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Part A Name: Age: Gender: Race: Religion: Occupation: Hometown:

Part B Please CIRCLE your answer. 1. Are you married? [ YES / NO ] 2. Do you know about mixed marriage? [ YES / NO ] 3. Are you able to accept mixed marriage among your family members? [ YES / NO ] 4. Do you have family members or relatives who intermarried? [ YES / NO ] 5. Do you agree with mixed marriage? [ YES / NO ] 6. Will mixed marriage bring benefits to individuals, society and nation? [ YES / NO ] 7. What are the disadvantages of mixed marriage? [ Culture Gap / Race Differences / Different Religions / Public Perception ] Other : 8. What factors contributed to the mixed marriage? [ Love / Money / Perfect Harmony ]

9. Would intermarried create harmonious cultural relations? [ YES / NO ] 10. Does mixed marriage can give pleasure and pride in the family? [ YES / NO ] 11. Does social interaction contribute to intermarriage? [ YES / NO ] 12. Can mixed marriage benefit the couples who intermarry? [ YES / NO ] 13. can intermarriage improve our economy? [ YES / NO ] 14. Are you willing to compromise if your spouse come from different religions and cultures? [ YES / NO ] 15. Can your community can accept mixed marriages? [ YES / NO ] 16. How do you get information about mixed marriage? [Friends family/ Internet / Booklet / Newspaper/ Magazine/ Brochure ] 17. Can your culture and customs diminish with the occurence of mixed marriage? [ YES / NO ] 18. Is your spouse can adapt to your culture and customs? [ YES / NO ] 19. How far is your acceptance of the culture and customs of your spouse? [ Yes, I can adapt well / I still used to it ] 20. Do you practice the culture and custom of your spouse? [ YES / NO ]

Part C Please state your answer. 21. What is your perception about mixed marriage? State you opinion.

22. No doubt that race is one factor that conflict with the inter-marriage. How do you resolve the conflict with your spouse?

Do u agree that race is one factor that confilct

Theme: Mixed Marriage Topic: The Publics Perception of Mixed Marriage Respondents: Title: Objective: What are the advantage & of mixed marriage. What are the disadvantages of mixed marriage

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