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Katherine Wang 3/15/2011 Period 1 Monologue Rough Draft

You there! (point to audience)Yes, you! Have you seen Apollo around? See, I just stole his cows. Im not sure why though, might just be for fun. I just LOVE fun. (smile mischievously) Over, there! (point over heads) No, no, thats just Hades with that hair of his. (shake head) Blech. Alright, now I think that Apollo wont even find out I stole his cows. I actually tied grass on their hooves, that way, no hoof prints! HA! Im genius! Oh no! Quick! Hes coming! (cower then sigh) If he finds me, at least I have this lyre back at home with Maia. I invented it myself. I can probably give it to Apollo to calm him down. (look up) Huh, wheres he now? You know, now I think Im paranoid. Oh no, what if he is coming? What if he asked his oracle? Oh, darn, of course he asked his oracle! Hes going to find me! Go away now! Yes! Away! Bye! And make sure Apollo doesnt come by here!

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