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Name: ___________________________

According to the movie, match the names with the
___ The love interest of Ichabod, she's the only
1) Baltus Van heir to one of the richest farmers of the
Tassel: neighborhood.
___ After Peter Van Garret is murdered, he is
2) Brom Van placed as the leader of the city, he dies when the
Brunt: horseman drives a fence post through his body
and then beheads him
___ Wife of Baltus and stepmother of Katrina, the
true evil of the film, she is the one controlling the
3) Doctor
horseman as she has his head, which he is
looking for, she dies when the horseman takes
her back to hell with him.
___ An orphan who looks towards Ichabod as a
4) Katrina Van father figure. In the act he helps him investigate
Tassel: the murders of the Headless Horseman alongside
___ A strong and charming man who is somewhat
romantically involved with Katrina. He mocks
5) Lady Van Tassel
Ichabod at first, but later helps him fight the
/ Crone:
Horseman and ends up dying at the hands of the
horseman by being cut in half through the waist.
___ The reverend of the village is shot by Baltus
6) Magistrate Van Tassel after he kills Lancaster with the
Philipse: wooden Cross.
___ The only Doctor and surgeon in the village;
7) Notary murdered by Steenwyck in the Church. Was
Hardenbrook: having an affair with servant girl Sarah (murdered
by Lady van Tassel)
___ The local banker and possibly the oldest
8) Reverend
citizen in the village, dies when he commits
suicide by hanging.
Name: ___________________________

9) The Headless ___ The town's magistrate who is the fifth victim
Horseman: of the Headless Horseman.
___ A brutal and sadistic hessian mercenary sent
10) Young
to America during the American Revolutionary

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