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Homework Question 1: Describe organization culture types by Handy?

Charles Handy born in 1932 in Ireland is a well-known philosopher who has specialized in organization culture. According to Charles Handys model, there are four types of culture which the organizations follow: Power, Role, Task and 'People. The purpose of the analysis is to assess the degree to which the predominant culture reflects the real needs and constraints of the organisation. Power culture Power rests in the hands of a central figure or group of individuals. Central figure communicates outwards no system of feedback Role culture found in small organizations , SMEs quick decision making can respond to change and outside threats hard to maintain once the business starts to expand vigorously pitted against change constrains flexibility unnecessary costs incurred Central power, radiates influence key individual use Most common and readily recognized Bureaucracy, functional specialists, procedures and rules Presumption of logic and rationality Based on job/role rather than personalities Complements traditional hierarchical structure most suitable when business environment stable, in large organization Impersonal Suppress individual efforts to improve No thought required to work in role culture Change relatively slow and only brought about by fear Can adapt but this ability restricted and will thus face problems surviving a dramatic change For example: Civil service

Task culture Managements basic concern continuous and successful solution of problems Project oriented, task focused, matrix arrangements, group collaboration and power Basis of performance judgment results and problems solved Flexible structure can be tailored according to task in hand Organization more loosely bound than role culture Individual knowledge rather than rank and position Jobs described on the basis of results achieved Suitable for rapidly changing organizations where groups are established for short term basis Often associated with matrix structure For example: entertainment industry Person Culture: Structure and culture built around individuals Control by mutual consent high autonomy Uncommon for entire organization exists within small areas in an organization Culture for educated and articulate individuals coming together for a common interest for example: use of some common office service but operate independently Question 2: Describe organization culture by Trompenaars. Compare with Handy types?
A, The Family Culture

The family culture is at the same time personal, with close face-to-face relationship, but also hierarchical, in the sense that the boss (father of the family) has experience and authority greatly exceeding those of the subordinates (children). The result is power-oriented corporate culture in which the leader is regarded as caring father who knows better that his subordinates what should be done and what is good for them. Pressure is moral and social, rather than financial or legal. Power and differential status are seen as natural, a characteristics of leaders themselves and not related to the tasks they succeed or fail in doing. Who is doing something is more important that what is being done

b, The Eiffel Tower Culture In the Eiffel Tower culture a bureaucratic division of labor with various roles and functions is prescribed in advance. Its structure is steep, symmetrical, narrow at the top and broad at the base, stable, rigid and robust. Its hierarchy is very different from that of the family. Each higher level has a clear and demonstrable function of holding together the levels beneath it. The subordinates obey the boss because it is his or her role to instruct them. In contrast to Family Model, the status is not personally ascribed, but is ascribed to the role

c, The Guided Missile Culture - The guided missile culture differs from both the family and the Eiffel Tower by being egalitarian, but differs also from the family and resembles the Eiffel Tower in being impersonal and task-oriented. - While the rationale of the Eiffel Tower culture is means, the Guided Missile has a rationale of ends. Everything must be done to preserve in your strategic intent and reach your target. - The guided missile culture is oriented to tasks, typically undertaken by teams or project groups. It differs from the role culture in that the jobs members do are not fixed in advance. - The ultimate criteria of human value in guided missile culture are how you perform and to what extent you contribute to the jointly desired outcome d, The Incubator Culture - The incubator culture is based on the existential idea that organizations are secondary to the fulfilment of individuals. If organizations are to be tolerated at all, they should be there to serve as incubators of self-expression and self-fulfilment. - The incubator is both personal and egalitarian. It has almost no structure at all and what structure it does provide is mainly for personal convenience: heat, light, coffee and so on. - Cultural incubators may be innovative companies, legal partner, consultants and other groups of professionals who work mostly alone but like to share resources while comparing experiences. - In contrast to the family culture, leadership in the incubator is achieved, not ascribed. You follow those whose progress most impresses you and whose ideas works Question 3: Find out these country have which types of organizational culture, according to Trompenaaes model 1. UK : Guided Missile

2. USA: Guided Missile 3. France: Family culture 4. Japan: Family culture 5. Switzerland: Incubator culture 6. Norway: Guided Missile culture 7. Australia: Eiffel Tower culture 8. South Korea: Family culture 9. Canada: Guided Missile 10. Vietnam: Family culture

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