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Vocabulary 8 Restatements, set 1-2 1. (legal) proceedings 2. abolish 3. accuse of 4. adversary 5. an amenable child 6. annul 7. appeal to 8.

balance out 9. bargain 10. be at fault 11. be charged with a crime 12. bound 13. cant help doing smth 14. commit a crime / suicide 15. compile 16. compulsory 17. confirm 18. consequent (=resulting) 19. constrict 20. contract 21. contrary to 22. contrary to expectations 23. coupled with (=combined) 24. curb 25. curtail 26. dazzle 27. deputy 28. deserve 29. dismissal 30. disturbance 31. drastic measures /action 32. dwindle 33. ensure 34. extinct 35. fall through 36. foolproof (=infallible) 37. foster 38. futile 39. gifted (=talented) 40. give precedence (=priority) 41. hand in your resignation 42. hinder 43. hostile

By Ismail Yldrm 44. hostility 45. ill-advised (=unwise) 46. impede 47. impede 48. implement (=put into effect) 49. incentive 50. indispensable 51. installment 52. invaluable 53. let down (=disappoint) 54. make a practice of (=do regulary) 55. mold 56. mutiny 57. mutual 58. neglectful 59. obsolete 60. officious (=bossy) 61. out of (all) proportion to/with (=too much for) 62. outweigh 63. owe (your success) to smth 64. owing to 65. perseverance 66. persist in (doing) smth 67. persuade (=convince) 68. pertinent to (=relevant) 69. political asylum 70. poor visibility 71. precise 72. precision 73. put off 74. put the blame on 75. refer smth/smb to smb 76. reluctant 77. segregation 78. spare part 79. susceptible 80. there is no point in 81. turn out to be 82. unprecedented 83. unsettling 84. vulnerable 85. win great acclaim

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