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The blood-sucking insect, highly adapted to human

environments such as mattresses, sofas and sheets, is
becoming a growing problem in some parts of the country,
according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Bedbug Size Adults Female

can be about ingesting
Cimex blood
lectularius ¼ inch

Fertile insect
A female bedbug
lays about 200 eggs
during her
1 inch life span at a rate
of one to 12 eggs per
day; within six to 17
days, bedbug
nymphs emerge from
the eggs; after
approximately 10
Actual weeks, the nymphs
size reach maturity.
Sources: U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention; McClatchy Tribune ALBERTO CUADRA : C H R O N I C L E

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