mickey Mouse bandaid.. .... ........ Did you buy this? Are you crazy.............. ...Thanks..... ..... This warm feeling... I think this is the first time that Ive felt this... Wheres the bunny that I gave you? That? I gave it to Seungpyo to look after. You gave it to HIM? Whyd you come to my school anyways? To give you the bunny. ... Get your finger stuck in that hole like a retard... Want to die? Go sing. Sing? Not a weird song like the one you just sang.. Its not weird!! Its my favorite song~~ Have you been hit by a mike before? No. Ill sing.

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........ ............. ................. Rollercoasters : Seubghwan (Habit) My other favorite song.. The soft melody flowed.. And Eunsung held bunny Eunsung in one hand and put his other hand on my shoulder.. Habits are a scary thing.. I look at your picture today.. and I tell you that I love you... # 60 "Bye~bye,,,,Bye~~bye~......, Hey, its done. Not bad. I know~ ^_^You sing too. No. Ji Eunsung said, slowly creeping away from me... Where are you going? Come here. I said, scooting closer to him. I dont know any songs. Ive always wanted my boyfriend to sing me a specific song. Ji Eunsungs face changed a little... What... what is it? Breakfast at Tiffanys. Do you know that song?? No. How about Yehgam (Feeling)? I dont know.. Why you

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Do you know the anthem? No. THEN WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!?!?! ....Oh.. I have one. Seungpyo always sings it, so its hammered into my head. What.. LIE (TN: song by DJ DOC.. Its RAP. -___-) Nevermind.. Dont. Just listen to me sing. Are you demanding that I dont sing it? No, Im asking you not to. After singing for a while.. I could feel the bathroom calling for me... I have to go to the bathroom. Im thirsty.. Eunsung said, following me up. What about the bunny?! Its in my pocket. AHH! Yehwon (bunnys name is Yehwon), give it to me!! How could you put the poor thing in your pocket? I snatched Yehwon from Ji Eunsung and headed towards the bathroom. ...... .......... .............. Ah~~ Freedom~~~~ I skipped out of the bathroom lightly.. The unnie who was working here earlier was gone and some guy that looked like a raccoon was at the counter.

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And then when he saw me, he gave a slow grin. Man~ Im sick of this~~ Im so sick of this.. Really.. That is the thing about guys.. Did you come alone? Oh.. Now youre going to talk to me~~ Is that it? No. I came with my boyfriend... Nah~~~ Seems like you came alone~~ No, I didnt~~ College? I guess men cant help themselves... Hey.. What are you going here? Eunsung asked, drinking from a can.. The rude ass also had one. ...Wait~~ This is something that happens in dramas~~~ This guy here.. Eunsung.. I was standing by myself. And this oppa- Hey, I think one hour is over... Lets go out. Im hungry.. How much?

He didnt seem very irritated.. ...No, thats not it.. Hes trying to hide his jealousy... TT_TT That guy behind the counter is probably laughing at me inside.. After paying.. Ji Eunsung walked out.. I quickly chased after him.. Eunsung, are you mad? Why should I be?

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Because I talked to that guy... Hey, dont look at me with that kind of expression.. Why should I be mad? Are you stupid? You like Nengmyun right? ..Is he really not jealous TT_TT ??? Hey.. You dont feel anything even when your girlfriend is talking to another guy? Wholl want a girl like you, besides me? The bunny seems cold.. Put it in your pocket.. Butt hole!! T_T You dont want to put it in your pocket? Then put it in your bag. That ass... He doesnt even know why Im mad... T_T Even when Jungmin was here, he got annoyed. I DONT WANT NENGMYUN!!! BUY ME LOBSTER!!! Yes.. Of course~~ (he said mockingly). Do as you like.. TCH. What a stiffy.. # 61 ..But is there a place around here that even sells lobster? No. There isnt. Well what do you want me to do about it? Im going to eat something expensive. Ex~~~~~~~~~~~~ pensive~~~!!! I didnt bring that much money today!!! Nope. I want something expensive. EXPENSIVE~~ Do you know who you sound like right now? No, Im going to eat something expensive. You sound like Kim Hyobin. Kim Hyobin? O_O Whoa..So there are times when Kim Hyobins name comes out of his mouth...

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Oh right... He doesnt know that she hit me too. I wonder what would happen if he finds out that she hit me. Maybe hed make her like Wang Bitna? No.. He wouldnt do that.. They went out after all.. Does she come to school...? Kim Hyobin, I mean. Yeah, she does. ....... I thought hed ignore me if I started talking about Kim Hyobin.. But, unlike how I thought hed answer, he answered me as if nothing was wrong. Why didnt I see her earlier..? I dont think she was at school earlier. Oh... Are you guys okay? With what? Like.. Are things okay between you two..? How do you want me to answer.. Whats wrong with you all of a sudden? O_O Its the way youre dressed.. What are you going to do about it. Dont lie... You look pissed... Lets stop talking like this.. This isnt like you, Han Yehwon. ...uh.. Yeah.. Okay.. You dont like spaghetti, do you? no its one of my favorites.

And with that.. we stepped into a restaurant.. Love Story..? This place is expensive, isnt it..? Someone I know works here. I havent eaten here before.. Is it expensive? Yeah. Im pretty sure it is. Then lets sell the bunny.

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.. IF. YOU. THREATEN. THE. BUNNY. ONE. MORE. TIME. IM. GOING. TO. KILL. YOU.... ...... ........... ................ We sat down in the corner of the restaurant... It was awkward... Go get the waiter. Call him yourself. Hurry and get his attention. Youre supposed to wait and then waiter will come. Just be patient for a while.. ...... ....... From over on the other side of the restaurant, a waitress walked over. Ey~ Eunsung!! What....? Give me 2 of the best tasting spaghettis that you have. He said, ignoring the girls greeting and ordering our food. I guess he was really hungry. Aww.. You came to see your nuna~~ What are you doing just ordering spaghetti..? I didnt come to see you. Who is this lady...? Its not Hyobin, is it..? ........ ............. ................ Hi... Yeah.. Hi. Eunsung.. Is this your friend..?

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Shes my wife.. Get me the damn spaghetti.. Is there some kind of beggar in your stomach?! Nuna wants to talk to you!! ..... ........ The unnie just sat down at our table. And then yelled.. OPPA!! Spaghetti with meat sauce for two!! So shes your girlfriend..? Get lost, will you.? Youre not supposed to talk to your nuna like that in front of your girlfriend. I told you-- shes my wife. What happened to Hyobin? ...... .......... Whats wrong with this lady.. She knows how to piss someone off, doesnt she..? Its over between me and her.. Thats why Im here with her.. You broke up with Hyobin?!?! ^o^ Yeah. Shes a little TOO happy, isnt she..? Youre going out with her now, right?? Yeah. I see ~~ ^0^ She looked at me with a challenge. It looked as if she was saying Hmm, I can take this girl on.. That Hyobin girl.. She was kinda.. RUDE, wasnt she..? Seriously.. Whats wrong with her..

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.... Eunsung was silent.. and was starting to shred the napkins on the table.. She was pretty, you know? But she acted as if she didnt learn any manners. Right, Eunsung..? I wonder what things she would say about me if I wasnt in front of her.. .......... ............ Stop it, will you.. ....... ......... ................ Eunsung said.. in an angry tone.. Aw~~ Is our little baby angry..? Kim Hyobin wasnt born to hear that kind of crap from you. ........ ............. ................. As if she was finally offended... She got up from the table.. Youre a little rude to your senior.. Before Eunsung could start cussing at her, she quickly left. Angrily, Eunsung continued to shred the napkins.. Whats wrong..? I dont know.. Shes just pissing me off for no reason.. ......... ........ Is it because she talked crap about Hyobin? I dont know.

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...Why dont you know..? I just dont. For a second.. I found myself thinking about the day inside the hospital room.. About the time when her and Eunsung were together... ......... It made me angry.. If I told him that Kim Hyobin hit me that day too.. would he side with her? Would he..? Do you know..? I asked trying to calm my shaking voice. Know what.? .. Wang Bitna wasnt the only one who hit me that day.. Kim Hyobin hit me too.. ....... ............. ................. ...... ........... Ji Eunsung let out a laugh. ..Why are you laughing... Maybe hes so mad that he went crazy..? Thats not funny.. ......... ............. ..You think Im trying to be funny..? Its immature. Stop bugging her.. Dont you feel bad..? ...Do you think the thing I just said was a lie..?

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Stop it. Its not funny.. Man, Im hungry~~ Why the hell isnt the food coming out~~? ........ ........... ...................... # 62 ......... ............ .................... Yeah. I was lying. ....O_O... Its a lie.. I made it up... I was joking.. No, I know you were. And Eunsung. Huh..? If you cant forget about Kim Hyobin, you can tell me, you know. Han Yehwon. Yeah.? Phew.. Its nothing. Never mind.. .......... .............. Heres your order.. ......... ............. Even though it was spaghetti.. .. it didnt taste very good.. Even though it was a restaurant that was rumored to be one of the best, it still didnt taste very good.. Ji Eunsung looked as if it didnt taste very good either.. Bunny Eunsung was hopping around the table and started chewing on the napkins shredded by Eunsung.

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Hey.. Hey~ Spit it out! Spit it out!! Ji Eunsung said, tapping bunny Eunsung over the head.. and forced his mouth open.. Hey. What are you doing? If youre pissed at me, dont let your anger out on the bunny. What are you talking about? Its eating the napkin pieces.. What if it dies..? Its not even your bunny. Its name is Eunsung! Even when I try being pissed at this human.. I cant go longer than 10 minutes.. Its good, isnt it? Better than nengmyun? Yeah~ Load of crap. What? Last time when I ordered nengmyun for you, you were about to eat the bowl too. Well, do you want me to eat the plate? ...... ........... As we sat there, we talked about a lot of things.. Actually more like.. argued about a lot of stupid things.. Eunsung.. What time is it? Its almost 2. Lets go get the other bunny. What time does your school have break? I dont know. When does it end? Around 3.

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Lets go get the bunny back. We walked out of the restaurant.. Since his school wasnt pretty close to the restaurant.. it took us a little while to get there.. Do you think its okay? Whats okay. The fact that you skipped. If they hit me, I get hit. If I get punished, I run around the field. =_=... No more skipping from now on. Got it? ..Yeah.. What a cute kid.. Right then.. I guess it was break, so a bunch of guys started walking out the gates.. Any hot guys?? Lets see. Are there..? Hi, sunbae!!! Hold crap, they scared me. They yelled, bowing at a 90 degree angle for Eunsung.. O_O Uh? Youre Yehwon nuna, right...? ........ ............... One of the guys with a shaved head asked. I dont know anyone like him.. Do I know you..? Uh.. Kyungwon nuna...

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Oh. OH!!! Hes that guy that liked Kyungwon back when we were first years.. Its Joonsae~ Oh yeah~ Joonsae, its been a long time! Nuna~ You got prettier~~ Thanks! You got a lot taller~ Are you going out with Eunsung hyung?

Hey, come on, lets go. Joonsaes friend said, pulling him along. Eunsung, is he your junior? Yeah. I think its break. Ill call Seungpyo. ....... ............ Wait, hold on... That Ji Eunsung.. He really isnt getting pissed off... T_T Right then 2 girls passed us, eating ice cream cones. They seemed really .. tame to be Sang girls. They hadnt folded their skirts to make it look shorter.. and their uniforms werent tight either... They had their hair tied.. ............ The skinnier of the two was staring at us.. ...It was Kim Hyobin... Just a month ago, shed folded her skirt to make it a mini, her hair was let loose, and she wore a tight uniform.. What happened... ......... ............... On the other hand, the girl next to her was a girl that went to my middle school-- she was always in the top ten best students..

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Whats up..? Eunsung.. Eunsung~~ What..? Does Kim Hyobin.. study these days..? I dont know.. She doesnt hang out with the people she usually hangs out with.. Seungpyo bastard.. Whats taking him so long..? ....... ................ Is it because of the time in the hospital room with Wang Bitna...? And I guess they left her behind... But damn.. Shes really pretty.. # 63 ....... Eunsung!!! Yehwon!!! Seungpyo yelled, with a bunny in one hand.. Ever since the situation with Kyungwon, I felt a little bad to look at Seungpyo.. HAHA. The kids at school had a whole load of fun talking about you today~!! !! Wh- WHAT! The finger incident.. They only talked about that..!! T_T Stop it.. Why are you so dressed up anyways..? Just give us the bunny. Oh, right. Seungpyo carefully handed Yehwon over. I didnt get caught, did I?

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Eunsung asked Seungpyo. You were almost caught. But Hyungshik thought of something to cover up. Hey, whats that bunny in your hand? This is Yehwons. Its name is Eunsung. Hers is prettier than yours. Something about yours looks weird. Hey. Even hes saying it looks better. You just keep Yehwon. I want Eunsung. No! Thats not why I bought them! Give him to me! Get lost. Go home. Gimme!! Seungpyo was watching us with disgust.. Because of Ji Eunsungs height, he lifted the bunny above his head. And I couldnt do anything about it. Eunsung.. Yehwon.. Stop it now.. Eunsung.. Your image has gotten bad these days.. .. ........ ............. All of a sudden, he quickly lowered his arm. And because of that swift action, Eunsung lightly fell to the ground. What are you doing!! ...... I quickly picked him up. Acting as if nothing was wrong, he quickly turned his attention elsewhere. ..... ........ And right then.. Kim Hyobin and the other girl passed by us. ..... What surprised me most was her expression and what she said..

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Opening her eyes wide, she said looking at the bunny.. Oh, how cute. ...and she passed with that. Wait.. Hold on a sec. Was the reason that Eunsung let down his arm was because of Kim Hyobin..? Because he was embarrassed..? Right then.. The bells started to ring.. Hey! Ji Eunsung!! Yeah. Whyd you throw Eunsung?! I dont know.

Why dont you know?! Whyd you throw him?! I have to go to the bathroom.. Im going to take a piss.. ...... .......... What am I supposed to do if you go in?! Just wait an hour. Go hang out with the guard. With that.. Ji Eunsung ran inside. ......... ................ Seungpyo.. Whats wrong with him...? You gotta understand.. Its because hes awkward around Hyobin. I know that.. but I dont understand why he dropped the bunny. ..I kinda have to go in right now, Yehwon.. T_T Hurry! Tell me! T_T ... TT_TT... I think its because when he was around Kim Hyobin, he was

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used to being all manly and stuff.. And when he saw her looking at him with the bunny, he got embarrassed.. Why is he caring all of a sudden though? Yehwon, you have to understand... Eunsung and Hyobin have known each other for more than 4 years.. and they went out for 1. So he cant help but think about it.. He still likes her, doesnt he? No. No.. He does.. He does... While you were in the hospital.. Eunsung didnt say more than 10 words at school. That bright expression on his face you saw was because of you. I see. .. Well you can go in now~~

Go in where/!??! Class has already started!!!! O-oh.. Right... And as if I had nothing better to do.. I was stuck outside with Floppy.. along with 2 bunnies... Seungpyo was squatting on the floor with his hand under his chin, thinking deeply. Even though I didnt want to admit it... he really was one of the 4 kings at Sang. He was cute. Round eyes with thin double lids... Slightly droopy eyebrows.. Whitish skin for a guy... The end of his nose was round like a piece of garlic.. Not too bad.. His crooked canine on the left side of his mouth that you can see when he smiles.. ..Whats wrong with me.. Hes not supposed to look cute.. What are you looking at..?

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Whos looking at you? Close your mouth.. A fly could fly in.. Its music class too! My favorite!! And I cant even go in! Does music class like you back? Why do you only pick on me?! I dont know.. Its like 2nd nature when I see you.. ............ ....... ............ Floppy became quiet all of a sudden.. Is he mad..? Yehwon... Yeah...? You know.. Kyungwon.. Yeah.... She likes that guy named Jungmin.. Doesnt she... No. Liar.. ...No.. Kyungwon doesnt know who she likes more yet.. When she figures out who she likes more.. shell come back to you.. ..So the person she truly likes is me..? Yeah.. Its you.. How do you know? Because I say so.. ^0^ So how is she these days?? During that hour.. I had to tell Floppy everything I knew about Kyungwon. Damn..

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But Im still a little jealous.. knowing someone likes someone this much... ...Now that I think of it.. I AM jealous of Kyungwon. Does Ji Eunsung like me this much too..? No. Never.. Just look at the way he acts around me.. +DING DIIIIIIIIING DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING+ The bell rang, signaling that class was over... Floppy and I slowly headed towards the school. # 64 As the students stepped out of the school and spotted me, they started snickering. Actually.. Not all of the people laughed.. Some girls were glaring at me and whispering amongst themselves. Hey.. What the hell.. A while ago, it was Ji Eunsung.. Now shes completely seduced Seungpyo too!! She pisses me off. Does she think shes pretty..? She looks stupid.. ........... .........

Seungpyo... Yeah..? Can you get away from me? Just a few steps.. Im being hated right now.. No. I like Yehwon being hated. You- You havent been hit by a girl shorter than you have you? No, I havent. Then get the hell away from me. Yehwons scary.. I think hes crazy...

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Where is that Ji Eunsung?! If he wants me to wait, he should at least come out quickly! Maybe hes getting hit because he got caught skipping. ....... ............ _!!!!!!!!!!!! Right then I spotted something that shocked me. It was Kim Hyobin with a guy. First off, it was Kim Hyobin smiling and next to her was a tall Sang student. The thing I was surprised about was that the guy resembled Ji Eunsung a lot. (His lips werent as pretty as Ji Eunsungs.) Holy crap.. He is REALLY hot. His hair was light brown.. It seems to be his natural color. If Eunsung looks like a pretty Japanese comic book character, this guy looks sexy beyond anything. Is there a guy that looks like this at Sang? I dont know.. .... ........ Kim Hyobin is so lucky... ...Kim Hyobin and the sexy guy look pretty close.. And they look alike. Seungpyo.. Is that Kim Hyobins boyfriend? Hi, sunbae. Instead of answering.. Seungpyo greeted the sexy guy. Do they know each other? The sexy guy grinned towards Seungpyo.. ...And turned to me and grinned widely too.. What the... (Shes liking it a lot though )

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Seungpyo, who is that..? Hansung hyung. Hansung hyung..? Ive heard of him somewhere.. Where have I heard his name..? Its Kim Hyobins brother.. Huh..?? Hes the 2nd best fighter at our school... Thats why no one can touch Kim Hyobin. Hes good looking, huh? ..Yeah.. Havent you heard of him before? ...I have... I know I have.. Ive heard his name before.. Who is he.. I spotted Ji Eunsung walking with 3 or 4 guys.. And as I predicted.. when the guys saw me, it looked as if they were trying to keep their laughter in. Damn... Maybe I was a bad person in my previous life.. TT_TT Well.. Eunsung and I managed to get away from all of them.. And while we were walking away, I could hear laughter... Eunsung and I both carried a bunny and walked side by side. In the end.. He ended up keeping Eunsung.. He said something about me doing weird things to the bunny if I kept him or something.. Anyway, he made up some ridiculous excuse and kept bunny Eunsung. Eunsung.. Yeah? I saw Kim Hyobins brother... ...Yeah...? He looks like you.

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No, he doesnt. You eyes are a little bigger, but you guys look alike. No.. We dont. Okay, you dont.

Where do you want to go? I want to go home. Ill ask again.. Where do you want to go? I want to go home. Im tired... Lets go together then. But.. My moms home. Then do you want to come over to my house? YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh.. Wait.. Never mind.. Lets go to Seungpyos. Why.. I want to go to yours... My moms home too.. Who cares? Lets go to Seungpyos.. He has a lot of things that you like. What do I like? Food. I dont like food... TT_TT Lets go!!!! Instead of listening to my reply, the guy grabbed my wrist and started pulling me in some direction. Seungpyos house was pretty big... It wasnt as big as a mansion.. But it was one of the best neighborhoods in

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Kwachun. I dont know if his house was a hangout place for Sang kids, but I saw a few guys hanging out outside. And like Eunsung said.. There was A LOT to eat... Seungpyo ran over to us and the 3 of us were getting along when... Seungpyos phone rang. Hello...? Oh.. Yeah... Hyung.. Yeah.. Im with Eunsung right now... Huh..? Why..? Oh.. Okay... Yeah.. Yeah.. Well be there. ......... .......... Seeing that Seungpyo was speaking respectably to the person on the other line.. I figured that it was a senior. Eunsung.. Yeah...? Its Junggab hyung... ...Yeah...... Theyre having a get together today.. and they want us to come. FuQ.. But didnt they get together just a while ago? But you werent there last time.. He said it was to celebrate your coming out. Junggab hyung wants to get together. ...Forget it.. Celebrate, my fat ass.. Its Junggab hyung though.. You cant do that to him... ...Dammit... ... ......... .............. Good for me~ I wanted to go home.. I got up and grinned..

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But Ji Eunsungs face was dark...

# 65 As we walked towards the most popular arcade in Kwanchun, I spotted a bunch of guys dressed in casual suits. Seeing that Eunsung and Seungpyo were walking towards them, it seemed as if they were their seniors.. Eunsung.. Ill leave now okay? TT_TT ........ Instead of answering, he squeezed my hand tightly. Its Eunsung and Seungpyo!! That scratchy voice.. Who would think hes 19? Look at all that fat around his neck... and bushy black eyebrows.. He was like one of those guys in those movies.. The gangsters.. Hi, sunbae.. Seungpyo said bowing at a 90 degree angle. Ji Eunsung just nodded his neck. What if you get hit, you retard?? Hey, its the lady from earlier today!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Lady..? I dont look that old, do I? Eww. That scratchy voice... I wasnt able to lift my head because of the scary oppas... Eunsung.. Ill be leaving now.. ...Ill call you... Okay.. ^^ ... Have fun, and come home safely... ...... .........

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Before I made eye contact with any of the oppas.. I quickly started to walk towards my house. Hey~ Baby, come here. ...? Me...? Me...? ... ^o^.. No, not me.. Baby.. Come here~~ ...... ............ Me...?? Yeah you, pretty baby~~ ........ ............ It was Kim Hyobins brother.. He was kneeling in the middle of the scary oppas... and calling me baby. He beckoned to me with his pointer finger. Uh.. Are you... talking to me...? Yeah~~ ^o^ You~~ ........ ............. I glanced over at Eunsung.. He was looking at me with a if-you-get-close-you-die look... But that oppa is scarier than you... T_T I stiffly neared towards him... ..uh.. Yes?? ....... Youre Eunsungs girlfriend? He asked smiling at me with playful eyes... ;;;;

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Did Kim Hyobin ask him to do this?? Because he looked so similar to Ji Eunsung and he was smiling so much.. It was scary... Yeah.. I am.. Eunsung has a very pretty girlfriend... What school do you go to..? ...... .......... With the word pretty in his sentence I began to be comfortable around him.. I... go to.. the girl- ...... Go home. It was Eunsung.. Without me noticing, he had come to my side and had put his hand on my shoulder protectively. Pulling me closer to him, he challenged his sunbae. Aww.. My junior is mad... ^^ I didnt know if he was kidding or not.. But he grinned widely at Eunsung.. Without turning his head away from Kim Hyobins brother, he spat in front of Kim Hyobins brother. ............ ................. ..... Eunsung... TT_TT Ill send her home now if its okay with you.. .... ........ Kim Hyobins brother, Kim Hansung,.. Yeah.. Ill just call him Kim Hansung. For a second, his face clouded over... but he quickly put on a cool expression.. Ill see you again, pretty baby~

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........... Ji Eunsung probably wont get hit after I leave.. Right..? You seriously have no manners... How could you spit at your senior? I wonder whats wrong between those two. ......... Eunsung led me away from the group of guys... Are you going to be okay.. Eunsung? What if you get hit?! If I get hit, I get hit. If I get stepped on, I get stepped on. What are you saying!?! How could you spit at your senior?! There were like 5 guys older than you!! You stupid!! Go home.. ....Be careful.. Dont get hit, okay? Youre husband never gets hit, okay? ^o^ You better not.. Ill call you.. Okay, be safe.. ........ ............ His face is so dark... As soon as I got home, I called him quickly.. But it seemed as if he really was okay.. ...... ........ My head is filled with worry and what pisses me off even more is that that human Han Seungpyo has been barging into my room all day to look at bunny Yehwon. # 66 The next day.. I begged my mom for 10 minutes to not let my brother touch my bunny.. And got into my dads car to go to school. Hmm..

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Its been a while since Ive smelt this wooden smell of our classroom. Yehwon!!!!! Kyungwon!!!! We sat down and started talking.. ...... ........... Kyungwon.. You know Jungmin..? Huh? Yeah... You know hes moving to Korea this winter, right? Yeah. You have to be sure now, okay? Seungpyo and Jungmin are going through difficult times.. Be sure about what..? Is it Jungmin.. or Seungpyo.. Tell me.. ".............." Is it Jungmin..? Wordlessly, Kyungwon stared at me with wide eyes.. Okay you b***h, your eyes are big, okay..?! Is it Seungpyo then..? ........ .............. Kyungwon shook her head twice. So I guess its Jungmin right? Right..? ........... ............ She stared at me again..

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Okay.. I get it.. You cant control who you like.. I cant tell you who to go to... but.. Seungpyos waiting for you right now.. I think itd be better to tell him.. The sooner the better.. Im scared.. Im sorry.. If you keep on avoiding the inevitable, it would become something youd regret... If you cant tell him, just write him a note or something.. or send him a text message. .....Youre meeting Eunsung today, right..? ....Of course... ....Lets go together.. Can you call and tell him to bring Seungpyo over too? ....Youre doing it today.....? Yeah... I think itll be better for both us that way... Hey.. Are you sure..? I got a good look at him yesterday and hes really.., I mean, REALLY cute.. Especially his- his tooth... Han Yehwon..... Ill call him.. ....Phew.. Really.. Jungmins my friend.. But.. ..........Seungpyos my friend too.. What do I do? Who do I side with... ......... I sent a text to Eunsung... When you come today.. bring Seungpyo.. .......... ...... I got a call right after.. Even though it was in call, I answered... Hello..? Me... Oh hey~~

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Who am I? What the.. What do you want me to do? Who am I? Im not in the mood to play with you.. WHO THE HELL AM I!? Ji Eunsung... Yeah.. Youre right.. Where do you want to meet? =_=^........=_=^........... Anywhere.. The city? Not the city.. ...Why not...? Just no. What time does your school end? 6:10.. Okay.. Im hanging up.. Ill be there with Seungpyo. ..Yeah.. Study hard... Hey.. hey... Yeah..? Why isnt the bunny eating carrots? Bunnies dont eat carrots these days... Give it lettuce.. Aw FuQ.. Okay.. HEY...!!! What. Youre coming over here? Yeah, Im hanging up. Click.. beep.... beep.... beep...

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Damn.. I wanted to hang up first... Wait.. Hes coming to my school... You want me to meet you when I havent even washed my hair in two days..? NO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! So during lunch, I quickly ran to the bathroom and washed my hair. With soap... When it dried.. it was as hard as cardboard.. (not to mention STIFF) Dammit. Kyungwon...Lets go.... Yeah... Lets go... The two of us left the classroom with heavy hearts... # 67 I guess theyre not here yet.. Oh wait.. Kyungwon.. What the hell is that? Behind the soccer goals.. a few girls were trying to hide behind the thin posts and were squealing excitedly. And I realized... Theyre here... ......... ................... I probably wont get beat up by the girls if I act like I know them.. Right? '''' '''''''' '''''''''''' Standing right in the middle of the entrance gate was Ji Eunsung, frowning and staring at the girls. Youre here!!! Hey.. What the hell are those?

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Theyre happy to see a guy. Damn.. Im wide awake now.. Whats wrong? Theyre just happy to see a guy.. Do you also do that when you see a guy?!!?!?! I dont know.. Do I?? Uh.. Wheres Kyungwon..? ^0^ ........... ................ ........................ I almost forgot... Hiding behind Eunsung was Seungpyo.. ( I think he was hiding from the girls), who asked in a bright and cheery voice. ......... ................. Shes behind me.. Hey, Kyungwon.. Come out.. Seungpyos here. Uh.. Its been a long time.. ........ ............. Really!!!! ^0^ Seungpyo seemed sincerely happy.. What do I do..? T_T I wanna leave here. As if he was intimidated by the girls.. Eunsung quickly turned around and left.. Wait for me!! I quickly ran after Ji Eunsung, leaving Kyungwon and Seungpyo. ......Happy faced Seungpyo and sad faced Kyungwon followed slowly... Ji Eunsung walked into a cafe called Cello.

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Hey, dont you want to ask if I want to go in there? You dont like this place? No, its fine.. ......... ............. ................ The day was getting shorter... And the sun was slowly setting... Inside the cafe.. There was nice slow classical music in the background. Holy moly... The atmosphere... Its so awkward.. I think Im going to go crazy... We ordered two lemonades and two parfaits.. ........ The four of us sat in the corner and we just drank and ate for a while.. Hey.. You also go run like crazy and hide behind goal posts when theres a guy, huh? =_=.....=_+...... No. I dont run as crazily.. I sneak as close as I can. .......... .................. Ji Eunsung looked at me with the expression he gets when hes mad (which means one of his eyebrows get scrunched near the front) And he had a straw inside his mouth.. (like in dramas) No, Im just kidding. You think Id do that? ^0^? Im never going to your school again. No one told you to come.. Are you sure?.. Im never ever going... Dont come.. Sheesh.. Youre just a LITTLE bit weird.. You sure!??!?!

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Hey~ Why are you guys fighting on a nice day like this?! Luckily, Seungpyo was able to break then tension. On a nice day like this..? Thats not something you should be saying, Seungpyo... ......... ............ What do I do.........? Kyungwon want to switch?! Parfaits are good too!!! No.. Im fine... Then, I want to drink yours. Before Kyungwon could stop him.. He snatched the drink from Kyungwon and drank from Kyungwons straw. Hey.. Drink from my straw... I said shoving my drink in front of Ji Eunsung.. Get rid of that.. Ill get Cholera. What? Cholera?!? Do you even know what it is?!??!?! ..... ............. Dont get close to me.. Thats not what Cholera is!!! Once again... Ji Eunsung and I got in an immature fight.. Its always like this.. Seungpyo... ...This time, it was Kyungwons voice saying Seungpyo that ended our fight. ......... ..............

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Youre going to tell him now?? No~~ Its too early to tell!!!!! Uh huh?!?! Why, Kyungwon?!?!?! ^0^ ........ ........... Seungpyo scooted his chair closer to Kyungwon.. ............ ................. You know.... Yeah???! ^0^ ...... We should give them privacy.. Eunsung.. Lets go to another table for a second. Why...? Just because.. Lets go.... What are you going to do to me...? Im not going to go anything!!!!!!!!!!! No, Yehwon, its fine.. Just stay here.. Its going to come out anyways.. Kyungwon grabbed my hand and sat me down... As if Seungpyo had understood what this was about.. His face got darker... You know, Seungpyo... ^o^, Kyungwon forced a happy expression on her face... Yeah.... I thought about it and.... ^^ Yeah.. I dont think I want to hear. ......... ................. ..................... ............Seungpyo.......

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Stop acting like a girl and listen.. Ji Eunsung said, not understanding what Kyungwon was about to tell his friend. No, I dont want to. ............ No.. Seungpyo.. Listen to me, please... That lemonade is good.. ^^ Want to eat my parfait? Seungpyo.. was trying to change the subject... I couldnt bring myself to look at him.. I think Im going to cry... Seungpyo.. Please listen to me..? ^^ Kyungwon said softly, but as a command... ....And right then in the cafe... Another song started to play.... The timing... The timing was almost godlike.. That song was.. Baby VOXs Game Over.

~~As you see me as I am.. I hope youll know what this is.. Its over.. You knew this was about to come, but you fooled yourself. Do you really not know? Or are you just acting like you dont know... Look at yourself right now, you know its the end so theres no use in acting the way you do Were you waiting for me to come back to you..? Just leave before I have to tell you.. Im gonna leave you know.. I dont feel anything anymore.. It was passing love... Are you not happy with that..?~~~

With lyrics like this.. the silence continued..

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As the song ended, we were quiet... Only Ji Eunsung was rapping along with Kim EZ and chewing on his straw.. Of all the songs in the world.. Why this one....? # 68 ......... ................ ....Seungpyo.. Im sorry.. I truly am... ............... ...............Kyungwon..... .................... Ji Eunsung was gulping down his parfait happily.. I couldnt bring myself to lift my head so I shot a glance at Seungpyo... Wordlessly He was looking at Kyungwon... And Kyungwon was staring back at him.... .......... .............. What.. are you sorry about?? What are you sorry about? Do I.. have to tell you exactly what this is about...? ..You have to understand.. Its hard for me too... Eunsung.. Lets get up.. Get up.. I whispered and poked Ji Eunsung in the side, and pulled him up. What wrong? Lets go to the next table.. Quietly, he followed after me... (for the first time) ........ I wanted to be sitting as far away from Kyungwon and Seungpyo as possible.. but this ass sat down at the next table.. so I didnt even bother to try and move him.....

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........ When I glanced over that them.. Kyungwon had a serious expression on her face.. and Seungpyo looked like he didnt have the strength to even open his mouth that was tightly shut. Damn.. Your friend has a hella lot to say.. Look.. Look.. Her mouth wont close.. ..Hey, dont you understand whats happening? ..Come on, you cant be that stupid.. O_O...? Theyre breaking up right now... T_T What...? Theyre breaking up right now.. so dont say any weird things and just stick by me.. What are they breaking up for....? I dont know.... Who is dumping who.... ....I dont know.. We shouldnt interfere. Lets just stay here. He stood up abruptly.. As I finished talking, he got up from his seat... Hey.. Hey... Sit back down.. What are you doing... Dont interfere..! As if didnt hear what I was saying.. he walked towards them with shaking eyes... Hey.. Hey.. Eunsung.. Ji Eunsung.. I have something to tell you... The thing I have to tell you is really serious... Hurry and sit down.. .......I said, trying to get him to sit back down.. But the truth was.. I really had NOTHING to say to him.. What is it.. Hurry and tell me... Sit down first.... Please... TT_TT

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"........." And the living proof of the word gullible sat back down. However, his eyes were still on Kyungwon. Well.. You know.. That.. Uh huh... What do I say....? ....... ..........Oh right!!! You.. didnt get hit yesterday, did you? Why would I? Uh.. uh.. Look at me.. Youre staring at her as if you want her face to fall off.. Yeah.. Keep talking.. Did I get hit..? Even while he was talking.. his eyes didnt leave Kyungwon.. ......... Yeah.. Did you get hit..? No. Oh my gosh, really!? How? Howd you avoid getting hit? Did you want me to get hit.. ??

While he was talking to me with an annoyed voice, he continued to glare at Kyungwon... You spat at Hansung oppa though. ".........." The guys scary eyes turned to me.. O_O And he continued to glare at me... Well, on the other hand.. I saved Kyungwons life..

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What oppa...??? Hansung...oppa... Kim Hyobins brother.... Hansung oppa...?? Uh... yeah.... Hansung oppa... Kim Hansung... Huh?? Kim Hansung. Looking at his eyes.. he looks really very truly mad... O-okay.. Kim Hansung.. Kim Hansung. What about Kim Hansung.. It seemed as if it bothered him that I called Kim Hansung oppa. ...ehhe. How cute.. You spat at that oppa.. Kim Hansung. Oh right. You spat at Kim Hansung though. So..? After I left.. Didnt that op- I mean, Kim Hansung, beat you? That bastard cant touch me.. Oh.. I see ^^ Thats funny.. That Kim Hansung guy.. ^o^ Youre finished, right? Huh.. HUH??? ...Eunsung quickly got up from his seat.. Aw man.. TT_TT ......... ............... ..................

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But... fortunately.. very fortunately.... Kyungwon had left her seat and was gone... Seungpyo was sitting alone.. ............. ....................... Eunsung was by Seungpyos side in a split second... And I slowly walked towards them.. Which is it, Kim Seungpyo.. "......." Which is it? Did you kick or did you get kicked.. ..Whats so important about that... ......... Open your eyes wide. ....? It was something that Ji Eunsung had said to Seungpyo.. Open your eyes wide... O_O ...? Even though I was curious.. I just stood by the two.. I see tears.. Open your eyes wide, Kim Seungpyo.... ......... ............. It was true.. Unbeknownst to me, when he barely closed his eyes.. a multiple amount of tears fell out.. .......... .............Its the first time Ive ever seen Seungpyo cry... Just today... Eunsung... This time Ill do what I want to do.. ....................Lets go.. Ill stay here, Eunsung.. You guys can go ahead..

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I have enough money to make you feel better.. Lets go.. Eunsungs voice was shaking.. If Kyungwon was here right now.. Im positive Ji Eunsung would have hit Kyungwon.. Money isnt going to make me feel any better right now... .......... ...............Seungpyo said in an angry voice... ......It was the first time Ive heard Seungpyo get mad at Eunsung.. Are you that sad... Seungpyo......? Ill be waiting at Hyunsungs house.. until you come.. With those words... Eunsung went to the counter, paid, and left. Seungpyo..... Eunsungs waiting.. Go follow him... Im really sorry....Seungpyo.. I want to stop hearing that today.. .....Yeah........Ill leave you alone now... .......... .............. Yehwon.... Uh.. yeah.....? Will you stay with Kyungwon today..?? ..You want me to be stay with Kyungwon..? ......Yeah....... Why..........?? She cries easily on her own... .............Oh.. Okay... Ill do that.. You stop crying too.. Okay..? Seungpyo forced a smile.. and nodded..

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Lee Kyungwon.. Stupid... Youve made a big mistake.. How could you.. do this guy who likes you so much.... To this great guy who likes you so much... Stupid... # 69 With heavy footsteps.. I left Seungpyo in the cafe.. ........ Now that Eunsung and I are happy.. its Kyungwon and Seungpyo who are unhappy now... ......... But.. Where is Ji Eunsung anyway..? He said he was going to Hyunsungs.. So I guess he really did... I guess Ill go over to Kyungwons then.. Shes probably crying... As soon as I thought that.. I decided to go to Kyungwon... Hey.. Where are you going..? ....Ji Eunsung...? I though you already left... Im going to go somewhere.. ...To your friend...? No~~~~~~~~ If I say that Im going to Kyungwon, hell probably follow me and.. No.. I cant do that... Where are you going then..? Mom called.. I have to go home.. Oh.. Okay.. You can go alone, right..? Of course.. Go to Seungpyo... ...Yeah.. Call me.... As I finished, Ji Eunsung sprinted into the cafe.

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I guess his friend has a big place in his heart.. Thinking about my own friend, I ran towards Kyungwons house.. But whenever I see poor Seungpyo.. I end up liking Kyungwon less and less. She still is my friend though. When I arrived to Kyungwons house.. The volume on her stereo was on full blast.. just as Seungpyo had said.. And she was sobbing with her blanket covering her body.. ......... For 2 hours.. I patted Kyungwon saying, Dont cry.. Youre not a bad person.. more than a hundred times.. Thinking that Kyungwon would be better off without me there to see her in a bad state, I walked out of her house.. ......... ...Lee Jungmin.. Lee Jungmin.. Now hes the problem.... What this.. Both Seungpyo and Kyungwon.. Because of... .............Damn... Whatever.. I dont know.. I think Ill just drink a bottle of soju when I get home. I stepped into a small market and grabbed a bottle of soju. Have a nice day~~ Holding my bottle of soju in one hand, I left the store wrapping the bag around my finger.. But as I saw something.. I stepped back into the store.. # 70 .... Normally, Ive never seen them around.. Not even the tips of their noses..

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But those humans!!! Why are they here right now... T_T .....!?!!!! Who do you think they were..? I would have thought youd have guessed already... It was Kim Hansung and the triple chin oppa from last time... And a scary looking unnie with a sporty cut... The three of them were standing near my house.. Dammit... Ahjumma, is it okay if I just stay here a little while..? ..uh.. Sure... The ahjumma didnt sound too happy when I asked her.. ...But what can I do... What if they recognize me...? Should I just step out wearing a plastic bag over my head..? Then they wont know its me... Yeah.. Thats a good idea.... ........No wait.. I dont have enough courage to do that... Crap.... Crap... What should I do...? A pack of Dunhills... The guy with the triple chin said toughly, like a mob boss... I shot a glance at him with my head down... Its IS the triple chin... TT_TT I pretended to be looking for ramen.. and quickly sped towards the ramen section... .......I feel stupid..... How old are you...? .....Ahjumma, look at his face.. I would have believed him if he said that he

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was 30... Im old enough to buy cigarettes.. Heres the money... Can I see some ID? But wait.. Now that I think of it... Im starting to get pissed... She sold me a bottle of soju without saying anything.. And now shes asking for ID on that triple chin..? ....Ahjumma.. Whats wrong..? Im over 20-years-old.. ......Liar........... ...Huh...? Hey.. Baby.. Come here.. You know me, right...?? (<-- triple chin talking..) ........... ............... I guess he knew that I was here all along... TT_TT.............. TT_TT..... Uh... Yeah.. Kinda...? Right then.. the ahjumma sold the triple chin his cigarettes... Thanks~~ With a smile that didnt even suit him.. triple chin shot me a smile and walked out with a strut... .......I need to go too...... TT_TT ........ Hey.. Shes really here... ......... ............. Uh.. Ahnyounghasaeyo.... As if triple neck had told of my location.. Kim Hansung ran into the supermarket... What are you doing here.. ^0^

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........ I slowly hid the black bag behind my back and gave him an awkward smile... Come out for a second.. ^0^ E-excuse m-me..? Come out for just a second... Uh.. okay... .......... ............... Eunsun~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g!!!!!!! ...But he and Ji Eunsung really look alike.... .......Kim Hyobin probably told him to act like this... Im positive... Luckily for me.. Kim Hansung walked over to a place away from triple chin and the scary sport cut unnie.. and squatted on the ground.. Sit down... Uh.. Okay.... ................. .. .................. Girls school...? Yes. I guess youre smart. ...I guess. Do you live around here?? Yeah... .....You like to answer in short sentences, dont you..? How do you want me to answer then..? TT_TT

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Yes. I live in this neighborhood.. HAHAHAH~~ What are you and Eunsung? We are meeting right now... Are you reading out of a book..?? HAHA... "......" Whats that thing behind you..?? ...uh.. Im out on a favor for my dad... Oh.. Let me see.. ...Sure... TT_TT.. ....... ............. What is this human going to do to me... ? TT_TT With Ji Eunsungs looks... even the things you do are alike... He took the bag from my hands and took out the soju inside.. And without time for me to stop him, he opened the cap... My dads soju.. TT_TT .. Oppa will give you money.... Hmm.. Who should I give this other bottle to..?? ...uh.. Have fun drinking.. I think I should be going... If youre the one who started this drinking session, you should stay until its over. Sit down.. ..............His voice had a slightly threatening tone to it.... So I hesitantly sat back down.. and in 3 minutes, hed drunk most of it... And passed it to me... You can finish it... ^^ ........Are you kidding me... You want me to put that in my mouth when you had it in yours..??

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Hurry and finish it, oppas a busy guy... .......... Instead of putting the bottle on my mouth, I held it 2 centimeters away and drank it like that.. HAHAHA.. Are you afraid Eunsung will get mad..? Excuse me..? Oh, no, its not that... You can just put your mouth on it.. Oppa can win over Eunsung.. ^0^ Is he drunk... ? ....... Howd you meet Eunsung...? We met with good fortune and good circumstances... Does he treat you right..? Of course he does... How long have you been going out..? Ive been going out with him ever since Ive been interested in the other gender.. ....Hey....... ............. ............... .................... O_O... Kim Hansung... had his eyebrows slightly scrunched towards the front (he REALLY looks like Ji Eunsung...). ..Yes...? What do I do.. I think hes mad....TT_TT # 71 ...You have a cell phone, right...? ........

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..........cell phone.....?? I swear.. Im positive that Kim Hyobin made him do this... .....Why?? Just because~~ I want you to be like a dongseng~~ Thats all Im saying.. I dont have a cell phone... ....Are you sure...? ...Yeah..... Whats your home number...? ...House number...? I cant get any calls from guys because of my dad.... What is it...? "...." I told him the whole number, but changed the last digit.. ....Ill just try avoiding him from now on... Really..? Are you sure...? Yeah.. Okay.. Say it again.. Kim Hansung took his cell phone out and it seemed as if he was going to put it into his phone... Wait.. What was the last number I picked..?? .......... ............... ........ So.. I changed the last digit and called it out again... ............ .............. Okay.. .....What is he doing right now..?

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Kim Hansung put his phone by his ear... Hello..? Is this Yehwons house? Oh.. It isnt... Oh okay, thanks.. .............My dad is......uh doing that on purpose.... ......... ............. TT_TT Eunsung, where are you.......?? TT_TT It was a lady who answered... and a lady around YOUR age.. ^0^ ....iIs probably my unnie... I know you only have an oppa... Han Seungpyo, right...? Hes my senior.. ^^ .......... ............... Look!! Kim Hyobin did make him do this... TT_TT His friend probably just came over.... ......Oppa is scary when I get mad..... ......uh....... Yeah..? Why do I have to tell you my home number..? I dont really think I need to do that... and I have a boyfriend..... .............. ..................I dont know where I got the courage to say that... .......Im positive that I only had courage like this when I barged into Kim Hyobins hospital room even though I knew Wang Bitna was in there.. This oppa likes hearing an answer to a question he asked.. Whats your number...? ....I usually dont answer something that I dont want to either... ........ ..........

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And this is when we got into a staring battle... Seeing whose eyes were stronger.. if that makes any sense... .......... 30 minutes passed.... Actually in MY words, it was an stare down.. But the truth is.. I was looking down, and Kim Hansung was looking down at me... ....Hey, hey.. Hansung. What the hell are you doing..? The guys are waiting.. Lets go. Triple chin oppa!! I love you~~ Thank you so much TT_TT..!!!! Phew.. Okay...Fine, but keep in mind that were going to meet again.. I swear we will.. Oppa usually keeps his word.. ........ ................. Ill see you again, baby~~~~ ^0^ ........... And that was how those three disappeared from my sight... Damn.. Im dizzy.... ........... ......Why do I miss Eunsung so much....? If he was in front of me right now, I think Id grab him and hug him tightly.... But... I really really miss him right now.. Eunsung~~~~ TT_TT Even though I feel a little bad for Seungpyo and Kyungwon, I really miss him.. TT_TT With my heavily beating heart ( Kim Hansung scared the **** out of me) I ran into my house... And grabbed the receiver.. RINNNNNG RINGGGGGGGGGGGG RINGGGGGGGG RINGGGGGGG....

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...Hello.... # 72 Hello......Eunsung~~~ >_< Oh.. Yeah...? Even still his voice sounded angry... I think hes still with Seungpyo...But... Something just happened to me.. ....Yeah, what is it..? Well.. Well... I went to the supermarket.. and then that- Hey.. Hey.. Dont give Seungpyo anything to drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H-hello...? No, its nothing.. Tell me... So I went to the supermarket!!! And you know that triple chinned oppa from last time..???? Oh.. Yeah, yeah...? .......It seem as if Ji Eunsung wasnt even listening to me... Well, that oppa saw me... ............ ............ Eunsung...?? ......Oh, sorry.. keep talking.. You saw who...? .........that guy I saw with you.. that sunbae saw me... Hey!! Go bring Seungpyo back!! Where the hell did he go!??!?!?! ........... ................. ....................I think Im being ignored.....

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But then that oppa.. Kim Han- FuQ.. I think Im going to go crazy.. Ill call you back later!!!!! Click................. .............. ........................ .....................

Ill let it pass this time because of Seungpyo... I shouldnt feel annoyed because its Seungpyo... But why am I getting annoyed..... Im a bad friend..... Yehwon~~ Come here.. Come play with unnie... Yehwon was on the floor of my floor chewing on something... No!! My panties!!!! Oh, my favorite pair of pink panties had a large hole... You stupid bunny!!! ........... ............... With large round eyes and one of its ears folded.. I couldnt stay mad at it for long.. Even its name was Yehwon...!! Aigoo.. Youre so cute.... come here.. Unnie wants to hold you... Holding Yehwon.. I fell asleep on my bed... It was around 9 that night.. And when I woke up, it was 7 in the morning... On my blankets.. Yehwon had made a cloud shaped design with her pee. Before mom could find out about it, I quickly left the house.

Kyungwon, lets hang out.. Its Saturday. Ill buy you a lot of yummy food today~~

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Im fine. Yehwon.. I dont feel too good. Im sorry.. Buy me a lot tomorrow.. Thanks though... .....Weakly, Kyungwon walked away... I wonder if Kyungwon likes Seungpyo deep down but just doesnt know it herself.. .......... ...I wonder what Seungpyo is doing right now... I guess Ill send Eunsung a text right now.. +Its me. Its me. What R U doing? Hows Seungpyo?+ .......... Under normal circumstances, hed have called right back but today.. 1 hour passed....and then 2..... and even after school ended, he hadnt called... Worried, I called him.. But his phone was turned off... I guess Ill go home and play with Yehwon... ........ ................. ..................... Hi.. So we meet again..^^ AHHHHHHHHHHHHK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! ............ Ive told you this before.. but I have to cross a small part of the city to get to my house... ............He was there again............ Kim Hansung was alone this time.... .........With that good looking face of his, why is he annoying me so much..?

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..........It seemed as if...hed been waiting for me... I can only get to my house if I go past the area where he is.... BUT!!! He was standing RIGHT there!!!!! And he was alone!!!! What is he doing there if hes not there to meet me..?? ..Hi, sunbae.... Where are you going...? Home.. Ill buy you something to eat. What do you want?

Its my grandpas birthday so I have to go home early.. You are a REALLY bad liar... Well, then Ill just walk you home.. No, its okay. I can go home alone.. I told you before right? Im scary when I get mad. But you really arent..... "............" I started ahead and he followed after me.. School ends early for you guys? Yeah, I guess so.. Arent you going to study? You guys have tests on Monday.. ...Of course I am... Thats good.. ....... .........Awkward.. Awkward.....I want to die because its so awkward... ........

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................. ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Next to us.. a bunch of kids passed us.. .............Kids wearing Sang uniforms... They bowed to Kim Hansung.. Hi, sunbae... Hi~~~ .......... ............Ji Eunsung...... ..........Eunsung!! Im over here!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT_TT!!!! .........It seemed as if he hadnt spotted me.... If he had, he would have gotten pissed already... ............... He passed by us without noticing.. I wanted to yell after him... ......................... Your girlfriends right here!!!! Damn.. He looks hot today.... Wait.. Now that I think about it.. It wouldnt be good if he saw me right now... Hed probably jump to conclusions... With those thoughts, I quickly ran ahead.. Should I call Eunsung? HEY!! Ji Eunsung!!!!! O_O.. Hes out to break us apart... TT_TT I quickly covered Kim Hansungs mouth.. and pulled him along... .........

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.....Those sang guys probably didnt see me, right? Hyunsung was there too.... Even if he had.. Hyunsungs not the type of guy to tattle on me.. # 73 I pulled into an alley when I thought we were a safe distance from Sang eyes.. Will you stop following me please? You like nengmyun..?? ...........Someone sent you didnt they......?? Sent me...?? Baby, youre good for a laugh~~ And with that, he pat my head.. Why is he acting as if he knows me..?? You called Eunsung to break us up, didnt you!! (She isnt scared of Kim Hansung anymore) ......You hurt me.... If Eunsung sees me with you, hell dump me~ Do you want me to spend this winter by myself..? ....You have this oppa..^0^ ...... Whatever. Oppa, will you leave me alone? I have to go home..

With these words, I sped away from the stalking paparazzi-like guy, and headed home. I think Ill call Eunsung when I get home. Its....your birthday this Saturday, isnt it..? .............O_O...............O_O Im positive Kim Hyobin sent him!!! But how does Kim Hyobin know my birthday?? Even I forgot about it... I guess it is...

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What do you want me to buy you?? ^0^ Phew... If Eunsung smiled like that in front of me, Id be so happy... Eunsung will buy me something.. Ill be on my way now.. If fate wants us to meet again, we will... .......... ............Luckily, the paparazzi didnt follow after me.. Im so sure Kim Hyobin sent him after me.... ......What is he doing following me with that good-looking face of his...? ............ Im going to tell Eunsung~~~ Oh, before that.. My birthday!!! Yeah! Ill be able to go hang out with him this Saturday... +THUMP THUMP+ Thinking that the paparazzi would follow after me.. I ran home... Im home!!! Hey, come here... Oppa.. Long time no see... Hey, is an ugly bastard talking to you these days..? ............ Ugly bastard...? Is Kim Hansung ugly..?? If I grabbed a 100 people off the street and asked them if Kim Hansung was ugly.. no one would be able to call him ugly... No...... Okay.. Pippi is asleep. Whos Pippi? The bunny.. Are you talking about MY bunny..?

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Yeah, OUR bunny.. Since when has my bunny been Pippi?? ...Pippi.. Its cute... Dont change its name just because you want to!! Its name is Yehwon!!!! You can call it Yehwon on your own.. Im going to call it Pippi. WAHHH! Dont do that.. Yehwons going to get confused!!! TT_TT Crybaby.. Crying over nothing... When mom gets home, tell her that Im at the library... Promise you wont call it Pippi. Ill just buy one of my own, you ass.. Since oppas gone, I think Ill call Eunsung... Wait.. When I called him earlier, his phone was off, he might not answer.. .......... Who is it.. Eunsung! Its me, Yehwon!! Oh hey, where are you? Eunsung! Its my birthday this Saturday!!! What? Birthday? The.. the day you were born?? Thats what a birthday is.. Lets go to Yangsoori, or somewhere~~!! Wait, hang up. Huh? Why, are you busy? No. Its my birthday!!! Yeah, I heard. Hang up. Is it because of Seungpyo? Is Seungpyo still like that?

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So. On the other side, I could hear a girls voice.. Its Saturday today. Arent we going to meet? Im in Pusan right now. Pusan....? Yeah. Pusan. Well, I guess we cant meet tomorrow either. Well, you can come over here. ................

Okay, Ill hang up. Hey. .......What? Its nothing.. Dont go out anywhere and stay at home. Im going to go out!! And Im going to meet a bunch of guys!!!!!! Hey... And Im going to give out my number and Im going to hang out with Kim Hansung all night~! ..........Im starting to get pissed... Get pissed for all I care~~ Im hanging up~~~!!! Alright~ I hung up first... ......Pusan....?? Hes not meeting Kim Hyobin, is he...?? .......I saw him not even ten minutes ago.... Did he go to Pusan in a jet?

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Realizing I was thinking stupidly, I sighed.. .......... I know I saw him earlier today... .........My cell phone is ringing.. Its probably Ji Eunsung... I took out the battery and threw it on my bed.. His girlfriend just told him that its her birthday on Saturday and all he does is just.. lie and say hes in Pusan!!! TT_TT !!! Who am I supposed to trust now??!?! TT_TT Yehwon, where are you?!?!?! (Whenever she has no one to lean on, she goes to look for her bunny # 74 The next day, it was Sunday... and I didnt get a call back from Ji Eunsung... ..............Maybe hes mad that I said I was going to play with Kim Hansung. Hmm.. Should I go over to Kyungwons house...?? ... ........ If I go call and say that Im going over, shell probably make up some excuse... So I decided to go over uninvited.. I was so bored... In one hand, I held bunny Yehwon, and in my other, I held a bag of ricecakes.. Dressed in sweatpants, I left my house.. ....... Yehwon, when we get there, therell a lot of yummy apples that youll like.. Unnie will give you lots and lots of apples, okay?? Holding a conversation with an animal that didnt understand me, I got closer )

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to Kyungwons house. ........... ................... ......................... What the.... .......... Whoosh..!!! Huh..? Theres nothing behind me... ............Something feels funny.... Perhaps... Maybe the stalker paparazzi?!?! (<-- Kim Hansung) I started walking a little faster... TT_TT .... Whos there?!??!?! ............... ................... I yelled, turning around 180 degrees.. and I spotted a face that Id seen before... Oh Joonsae, what are you doing here? I thought it was the stalker paparazzi.. But the person behind me staring at me with wide bunny eyes was Joonsae.. ...Huh?? ...Its... uh.........nothing.... Its surprising to see you around here.. Where are you going..? What are you going to do if I tell you.. ...Nothing... Somethings weird.... Whats wrong, do you have something to say....? Youre not going to meet a guy, are you? .....Have you seen anyone go meet a guy with rice cakes in one hand and a ...?

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bunny in the other..? AND Im wearing sweatpants... No..


, Its nothing.. Sorry for bothering you, sunbae..

Youre acting a little weird.. Youre talking respectfully to me when you usually dont.. Ill see you later... Yes, maam!! Have fun with your friend!!! Okay!! ^0^ ! .....Weird things are happening to me these days... Does Joonsae like me too...?? Kyungwon~ Im here~~~ .......... .............. Kyungwon!! Is no one home?? .......... .............. _........ The doors not locked, should I go in..?? From Kyungwons room, I could hear loud music playing... Shes not crying again, is she??!?! # 75 Kyungwon was on the phone with someone... Her face expression was happy... Huh..? Yehwon, what are you doing here? She asked glancing at me up and down.. ..How are you..? What are you talking about..? "....."

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What the hell is that bunny!!?!??! AHHH!! Get away from me! Its scary...TT_TT...... Werent you just on the phone...?

Huh? Oh right, hello..? Yeah, Yehwon just came over. Huh? Okay. Yehwon, take it. Who is it..? Just answer it. Eunsung...?? How the hell would he know my house number??? Dont put that bunny down!! ........ Wonder who it is... Hello...? Hello?? Yehwon!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....Oh, hi.. Long time no talk!! You didnt even call!!!! Call? Why should I? Whats wrong.. Is there something bad going on with you..? No, Im giving the phone back to Kyungwon.. Hey.. Why are you being like that to Jungmin...? What did I do..? Have fun talking.. Im going to eat some rice cakes.. The plates are in the kitchen, right..? ............ It was Jungmin... Kyungwon, who was just crying until yesterday.. Was smiling, while talking on the phone with Jungmin... It bothered me..

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I felt a little betrayal from both Kyungwon and Jungmin... .....Seungpyo, who was going through so much, made me want to cry.... Damn, Im not in a very good mood anymore... I guess Ill just fill up my sad heart with rice cakes... Okay, Yehwon, well eat all the apples in this house and leave... Yeah, I guess Yehwons in a bad mood today.. No, shes not mad at you.. I could hear Kyungwons voice.... Having fun, you two...?? I think Ill heat this and eat it.. Wheres the microwave again...? Yehwon, Jungmin feels a little down.. Kyungwon said, hanging up the phone and looking at me with a dark expression.. Yum, this is good... Want some?? ....What is all this?? It was at home.. You like rice cakes, right?? Dont be like that to Jungmin.. He didnt do anything wrong.. Want to play with Yehwon?? Angry that Kyungwon had sided with Jungmin, I pushed Yehwon towards Kyungwon.. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Stop it!! You know Im scared of animals!!! AHH!! And why is its name Yehwon?!?!?! This is good, oh right, give me some apples.. If youre pissed about something, just tell me straightforward.. ..

Pissed about what?? Your apples were yummy, I just came to eat some. Ill give you a whole bag, so just get that thing away from me!!!! CHEW.. CHEW.... CHEW... (<-- Yehwon chewing food..) Han Yehwon!!!!!!!!!!

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"_.............." Not even YOU can side with me...??? ............ ................. ...................... The rice cakes disappeared soon after.. and until it was dark, we talked about random things... I acted as if I sided with her..... But in a part of my heart..... it couldnt help but lean towards Seungpyo... And as it got darker, Kyungwon walked me all the way home.. Oh, do you know Kim Hansung? Who doesnt.. Its that b***h Kim Hyobins brother.. What about him..? What kind of person is he..? .....?? Hes popular.. He looks similar to Eunsung.. Hes REALLY popular actually... Why? You like him? Not while Im sane.....

........So hes popular, eh? Okay, I admit youre good looking.... I have to, since you look similar to a certain someone... Wait!! I shouldnt side with that ass right now!! After lying to his girlfriend... TT_TT ............. But still, that day, I felt I got closer to Kyungwon and I walked inside my house with a lighter heart.. And right as soon as I got home, the phone started to ring.. HEY!! Answer the phone!!!!!!!!!!!! You answer!!!!!!!!!!!! Im playing a game...

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Ugh.. ........ ............


Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You answer the phone scarily~~ .......Ji.... Eunsung....? ...Aw, Im hurt... .....Who is this.. Its Hansung oppa~ ^0^ ..Howd you find my number...?? Do you have time tomorrow..? I asked you how you found my number... Want to eat tomorrow..? No thank you, you can eat by yourself, and howd you get my number..?!? Babys words hurt.. ^0^ ..........I dont have time tomorrow... Well, then make time. I dont know why youre doing this.. I dont know if someone asked you to make a fool out of me, but Im not that stupid to believe you.. Ask me to...? What are you talking about..?? I dont want to say anything.. But you know Im going out with Eunsung, right..? Ive known for a while... ...........Excuse me..? ......Make some time tomorrow.. No, Im sorry. Bye..

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What about your birthday..? Im sorry, bye... ....Do you not like me that much..? Its not that I dont like you.. Its just because of a person you know.. A person..? ..........A family member.. Have a nice day, sunbae... Click.. Youve found out my number, have you.. ....? So youre going to attack me with full force, is that it..?? Bring it on... Ji Eunsung.. How can you not even call once.... # 76 Sunday night, I obviously didnt get a call from Eunsung.. .....................What is this.... ...............Instead, I got a call from Jungmin... I guess I didnt feel as close to Jungmin anymore... And throughout our conversation.. my voice remained expressionless.. And.. because of that.. our call lasted less than a minute... Of course I said I was going to hang up.. Damn.. I shouldnt be taking sides.. Ive known him longer than Seungpyo... But why am I doing this.... ............ ..................... ...................... Its a despicable Monday morning... TT_TT ..........

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Im leaving, see you~~ Han Yehwon.. You put your bunny on your bed, didnt you... Im leaving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I quickly left the house.. Damn.. That womans eyes are really sharp.. ............ Because it was close to our finals, our school was unusually quiet.. And for the first time in a while, Kyungwon and I were close enough to be loud and act like we usually did before our problems... To celebrate our coming closer, we decided to go shopping after school.. EHEHE, Ive wanted to get a cubic hair pin for the longest time... ....But the diamonds fall out really fast. Its okay if we brush some clear nail polish over it.. Anyways, what are you going to do about Eunsung..? .....Right.. I have to kill him, dont I.. That i can't read... Lying and saying that he went to Pusan when he didnt... If you see Seungpyo out today- I mean, if we see Hyunsung- we should ask where Ji Eunsung lives.. Yehwon, you can say his name, you know. Were going to be friends from now on. We even send text to each other... REALLLY?!?!?! Yeah..^^.. Were staying as friends. .......Are you okay with it..? Of course, our personalities are alike, so itll be good if we stay as friends.. I want to buy a scarf.. What color should I buy? Black. Why..? I just get reminded of the color BLACK when I look at you..

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Want to die...??? ..........Hey, Lee Kyungwon, do you know that kid? Who? The guy following us.. Hes hiding behind the pole.. ........Him? No. He goes to Sang. Do YOU know him? ........O_O No, I dont think so.. Hes following us right? .....Yeah, he looks like a first year.. What the hell.. Does he like you or something? Ive never seen him before... ......Somethings going on these days.. Hurry, lets run away.... Okay.. ........In order to lose the guy behind the pole, Kyungwon and I ran away as fast as we could. ..........Somethings weird... Joonsae did the same thing yesterday...Now this kid... That stalker paparazzi didnt send him, did he.....?? TT_TT When we turned around again, I dont know if we lost him, but we didnt see him behind us. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! While I was looking for a diamond studded hair pin, I spotted a guy that looked similar to Hyunsung across the street... Kyungwon, go inside and look for a pin for me!!! Huh?? Why?? Just wait in there... Its Hyunsung.. Im going to go ask him where Eunsung lives.. Ill be right there!! I wanna go too.. Just stay here!! Ill be RIGHT back~~!! HYUNSUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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# 77 pant............. pant.............pant............... It IS you!!! Yeh- Yehwon.. uh, whats up.. Hyunsung asked, backing up from me. Wheres Eunsung?! .....There were 3 sang kids and Hyunsung.. But no Seungpyo and Eunsung... Eunsung..? Why? ......I stared at him... ...?? Damn.. This guy is REALLY my type. Yehwon.. Whats wrong? Hey, you guys go in first. Ill be right there. Shes that girl, right? The one who got her finger stuck.. I quickly turned my head.. Dammit... You guys go in first. ..

.....That guy who was following us earlier.. What if he followed me because I was the girl with her finger incident?? T_T Its not that, is it?? TT_TT The three guys disappeared, and Hyunsung was the only one left. Wheres Eunsung..? Eunsung? Why? Cant you reach him? ...You were with Eunsung on Saturday right...? In Kwachun right? ^0^ Yeah, why..?

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Liar!! Eunsung said he was in Pusan on Saturday! Where is he? You know where he is, I know you do! ..I really dont know, Hyunsung said, slowly backing away.. His voice was nervous.. Lie!! All lies!! He went to meet a girl, didnt he?! Right??! I asked, shoving my face as close as I could to his.. No!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats not true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh~~ Very very suspicious~~ So that means you know where he is, right? I really dont know, Yehwon. Just go call him.

Okay.. So this is how youre going to play it, eh?? ...I seriously dont know though! Lets go. .........Where..? Im going to follow you.. Im really not busy today~~ How great this is working out!! TT_TT ... Im going to meet a girl! My friend is introducing me to a girl!! Just let me go~~ Thats my specialty, Ill set you up with a great girl. Yehwon TT_TT ... I havent been with a girl for 1 year.. Im lonely~~ TT_TT ... Ill give you my mom, so lets go. What do you what?! Name your price. TT_TT... ......Where does Eunsung live? .........Huh?? Eunsungs H.O.U.S.E. Where is it? ".............................." ........... ................

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Page 301

............................. ....................................... Hey.. This is a rich people neighborhood. ....Its around here right? Do you know where? Uh, Hyunsung said that it was a house with white stones. Hurry and look for it! We didnt come here to look around!! Ive never seen houses so big- thats why. Besides, there are about 10 houses with white stones! Anyway, Im hungry! ....A house with a sports car.. A red sports car... ....Is it over there.? Where? Where?! Over there on the top! Lets go! Han Yehwon.. Im going to kill you... .......... ............. ................ How exhausting..... Anyway.. Were here... Damn, his house is nice... Eunsung has a rich side to him.. I never would have guessed. What are you implying?! Whats wrong with Eunsung?! He looks and acts like a weed... Oh~ Youre sticking up for you boyfriend, eh? Shut up.. Im going to call him.. +RINGGGGGGGGG RINNNNNNNNNNG RIIIIIIINNNGGGGGGGGGGG+ ............. ............... Isnt he answering?

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Yeah, let me try again. ........... I called over 10 times, but he didnt answer. Should I just press the bell?!!?? Hey, Kyungwon. What?! Im so cold!! Lets do rock paper scissors and the person who loses pushes the doorbell. What? ...Im too scared to do it. You should be thankful that I even came!!!!!!! I think his mom will be scary... BWHAH!! He said his moms a translator?! A passing dog might laugh if he hears!!! HAHAH!! Go die!? Oh! Stop it! For 10 minutes, we were walking around the house with the red sports car.. Who is this loud?! +BANG!!!!!!!!!+ ............ ................... # 78 ...It was a scary looking woman about 25 years old. ...She doesnt resemble Eunsung at all... and she looks really b***hy.. Wait.. I shouldnt be saying this, she might be one of my in-laws someday. Hello~ Who the hell are you? With slanted eyes, she pouted her lips and asked.

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Is Eunsung home? ...Did you come to meet Eunsung. Yeah, I did... Did you really? What the.. She stopped talking respectfully, and when I tried reaching for Kyungwon, she was gone, hiding somewhere. ..You came to find Eunsung? Ji Eunsung? ...Yeah, I did... Hmm, why? ..Hes my friend... ...Of course.. People like you always go together, dont they...? Excuse me..? Eunsungs not home. Dont you have a watch?! .....Excuse me...? ..If youre Ji Eunsungs friend, wouldnt you know he doesnt come home at this time?! ...I- I didnt know... .....Get lost, why dont you? If you want to meet him, go behind the alley and look for him. If you go to a bar, hell be there, wont he? ........ ........... ............ +BANG!!!+ AHK! What kind of person is she?! ****... That lady is such a b***h. Who is she? Is she Eunsungs sister? Lee Kyungwon, you call yourself a friend.

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Page 304

What was I supposed to do when a scary looking lady opens the door?! Right! She does look scary, doesnt she?! She doesnt look anything like Eunsung.. Is she really his nuna? I dont know... Im not in a very good mood anymore.. ...Lets go.... Lets go... Im hungry.. Lets go buy some food. You can go. Im going to wait for him. What? Im going to stay here until he comes.. ...What if he doesnt come home today? Ill break their car.. ..

..Han Yehwon, youre crazy... You go ahead.. Hurry, go~ Are you sure? Hurry! Im going to wait for him. ...Im going... .......... .............. Kyungwon slowly disappeared.. Fine, dont even say bye, you ass... Fine, Ji Eunsung.. Youre coming out like this, eh? ............. ................ .................... The moon slowly rose higher... And it was as yellow as corn... Yummy corn.. And the moon was round.. Like a bun.. A steamy bun that you cool off by blowing on it and popping the yummy bun in your mouth...

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................................... _..... Im hungry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He really isnt coming. ... .... Wait.. Ji Eunsungs front gate opened. I poked my head out from my hiding place. My son~~ Youre going shopping with me for the first time in a while!! ............My son..........So Ji Eunsung was home.. I quickly turned my head.. Huh..? I spotted a guy that Ive never seen who was about 20 years old.. A guy that didnt resemble Ji Eunsung at all.. However, he wasnt ugly.. But he wasnt as good-looking as Eunsung either.. And next to both of them was a lady who looked around 40.. The guy got into the drivers seat of the car, and the woman got in the passenger seat laughing. .....That woman... looks like Eunsung.... ..The car quickly passed me... ............................. Id spotted the womans face.. for just a moment.. But she was very beautiful... A short cut that most women cant pull off...with brownish hair.. Nicely shaped eyebrows with double lids.. that were cat shaped... A pointy but not too angular nose. Around 56 ... with a nicely shaped body and a smile thats brighter than the sun...

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A person that you turn around to look at at least twice if you them pass on the street. A face that would have gotten more than one offer from different management companies when she was younger.. She resembled Eunsung a lot.. It felt as if Id been at the wrong house, but with one look at the woman..... I knew that she and Eunsung were related... ...What is this? .......Did Eunsung have this many siblings? Looking at his personality, youd have thought he was an only child... ...When is this guy coming??!?!?! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............. I decided to just hide behind the left wall and wait for him.. But..... its really cold... And Im tired....... Im so hungry.. if only I had something to drink... # 79 ................. ..................... .......................... Yum......... Buns........... sound really good right now.. HEY! ...No! I cant have these buns taken from me!! Its mine.... Han Yehwon, open your eyes. ...

_....._....._....=_=.....=_=...... Whos there?

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What the hell are you doing right here? You ass!!! Ow! That hurts. Wait, what are you doing? Did you get hit by someone? .........Ji Eunsung.. TT_TT..........TT_TT..... ...................... With my small fist, I pounded at his chest.. _....._...... With a what-the-hell-is-this expression, he grabbed both my wrists with one hand. Ow..... Ji Eunsung seemed really tired.... ............ .........Id never noticed how long his hairs grown... slightly messy, it was covering his left eye. His bright eyes, were filled with tiredness... But another thing was that his face was dead.... It was Ji Eunsung with a dead expression, still dressed in his uniform. With one hand in his pocket, he was staring at me with an annoyed expression. Youre crazy, arent you? Whats wrong with you? You look like a beggar! I just came back from hanging out.. Hanging out where?!?!? Night club. You ass!! Lying and saying that you went to Pusan! You big i can't read! I didnt lie! And what have YOU been doing, walking around huh?! You met Kim Hansung, didnt you?! How would you know if Ive been walking around?

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Did you meet him, you did, didnt you? ....Why would I meet him?! Did you get shot in the head?! Howd you get here anyway.. I came to see you, duh!! TT_TT... What are you going to do about it?! .......You knew this was my house? Yeah!! Whend you get here....? I dont know!!! You butthole!!! Hands... ......?..... Hands!!!!!!!! I put out my hands... Silently, Ji Eunsung grabbed my hand with a scary expression on his face... How many hours have you been here? You hands are cold! Let go! Retard.. What are you doing sleeping in front of another persons house.... You hands are even colder than mine. Let go.. TT_TT... "..................." Wordlessly, Eunsung pulled my hand into his uniform pocket.. So it seemed as if I was hugging his waist.. What kind of guy has no flab on his stomach? I like a flabby guy!! Thinking of flab, I want pork! What am I doing, hugging my boyfriend and thinking about pork?

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Eunsung..? .......What? I love you~ Okay. ..I said, I love you~ What do you want? Nevermind, Im just be happy with hugging you. ...I that you too.. Whats.. that..? Retard... What? That you love me? Thanks~ HEHE~ ".................." Wordlessly, Eunsung pulled me tighter... If you really love someone, your heart will start beating with one touch.. I guess I really love him... I think my hearts going to burst... ....Heart...? Chickens have beating hearts.. I want chicken wings!! TT_TT... # 80 Im so happy.. if only I could die like this.. Oh wait, never mind, Im still hungry. Wait... This isnt right.. Huh? He let go of me quickly.. .. .....

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...What is this..? Im going in. What.......? You go home too. What!!! TT_TT!!! With those tired and dead eyes, he gave me a look and said.. Bye... You were just hugging me a few seconds ago!! Dont call me until I call you first. ...Crazy ass... Youre psycho, arent you? Im going. Hey! I dont have money! Take me home! If you dont have taxi money, go ride the bus... See you.. ......... ............. .............. ....................._.........._ Just tell me why! What are the reasons for avoiding me?! There arent any.. With that.. he pushed the doorbell, and looked at me with an annoyed expression.. Who is it? Me. He stepped in without looking back at me.. I and I just stared at him stupidly... When are you going to call me?! TT_TT..!!!!

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Before I die.. .......................................................... What the hell!!!!!!!!! If I did something, I should at least be told what I did wrong! How could he just make his girlfriend whod been waiting 6 hours for him just go home by herself?! Ill kill you within a week... With tear filled eyes.. I walked down sidewalk... And I was thinking deeply.. Is it Kim Hyobin again..? Or is it because of Seungpyo? Maybe hes sick of me? Should I go bother him again..? No.. Ill look disgusting to him then.... ........... ............ How am I going to get home? What If I pass out on the way home? If I call mom.. shell probably chase after me with a broom... _............................. Ji Eunsung! Do you even like me?!?!?!?! +BEEP BEEP!!+ _......... +BEEP BEEP+ Uh, what are you doing? A yellow taxi was beside me.. and inside the taxi was a beefy looking taxi driver.. Where to miss?? ...JoogAng, but I have no money...

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Oh.. thats too bad, you have no money? Yup, dont have enough for the bus either. Get in~~ ^0^ Excuse me? Get in, miss. Are you serious?! Did you grow up being fooled all the time? My daughter goes to the girls school too~ Get in. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without hesitating, I got into the passengers seat. Howd he know I wanted to ride a taxi..? Hes not kidnapping me, is he... Hopefully not right? ????????????????? It was right then when I saw something in the side view mirror. Kim Hansung was grinning while staring at the taxi. Kim Hansung?!??! Im positive its him with that Sang uniform!! ............................. ............................... Did he set this all up with the taxi driver?! Sir!!! Yes, maam? I want to get out. Excuse me? Let me out~ I want to walk home!!!!!!!!! Its cold outside, nonsense..^0^

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Let me off!! While I talk nicely~~ TT_TT.. ..

WAHHHHHHHHHHH!! Let me out!!!! .......... ............... ................ ..................... I guess I fell asleep while crying... Miss.. Were here ...

.............???.............? Were here.. Your neighborhood... ...Really? It was true, it was in front of a store close to my house. Thank you!!!!! Thank you!! Please get out. He seemed pissed... And I started to feel really bad... Ahjushi, Im sorry I was rude earlier.. Its fine, miss. Theyre probably worried about you at home. Thank you!! I slammed the car door shut (and didnt realized until a few minutes later that that wasnt a very good thing to do on my part) and started running home. Seeing that the taxi driver brought me safely home.... ...I guess Kim Hansung.........helped... me out today... huh..........? ............... # 81 ....

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I guess Kim Hansung isnt as bad as I thought he was. He has a pretty charismatic side to him... Wait.. I shouldnt be thinking that.. But I still dont like him... I shouldnt be thinking about guys.. I should be worried about how many times my moms going to hit me when I get home... Man.. Im hungry. That night, I dragged by bruised butt to the kitchen and had a whole load of cold rice and kimchee. Bunny Yehwon is doing fine.. I wonder if bunny Eunsung is doing okay.. He wouldnt have killed it, would he...? ........... HEHE~ 5 more days till my birthday! I wonder if Eunsungs going to avoid me until then.. I want to know why hes avoiding me!! The bastard~ ............. What kind of bastard does that??!?! (<-- next day at school..) You left me too ...

But was Kim Hansung really there? Dont change the subject. Im asking because Im really curious!! Yeah, he was. He just grinned. .........Wow... That just sounded so hot right there... Hes the opposite of Kim Hyobin,, huh??

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.....I dont know.. I think Im going to go crazy because of Ji Eunsung though. Do he know its your birthday this Saturday? ....Yeah, he knows........... And he STILL did that? Yeah.. Huh...... It seemed as if Kyungwon was thinking of everything to keep me from bringing up the fact that she left me yesterday also.. And since I had nothing to do, I just listened to her talk. That day, I just walked home. I didnt have enough strength to carry my bruised butt anywhere else. How could anyone hit their own daughter with a wooden spoon..? While that was going on, holding Yehwon in his hand and watching me from behind the door... was.. guess who.. ;; The people I have to kill before this weekend: My mom, that human Han Seungpyo, Ji Eunsung.... Ji Eunsung....AHK! Dont think about him!!!!!! .......... .......... ............ ............. Yehwon, your boyfriend called earlier~ My mom said.. My boyfriend..? Ji Eunsung? No, it wasnt him... Then who..? His name was similar to that though... ....It wasnt Kim Hansung, was it? I heard someone towards me, their feet thumping on the wooden floor..

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............S-Seungpyo.. (Han Seungpyo.) My oppa, was staring at me with a scary face (Actually, more like funny...) And in no time at all, he had run in front of me while holding Yehwon in one hand. KIM HANSUNG??!?! .....Why......? Do you talk to him??!?!??!! Why? No, not really, why do you ask? If I hear that youre talking to him or holding hands with him, or if that you have SOMETHING going on with him, Ill kill you.. .......... ................ Dont be so stupid and go buy some bean sprouts. <--Mom. Han Yehwon.. Im being serious.. And mom, I feel sick.. .......And wordlessly, Han Seungpyo went into his room. What has that human been smoking? Its the first time that hes ever yelled at me.. TT_TT... What is all this?!??!?!! Han Seungpyo!! Kim Hyobin!!! Kim Hansung!! How do they all tie in together?!??!?!? I thought I was going to go crazy because of Ji Eunsung... but now I also have this?!??!?!?! # 82 RIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG RRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG Yehwon~ I think its for you, go answer it. Okay!

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........When I was about to weakly grab the phone.. ...........I saw a blur traveling at the speed of light. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was Han Seungpyo... Now, hes starting to make my life more complicated.. HELLO!!!! ........... ................. After a while, Han Seungpyo put the reciever down and stared at me.. Oppa, Im tired, dont bug me.. That was Kim Hansung, wasnt it? ...Do you know him really well? You cant meet him. Why not...? Tell me.... If I say no, I mean no. This bastard wont listen if I just tell him nicely, will he... Muttering words that I didnt understand, he went back into his room. Why are there so many things that I dont know about?!??!?! Yehwon, go buy some bean sprouts. Mom~~ My butt hurts!! Do you want ME to buy it then?!?!?! Does everyone in this world have something against me...? TT_TT... And with that, the beautiful and kind daughter left the house... That beautiful and kind daughter is me.. ....... .........

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The whole world IS against me.. When I went to the closest market.. it was closed... How can I go out any further dressed like this...? Well.. its dark so no one will recognize me... ...........There were a lot of people that evening.. I think Im going to die of loneliness. I saw more couples than I had ever seen in my life... Hmm.. Its been a while since Eunsung and Ive walked outside.. I dragged my feet with the bag of bean sprouts when... I spotted something with bushy hair.. ..........Bushy hair? Where have I seen bushy hair before? ................................................................. Hey~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was Ji Eunsung!!! Holding something in both arms... and with a walk that didnt suit him (something like a penguin) was Ji Eunsung... After hearing me yell, he slightly turned around, and turned his head quickly.. What are you doing he- Before I could finish, Ji Eunsung ran away quickly with the two bags of heavy looking stuff. How can someone run so fast carrying something so heavy looking..? Fine, whatever.. I dont even want to care anymore... Go strip in front of a billion people, whatever, Im not going to care.. But Im still curious.. ........Should I go follow him...? Just when I decided I should... he was gone.. Man.. Im dizzy... +Ring~~~~~~~~~~ RIING~~~~~~~~~~+ My phone rang. Its Ji Eunsung, Im positive!!!

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HELLLO!!! Hello.... Im right~~ ^0^ Hey! Whyd you run away!??! ....What are you talking about? You ran away as fast as you could when you saw me!!!! It was probably you who ran away... not me. Why would I run away if I saw you..? ^0^.. ............Who is this? Isnt this Ji Eunsung? ...Im disappointed.. ...Oh.. uh.. Long time no talk...? Where are you? Youre outside, arent you? Im at home.. +Dont make me laugh~~~ Youre making me laugh~~ You think Ill fall for that again..??~?~+ (<-- song from the store next to me..) .... Do you want to die? Youre in front of Teepio, right? Howd you know? The song~ Im around there too... Its a nice song, huh? Dont you see me..? I see you~~ ^0^.. TT_TT.. (<-- Im dressed in sweatpants with rubber sandals and holding a bag of bean sprouts in one hand) Hey~~!!! "_" I heard someone yell behind me, and then someone pushed me lightly..

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And I could hear that sound in my phone too.... ...........It was Kim Hansung... Hi.. TT_TT.. Its hard to see a pretty face around here~~~~ As if he hadnt stopped at home yet, he was still dressed in his uniform... He really looks like Ji Eunsung... But MY Eunsung has a higher nose.. And his face is more white.. Wait, nevermind.. That ass.. Its a surprise meeting you around here.. Have you seen Eunsung? Yeah, he ran away from me. HAHA! Ran away? Hes a funny guy!! In my eyes, youre funnier... I was on an errand.. I need to go home... Hold on~ Make some time!! I dont have the time to make time.. My mom hits me with a wooden spoon, on nice days, she uses a spatula instead.. Oppa will take responsibility! Youre going to get hit instead of me..? Whatever you like~ Dont laugh.. Its reminding me of Ji Eunsung... .......... What are you doing? Kim Hansung had taken my wrist and was heading in a different direction. What are you doing?! TT_TT.. Let go of me, where are we going?! My dads a policeman!! Well, my dads a mob boss, so theyll be great together, wont they??

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^0~!! Thats not funny!! Just tell me where were going!! Lets just go talk for a while~ Let go of me then~~!!! Youll run away then~ I just found another difference... Eunsungs hand was cold... This asss hand was really really warm.. Im going to tell Eunsung- Hes right there.. ................ ....................It was true.... But.. He was getting hit.... by some bearded guy on the head... Why is he getting hit..? And hes just standing there.. Whats he doing..? Its not like you to just stand there.. In both hands, he was holding the heavy things and was getting hit in the middle of the sidewalk. And he was just standing there... His expression was blank, and didnt change.. It didnt seem as if it hurt him too much.. ........ Lets just go. Eunsungs getting hit. What the hell is that guy doing..? He looks pretty old.. Lets just go..

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Page 322

What? Just go.... Theres probably a reason why hes getting hit.. What are you talking about just go? My juniors getting hit. Are you crying? Why would I be crying?? TT_TT .. Im not crying... Eunsungs a lucky guy to have a warm-hearted girlfriend like you~~ Oppa, will help him. Hold on.. Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bastard!!!! What are you doing...??!?!?! What are you hitting my junior for, huh?!??!?! Kim Hansung yelled, running towards Ji Eunsung and the bearded man. ............... ............... Ji Eunsung had turned towards the voice.. Ha! Ji Eunsung, the whole sidewalk had heard... But the thing that was scarier than Eunsung getting hit, More scarier than Kim Hansung nearing them.. Was that Ji Eunsung staring at me with a blank expression on his face.. .............. ..................=_=................. # 83 ....... There was no time to regret it or to run away.. Kim Hansung had grabbed the breaded mans collar, and Ji Eunsung continued staring at me... I nervously started playing with the plastic bag in my hand. And after thinking of what to do.. Hey! What are you doing?!?!?! You young bastard!! What are you doing grabbing your elders collar, huh?!?!??! With the bearded mans yell, trying to pry Kim Hansung off, but without even looking to see who it was, Kim Hansung gave the other guy a hard punch in the face..

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Hey, Eunsung, who is that bastard... Kim Hansung asked.. Eunsung...I know I shouldnt be saying this, but you look really funny. In both arms, he was carrying a heavy load, and he had bushy messed up hair.. He had folded both his pant legs up to his knees... He looked like a country farm boy that had just come out of the water. Wait.. I shouldnt be thinking this right now... Hey, whys that bastard hitting you? ..Kim Hansung asked placing a hand on Eunsungs shoulder... Get it off... ......... ............. ...What.. Im not going to repeat myself. ...Im your senior... You know that, right? Han Yehwons going to be my wife.. You know that, right...? ........ ........... ................Silence.. Ji Eunsungs face didnt change... ..............It seemed as if Kim Hansung was trying to keep his cool... His fist was shaking slightly... Hey, kid, follow me.. What the hell... Why? That guy that Kim Hansung had punched said, and Kim Hansung followed.. Eunsung! Its not that, Hansung oppa and I just met on the streets. We met right after you ran away~!

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Kim Hansung.. ...Eunsung.. Kim Hansung.. .... ...... It seemed a if Ji Eunsung didnt want me calling Kim Hansung oppa.. ..Why were you getting hit.. You stupid, why were you just getting hit..? It cant be you... ............ ................ ................... What..? After finishing what he said, he started to walk away after putting the heavy things down. Hey Ji Eunsung!! Youre the one who ran away first!! Youre the weird one! You know that?! You didnt even listen to MY side of the story!!! If were going out, if you even love me, shouldnt it be ME that you trust??!?! ........ Do YOU trust me? <-- he asked without turning around... .. He was right..... These days.. ever since Eunsungs been avoiding me, Ive only been yelling at him... You havent been telling me whats going on these days~~ Theres no reason for me to tell you.. ............ After finishing what he had to say, Ji Eunsung continued to walk away.. Listen to me! Its not what you think! Arent you going to even listen to me?! I dont need to.. .............

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............... .................. Fine! Do whatever you want! You always do that anyways!!! Youve never even tried listening to me~ ever, you always do whatever you want, whatever you feel like!! Sometime it seems like Im the only who likes you... and its like you only need to me to do whatever you want!!!!!!! Whatever you want... When Im with you.. I feel smaller.. you know that...? ............. ....................I said, not even bothering to take a breath.. And with that, I turned around and walked in the opposite direction... (<-- like in the movies..) ..................Isnt he going to stop me..? And with that, I turned around briefly... Eunsung was just frozen on the spot.. ........ ........ And someone followed after me.. Damn. It was Kim Hansung again... Im not going to let him catch me... Disgusting weirdo... So I decided to.. RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!

# 84 Yehwon~ Stop right there!!! WAHH!! Why are you bugging me?!??! TT_TT!! Cant I even run away???! Just leave me alone!! TT_TT !! You are r~~eally bad at running, you know that? Crawling on the floor would be faster. Just crawl, why dont you? And Kim Hansung caught me..

Why are you crying?? Did Eunsung say something again??

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Are you really his sunbae?! Why dont you hit him when he talks so rudely to you?!?! TT_TT!!! I cant... I cant hit Eunsung... Well obviously.. ..

Who CAN hit Eunsung? That crazy bastard was his employer. W-who is? That guy I hit. SO?! Its not that. Why are you so pissy today? Sorry.. Im not in a very good mood.. ..Why, did Eunsung say something? You know how he is, he always says things without thinking. Dont fry your brain over it. ........... ............. .............. Kim Hansung.. is Kim Hyobins brother.. But hes different.. The only thing Eunsung and him have a resemblance in is their faces. But their personalities are total opposites. He makes a person really comfortable. Comfortable enough to not have to say anything. ..Oppa, go home, thanks for earlier.. Thanks for what? Its my duty as a senior to help out a junior. Do you like Eunsung? He and I were really close.. when I was a 2nd year.. What happened? I dont know. What DID happen?

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Oppa, youre- Yeah? What? Its nothing. Tell me. He said, shoving his face into mine. Youre making me think of Eunsung. Its nothing. You were going to tell me that you love me, huh? ^0^ I was going to ask if you and your sister were close!!!! You know Hyobin? ......Excuse me??? ........... Look at his acting skills!! After planning all this with his sister!!! You know Hyobin? What an ass!!! No, its nothing. I was just asking. It was tiring today, huh? Being mistaken because of me, sorry, Ill tell Eunsung everything tomorrow. Its fine, dont tell him anything. Dont even say the first character of my name in front of him, please. "........." Just dont . Thanks today, go home safely..

Thats the first time youve smiled at me, you know that? .....Im going in.. See you around. See you tomorrow!! ^0^ ...See you around.. AIGOO! Right, I was on a favor for my mom!! Im dead!! TT_TT !!

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Page 328

But why are my eyes wet..? Im crying because of him again.. TT_TT ....Again.. # 85 The bean sprouts are here~~! The wooden spoon is here~~!!!! <-- Han Seungpyo yelled.. Do you want to die?? ..But this was not the time to pay attention to my brother. My eyes found the wooden spoon in my moms hand.. The stew is ruined.. What do I do, my daughter??? Mom.. You should have turned off the stove.. Lets get hit. Mom! Listen to me! Im a 2nd year now!! None of my friends even get hit anymore!! .......... ............... However, I got anyways. As if she felt bad, she hit me lightly (<-- in her words) And that night, I starved from the lack of a dinner. ............ ............... ................... I feel around 4 that morning.. It was the first time, Id gone to sleep that late.. If I squeezed my pillow, I think a few drops of tears would fall out. You dont need to be told why, right?

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.......... ................ ................ AHK! Its a monster! You keep going on like that and youll die. Whats wrong with your eyes? Hey, open them. Kyungwon, stop it. Im not in the mood. Why? ........................Mom hit me yesterday.. Poor girl.. ....... ............. I felt bad for lying to Kyungwon, but I didnt feel like telling her everything that happened yesterday with Eunsung..

Hey, what have you been thinking about all day? You didnt even eat today. Thinking? I guess Im a little lonely since winters coming up. You have Eunsung! Im still lonely though. I wonder why. You must be happy since Jungmin is coming in the winter. Nah, not really. ^0^ Close your mouth, its about to rip .

Want to go to the arcade/karaoke? Fantasia went down to 10 cents today!! ... Karaoke? Im not in the mood to sing.. Sorry, lets go tomorrow. Stupid! Lets go and sing JJAMPPONG!! ..JJAMPPONG???

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In the end, I went because of JJAMPPONG It was only 7, but there were a lot of students. What if I meet him here..? (Sang kids go there often) .............. ................... We went into a karaoke room in the corner.. Lets put in JJAMPPONG! Come on Han Yehwon! JJAMPPONG!! AHLALALLALA!!! ZEUK ZEUK! ZEUKIE!! KONGKIKI KONGKIKI!! <-- beats .........Im really not in the mood to s- YOU!! YOU!!! On a rainy night and lonely night!! YOU and me eat JJAMPPONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me, Han Yehwon.. ..

Be quiet, You like seafood JJAMPPONG! I like double JJAMPPONG!! On a windy and lonely night, we both eat JJAMPONG!!! It was the first time Id ever sung that loud. Id sung loud enough for the Sang girls in the next room to tell us to shut up. Phew.. Im exhausted.. Kyungwon, you sing too! Kyungwon was staring that the wall.. What are you staring at? No, its nothing. Let me see, move over a little. I SAID ITS NOTHING!! +Seungpyo and Kyungwon were here!!! Just let us love~~ ^0^ !!+ ................ .................... I pushed Kyungwon out of the way.. And on the wall, that was what was written. What to sing?

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....Something upbeat. Okay.. okay... Damn, whyd I even look at it!! Im going to get some more coins.. You can sing. Okay. ........Its so stuffy in here... Where do we change the coins? Id forgotten since its been so long. I feel bad for reading that for some reason. Why is everything so complicated these days? ................. ........................ I felt something behind me.. Its not Kim Hansung, is it? I didnt bother to turn around. But it was a girls voice. Jiyoung, that girl is Han Yehwon. ............??????????????? When I turned around.. I regretted ever doing so.. It was Kim Hyobin and her friend (the loser friend) Kim Hyobin had her hair tied neatly.. ...It seemed as if she was a loser too.. I turned my head again, and put some cash in the coin exchange. But because of my shaking hand, it didnt go in too easily. Oh, I know her. She and I went to the same middle school.

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What was she like? I dont know, she was okay. ...Hey, at least people talked to me.. Hey, didnt Eunsung come into our classroom earlier? <-- Kim Hyobin Yeah! He did! Why do you think he did? He came to see you!! What the hell are those two trying to do... ......You guys can talk about him as much as you want. I dont care.. You know, Eunsung is always staring at you these days.. Even during gym! No, he doesnt~ No really! I think you guys will get together soon! Ive never been so sure in my life! ........... ................ .................... I didnt want to cry.. But one by one, tears stared to flow out of my eyes... Hey, Hyobin, shes crying... Lets go, I dont feel like staying here anymore. And the two left.. .................................................................. I quickly wiped my tears away and headed towards where Kyungwon was.. ................................................................. # 86

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Kyungwon was singing a rock ballad.. And as if wed silently promised each other, we continued to just sing rock ballads until our throats felt like ripping. And we headed home.. See you. Yeah, see you. Then that was our good bye. ................................. ...................................... Did.. Eunsung really go to Kim Hyobins classroom to see her? No, he wouldnt have. They just said that to piss me off.. They were playing with me, werent they? Of course, Eunsung wouldnt have done that to me.. Never... Dont cry!! Your eyes are already swollen Yehwon! If you cry, youre going to lose! Youre losing to Kim Hyobin and that loser b***h! .......................... ................................. For a second I froze, taped on the gate of our house was a small note written with red pen. +Yehwon! Dont cry, you have your oppa!! HAHA! Kim Hansung was here. You know what I feel for you, right?!+ .......... Why does that human keep appearing when Im feeling down? When Ji Eunsung hasnt sent me 1 message or hasnt called me at all.. Why is he being so nice to me? Its making me sadder.

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Im home! Hey, Yehwons sick. What?!??!?! I yelled hearing my brother.. I ran towards my room, and Yehwon wasnt there. Wheres Yehwon?! My room. YEHWON!!!! When I went to his room, Yehwon was jumping to and fro. My cute bunny.. Oppa!! Why did you lie?!?!?! Cause I was bored. Play with me. Do you know how scared I was??!?!?! You dont even know!!!!! Why are you crying??!?! Youre all the same!!!!!!!!! You know that?!?!??!?!??!?!?!??! ............. ........... This isnt what I wanted to do.... ........... Oppa stared at me with a blank expression.. Sorry.. ............As soon as I left his room, my cell phone stared ringing.. ..................And I got a feeling it was Kim Hansung. ...........So I didnt answer.... Because I didnt know what would happen with my feelings if I did...

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# 87 +KNOCK KNOCK+ Someone knocked on my door when I was laying on my bed thinking about this and that.. Who is it? Im going in. Okay. Han Seungpyo knocking?? -0- Something mustve happened in heaven. ...Lets go out. Out where? Oppa will buy you something to drink. Forget it, no you wont. I know youve been going to the bar since you were a first year. Lets go. Where are you going to buy it? Do you think your own oppa will take you to the park and make you drink in the park? ................ ...................... ........................... It was true.. Surprisingly enough, he took me to a bar. The one Kyungwon, Seungpyo, Eunsung, and I had gone to. The problem was that it was the same bar.. But luckily we sat far away from where wed sat before. ............. ..............

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We were there for hours.. I know Ive told you before, but Im really strong with alcohol... 1 bottle of Soju? Are you kidding me? 2 bottles? I become fun to be around 3 bottles? I start talking a little more.. 4 bottles? I barely get drunk.. barely.. 5 bottles? Thats when I start to do weird things. However, my brother... 1 bottle? He gives up on the fact that hes a human... And right now, its my brothers 5th shot. Hey! Kid~ Do you know? Oppa, shut up a little, will you? Im so embarrassed that I dont know if Im going to take you home. Hansung!! Thats guys a no! NOOOOOOOOO!! PUHEHHE.. ^0^. Kim Hansung? This is my chance! When my brother is drunk, hell answer anything anyone asks. .....This is my chance. Kim Hansung.. yeah, Kim Hansung.. Why? What about him? Listen carefully!! OKAY!!!! With drunk eyes, my brother stared at me. And said with a slurred voice.. Hey.. But youre mean.. What?

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Do you know how much it hurt me when you yelled?? It was like a nail stabbed my heart TT_TT!!! MEANIE!!! Hurry and tell me!! Yehwons scary!!! TT_TT .. ...I dont understand you.. KIM HANSUNG!!!!!!!! Holy cow, that scared me.. Kim Hansungs known you for a year!! Do you know that?! 1 year!! .............1 year? Kim Hansungs known about me for a year? What does that mean? Oppa! Tell me more specifically, howd he know me? Last year!! When I was graduating!! You came to my graduation!!!! *hiccup* Yeah, what about then? He saw you at my graduation!!! ..........And? Darn, your reactions arent exciting! I dont want to tell you anymore!! OMG OMGOGMOGMOGM!! And?!??!! <_<What the hell am I doing right now? From then, that GUY has been asking me to introduce you to him, bugging the crap out of me!!!! Wait... So Kim Hyobin didnt ask him to bother me..? And? Oppa, and then? Of course I said no!!!!! WHY? Because hes a rag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And with that, he pointed... ..........

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........... at a RAG on the floor of the bar Hes a rag? YEAH YEAH!!! ...And? And ever since then, hes been calling our house!!! He has? Ive never answered it when he called though. EHEHHE! I always hang up on him. Oh really??? How could I give that rag to my beautiful-- my only kid sister??!?!?! I couldnt give him to my only sister!! And my favorite sister only yells at me TT_TT... Youre so greasy that I think Im going to barf... So that thing he said to me, Ive known you since before, this was what he meant. I felt slightly touched.. But.. a RAG? OPPA!!!! You scared me... TT_TT.. I JUST noticed.. that my brother.. resembles Kim Seungpyo... Not only the name, but the big eyes and the crooked tooth.. And most of all.. how they act when they drink... The way they talk is.. exactly the same... OPPA! You know Ji Eunsung, right???! This is my chance to find out!! Ji EUNSUNG!?!?! Hes my junior!! MY SCARY JUNIOR!!!! Oppa, do you know why he doesnt like Kim Hansung? Of course I do! High rankers at Sang ALL know!!!! WHY???

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Do you know the reason? YEAH YEHA YEA!!! Want to tell me? Im tiredddddddddddddddddddddddd~~~! No!! Dont sleep!!! Just tell me that and then go to sleep!!!! SNOREEEEEE... And with that .. the crazy bastard... fell asleep on the table.. Wake up! You stupid human! Wake up!! # 88 Oppa! My favorite oppa!! My oppa that I love so much! Why does Eunsung hate Kim Hansung??? Is it because of me? Is it? Is it?! Its because of Haebin... Whos HAEBIN!??!?! Is it a girl??!! SNOREEEEEEEEEEE..... Is it a girl!??!?!?! No! Oppas tired. Oppas tired, let me sleep... TT_TT... Tell me why though! Then you can sleep!! +SNORE SNORE+ I wanted to smash a bottle on his head.. But no matter how much I shook him and kicked him, he wouldnt wake up. After paying with his money, I dragged him out the bar. What am I doing?!??! TT_TT The thing thats bugging me even more.. is the fact that Im not getting

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exhausted while Im carrying a full grown man!! Did I get fatter??? ................. ...................... ........................... HUH!?!?! ?????????? I heard a young guys surprised voice. When I turned around, it was Joonsae. Nuna! What are you doing here? Help me, will you? Nuna! What are you doing with another guy?!?!?! What are you saying?? Help me, thank god I met you. ....Whos this guy? Youre acting weird.. following me.. And that guy who was looking at me behind the pole was your friend too, huh?! You made him, didnt you.. NO! Then why do you care if Im with another guy!??!?! Dont go around with another guy! If something happens to this guy, Im not taking responsibility.. Why do you care?!??!?! Eunsung hyung told me to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...What? Eunsung hyung told me that if I see you out in the city, he told me to follow you. To see if you meet another guy. Why didnt you tell me before.. ...? ...

Because Eunsung hyung is scarier than you.. Thats why.. TT_TT...

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Youre not the only one, are you? Im finally beginning to understand a little now. He made all the first year guys do it.. TT_TT... So thats why youve been following me. ..

Please dont tell him.. I'll die if he finds out. Whend he make you? Why do you keep asking more specific questions each time? Im going to tell him.. Last Saturday.. TT_TT... ............Last Saturday? That day he said he was in Pusan.. The day I said, Im going to meet guys! And hang out with Kim Hansung!! .. The next day.. Joonsae got caught following me.. So Ji Eunsung instructed them too.. Cute little boy. Nuna, dont go around meeting different guys!!! Do I look happy behind with this human right now?! Its my oppa!! Do you think Im crazy?! To meet a guy like HIM!!! Oh, I see.. ^0^, I thought Id seen him somewhere.. Oh course youve seen him, he passes out everywhere. Anyways, its not another guy so just go home. But wait, I have something Im curious about.. Yeah? You know Ji Eunsung? ..Dont ask anymore TT_TT... If he wanted to know if I was meeting guys, why did HE just follow me? Hes

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up to something, isnt he? I dont know!! Stop asking me, nuna! Im really going to die!! Ill tell you Kyungwons phone number. ............excuse me....? I was going to tell you Kyungwons number.. I already know it. Fine, then just answer this. WHY~~~ I have to go get back to the guys!! TT_TT.. Why does Ji Eunsung hate Kim Hansung? You can tell me right? Hansung hyung? YEAH! .......I think its because of Haebin hyung, or thats what I heard. Whos the hell is Haebin!??!?! I think he was Hansung hyungs friend. Okay! Finally Im finding everything out. Joonsae looked at me up and down, and with saying Ill be going! he quickly ran away... If only I didnt have this disgusting human on my back, Id have caught up with him... Who is HAEBIN!??! Hehe, so Ji Eunsung was worried about me meeting other guys so me made his juniors follow me, huh?? Anyway, I felt a little better after finding that out. No! Seungpyo!! Lets go!!!! SNORE SNORE+ "-_-........."

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And I was able to carrying a 20-year-old guy 20 cms taller than me home without even breaking a sweat..

# 89 Next morning... Yehwon! Arent you going to school..? I can go there by 9 today. (<-- load of crap) Did you drink a lot with your brother? Mom, howd you know? Whatever it is, if he ever comes home not drunk tell me. Okay, let me sleep one more hour. .............. ................. ....................... OH RIGHT!!! OPPA!!! Your brothers sleeping, leave him alone. OPPA!!!! I ran quickly to his room, and banged open his door. And Id expected, he was spread on his bed.. And next to him Yehwon was fast asleep.. Whend he have the time to take her to his room? OPPA! OPPA! Wake up. ..What..... Oppa! Whos Haebin?! HUH? Hurry and tell me! I couldnt sleep because I was so curious.

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Haebin? Howd you know Haebin? WHO IS HE?! Hey, get out. Tell me!! Tell me!! Whos Haebin!??!?! FuQ, Im going to sleep some more.. Get out, get out. Tell me!!! Go ask your damn boyfrined!!! Ji Eunsung or whatever!!! "................" Nevermind.. Dont ask him.. With that personality of his, hell probably beat you up. Hey, get out. Tell me!! Please!!! +SNORE SNORE+ How can I ask Ji Eunsung after yelling at him like that that night. Even though I felt a little better after hearing what Joonsae told me yesterday.. WHATEVER!! Sheesh! But who IS Haebin? Im so curious, I think Im going to go crazy!!! Maybe Kyungwon will know.... I shouldnt ask Kim Hansung right...?? ................. Are you talking about Shin Haebin? Do you know?! Do you know him!?? ....hed be 19 right? Whatever! Sang! Do you know HIM? Kyungwon, I love you!!! Nope, dont know him.

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Whyd act like you did then? ....that oppa.. died when he was 18.. hes pretty famous at Sang... WHAT???! He died?!? How?! ....I dont know that.. only the top ranking kids at Sang know. Its very hushhush. He died... Thats what I heard.. when he was 18, he died.. there anyone I could ask? I dont know, how about Wang Bitna? Are you kidding me? ...ask Eunsung. Not him. How about Hyunsung? ..Hyunsung...?? Whenever I needed help, Hyunsung always helped me out by appearing magically!! (Actually, she looked around for him..) ....right! I forgot about Hyunsung!! I could even ask why Ji Eunsungs acting the way he is these days!!! No wait. Hyunsung hid that from me last time. ......Anyway.. The thing I want to know right now is Shin Haebin? Right!!! RIGH!! Hyunsung!! Ill be able to see your face today!!! TT_TT !!! You got a text, and sheesh, shut up. # 90 Its a message.. Its a number Ive never seen before..

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+Oppa just left his footsteps all around your house. Lets meet today. Oppall buy today~+ Who is it? Eunsung? Kim Hansung. Hey.. I think that oppa really likes you.. I know. Does Eunsung also know? Yeah, he does.. Well, that what do you do? I dont know. What do I do? At first I really didnt like oppa, but hes comfortable to be around now. Youre kidding!! Who said I like him? I said hes comfortable to be around. Its not like happy nervousness when Im around Eunsung. Its just comfortable, like you. Hey! But that oppas a rag! Theres a rumor thats hes a rag!! I know. The way he acts, its a little obvious, isnt it? ....and Eunsungs face looks a lot better!! And Eunsung has more money!! And Eunsungs a better fighter!! And Eunsungs taller!! And Eunsung uses more money!!! You make me sound like a b***h.. ...

Anyway!!! Avoid Kim Hansung if you can!!!! If Eunsung finds out, you die!!! I probably would, huh?? Right.. That day after the karaoke, I spotted Seungpyo on the way home.. What happened? We just greeted each other. And passed, he seems fine now. ......... .......... ..........

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After school, we went out to the city holding hands Yehwon need to buy some supplies, and Kyungwon had to have something fixed on her uniform. And to find Hyunsung.. ....... Yehwon, I think youre getting a call.. I dont need to answer. Just answer it. Its probably just Kim Hansung. I dont need to answer.. You dont know if itll be Eunsung!!! Its not Eunsung... ........ ........... After that, my phone kept ringing, but I didnt answer.. Arent I such a good girlfriend, Eunsung? HEHE, not even answering my own phone. After Yehwon (talking in 3rd person) had bought her things, we went to the dry cleaners. Maam, can you tighten the waist by 1 cm? It wont fit you then. Yeah it will!! Dont ask for me to undo it then.. Youre mean!! Kyungwon, the ahjummas serious. It really wont fit you. You can finish it now~ Right? After I finish this male students pants. ..

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.....Cant you finish mine first? No, this student is coming to pick it up soon. .......... ..............???????? Its a Sang uniform... I wonder who it is... Whose pants are these? Would you know if I told you? Of course I would!! It says on the paper. +++Kim Seungpyo+++ Kyungwon.. Kyungwon??? O_O.. Yeah? These are Seungpyos pants. ....Wwhat? Seungpyos coming to pick this up soon. ****. Hey, where are you going??!?! Ill be in the arcade for a while! (Theres an arcade next to the dry cleaners) I thought you said it was fine if you saw Seungpyo now!! I still dont want to see him!! Its awkward!! And Kyungwon ran away... Good... Ill grab Seungpyo when he appears and ask where Hyunsung is.. Ahjumma, can you tighten it by 2 cms so that when she wears it, itll rip?

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I asked.. And I waited for Seungpyo... ......... ........ Yehwon, what are you doing here? Seungpyo!!!!! AIGOO! My Seungpyo!!! Long time no see!!!!!!!!!!!! TT_TT Whats wrong with you? AHK! Let go of me! Im going to get beat up by Eunsung!! How have you been?! My little baby ^0^!!! Let go of me!!!!! # 91 Seeing that the lady was giving Seungpyo a look of pity, I quickly let go of him. What are you doing here TT_TT..?? Me? I came pick up my skirt. Seungpyo! Have you been doing okay?! Of course I have~ ^0^ Thats good, Seungpyo.. You look well too. He looked healthy, and didnt look any different at all. It was how I first saw him when he was happy. ............. ................ Wheres Eunsung? Eunsung?... Eunsung??? Eunsung?? He went home!!! Oh really? Wheres Hyunsung then? Hes in the PC Room, hes playing a game with the other guys. Good, thats good. Lets go meet him. Where?

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The PC Room!! Why? I have something very important to ask him. Oh!! Tell me!! Me too, me too!! Tell me, tell me, tell me!!!!! So if I ask, youll tell me? Yeah!!!! Okay, then lets go out first. While Seungpyo was picking up his pants, I sent Kyungwon a text. +Im going to hang out with Seungpyo for a little while. Ill be right there.+ HAHAHA, I hope she gets pissed reading this ^-^.. If only you hadnt broken up with Seungpyo, youd be able to hang out with me and him! How could you dump Seungpyo and go to that i can't read Lee Jungmin??? (<-- Forgot for a moment that shes known Jungmin longer.) We headed towards the PC Room where Hyunsung was. Even though it didnt feel too good to have the Sang girls glaring at me.. It was really fun being able to talk comfortably with Seungpyo. It was really fun when it with Eunsung and Kyugwon.. The four of us.. Hey, what were you going to ask me? Do.. you know someone named Haebin..? Yeah.. I knew him.. Haebin hyung.. Do you know the relationship between Eunsung and that oppa? No.. I dont. Look! I knew you wouldnt tell me. I really dont know. Really.

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Forget it. I didnt even expect you to answer. Ass.. .. Why are you being mean again?!?!?! Because youre so cute! Okay? Cute !!! Ow! Dont pinch my cheeks!! Its hurts!! Thats why Im pinching them..... ....Arguing like old friends and fighting about absolutely nothing, we reached the PC Room. When I pushed open the door, I saw Hyunsung playing a game and smoking. Hey, Hyunsung. Yehwon wants to see you.. Come out for a while. Yehwon?!???!! When he turned around.. I could feel the hesitance and horror flooding out of him.. It didnt feel very good... .. Hi, Hyunsung~ Can I see you for a second? I-Im in the middle of a game. Want me to come in then..? Wait, Ill go out. Seungpyo, can you make sure I dont die? I want to go too!! Play the damn game! Hyunsung and I yelled at the same time.. And Seungpyo stared at us with puppy dog eyes and sat down quietly and started playing the game like a good little boy. What now? Hyunsung, theres something Im really curious about. And youre the only one who can answer this for me. What is it? TT_TT.. Promise youll answer..

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Well, I have to hear it first...!! Youre going to answer me, right? Its not about Eunsung, right? Nope

Its not about Kim Hyobin, right? Nope~ Okay, then what is it? Hyunsung asked nodding his head. ...You know... Yeah...? ......... ........... ............. For a while, I was silent.. What is it? Is there a senior you know named Shin Haebin?? ...........................................Why..? Do you know what happened between him and Eunsung? ...... ........ ...............For a while, silence flowed.. You said you wouldnt ask about Eunsung... Its not about Eunsung, its about that oppa.. Sorry... I cant tell you... Han Yehwon, I cant tell you that sorry.. Why.....? Is it really serious?? ..Yeah, there are things I should tell you and things I shouldnt.. And this is something I REALLY shouldnt tell you. And Id also feel bad towards Haebin

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hyung. Well, I guess I cant do anything about it then.. Sorry.. Its okay, Im fine (Just be lucky that youre my type, if you were ..) ..

Seungpyo, Id have killed you.. How are you and Eunsung? I havent heard f- ................. ................. ............................... Hey, baby!!!!!! AHK!!!!

Kim Hansung!! And next to him was triple chin!!!!! TT_TT Hi.... Hyung, why am I a baby? Hyunsung asked, bowing to them.. Not you, I meant Yehwon standing next to you~~~ You know Yehwon, hyung? How could I not? My baby~ What are you doing ignoring my calls!! Makes me want to barf just listening to you.. Triple chin said... I was talking to Hyunsung. What about? Oppa will buy you something to eat~~ ..Hyung, what kind of relationship do you have with Yehwon? ....... ........... .................. Hyunsung quietly spat out. .....Oh right.. Hyunsung doesnt know.. ;;;

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That he and I know each other... I guess Ji Eunsung didnt tell him. Hey~ What are you doing talking so rudely to your senior?! (<-- obviously triple chin) Yehwon? Yehwons my little baby, why? ................Your little baby, my big fat ass.. For a while, Hyunsung was silent.. And spoke coldly again.. Yehwons going out with Eunsung... What the hells wrong with you, you little bastard? <-- triple chin.. Please go.. Youre scaring the crap out of me.. ........ ............. I know, you can do it in now. <-- Kim Hansung seems to be mad too. ......... ................. Why did it get so complicated all of a sudden? ............. ................. Yehwon, want me to tell you? ..

,.......Hyunsung asked, forcing a smile on his face... He talked as if he was daring his seniors to watch. Tell me what? About Haebin hyung and Eunsung... You said you were curious, right? Haebin hyung, Eunsung, and Kim Hansung sunbae, right? Want to hear what the most tragic thing at Sang is? Is Hyunsung in his right mind??

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Just a little while ago, he didnt want to tell me... And now he says he does? And slowly, little by little, Kim Hansungs face froze. Following soon after, Triple chin yelled loud enough to shake the street.. Get on your knees!!!!!! # 92 .. Get on your knees.. What does that mean?? TT_TT But Hyunsung stayed the way he was.. Hey you, go find something for me to beat this bastard with in less than 10 seconds. Triple chin said to me.. Hey, why are you making her get it? Just beat him a few times. Kim Hansung... Did you just say to beat Hyunsung... ?!!?!?! No!! Hyunsung didnt do anything wrong. TT_TT I asked him!! TT_TT.. ..........Hyunsung just stared.. Because of me.. again!!! I told you to get on your knees, didnt I? Dont make me go insane... Hyunsung... TT_TT.... Yehwon.. Get away... Hyunsung TT_TT ... Oppa, oppa!! It was me who asked!! Hyunsung wasnt going to tell me anything! I asked him first, I brought it up!!! Hansung, take that girl and leave. ........... If only Ji Eunsung was here.. If only he was here... _.. Just beat him, but dont kill him.. When youre finished call me, I also have a

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lot of things to say to that bastard... .......Kim Hansung grinned and with that, he grabbed my hand and started pulling me... Hold on.. hold on!! Let me go!! TT_TT.. My dad is a police man!!! Didnt I tell you my dad was a mob boss? Baby, its not good to look at things like that... Lets go eat with oppa, okay? Let go of me!!! LET GO!!! Hyunsung!!!!!! TT_TT.. You look cuter when youre mad . What do you want to eat?

WAHHHH!!! TT0TT !! Hyunsung!! Just tell him that you didnt do anything!! Beg or something!! Let go of me!! Eunsung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However.. Kim Hansung was a guy too... No matter how strong my arms were, they werent strong enough to beat a guys. No matter how much I twisted to get free.. shook my head, stopped my feet from budging, he still found a way to pull me along with him... What??! Haebin what?!??! You miss Haebin, dont you!??! Ill send you where Haebin is, you little bastard.. .......I heard triple chin say to Hyunsung.. What do I do.. What do I do....? Should I call the cops the first chance I get?? No, thatll just be worse for Hyunsung... Theres no one to even help him!! Hyunsung.. TT_TT.... Let me go!! What about Hyunsung?!!??!? TT_TT !!!!!! ...... ....... ......... Its not something you should worry about. Dont go asking stupid questions... ........Kim Hansung was mad...

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...He probably wont make me get on my knees and beat me, would he...? TT_TT... I wont!! Dont hit Hyunsung!!!!! He wont kill him, theres nothing for you to be worried about. Hes my junior before hes your friend. ........Hyunsung.. What about Hyunsung?!?! TT_TT.. Why, does it piss you off that hes getting hit? First Eunsung, now its Hyunsung? So youre showing your true self now?? What true self? Ive been showing you my true self the whole time ^0^. Get it. ...He said opening the door for me... Im not going anywhere until you help Hyunsung... Hyunsungs life depends on you, Yehwon.~ If you listen nicely, then he lives, if you dont.. Well ^0^.... Just to let you know, Junggab (triple chin) has killed a person before... WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! # 93 Vroom.. Vroom... Go call your friend right now.. Tell him to stop hitting Hyunsung.. Hurry, call him right now.. Youre talking a little rudely to your senior.. .........I was in the damn guys car... Actually it probably wasnt his car, but anyways!! I was in a car!!! Hyunsung, Ill save you somehow... Call him now, you promised... "^-^"

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Wordlessly, Kim Hansung smiled and took out his phone. Hello? Junggab?? Hey, leave Hyunsung alone now. Yeah, Im fine. Okay, just leave him, hes tolerable most of the time. Yeah, whatever, Ill call you later. ........ .............. .............. There, happy? ^0^?? .....What do you want from me??? TT_TT... What do you mean? I really really like Ji Eunsung. No wait, I really love him, okay?? Want to listen to music? ^-^? ......... ............. ................. ............. ................. Quiet music flowed inside the car... I know you like Eunsung.. But, I like you the same amount that you like Eunsung.. ......... .............. ................. Ive known you for a year.. I liked you that much, and now I like you even more.. What do I do? I cant help myself.... ....... .......... Oppa, youre bothering me, you know that? Im going to make you like me.. I promise you that... Thats not bothering you, is it? I promised myself that Id only like Eunsung... ........ ..............

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.................. .................... Right then.. the car got stopped at a red light.. And I spotted someone standing at a sidewalk, ready to cross.. Dirty, folded up to his knees sweat pants..... Tall height... Holding something heavy on his back and arms.. A hat, covered the persons face.. But I could recognize him.. Eunsung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "..........." Eunsung quietly looked over to where my voice was coming from and saw me and Kim Hansung.. The he let out a small laugh.. His pupils were shaking.... Eunsung!!! Its not what you think!!! EUNSUNG!! TT_TT!!!! Save m-!!!!!! VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM... Are you playing with me?? ...

Yeah, I am! We stopped for a long time, huh? ............Oppa, youre going to regret it... Regret what? You think Eunsung will just leave you alone?!??! Im his senior.. Im hungry!! ...Eunsung.. That was you earlier right??? Why did you look at me like that??? Do you know how much I miss you?? I miss you so much that I think Ill go crazy...

# 94

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Are we there yet?!??!?! Huh? How much longer do we have to go!??! I think I have a parasite living inside me stomach (trying to sound as dirty as possible to get him to stop liking me). Were almost there~~ Were you THAT hungry?? Just be ready with a lot of money.. ... ..

If I dont have the money, Ill just leave you there to work off your debts! ^0^ Lame~ How can you call that funny? (trying to annoy him to stop liking me.) You know it was funny~ ^0^.. SNORT!! (Trying to look as dirty as possible.) Hmm, he probably likes me a little less, right?? I didnt you know you had a cold~ I guess Ill have to buy you some medicine too! Ive never been sick in the 18 years Ive been alive. Only weak people get colds.. My sister gets sick often Your sister?!?! Yeah, why? Your sister and Eunsung used to go out, right??? Did he come over to your house often??! ......... ............. .............. Awkward silence.. The silence passed.... Were here ^0^. Are you sure you dont need medicine? I dont eat medicine if theyre not drugs... .

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Youre really funny. I guess when we get married ,I wont be lonely. ^0^. ...Marriage?? I cant get married, they said I cant have children. Who said that? The doctor, of course. You are just so cute.. . Believing everything you hear!

..(Cute? Dammit)... I just pretended to believe him.. Im not gullible, you know My wifes smart, isnt she? ^-^ TT_TT... TT_TT... Nothings working.. TT_TT... Anyways.. Why was Ji Eunsung outside dressed in that kind of crap? It was the country farm boy style.. Maybe he went crazy because of me.... I have to call him.. But I cant in front of him.. ................ Kim Hansung had taken me to a restaurant in another city.. After turning off the car, he stepped out and opened my door for me.. It was the first time a guy had opened a car door for me... If only the person opening it was Eunsung... Id have jumped into his arms... Thinking, its been a while since Ive hugged him.. Eunsung~ TT_TT.. ................................................. Were only going to eat. You promised.. And when I get home and see Hyunsung beat up, Im going to call the police. ".._??_???" ........... ................ When we walked in, I purposely sat at the table in the middle of the

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restaurant... Why did you just speed away when you saw Eunsung earlier?? Because I like you.. ......... ............... ..................I shouldnt have brought it up... I- I see.. Where are the menus?? Aish.. Nuna!! Over here!!! ............ ...................As soon as Id finished talking, he called the unnie over.. Sheesh, he has good manners, but I STILL dont like him... But what is all this about Shin Haebin? Seeing that he doesnt like bringing Shin Haebin up.. What if this guy here killed Shin Haebin?! While I was imagining different scenarios.. The unnie had brought the menus over. I want the most expensive thing in here.. Excuse me? The most expensive thing... .............Kim Hansung, youre so dead.. Kim Hyobin.. Im going to eat off all his money.. Hey, hey, I didnt bring that much money. Well, thats what I was aiming for. Im really picky. Oppa, arent you going to order anything? Don-kka-Seu please.. What would you like for dessert? The most expensive thing.

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Theyre all the same price

Then the one with the most quantity.. Yes maam.. Ill just have some ice cream. Even if my stomach has to pop, Im going to scrape you of ALLL your money.. EHHEHE. ............. Around 20 minutes later.. I had cleaned my plate of food.. And was stabbing the last piece of kernel corn with my fork. Do you want to eat mine? I guess you were really hungry.. I dont eat things that people have already eaten.. You really ARE picky. Lets go, Im finished.. The dessert hasnt even come out yet~! +BURP+ Im full.. ............ ............... .................. ..Right, baby, what do you want me to get you for Saturday? ..Why am I a baby? Because youre MY baby, what are you going to do on Saturday? You can play by yourself, oppa. Its your birthday-- is there something you want? Eunsung.. Not a person.. .

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Eunsungs picture.. ...Not that kind of stuff.. Eunsungs underwear.. ...Something that doesnt have to do with Ji Eunsung. Then nothing. ................Well, then what should we do that day? Im going to the beach with Eunsung that day ^0^. What if I wont let you? Then were going to Kapyung. What if I wont let you be with Eunsung. ^-^ ?? .....I have my ways.. Really, youve got me interested.. Hold on.. ............ ............... .................With that, Kim Hansung got up and took out his cell phone. Hello? Huh? Yeah, its me Im at Scarlet right now. But can you bring some money over? Yeah, Ill buy you a lot of things to eat. Okay. Hurry! Thanks, bye beautiful! ...Who was he talking to? Oh wait, thats none of my business.. How do I get him off my back on Saturday?

# 95 I guess its a bad thing to have a lot of guys... ....If I call Eunsung, will he answer? Ill go make a call really quickly. You can use mine.

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...Its 011, right? No, its 016. Oh right, right, 016. I dont like using phone that start with 016. Why? Because I dont like the number 6. Ill be right back. There are phones on the table. Use those ^0^. I like the sound that pay phones make when the coins go in!!! You are really different.. ^-^ Who are you going to call? Someone, Ill be back. ....... ........... I quickly went out into the pay phone outside. +RING RING RINGG+ ........... ...............What do I tell him? Its me, Yehwon.. No No.. Honey, its me~~ He might just hang up.. Guess who I am~~ I cant say that... ...................................... Hel...........lo?? ........ ..........Its silent... Eunsung? ........... .......... Eunsung, say something, its me, Yehwon. ..........

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................ ...Are you really mad..? +Click.. BEEP BEEPP BEEEPP.+ I guess he really is mad.. I punched in his number again.. +RING RING RIING RIINGG+ Im sorry, the number you have reach- He just turned it off, the ass.. I walked out of the phone booth.. Long time no talk... .............................. .................................. The voice I know so well... AHHKK!! ...uh right, long time no talk.. What are you doing here? I came to eat. Well, have fun eating. FUN? How can I have fun when I know youre alive? Kim Hyobin! What the hell are you doing here?? Shes really pretty ..

Wait. Hold. On. A .Moment. Kim. Hyobin. Is. Whose. Little. Sister?? With those thoughts, I followed after her. Kim Hyobin opened the door and sat across from Kim Hansung. The two siblings were talking happily together.

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Kim Hyobin took her wallet out of her backpack and handed her brother some money.. Kim Hansung rubbed her head and seated her next to him.. What do I do.. ......... Confidently, I stepped over to them. Long time no see, Kim Hyobin ^-^ .... Do you know me? Hyobin, dont you know Yehwon? Shes the same age as you. Oppa, we know each other. Hyobin, you know me, right? ^0^ ..................Oppa, what are you doing with her? She asked, clenching her jaw. Shes the one I told you about. Shes cute, huh? "................." "........................" For a while it was silent... and Kim Hansung looked over from me to her from me to her. Isnt she Eunsungs girlfriend? .Kim Hyobin was grinning widely.. Yeah, she is.. Howd you know? How could I not know? I used to go out with Eunsung, remember? I didnt know that you knew.. Sorry.. Oppa, you shouldnt be sorry. There are people here who should be though ^0^ ............ ................. ..?

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........................... ................................. I sat down at my seat... Wheres Eunsung? she asked. Eunsung? Hes at home. What are you doing here with my brother instead of your boyfriend? Your brother dragged me here. You COULD call it kidnapping. Alright! Yehwon 1 and Hyobin 0!! My brother has weird taste in girls, doesnt he? I thought the only person around here with weird taste was Eunsung.. Yehwon 1 and Hyobin 1 He does, doesnt he? After all, he DID go out with you ^-^ Oh YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2:1!!! Hey, girls, stop it. What are you doing? Kim Hansung said. Oh right, youre here too, arent you? ...... ...... Are you guys doing this because of Ji Eunsung? ....... Yeah, we are. What are you going to do about it.. Oppa, I dont like Eunsung anymore, you know that ^0^. Oh really, is that right?? You dont like him anymore, do you? ...... ......... Its kind of awkward, lets go. Sorry, I shouldnt have called you over Hyobin. .

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What are you talking about? Hm, now that I think about it, you guys make a handsome couple. Its unbalanced.. Good luck, Han Yehwon.. Because my brother is a lot better than Ji Eunsung...^-^ Oh, so thats what you were trying to do, get me to go with your brother and you after Eunsung, eh? Do you think Eunsung likes girls like you?! Then why are you giving me your brother thats a whole lot better than Eunsung? +RING RINGG RINGG!!!+ Right then, Kim Hyobins phone started to ring... Hello? Who? EUNSUNG!??!?! .......... Did I just hear her right?? .....Did she just say Eunsung??? # 96 ........... ................... ........................No, it cant be true... Huh? Right now? I can go, yeah. Ill be right there... Dont eat by yourself. Ill be right there. Wait there, see you. ^0^ +CLICK+ ..............................What did I just hear? Han Yehwon, your boyfriend just called to say that he wanted to drink with me Sorry oppa, Ill see you at home. Oh oppa, give me 20 dollars ^0^.

Kim Hansung took two bills from his hand and gave it to Kim Hyobin. Ill be late, really late ^0^. Have fun oppa! If I get a chance, Ill see you later, Han Yehwon. I lost to Kim Hyobin again... Do you know why? Ji Eunsung, do you know why your girlfriend lost to Kim Hyobin? Its because of you.. Because of you, I lost...

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.................... ........................ With a slight bounce in her walk, Kim Hyobin walked out. And Kim Hansung and I were silent.. Im sorry... ..........I hate you and you sister so much.. I truly do.. If I could, I would kill both of you... .......What do I do.. Even if you hate me, I want to be with you... I miss Eunsung... I miss Eunsung... TT_TT... Take me to Eunsung.. Its not Kim Hyobin who should be by him right now.. TT_TT.. Its me... Lets go..... Take me to Eunsung~~ TT_TT Oppa, Im begging you, I want to be with Eunsung... TT_TT... But I need you by me too... .......... ................... .......................I cried without stopping... Because I didnt want to believe that it was Eunsung who had called Kim Hyobin.. Because I pitied myself... I cried... And because I missed Eunsung so much, enough to go crazy, I missed him so much that I couldnt stop crying.. Eunsung, when you saw me with Kim Hansung, is this how you felt..?? ..............My heart hurts... Is this what you felt like Eunsung??? ...I guess the two people who got their hearts broken should go for a drink.. .. I didnt get my heart broken.. Dont say that.... Do you know that if you drink when youre crying, it tastes better? ^0^ ...I might die from drinking too much.. No wait, Ill drink till I die... Lets die together.. The owner will bury us ^-^

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Grin.... If you laugh while youre crying..!! ^0^ Stop it.... TT_TT... Lets go... ^-^ ..... ................. .....................Dizzy... Hey! Are you okay? .....Im fine... Are you sure you can drink? I want to.. I have to.. If I go home with a clear mind, I think Ill die.... ...............You like him that much..? ...Oppa, I dont like talking about Eunsung in front of you.. Ill go out first... ...... ........ .......... ...............Shakily, I walked out of the small restaurant and squatted down on the ground and I cried so long and loudly that my throat hurt... Kim Hansung stood next to me, just watching silently... ........... ......... .............. Are you done? ^-^? I think so... I guess its true you CAN run out of tears... I dont have any left... I guess the only thing left to do is drink ^-^ "..............." I was inside the car.. It was heading slowly towards the city... What are you going to do about Eunsung?

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What do you mean? Are you still going to go out with him? What kind of question is that.. ? How do you want me to answer? ...My sister, Hyobin, really likes Eunsung.. And I like you a lot... Thats why I dont like both of you.. Dont think about the small things, just think about who you likes more.. Love is all about the small things.. Little things you can add up.. You dont know that, oppa... ..........I just want to tell you, this oppa likes you... I really really like you a lot. Its the truth.. I like you enough to tell you that this is my first time feeling this way.. .....I dont hear what youre telling me.. because the only thing in my head right now is Eunsung... Lets get out.. "........" Eunsung.. I wonder whats keeping us apart.. Is it Kim Hansung and Kim Hyobin..? No, thats not it.. The thing thats keeping us apart is you... You wont open up... Your stupid pride... and my stupid little head that cant trust you... Thats why were going trough so many hardships.. When will you figure that out? I already have.... Im really ready for you... But how long do I have to wait for you? How long do I really have to wait for you? Isnt it about time you opened up to me? Eunsung.. Its hard.. Its really hard for me... Im exhausted.... Im worried that youll leave me...

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Hold on to me.. Tell me.. why our relationship is like this.. Please..

# 97 .... ....... ........ .............. Its been 2 hours already... Why am I not getting drunk? Its been four bottles already.. Its because I keep thinking of him... Why is HE getting drunk instead?? Thats what IM asking Do you know how I feel?? One year! For one year!! HUH!?!?! ....Stop it.. Lets get up.. Youve drunk too much.. One year! Ive liked someone for 1 year! You know what a miracle that is?!?! And you dont know how I feel....... After finishing this, Kim Hansung just put the whole bottle up to his mouth. I think Im going to go crazy, the one who should me drunk is ME!!!!! ............. ....... Give that to me!!!! Youre going to be rude again!?! Oppa, youre not a very pretty sight to look at you right now. You know that? . "..........." How are you going to look at me tomorrow? ...So youre going to meet me tomorrow?? Is that it...? ...ugh, I dont even think that I can drink anymore because of you. Give it to me! ...I grabbed the soju in his hands and dumped it into MY mouth.

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...Are you going to meet me tomorrow? Youre going to meet me tomorrow?! You promise?! "..............." While he was muttering to himself, I continued to dump it into my mouth. I wish I could just get drunk a little and forget about Ji Eunsung... But why am I NOT getting drunk!?!??!?!! ....Whys it Eunsung? Always Ji Eunsung? Ji Eunsung.. Ji Eunsung... Why is everyone only looking for Ji Eunsung...? ......I told you this a while before.. But while I was drinking, he was talking to himself.. ....... ............... ............... Kim Hansung continued to talk, and I continued to drink... .....I think he kept talking about Ji Eunsung... .......And I could hear his voice slowly get quieter... ....... Whhhhatttt?!?!??! I like you a lot... Oppa~~~ Arent you even embarrassed???~~~~~~~ (<-- drunk) Hey, we got closer because of soju~~!!! Okay! Oppa feels so much better!! (<-- drunk) HICCUP, oppa, I have to go pee.. Hehe, have fun.. I think Im starting to get un-drunk. Its time for you to be drunk. Im already drunk!! Hehe!!! Okay!! Well just finish this and leave! I got up and started walking shakily.. I have to walk properly... I just want to go to sleep...

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AHH! Its been forever since Ive been drunk! It feel soooo good!!!! TT_TT Eunsung!!! TT_TT Eunsung!! EUNSUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT_TT!!!!!!! ..Im crying, Im crying again.. because I miss Eunsung..... Because I miss him so much that Im crying again.... Hey! Hey! Yehwon!!!! Someone is running towards me..... Is it Eunsung? Eunsung!!!!!!!!! Eunsung!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know how much Ive missed you!?!?!?! ...Its me, Hansung.. Youre really drunk.. Lets go.. Lets take you home... Eunsung! You retard!! Do you know how much Ive missed you.. TT_TT....?? I said its Hansung... Yehwon, get on my back... Get on.. I had a lot to say.. but I cant remember anything... ..Phew, get on my back. .....I know... I know that the person isnt Eunsung.. I know its Kim Hansung... But I just want to say your name.... ....Stupid.. Stupid Ji Eunsung.. Be happy with Kim Hyobin.. TT_TT... WAHHHHHH!!! Yehwon, dont cry . Get in the car, okay ^0^??

WAHH!! Its because of your sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "............... .."

VROOOM>>>> Man, Im so dizzy...

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Eunsungs probably with Kim Hyobin right now, right? .....He probably is, right...? ...Hes probably forgotten all about me... ..But Im being the stupid one.. not being able to forget him... I guess I really should forget him.... ....Eunsung, do you know how much my heart beat when I was around you? I was never entirely relaxed; I thought youd leave and go far far away... But I guess there isnt a reason to be relaxed because you already left.. You left to Kim Hyobin... I miss you so much that I think Im going to go crazy... Im worried that Im not going to be able to forget you.. Yehwon, wipe your tears and get out.. Were here... .............................We are...?? Were in front of your house.. Want to go in together? Are you okay? HEH.. if you go in with me, Han Seungpyo will kill you.. >_<. ....I guess you know that Seungpyo hyung hates me... You can go now... Im going to go in myself.... I dont want to see your face anymore today... +SLAM+ I slammed his car as hard as I could... ...Oppa will call you when I get home. Ring the doorbell, and dont go anywhere else... Okay? BBYEBYEBYEBYEBYEB!! Bye forever!! BEYEB!!! Im going to see you tomorrow.. Im going, bye. BYEBYEYEB!!! You know I love you ,right?

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HICCUP Ill see you tomorrow.. VROOM!! VROOM!!!! Finally, Kim Hyobins brother drove away!!! COUGH!! COUGH!! COUGH! Are you okay?! .............. ............????????... Someone asked pounding my back.... Ive seen him before... Who are you??? ....Did you just get here? I waited for you.... Who are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?? .....You drank a lot, didnt you? Nothing happened between you and Kim Hansung, right? ..... I have something to tell you.. I waited for you, your house was easy to find... ".............." Do you have time to listen to me..? # 98 Who is this again..? Hes really good looking, hehe!! Youre good looking! Phew~ Yehwon, its me Hyunsung.. Whats wrong? How much did you drink? .......Hyunsung..? Hyunsung?? Yeah, Eunsungs friend, Hyunsung.. HYUNSUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..

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Yeah, its me


........ ..............Its Hyunsung.. Hyunsung...TT_TT.. I think I cried on Hyunsungs shoulder for a long time.... ...........And I think my mind cleared up a bit....Slowly.. Little by little... Are you done crying now? Huh? Oh, yeah. Its your turn to listen to me. Youre going to listen to me, right? Wait. No. You have to listen... ...Yeah, I will. "......^-^" .....We both headed towards the playground behind my house.. Something he has to tell me.. Did Eunsung make him? To tell Yehwon that he wanted to break up? Hyunsung! I dont want to listen!! ....Huh? I dont want to listen.. Its about Eunsung! I dont want to listen TT_TT... Its about Eunsung.. You have to hear me out. NO NO!! Then you want it to end like this!??!?!?! ............. ............... What are you talking about >_<?? Its about Kim Hansung and Eunsung... I came to tell you the things youre blank about!!! I waited 6 hours for you!!!!!! "..........................." ...

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..... ........ ...............Hyunsung got out a cigarette... and until hed smoked about half of it.. He continued to be silent... just blowing out smoke... ....Eunsung knew this hyung when he was in 4th grade... "........." ..Eunsung.. didnt have any friends until he was in his first year of middle school.. You know that, right? Because of that false rumor going on about him having AIDS. ...Yeah, I know............ ....But.. starting from 4th grade.. there was this hyung that looked after Eunsung... A hyung one year older than Eunsung.... ...Yeah.. Yeah.... The hyungs name was Shin Haebin. ..Shin Haebin...? ..The reason Eunsung came to Sang was because of Haebin hyung. And even in high school, he stuck by Haebin hyung closely... He didnt stay an hour away from Haebin hyung.... Kim Hansung was one of Haebin hyungs closest friends... So the three of them stuck together... enough for me and Seungpyo to get jealous.... ...........Im finally getting to hear about Shin Haebin... .......... For a while... Hyunsung was quiet again.. And he seemed to be deep in thought.... And Hyunsung opened his mouth again... ...And.. that Winter.... Eunsung.. Haebin hyung.. Kim Hansing and another sunbae.... went to go on a trip.... an overnight trip... to a stream or a river.. I dont know.. A place a bit far away from here.. It was cold.. They said something about being manly and being able to handle the cold... Anyway.. They yelled that and left, smiling... ...............Yeah....................? ....And when they got there... the three were setting up the tent... While they were goofing off.. while they were goofing off....

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..Yeah....? Haebin hyung fell in the water... Hed always been sick when he was little.. so didnt know how to swim.. He probably never had a chance to learn how to swim.... ...... Of course.... Eunsung, Kim Hansung, and the other hyung were about to jump in the water to save him.... But an ahjushi next to them kept them back... Telling them that if they jumped in, theyd all die too... saying that it would just be better to lose one instead of all... .........And...? ...Kim Hansung and the other hyung paused.. But Eunsung was different.. He wanted to save Haebin hyung so he was prepared to jump in... ......Yeah.........? ...But Kim Hansung and the other sunbae stopped him, saying that if he jumped in, hed die too.... ....Kim Hansung did...? ...I think the depth of the water was.. unbelievable.. Eunsung went crazy trying to get free from all the people.... Haebin hyung was crying, panicking, yelling at Eunsung to help him.. Eunsung got free and he was about to go into the water.. But Kim Hansung pulled him back... and slowly... slowly.... ....I think I know... Eunsung was able to see the person he loved the most in the world die in front of his eyes.. Unable to help him.... he passed out.. "..................." I couldnt find the words to say... When he was in the hospital and had opened his eyes.. Haebin hyung wasnt a part of this world anymore.... Eunsung had lost the 2nd person hed even loved most and received love from.. His dad... and Haebin hyung... When Eunsung was alone, Haebin hyung was the only one who had bothered to talk to Eunsung.. So he gave everything he had to Haebin hyung... "............." From that day on, Eunsung hated Kim Hansung.. The sunbae who was there with them moved to some other school..

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Yeah........ ..And a week later, Eunsung started going out with Kim Hyobin... Why is Kim Hyobins name coming out? ...Shed always liked him, starting from middle school.. And Eunsung didnt bother to look her way.. But after Haebin hyung left.. he asked her out just a week after Haebin hyung left... You know why? He wanted revenge on Kim Hansung...? ...You know hes not like that... ...Then why? ....Haebin hyung had always like Hyobin... Secretly... He liked her a lot.. He always asked Eunsung to make a habit to look after her.. to make her happy... And after Haebin hyung died... Eunsung started going out with Kim Hyobin.. It was all because of Haebin hyung... .......Oh.. I didnt know... With Hyunsungs shocking tale.. the fuzziness in my mind had disappeared... And I realized I missed Eunsung even more... ...Im not done talking.. Its just the beginning.. ..The beginning? Do you know why Eunsung didnt keep in touch with you? Do you know the reason? NO! TELL ME!!! ..Its because of you.. Because of you.. Because of your birthday.. Its funny, huh? Its funny that he did something like that, huh? Liar..... Liar? ^-^ The day you told him that your birthday was coming up...he avoided you.. He racked that stupid little brainless head of his and got an idea to throw you a surprise party. ...Youre lying, right...? Youre lying because I look so pathetic... Youre lying, right...? I just cant believe him..

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Eunsung... For the first time in his life.. he worked.... Not just easy things-difficult, exhausting things.. because of you... Work? He wanted to earn money for your party, so he got a job. While you were with Kim Hansung today.. he was working... A few days ago, while he was working, he did something wrong.. and he got hit.. That was when he saw you and was running away... He had spilt soil.. and he got hit.. A lot.. That was the first time in his life that he got hit by someone without hitting them back.. Because of you.. ................. ..But that day.. you were with Kim Hansung, werent you? And the next day, Eunsung worked for you.. What.. I dont believe you.. Eunsungs rich.. Hes rich... But he worked for me? You dont have to lie to me, Hyunsung. Phew... That day you went to his house... .......Yeah...? His nuna was pissy at you, wasnt she? ......Yeah..? That day... Eunsung hit his nuna... You know that? What??? When he went home, his nuna was saying a load of crap about you.. That she chased you away.. Shes always been a little b***hy... ".................." From that day on.. his allowance got cut.. because he hit his sister and because he sent their butler after you secretly so that his mom wouldnt find out because he thought you wouldnt be safe walking home alone. But that butler came back home, annoyed at something. And he told Eunsungs mom... So secretly, he was going to work until your birthday and then throw you a surprise party.. So that taxi driver... wasnt sent by Kim Hansung? It was Eunsung..? Eunsung sent him after me... What do I do...? I feel so... awful.....

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Where is he...? Wheres Eunsung.? You know that Eunsungs never eaten breakfast and gone to school..? ...What are you saying? Hes alone at home too.. No one ever pays attention to him.. not even his own blood related mom..... To Eunsung, his friends- no wait... To Eunsung, youre the most important thing in his life... When you were with Kim Hansung.. do you know how hard it was for Eunsung? My throats choking up.... Earlier.. when you and Kim Hansung were together.. Damn, I thought my top would shoot off.. So thats why I acted like that in front of Junggab hyung.. Man, was I stupid or what? ... Its all because of you!!!!!! >_< !!

...Eunsung... Where is he? Huh? Eunsungs meeting Kim Hyobin right now... Where do you think they are?! Where is he? Where does Eunsung go a lot of the time?! Todays the day that Haebin hyung died.. They cremated him.. so hes a part of the river now... Thats probably why he called Hyobin... Haebin hyung like Hyobin a lot...Thats probably why he called her... What river is it?!??! ....Ill bring my cycle over. Wait here. I want to go to!!! I want to go with you!!! Phew.. Fine then. Hurry up. Eunsung.. What do I do.. I dont know.. I really dont... I feel so guilty.... I didnt even have a clue.... Like a retard.... All the times I was hurt.. Its nothing compared to what youve gone through.... Eunsung....... # 99 DIZZY.. I guess Im not totally awake as I thought I was... Yehwon, you wait here.. Ill bring it here as fast as I can..

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I want to go!! Eunsung might have already left... I WANT TO GO!!! EUNSUNG!!!!!!!!!!! TT_TT... Listen, will you... ...

Im going to tell Eunsung that youre being mean.. TT_TT... Hurry then.... Hyunsung gave a small smiled and he quickly walked away.... He never runs.. ....

Because of my birthday.. Eunsung.. TT_TT.... Im so sorry.... Just come to me, and Ill make sure that Ill always be there for you... I always had thoughts about marrying you.. But Im positive I will. TT_TT... Even if YOU dont want me to.. Im going to chase after you even if you want me too.. Where the hell is KIM HYUNSUNG?!??!?! (<--TN: HYUNSUNG not HANSUNG.. the first time I read this I kept getting the two confused.. ;;)

My head hurts.... I think Ive drank at least 10 bottles of soju... I decided to rest against the garbage can until he came... And tears came out of my eyes thinking about all the hardships that Eunsung had to go through... VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! ..I heard a motorcycle from a little distance away... Hyunsung! Youre finally here... I started to shake..

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Because I was so happy about meeting Eunsung again.... HYUNSUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...Slowly, the motorcycle came closer.. It was black.. Not a bad sight.... Why does he look so hot today?? Wait. I shouldnt be thinking like this ... Was his face always so white? Whats the head behind his back??? Did he find a girl that fast?? .....The motorcycle got closer and when it did.. it slowed down a little.. ............................ .........It was Eunsung.... And behind him... KIM. HYO. BIN.. With shaking eyes, he stared at me.. And with the happiest most content expression in the world, Kim Hyobin looked at me.. holding tightly onto Eunsungs waist.. The motorcycle passed me like that... EUNSUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kim Hyobin turned her head. EUNSUNG!!!!!!! EUNSUNG!!!!!!!! WAIT!! WAIT!!!!!!!!! LETS TALK!!! PLEASE?!?!? EUNSUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The motorcycle continued to go forward and Eunsung didnt turn around.. Im so dizzy.. Really dizzy.... I sat down on the spot... No, my legs just gave out... Eunsung.. You bastard... +SQREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!+

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?_?..?_?.. The motorcycle braked.. And someone is running towards me... The person I love most in the world.. And behind him, the person I HATE most in the world followed... EUNSUNG!!!! You drank, didnt you? Its been a long time, hasnt it, Eunsung? A really long time... Dont cry, why are you crying? Because Im happy.. Because Im so happy to be with you... TT_TT... ..That bastard made you cry didnt he............. Eunsungs voice got cold.. Im crying because of you!! Stupid! Because of you!! TT_TT... ....Is it because you feel bad that you want to break up with me?? Is that why? If it is.. Dont... He said, bowing his head... Idiot!! Stupid!!! Stupid i can't read!! Why dont you know that the only person I love is you!?!?!?!? TT_TT Why dont you know?!?!?!?! (<-- TN: sappy.. sappy... )

......I hugged the person that I love the most in the world.... As tightly as I could.... I heard everything from Hyunsung... Why youre avoiding me.. About Kim Hansung... Why didnt you tell me?? Why did you go through all of this alone? Why didnt you tell me.. TT_TT.................? ....... ............His hands went around my waist... And he hugged me back tightly... Tight enough for us to hear both our hearts beating... Hard enough that I had difficulty breathing...

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..........But it felt so good.... My hearts thumping like crazy.... I didnt know that I could love someone this much..... Who would have guessed that my match was this ass..?? I thought youd gone to him.. I thought youd left me too.. I thought I was going to go crazy, retard... ...Retard..? Ill let it go today... Han Yehwon.. Whend you break up with my brother? ........Its the b***hs voice... I dont know your brother. You were with him get in a love fight? . You guys looked happy together earlier, did you guys

If Eunsung wasnt here, Id have broken your face.. Ive never liked your brother... You guys werent going out? She asked, opening her eyes wide... What? Han Yehwon, dont live like that. Stick with one person. I was at a loss of words.. OMG that b***h.... Han Yehwon... TWITCH Eunsungs quiet voice said... NO! NO! Eunsung, its a misunderstanding!! You believe me, right??? Ive never... NO! Shes lying!! TT_TT... Ive never kissed you first, right?? ..?

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O_O........ O_O.... NOD NOD.. Lift your head.. H-huh? Lift your head.. ...My eyes look really weird from crying... FUQ. ..........?_?.............. He lowered his head and neared my lips... And looking quite hot, he placed his cold lips on mine.. I really like him a LOT. I slowly opened my left eye and winked at Kim Hyobin... ........ ............. ................ Huh?? Eunsung?! ..Kim Hyunsung.. Youre the problem.. You... I knew you were going to come back.. But why now.... TT_TT... ?

# 100 With surprised eyes, Hyunsung neared us... while Eunsung and I were smooching the crap out of each other. What the hell are you guys doing? ..I met Eunsung by chance.. He was riding his cycle. Then you guys are okay now? ....I have no clue.

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Why is SHE here? Hyunsung asked, nodding towards Kim Hyobin. Hey, Hyunsung. Go take her home. WHY ME?!?! Well, what do you want me to do with her? Both Hyunsung and Eunsung were arguing about who was going to take Kim Hyobin. HEHEHEHHE.. Kim Hyobin... Arent you embarrassed?? HEHE. You brought me out, so Ji Eunsung, you take me home. Kim Hyobin said with a shaking voice. Since I brought you out, why dont you go home yourself.. .. ....But you called me out. I called you because of Haebin hyung.... ......Take me home. Hyunsung, you can take her home. ...Why should I? Ji Eunsung.. You take me home.... Kim Hyobin was like a leech... ...Hey, you're starting to piss me off..... ..... .......Ji Eunsung.. Your personalitys starting to come back out.. Wow can you say that without any expression...? Well see at school, Ji Eunsung... Kim Hyobin said, forcing a smile.

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...And started to walk away.. probably trying to catch a taxi... I could see her biting her lip, trying not to cry.. ;; Ji Eunsung.. You are so mean.. ...

Hyunsung said, giving Eunsung a helpless look and running towards Hyobin quickly.. Oh right..... Hyunsung used to like Kim Hyobin......... Does he still have feelings for her?? Get on ...

Were going?? The suns rising.. I told you before, didnt I? To go home before the sun sets.. ... ....Then what about you? Im going in. ..Eunsung, you dont have to work for me anymore.. Work? I dont work ...

I heard everything.. You labored away for me, huh?? >_<.. Its not true!! Get on~!~~ EHEHHE... Cute guy ^-^ . I know everything~~ Your face is even red from embarrassment.. He has such a cute side to him!! I grabbed his waist tightly, and started rubbing my face on his back. Ive seen a bunch of girls do the exact same thing youre doing and fall off.. ... ...Cant you say it in a better way?? Hes returned to his normal self... I liked the quiet mysterious Ji Eunsung bet- no no~ I like this the best, right now~ ..

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EHEHEHHEH~~~ Are your feet supposed to shake this much when youre riding a motorcycle? I didnt know if I had to go pee, but I didnt feel too good... ......... ......... .............The ride was too short... In too short of a time, the cycle was in front of my house.. ............Why is time going by so fast..... When Im with Kim Hansung.. it seems as if one minute is one hour.... Im going!!! ..Okay~ Be careful!! Ill see you Saturday!! What about tomorrow? I dont have time tomorrow. Youre going to slave yourself away for me~?~? ^0^ Im not working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^0^ Okay, whatever.. my little baby~! Want to die? Didnt I tell you not to call me baby?? ...

See you the day after tomorrow!! Ill call you tomorrow! ^-^ OKAY!! ..................I was smiling as Eunsung disappeared... Im so happy.. I dont feel as uncomfortable as before... ...I wonder why.. ^0^ Was if because of our kiss earlier?? If it wasnt for Kim Hansung.. >_< Anyway.. What did Kim Hyobin mean earlier?? Well see tomorrow...

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......................................What if she gets her brother to beat him?!?!?! No! Thats not right!! No, its okay because Kim Hansung cant touch Eunsung... The next day, I went to school without an ounce of sleep. After telling Kyungwon everything, she admitted that Eunsung was muhshesuh.. And during study hall, the only thing she did was write Eunsungs name. HEY! Stop writing his name! Why are you writing your friends future husbands name??!?! Because it was so muhshesuh what he did!! Hey, youre getting a call.. Me...? Yeah, you. What if its Kim Hansung.. ? Can you answer and if its him, tell him Im taking a crap or something. You really want me to..?? Yeah! I have to make myself seem really dirty and disgusting to try and get him to stop liking me!! ....Hello? ....Yehwon...? Who is this......? Seungpyo...? Oh! Im Yehwons friend... Just a friend... My name is... uh.. Duhkjah. Hold on a second.. Yehwon... Its Seung....pyo... ...Oh... Seungpyos calling me? Wonder why. ...Of all the names, she picks Duhkjah? Duhkjah....? Why is she using my youngest aunts name??!?! Seungpyo?? YEHWON!!! Your HYUNG!! Your HYUNG!!! Huh?? CALL SEUNGPYO HYUNG!!!! Why...Whats up...........?

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EUNSUNG!! HES GETTING HIT BY THE HYUNGS!!! WHAT?!??!??!! The only person to stop them is Seungpyo hyung!! Tell him to come to Sang!!! My oppa!??!! Yeah! Your OPPA!! If he comes, everything will get better!! HURRY!!!! OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............What do I do... ? Whats happening..? TT_TT..... ...............Kim Hyobin.. This is all your doing, you b***h.... ......... ...... This isnt the time to be thinking about her.. Eunsung.... Eunsung..... Whats wrong? What happened?! Eunsungs getting hit by the 3rd years!! Kyungwon! Im going to use your phone! Huh?? Oh, here!! ....With shaky hands, I dialed my brothers phone number for the first time... Yello.. ... OPPA! Its me!! ...Who? Yiseul? Its me, YEHWON!!!!! ...My sister..?? YEAH! ...uh Hi... Oppa! Go to Sang right now!!! Please!!!

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Why? Eunsungs getting hit by Kim Hansung!!! ....Really....? Hurry!! PLEASE!!! Your sisters boyfriend is getting beaten by the guy that you hate the most!!!!!!!!! .....nah, I dont want to.... OPPA!! Yesterday, Kim Hansung dragged me from the PC Bang and kidnap- The fawking bastard!!!!!! Ill- +Beep......... Beep.............+ .... Anyway.. Han Seungpyo, its obvious that youll get there in less than a minute... My oppa was famous at Sang? I never would have guessed... Kyungwon! Im going to Sang! Tell the teacher for me!! I want to go to!!!!!!! You dont need to!!! Its okay if were not here. No one cares about us.. Well hurry!!!

Not even bothering to get our bags, we sped out of our school.. Hey, get a taxi!!! With whose money? ..You dont have money..? NOPE. ...Then run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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PANT...PANT.. PANT.....PANT........ Kim Hansung, Kim Hyobin.. Youre going to come out like this, huh..??? Is Eunsung getting hit a lot?? TT_TT.. Hes not one to just get hit... .......... ..What difference will it make if my brothers there though?? What if HE gets hit by triple chin? +BEEP BEEP!!!+ We ignored the street signs, and just continued running... getting a lot of fingers from drivers.. Wait.. Were going to go into Sang wearing our uniforms?? Kyungwon asked with a nervous voice. Truthfully, Im scared of Sang girls too. But, Eunsung is getting hit right now.. Eunsung is.... LETS GO!! ....You just want to barge in..? LETS GO!!!!!! ......... ..............I grabbed Kyungwons hand, and went in through Sangs gates. As if it was break time.. I could see a bunch of kids just hanging out.. EXCUSE ME!!! ".._??" As I had predicted.. everyone stared at us... Uh.. Do you know Eunsung? O_O.... Why? ...uh... Because... thats uh...

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NUNA! Huh? Joonsae!!! Thank God, you spotted me.. TT_TT... Joonsae! Wheres Eunsung?!?! Oh! Kyungwon nuna~ Joonsae ignored me and waved to Kyungwon.. Yeah~ Long time no see, Joonsae! Nuna, howve you been ^0^ HEY! Where is Eunsung!?!?!!!!!!!!! Eunsung hyung? He was taken to the back with the 3rd year hyungs. 3rd years??! How many!??! Uh.. Around 15... Eunsung and Hyunsung hyung.. Why? Where are they!??!?! Behind the school.. Is there something wrong?!? AHK! Ill kill Kim Hyobin!! I pushed past Joonsae and ran like crazy towards the back of the school.. And I could feel the kids all staring at me.. ....And heard something.. that Ive been hearing often... Hey, shes the girl who got her finger stuck! . Anyway, that doesnt matter.. Eunsung!! Ill save you!!!!!!!!!!!! Han Yehwon! Wait for me! Kyungwon chased after me, but I dont have the time to wait for her... ................Theres the back!

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.......................Truthfully, Im scared... But for Eunsung... 1...... 2........ 3...........!!!!!!!!! Eunsung!!!!!!!!!!! ......... ........ OPPA!!!! What the hell are you doing here!!! ...Oppa, when did you get here...? I ran here after I got your call...Hey, Kim Hansung says you ate with him!!!!!! .....What I saw... ........was a line of 3rd years kneeling on the ground... I could see Triple Neck and Kim Hansung... And sitting on a box was Ji Eunsung smoking, while frowning... Next to him was Hyunsung with a cold expression on his face... There was a bruise on his face.. AND THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY!!! ....Sweatpants that were folded up to his knees... I dont know if he meant to do that or that he was sleeping before... ..........Hair that was divided into two parts... and frowning... ....In one hand was a long stick It was a young man.... I didnt want to believe it.... I didnt want to admit that.. it was my brother.... TT_TT.. ...... ..........

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And right then, Kyungwon poked her head inside. You bastards! Ill!! He yelled raising his hand high and hitting each 3rd year on the head.. Kim Hansung got hit twice.. ....Triple chin seemed the most pathetic... My god.. How can anyone look so pathetic...? Hey, you bastard.. If you touch my sister one more time, I wont finish it here!!! Han Seungpyo yelled trying to be scary, but looking hilarious.. What are you doing here? Eunsung asked, walking towards me.. Whyd you get hit...? I dont know~ That Kim Hyobin b***h~ You bastard! You want to die!??!! Triple Neck yelled at Eunsung... Choi Junggab.... Do YOU want to die..?? <-- Han Seungpyo.. Im sorry, sunbae!!! <-- Seriously.. So pathetic... I dont think youve realized what youve done wrong. Lets have another go!! Im sorry, sunbae!!!! No~ No~ Ive been bored these days since I havent seen you kneel on the ground... Its pretty early, right? Just stay like this until 6, and then after that, lets go to the city ^0^!! What the hell is he saying? Go out in the city... Anyway.. ^-^ I cant help but looking at Kim Hansungs face... What if he kills me when he sees me outside? I guess Ill have to go out with my brother whenever Im in the city~ I guess there are more uses for this human than I thought thered be.

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Hey!! You stupid girl! Did you skip school to be here?!??!?! Han Seungpyo yelled at me. Yeah... Are you crazy!??! Get back to school!!! I came to see Eunsung! Who said I came to see you!?!??!! +KOONG+ OW! Why are you hitting me!?!??!>_<!! Get back to school!!! Why are you hitting my wife~~? Ji Eunsung, are you crazy...!?! He had yelled that at my brother.. " ....."

My brother just gave an annoyed sigh.. Eunsung, lets go. I took Eunsungs hand and started dragging him out.. I dont know where Kyungwon went, because I didnt see her.. If you dont get back to school, Ill kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Han Seungpyo yelled after me.. I walked with Eunsung, side by side. Didnt you get hit? Are you okay? ...Hit? Who got hit? Kim Hyobin did it, didnt she? I dont know!! AISH! Its pissing me off! I could have won my game! Then I could have won money! Calling me out for no damn reason.. ...Do you need money? ....

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Yeah. Because of my birthday? Didnt I tell you to stop.. Im going now! ^0^ Ill walk you over. Its fine! Get back it! Classes should have started for you!! I said Ill walk you over. Its fine ^0^. Will you just damn listen?? As if telling me that was that, he hit my head lightly. .....Wheres Kyungwon? Did she leave without me? With Eunsung continuing to hit my head lightly, he walked me to school.. ^-^ And thats how that day passed... And tomorrow!! Tomorrows my birthday!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH! ...

+LAST CHAPTER!!! 101 + #101 That day, oppa came home around 11 PM. His messy hair had calmed down slightly.. Oppa! Youre home! Ill never forget what you did earlier!! TT_TT..!! Kim Hansung was pretty stringy... What? No matter how much I beat him, he wouldnt give you up.... Sang kids have

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weird taste these days. What does that mean.. ...?

Kim Hyobin was next to me crying her damn eyes out.. It was so annoying! Im tired! Make me food!! ...I was beginning to wonder why you didnt make me make you rice these days.. Okay. Ill be nice because of what you did for Eunsung.. +RINNG RIIIIIINGGGGG+ Its probably Eunsung, right? >_<.. Hello? Me~~ Its Eunsung!! Yeah! Where are you right now?! Who am I? Eunsung~ >_<.. "..........." ...Am I wrong?? No. Youre right. What the hell..? ...

Come out to Joongang park tomorrow by 3! Oh gosh! I thought you were going to throw me a surprise party! But you just tell me where youre having it?? Thats not fun! +CLICK...+ What the!! TT_TT... It was a joke! And you hang up?? TT_TT..

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+RING RIIIIIIIIIING RINGGGGGGGGGGG+ You want to die!??!?!! .....Yeah, I do.... What are you saying?? Its me.. Hansung.... ...... .............. ................ Oh... Hi... Where are you.... At home.. His voice was low.. Sorry about earlier... But you hit Eunsung first.. Me....? Ha... What the hell.. He thinks hes some kind of comic book character.. Why the hell is he laughing like that...? If you didnt start it, Im sorry.. Im closer than ever with Eunsung... You saw earlier right? ... Good night... .......... ............. .............. ..............I love you........ ....... ............... ............... Why did my heart just beat quickly? _.. .....Do it with 5... I said after 5 minutes of thinking...

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(TN: ..... That made no sense, did it? HAHA.. Yeah, its something only Koreans know.. UH. Sorry, I tried my best.. Heres the actual dialogue: "...5 .. 5 -_-^) I love you.. I do... ..... ...... ......... ..Cant you just leave me and Eunsung alone...? Were just starting to be happy again... Then.. I guess Im the stupid one... ............There will be a lot of girls that would be happy to have you, oppa... I swear it.. ...The only girl I want is you... Im sorry.. Thats all I can say... Come out to Cello tomorrow at 3. Im meeting Eunsung at 3. Ill be waiting until you come.. Just think about who loves you more... +CLICK...........+ ....... ......... I feel bad... ......Kim Hansung... isnt too bad of a guy... If I hadnt met Eunsung.... +RING RIIIIIINNNNNNG RIIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG+ Right then, my cell phone rang loudly. Hello. Hey! Why was your phone busy?!??!! Eunsung...

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Yeah... How much do you like me...............?? ...

How much..? How much do you like me... ............A needles eye... Are you kidding me...? A lot... of needles eyes.. REALLY?!??! REALLY?!??! ^0^!! Whos in the needle eye then? My friends... ...Ask me the same question!! What? Ask me how much I like you. ...........Youre turning greasy.. Hurry and ask!! You dont need to tell me, I already know, retard. Why do you keep calling your wife names!? >_<!! Why did you keep hurting your husband, huh?! Forget it! Forget it!! Riding in a car with Kim Hansung... I did not!! When did that happen!?! Last night!!! I didnt do it to piss you off!! TT_TT.. Right then, the door opened... Its HAN. SEUNG. PYO. ..

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Make me food. Let me talk a little more. Im hanging up soon. Make it now. 1 minute!!! Hey, who is it? Eunsung asked.. Oppa.. Does he want you to make you food? YEAH! Let me talk to him. He has a bad temper.. You saw him with the stick earlier, right? I know! Let me talk to him! Its late and he wants you to make him food?! I know~ Hes mean TT_TT.. Eunsung, hit him for me.. T_T.. SNATCH!! What are you doing!! Give it back!!! ...

Han Seungpyo took my phone and popped out the battery with a blank expression on his face. And then disappeared. But not before saying, Make me food. I will!! Give back my battery!!! EUNSUNG!! TT0TT!! Do you like HIM more or me....? ..... ............ ....Oppa, I dont understand you.. Do you know that youre so immature? ...Do you like him more.. or me....

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Hold on a sec, Ill make you your food. I said, ignoring his question and heading towards the kitchen.... Anyway, I finished making his food... And I quickly went into my room and locked the door... ........... ........ I feel bad for Kim Hansung... .... Because of the fact that he was Kim Hyobins oppa.. I think I pushed him away... Im sorry... Sorry... Im really sorry.. I shouldnt have gone to my oppas graduation that day... That morning.. I couldnt fall asleep.. .......... ............ ............... ................ YEHWON! WAKE UP!! ............. ...... In front of me was some seaweed stew... (TN: When its your birthday in Korea, youre supposed to have seaweed stew for breakfast) Thanks, mom!! Todays my 18th birthday!! This might be the best memory of my life!! feelings~~ Im getting a bunch of good

That day, I paid barely any attention to classes.. As soon as it was 12, I ran home and got ready two hours before our meeting time. I left the house with Kyungwon. And right now.. Im running towards him.... The guy I think Im going to spend

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the rest of my life with.. The. Guy. Was. Muh. She. Suh. ....... ................ ..................... 5 years later. December 3rd, 7 in the morning. In apartment 501 in Boondang. The small apartment where Han Yehwon and the Muh Shi Neun guy live in.. Hansung oppa! You have to come early, okay???! Okay.. okay!!!! Ill come early!!! You know I love you, right? ^0^ Dont come home too late though!!! Dont worry!! See you later, bye!!! +SLAM+ 23-year-old Yehwon gave a satisfied smile.. ......... .......... ............... ................... ....... ... Hey!!!!! This is weird! This seaweed is weird!!!!!!!!! You ruined it again, didnt you!??!?!! At a scary speed, Yehwon ran into the kitchen.. And inside the kitchen.. With a cigarette inside his mouth And an apron around his waist.. A large frown on his face... And wrapping some Kim-bab..

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Was our favorite guy... HEY! You ripped the seaweed wrap again! TT0TT!! Lets not make kim-bap, lets just buy it and eat it. The seaweed is weird.. .. You ripped it on your own! Dont blame it on the seaweed!! Its expensive if we buy it!! Well, you wrap it! Why do you always make me cook?!? DAMMIT!! He ripped the apron off himself, threw it away.. And headed towards the shoe closet... We have to finish what we started!!! 20 minutes later, in an apartment in Boondong, Our happy lady, and, with an annoyed expression, our guy come out. Honey~ Dont you feel a little bad for Hansung oppa though? Hey, no one told him to pass out at someone elses house. But still.. Hansung oppa had an important meeting today.. And he has to watch the house for us... Youre the one who lost our key!!! I dont like that bastard in our house... Im not the only one who lost it!!!!!!! You lost it too!! Shhh... He pat her head and lead her to his car.. Even after 5 years.... ........ ........ The. Guy. Was. Muh. She. Suh.. !!!

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